data = array_merge($this->data, $data); return $this; } protected static function init() { $config = get_addon_config('cms'); self::$config = $config; } public function getCreateDateAttr($value, $data) { return human_date($data['createtime']); } public function getIscommentAttr($value, $data) { //优先判断全局评论开关 $iscomment = self::$config['iscomment'] ?? 1; if ($iscomment) { $iscomment = $value ? $value : self::$config['iscomment']; } return $iscomment; } public function getImageAttr($value, $data) { $value = $value ? $value : self::$config['default_special_img']; return cdnurl($value, true); } public function getUrlAttr($value, $data) { return $this->buildUrl($value, $data); } public function getFullurlAttr($value, $data) { return $this->buildUrl($value, $data, true); } private function buildUrl($value, $data, $domain = false) { $diyname = isset($data['diyname']) && $data['diyname'] ? $data['diyname'] : $data['id']; $time = $data['createtime'] ?? time(); $vars = [ ':id' => $data['id'], ':diyname' => $diyname, ':year' => date("Y", $time), ':month' => date("m", $time), ':day' => date("d", $time) ]; $suffix = static::$config['moduleurlsuffix']['special'] ?? static::$config['urlsuffix']; return addon_url('cms/special/index', $vars, $suffix, $domain); } public function getHasimageAttr($value, $data) { return $this->getData("image") ? true : false; } /** * 获取专题列表 * @param $tag * @return array|false|\PDOStatement|string|\think\Collection */ public static function getSpecialList($tag) { $config = get_addon_config('cms'); $condition = empty($tag['condition']) ? '' : $tag['condition']; $field = empty($tag['field']) ? '*' : $tag['field']; $flag = empty($tag['flag']) ? '' : $tag['flag']; $row = empty($tag['row']) ? 10 : (int)$tag['row']; $orderby = empty($tag['orderby']) ? 'createtime' : $tag['orderby']; $orderway = empty($tag['orderway']) ? 'desc' : strtolower($tag['orderway']); $limit = empty($tag['limit']) ? $row : $tag['limit']; $cache = !isset($tag['cache']) ? $config['cachelifetime'] === 'true' ? true : (int)$config['cachelifetime'] : (int)$tag['cache']; $imgwidth = empty($tag['imgwidth']) ? '' : $tag['imgwidth']; $imgheight = empty($tag['imgheight']) ? '' : $tag['imgheight']; $orderway = in_array($orderway, ['asc', 'desc']) ? $orderway : 'desc'; $paginate = !isset($tag['paginate']) ? false : $tag['paginate']; $cache = !$cache ? false : $cache; $where = ['status' => 'normal']; self::$tagCount++; //如果有设置标志,则拆分标志信息并构造condition条件 if ($flag !== '') { if (stripos($flag, '&') !== false) { $arr = []; foreach (explode('&', $flag) as $k => $v) { $arr[] = "FIND_IN_SET('{$v}', flag)"; } if ($arr) { $condition .= "(" . implode(' AND ', $arr) . ")"; } } else { $condition .= ($condition ? ' AND ' : ''); $arr = []; foreach (explode(',', str_replace('|', ',', $flag)) as $k => $v) { $arr[] = "FIND_IN_SET('{$v}', flag)"; } if ($arr) { $condition .= "(" . implode(' OR ', $arr) . ")"; } } } $order = $orderby == 'rand' ? Db::raw('rand()') : (preg_match("/\,|\s/", $orderby) ? $orderby : "{$orderby} {$orderway}"); $order = $orderby == 'weigh' ? $order . ',id DESC' : $order; $specialModel = self::where($where) ->where($condition) ->field($field) ->orderRaw($order); if ($paginate) { $paginateArr = explode(',', $paginate); $listRows = is_numeric($paginate) ? $paginate : (is_numeric($paginateArr[0]) ? $paginateArr[0] : $row); $config = []; $config['var_page'] = isset($paginateArr[2]) ? $paginateArr[2] : 'spage' . self::$tagCount; $config['path'] = isset($paginateArr[3]) ? $paginateArr[3] : ''; $config['fragment'] = isset($paginateArr[4]) ? $paginateArr[4] : ''; $config['query'] = request()->get(); $list = $specialModel->paginate($listRows, (isset($paginateArr[1]) ? $paginateArr[1] : false), $config); } else { $list = $specialModel->limit($limit)->cache($cache)->select(); } $fieldsContentList = Fields::getFieldsContentList('special'); foreach ($list as $index => $item) { Service::appendTextAttr($fieldsContentList, $item); } self::render($list, $imgwidth, $imgheight); return $list; } /** * 渲染数据 * @param array $list * @param int $imgwidth * @param int $imgheight * @return array */ public static function render(&$list, $imgwidth, $imgheight) { $width = $imgwidth ? 'width="' . $imgwidth . '"' : ''; $height = $imgheight ? 'height="' . $imgheight . '"' : ''; foreach ($list as $k => &$v) { $v['textlink'] = '' . $v['title'] . ''; $v['imglink'] = ''; $v['img'] = ''; } return $list; } /** * 获取专题文档集合 */ public static function getArchivesIds($special_id) { $ids = Archives::whereRaw("FIND_IN_SET('{$special_id}', `special_ids`)")->cache(86400)->column('id'); return $ids; } }