'Operation successful', '预约成功' => 'Booking successful', '报名已截止' => 'Booking Closed', '剩N个名额' => '{:number} places left', '课程可能已取消,请刷新重试' => 'The course may have been cancelled, please refresh and try again', '预约人数错误' => 'Wrong number of people booked', '课程已经结束了,不能再进行预约' => 'The course has ended and no more reservations can be made', '预约名额只剩N名' => 'There are only {:number} reserved spots left', '候补名额只剩N名' => 'There are only {:number} candidate spots left', '套餐信息不正确,请刷新重试' => 'The package information is incorrect, please refresh and try again', '该套餐余额不足,可以使用其他支付方式' => 'The balance of this package is insufficient, you can use other payment methods', '扣除套餐余额失败' => 'Failed to deduct package balance', '预约失败' => 'Reservation failed', '下单失败' => 'Order failed', '试课信息不正确,请刷新重试' => 'the trylesson information is incorrect, please refresh and try again', '使用试课失败' => 'Failed to use try lesson', '该配套限购一次,您已经买过了' => 'This package is limited to one purchase, you have already made a purchase', '预约:' => 'Booked:', '候补:' => 'Candidate:', '预约空位不足,是否转为候补?' => 'Insufficient booked seats, should I switch to a candidate?', '没有找到足够候补人数的配套' => 'We could not find a package with enough candidates', ];