
namespace OSS\Model;

use OSS\Core\OssException;

 * Class CorsConfig
 * @package OSS\Model
 * @link http://help.aliyun.com/document_detail/oss/api-reference/cors/PutBucketcors.html
class CorsConfig implements XmlConfig
     * CorsConfig constructor.
    public function __construct()
        $this->rules = array();

     * 得到CorsRule列表
     * @return CorsRule[]
    public function getRules()
        return $this->rules;

     * 添加一条CorsRule
     * @param CorsRule $rule
     * @throws OssException
    public function addRule($rule)
        if (count($this->rules) >= self::OSS_MAX_RULES) {
            throw new OssException("num of rules in the config exceeds self::OSS_MAX_RULES: " . strval(self::OSS_MAX_RULES));
        $this->rules[] = $rule;

     * 从xml数据中解析出CorsConfig
     * @param string $strXml
     * @throws OssException
     * @return null
    public function parseFromXml($strXml)
        $xml = simplexml_load_string($strXml);
        if (!isset($xml->CORSRule)) return;
        foreach ($xml->CORSRule as $rule) {
            $corsRule = new CorsRule();
            foreach ($rule as $key => $value) {
                if ($key === self::OSS_CORS_ALLOWED_HEADER) {
                } elseif ($key === self::OSS_CORS_ALLOWED_METHOD) {
                } elseif ($key === self::OSS_CORS_ALLOWED_ORIGIN) {
                } elseif ($key === self::OSS_CORS_EXPOSE_HEADER) {
                } elseif ($key === self::OSS_CORS_MAX_AGE_SECONDS) {

     * 生成xml字符串
     * @return string
    public function serializeToXml()
        $xml = new \SimpleXMLElement('<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?><CORSConfiguration></CORSConfiguration>');
        foreach ($this->rules as $rule) {
            $xmlRule = $xml->addChild('CORSRule');
        return $xml->asXML();

    public function __toString()
        return $this->serializeToXml();

    const OSS_CORS_ALLOWED_ORIGIN = 'AllowedOrigin';
    const OSS_CORS_ALLOWED_METHOD = 'AllowedMethod';
    const OSS_CORS_ALLOWED_HEADER = 'AllowedHeader';
    const OSS_CORS_EXPOSE_HEADER = 'ExposeHeader';
    const OSS_CORS_MAX_AGE_SECONDS = 'MaxAgeSeconds';
    const OSS_MAX_RULES = 10;

     * orsRule列表
     * @var CorsRule[]
    private $rules = array();