We are looking forward to seeing you at the following class tomorrow!
Please arrive 10 minutes before the class timing to prepare for the harness fitting!
We are located at 450 Alexandra Road, #02-01,
Singapore 119960. For those who are driving, parking is available on level 2 of the building. For those who are taking public transport, the nearest mrt is Labrador Park MRT (7-10 minutes walk) and there is also a bus stop available just outside the building!
We look forward to seeing you for an amazing session! ❤
Best Regards,
Elin Dance Studio
'; $obj = new Email(); $result = $obj ->to($email) ->subject('foreach email test '.date('Y-m-d H:i:s')) ->message($message) ->send(); $obj = ''; } } public function auto_lesson_slot_notice(){ $order = [ 'firstname' => '振', 'lastname' => '李', 'email' => '1129121659@qq.com', 'name_en' => '蹦极', ]; $slot = [ 'starttime' => time(), ]; $message = 'Hi,'.$order['firstname']. ' ' .$order['lastname'].'!
We are looking forward to seeing you at the following class tomorrow!
Date: '.date('d F Y',$slot['starttime']).'
Time: '.date('H:i a',$slot['starttime']).'
Please arrive 10 minutes before the class timing to prepare for the harness fitting!
We are located at 450 Alexandra Road, #02-01,
Singapore 119960. For those who are driving, parking is available on level 2 of the building. For those who are taking public transport, the nearest mrt is Labrador Park MRT (7-10 minutes walk) and there is also a bus stop available just outside the building!
We look forward to seeing you for an amazing session! ❤
Best Regards,
Elin Dance Studio
'; $obj = new Email(); $result = $obj ->to($order['email']) ->subject('You have a class tomorrow!') ->message($message) ->send(); dump($result); } public function auto_package_order_notice_mon(){ $order = [ 'firstname' => '振', 'lastname' => '李', 'email' => '1129121659@qq.com', 'name_en' => '蹦极100节', 'endtime' => time(), ]; $slot = [ 'starttime' => time(), ]; $message = 'Hi,'.$order['firstname']. ' ' .$order['lastname'].'!
Thank you for your purchase of the '.$order['name_en'].' plan!
Please note: Plans that are 5 hours and above need to be activated by us! This is so that you can use up your current plans first (if any)!
When you wish to activate, please send a WhatsApp message to 8879-9689 to activate your package to start booking classes.
Once activated, your plan’s validity period will begin.
You can view the unactivated packages in the app.
We look forward to seeing you soon!❤
Best Regards,
Elin Dance Studio
'; //给这些用户发邮件 $obj = new Email(); $result = $obj ->to($order['email']) ->subject('Your plan purchase has been received!') ->message($message) ->send(); dump($result); } public function hitpay_redirect_log(){ $url = input('url',''); $data = [ 'url' => $url, 'createdate' => date('Y-m-d H:i:s'), ]; Db::name('hitpay_redirect_log')->insertGetId($data); $this->success(1); } public function getui2(){ $config = config('getui'); $this->appId = $config['gt_app_id']; $this->appKey = $config['gt_app_key']; $this->appSecret = $config['gt_app_secret']; $this->masterSecret = $config['gt_master_secret']; //创建API,APPID等配置参考 环境要求 进行获取 $api = new GTClient("https://restapi.getui.com",$config['gt_app_key'], $config['gt_app_id'],$config['gt_master_secret']); //设置推送参数 $push = new GTPushRequest(); $push->setRequestId("请求唯一标识号"); $message = new GTPushMessage(); $notify = new GTNotification(); $notify->setTitle("设置通知标题"); $notify->setBody("设置通知内容"); //点击通知后续动作,目前支持以下后续动作: //1、intent:打开应用内特定页面url:打开网页地址。2、payload:自定义消息内容启动应用。3、payload_custom:自定义消息内容不启动应用。4、startapp:打开应用首页。5、none:纯通知,无后续动作 $notify->setClickType("none"); $message->setNotification($notify); $push->setPushMessage($message); $push->setCid("CID"); //处理返回结果 $result = $api->pushApi()->pushToSingleByCid($push); } public function getui(){ $getui = new Getui(); $cid = '93b1899b909e112c0799524468d1c1b7'; $title = '标题'; $body = '内容'; //下面的富文本是不行的 // $body = '



'; $ring_name = 'ringname'; $type = 1; $platform = 'ios'; $getui->push($cid, $title, $body, $ring_name, $type, $platform); } public function sendtoall(){ $getui = new Getui(); $title = '我是群发标题11222'; $body = '接下来两周的课程将于今天下午 6.45 发布22333'; $rs = $getui->sendtoall($title, $body, 1, 'android'); $rs = $getui->sendtoall($title, $body, 1, 'ios'); } public function test2(){ $a = time(); $b = $this->date_lang($a); dump($b); $b = $this->weekdatetime_lang($a); dump($b); } public function testweek(){ $a = '1704609069'; $b = date('w',$a); dump($b); $b = date('N',$a); dump($b); } public function test1(){ $SnSclient = new SnsClient([ 'profile' => 'default', 'region' => 'us-east-1', 'version' => '2010-03-31' ]); $subscription_token = 'arn:aws:sns:us-east-1:111122223333:MyTopic:123456-abcd-12ab-1234-12ba3dc1234a'; $topic = 'arn:aws:sns:us-east-1:111122223333:MyTopic'; try { $result = $SnSclient->confirmSubscription([ 'Token' => $subscription_token, 'TopicArn' => $topic, ]); var_dump($result); } catch (AwsException $e) { // output error message if fails error_log($e->getMessage()); } } public function test(){ $out_trade_no = createUniqueNo('Test'); $money = '1'; $notifyurl = config('notify_cdnurl'); $rs = $this->hitpay_payment($out_trade_no,$money,$notifyurl); dump($rs); //payorder 保存 $rs['id'] 为 payment_request_id } public function hitpay_getstatus(){ $payment_request_id = '9d0f79b7-68b1-4065-b5e5-75e8cd6a3a4c'; $apiKey = config('hitpay.apikey'); $hitPayClient = new \HitPay\Client($apiKey, true); $data = $hitPayClient->getPaymentStatus($payment_request_id); dump($data); dump($data->status); } public function hitpay_payment($out_trade_no,$money,$notifyurl) { $return = [ 'status' => false, 'msg' => '', 'url' => '', 'id' => 0, ]; $apiKey = config('hitpay.apikey'); try { $hitPayClient = new \HitPay\Client($apiKey, true); $request = new \HitPay\Request\CreatePayment(); $request->setAmount($money) ->setCurrency('SGD') ->setPaymentMethods(['paynow_online','card']) ->setPurpose('Elin Dance Studio') ->setWebhook($notifyurl) ->setReferenceNumber($out_trade_no); $result = $hitPayClient->createPayment($request); $return['status'] = true; $return['url'] = $result->getUrl(); $return['id'] = $result->getId(); //print_r($result); /*$data = $hitPayClient->getPaymentStatus($result->getId()); dump($data); dump($data->status);*/ /*$data = $hitPayClient->deletePaymentRequest($data->getId()); print_r($data);*/ } catch (\Exception $e) { $return['msg'] = $e->getMessage(); } return $return; } public function qixunyun_sms($mobile,$code){ //配置 $config = config('qixunyun_sms'); $name = $config['name']; $password = $config['password']; $signname = $config['signname']; $url = 'https://api.hnsls5g.com/eums/sms/utf8/send.do'; $seed = date('YmdHis'); $content = '【'.$signname.'】Your verification Code is : ' . $code; $data = [ 'name' => $name, 'seed' => $seed, 'key' => strtolower(md5(strtolower(md5($password)).$seed)), 'dest' => $mobile, 'content' => $content, ]; $params = http_build_query($data); $url = $url.'?'.$params; $rs = curl_get($url); //dump($rs); //return $rs; //结果处理 //$rs = 'error:111'; //$rs = 'success:122617370809355265322'; if(strpos($rs,'error:') === 0){ $code = substr($rs,6); return $this->qixunyun_error($code); } if(strpos($rs,'success:') === 0){ return true; } return '短信发送失败了'; } public function newsms2(){ $rs = $this->qixunyun_sms('18560505277','123456'); dump($rs); } private function qixunyun_error($code){ $array = [ '101' => '缺少name参数', '102' => '缺少seed参数', '103' => '缺少key参数', '104' => '缺少dest参数', '105' => '缺少content参数', '106' => 'seed错误', '107' => 'key错误', '108' => 'ext错误', '109' => '内容超长', '110' => '模板未备案', '111' => '无签名', '112' => '缺少pk_total参数', '113' => '签名不合法', '114' => '定时时间格式错误', '115' => '定时时间范围错误', '116' => '不支持HTTP', '201' => '无对应账户', '202' => '账户暂停', '203' => '账户删除', '204' => '账户IP没备案', '205' => '账户无余额', '206' => '密码错误', '301' => '无对应产品', '302' => '产品暂停', '303' => '产品删除', '304' => '产品不在服务时间', '305' => '无匹配通道', '306' => '通道暂停', '307' => '通道已删除', '308' => '通道不在服务时间', '309' => '未提供短信服务', '401' => '屏蔽词', '500' => '查询间隔太短', '999' => '其他错误', ]; $error = isset($array[$code]) ? $array[$code] : '短信发送失败'; return $error; } public function whatsapp_cm(){ $account_id = '657a5348-b28f-4736-8c76-6c47f4b20e4e'; $daibi = '350448a7-e8bc-4310-8d5b-db3518a5d05e'; $url = 'https://gw.cmtelecom.com/v1.0/message'; $client = new \CMText\TextClient('your-api-key'); echo json_encode( $client->SendMessage('Message_Text', 'CM.com', [ '15866999421' ], 'Your_Reference') ); } public function whatapp(){ //临时token $token = 'EAAGE5ozNog8BO8eXkmeAygGQqEBlIZCTwnPjnZAF7d0f1M5Q1t4IW3GGHAwceY8FR9vkCbZBRHlaMyhDPsFeVaZAFVCbolk4vKvJGMjeG6POOEmPilr5wRvNhjZAnTyYYLZBZBaKPC0mpgvzoVb4OjPA0fXnExlRfPZCg4tQAwxtkFk1UlQRuCchXbxXWDOxiZB05iadOSTf8leHmYeiTHe2hMvkZC4BkZBuIZCfmf1F3qafXZAsHw4uqFfiI'; $token = 'EAAGE5ozNog8BO1ZCLYLW5b4Cl2CAu3YVMPV2jmuuoxxoFpkGmyxvMKZAMaVFTVZAVCFL4AH9MyYZCVezuPSgIxTMRMoZA1yFl5v3G7ZBcz0jXByGjajjWTyPaPnZBgeDrTDK0ZB2FS9aK9gXoftxNpBuklAWns0RAbnEE4aNOMzp2eel5JrkbBW0XFUZAghhzZB3fNnBI8OotMSZBN4NSZA0'; //发送者 $mobile_id = '279740441892291'; //test number :+1 555 609 4631, WhatsApp Business Account ID: 306946452494181 $mobile_id = '308176785712131'; //Elin Dance Stuido:+65 8879 9689 , WhatsApp Business Account ID: 309484315581636 $mobile_id = '337736419413019'; //Elin Dance Stuido 2:+65 8015 4154 , WhatsApp Business Account ID: 336509229537586 //没用的东西 $config_id = '321757761015767'; //接收者 $receive_mobile = '65' . '88799689'; //$receive_mobile = '86' . '15866999421'; //发送 $url = 'https://graph.facebook.com/v19.0/'.$mobile_id.'/messages'; $header = [ 'Authorization: Bearer ' . $token, 'Content-Type: application/json', ]; $body = [ 'messaging_product' => 'whatsapp', 'recipient_type' => 'individual', 'to' => $receive_mobile, 'type' => 'template', 'template' => [ // 'name' => 'the_class_will_start_tomorrow', 'name' => 'package_expiration_reminder', 'language' => [ // 'code' => 'zh_CN', 'code' => 'en_US' ], 'components' => [ [ 'type' => 'body', 'parameters' => [ [ 'type' => 'text', 'text' => '张三', ], [ 'type' => 'text', 'text' => '瑜伽课', ], [ 'type' => 'text', 'text' => '2024-05-10 12:30', ], ], ] ], ], ]; $body = json_encode($body); $rs = curl_post($url,$body,$header); dump($rs); } /* 套餐到期提醒 Package expiration reminder Hi,{{1}},您购买的套餐{{2}}将于{{3}}过期,建议您在过期内使用完毕! Hi, {{1}}, the package {{2}} you purchased will expire on {{3}}. We recommend that you use it up within the expiration date! */ }