<?php require __DIR__ .'/../vendor/autoload.php'; use CMText\TextClient; use PHPUnit\Framework\TestCase; class TextClientTest extends TestCase { /** * Result of sending a Message when the gateway is unavailable. */ public function testUnavailableGateway() { $client = new TextClient('your-api-key', 'unavailablehost'); $result = $client->SendMessage('body-content', 'CM.com', ['00334455667788']); $this->assertEquals( \CMText\TextClientStatusCodes::UNKNOWN, $result->statusCode ); } /** * The maximum amount of Message objects in a request should be respected */ public function testMessagesLimit() { $client = new TextClient('your-api-key'); try{ $client->send( array_fill( 0, TextClient::MESSAGES_MAXIMUM + 1, new \CMText\Message() ) ); }catch (\Exception $exception){ $this->assertInstanceOf( \CMText\Exceptions\MessagesLimitException::class, $exception ); } } /** * Building a RichContent Message should result in correctly formatted json */ public function testRichMessageBuilding() { try{ $message = new \CMText\Message('Message Text', 'Sender_name', ['Recipient_PhoneNumber']); $message ->WithChannels([\CMText\Channels::WHATSAPP]) ->WithHybridAppKey('your-secret-hybrid-app-key') ->WithRichMessage( new \CMText\RichContent\Messages\MediaMessage( 'cm.com', 'https://avatars3.githubusercontent.com/u/8234794?s=200&v=4', 'image/png' ) ); }catch (\Exception $exception){ $message = null; } $this->assertInstanceOf( \CMText\Message::class, $message ); $this->assertJson( json_encode($message) ); $json = $message->jsonSerialize(); $this->assertObjectHasAttribute( 'allowedChannels', $json ); $this->assertObjectHasAttribute( 'appKey', $json ); $this->assertObjectHasAttribute( 'richContent', $json ); } /** * Building a RichContent Message should result in correctly formatted json */ public function testRichMessageBuildingWithSuggestions() { try{ $message = new \CMText\Message('Message Text', 'Sender_name', ['Recipient_PhoneNumber']); $message ->WithChannels([\CMText\Channels::RCS]) ->WithSuggestions([ new \CMText\RichContent\Suggestions\ReplySuggestion('Opt In', 'OK'), new \CMText\RichContent\Suggestions\ReplySuggestion('Opt Out', 'STOP'), ]); }catch (\Exception $exception){ $message = null; } $this->assertInstanceOf( \CMText\Message::class, $message ); $this->assertJson( json_encode($message) ); $json = $message->jsonSerialize(); $this->assertObjectHasAttribute( 'allowedChannels', $json ); $this->assertObjectHasAttribute( 'richContent', $json ); } /** * TextClientResult should return a correct object on a weird response */ public function testTextClientResultForWeirdResponses() { // no json content and no content at all should act this way $body = '{[nojson'; $result = new \CMText\TextClientResult(418, $body); $this->assertEquals( \CMText\TextClientStatusCodes::UNKNOWN, $result->statusCode ); $this->assertEquals( $body, $result->statusMessage ); } }