<?php declare(strict_types=1); /* * (c) Jeroen van den Enden <info@endroid.nl> * * This source file is subject to the MIT license that is bundled * with this source code in the file LICENSE. */ namespace Endroid\QrCode; interface QrCodeInterface { public function getText(): string; public function getSize(): int; public function getMargin(): int; public function getForegroundColor(): array; public function getBackgroundColor(): array; public function getEncoding(): string; public function getRoundBlockSize(): bool; public function getErrorCorrectionLevel(): ErrorCorrectionLevel; public function getLogoPath(): ?string; public function getLogoWidth(): ?int; public function getLogoHeight(): ?int; public function getLabel(): ?string; public function getLabelFontPath(): string; public function getLabelFontSize(): int; public function getLabelAlignment(): string; public function getLabelMargin(): array; public function getValidateResult(): bool; public function getWriterOptions(): array; public function getContentType(): string; public function setWriterRegistry(WriterRegistryInterface $writerRegistry): void; public function writeString(): string; public function writeDataUri(): string; public function writeFile(string $path): void; public function getData(): array; }