0, 'starttime' => ['BETWEEN',[$starttime,$endtime]], 'notice_status' => 0, ]; $task_list = Db::name('lesson_slot')->where($map)->order('starttime asc')->limit(1)->select(); if(empty($task_list)){ echo 'empty'; exit; } foreach($task_list as $slot){ //这节课时,任务完成 $update = [ 'notice_status' => 1, ]; Db::name('lesson_slot')->where('id',$slot['id'])->update($update); //找出这节课时的预约单 $map = [ 'order.order_status' => 10, 'order.slot_id' => $slot['id'], ]; $order_list = Db::name('lesson_order')->alias('order') ->field('lesson.name,lesson.name_en,user.firstname,user.lastname,user.email,user.whatsapp') ->join('user','order.user_id = user.id','LEFT') ->join('lesson','order.lesson_id = lesson.id','LEFT') ->where($map)->order('order.id asc')->select(); if(!empty($order_list)){ $coach_name = Db::name('coach')->where('id',$slot['coach_ids'])->value('nickname'); //给这些预约单的用户发邮件 try { $obj = new Email(); foreach($order_list as $order){ $message = 'Hi,'.$order['firstname']. ' ' .$order['lastname'].'!
We are looking forward to seeing you at the following class tomorrow!
Date: '.date('D l Y',$slot['starttime']).'
Time: '.date('H:i a',$slot['starttime']).'
Please arrive 10 minutes before the class timing to prepare for the harness fitting!
We are located at 450 Alexandra Road, #02-01,
Singapore 119960. For those who are driving, parking is available on level 2 of the building. For those who are taking public transport, the nearest mrt is Labrador Park MRT (7-10 minutes walk) and there is also a bus stop available just outside the building!
We look forward to seeing you for an amazing session! ❤
Best Regards,
Elin Dance Studio
'; $result = $obj ->to($order['email']) ->subject('You have a class tomorrow!') ->message($message) ->send(); //发whatsapp $parameters = [ [ 'type' => 'text', 'text' => $order['firstname'].' '.$order['lastname'], ], [ 'type' => 'text', 'text' => $order['name_en'], ], [ 'type' => 'text', 'text' => $coach_name, ], [ 'type' => 'text', 'text' => date('D l Y',$slot['starttime']), ], [ 'type' => 'text', 'text' => date('H:i a',$slot['starttime']), ], ]; $this->whatapp($order['whatsapp'],'the_class_will_start_tomorrow','en_US',$parameters); } } catch (Exception $e) { } } } } //课程取消,通知。计划任务5分钟执行一次 public function auto_lesson_slot_cancel(){ exit; $map = [ 'slot.status' => 30, 'slot.cancel_notice_status' => 0, ]; $task_list = Db::name('lesson_slot')->alias('slot') ->field('slot.*,coach.nickname as coach_nickname,coach.email as coach_email,coach.whatsapp as coach_whatsapp,lesson.name_en as lesson_name_en') ->join('coach','slot.coach_ids = coach.id','LEFT') ->join('lesson','slot.lesson_id = lesson.id','LEFT') ->where($map)->order('slot.starttime asc')->limit(1)->select(); if(empty($task_list)){ echo 'empty'; exit; } foreach($task_list as $slot){ //找出这节课时的预约单 $map = [ 'order.slot_id' => $slot['id'], ]; $order_list = Db::name('lesson_order')->alias('order') ->field('user.firstname,user.lastname,user.email,user.whatsapp') ->join('user','order.user_id = user.id','LEFT') ->where('(order.jointype = 1 and order.order_status = 10) or (order.jointype = 2 and order.order_status = 0)') //已支付的 或 候补单 ->where($map)->order('order.id asc')->select(); //把教练也加入到发送列表里 $coach_sender = [ 'firstname' => $slot['coach_nickname'], 'lastname' => '', 'email' => $slot['coach_email'], 'whatsapp' => $slot['coach_whatsapp'], ]; $order_list[] = $coach_sender; if(empty($order_list)){ continue; } //给这些预约单的用户发邮件 try { $obj = new Email(); foreach($order_list as $order){ $message = 'Hi,'.$order['firstname']. ' ' .$order['lastname'].'!
We regret to inform you that the following class has been cancelled.
Date: '.date('d F Y',$slot['starttime']).'
Time: '.date('H:i a',$slot['starttime']).'
Thank you for your kind understanding and look forward to seeing you in our studio soon!❤
Best Regards,
Elin Dance Studio
'; if(!empty($order['email'])){ $result = $obj ->to($order['email']) ->subject('Class is Cancelled!') ->message($message) ->send(); } //$coach_name = Db::name('coach')->where('id',$slot['coach_ids'])->value('nickname'); //发whatsapp $parameters = [ [ 'type' => 'text', 'text' => $order['firstname'].' '.$order['lastname'], ], [ 'type' => 'text', 'text' => $slot['lesson_name_en'], ], /* [ 'type' => 'text', 'text' => $coach_name, ],*/ [ 'type' => 'text', 'text' => date('D l Y',$slot['starttime']) .' at '.date('H:i a',$slot['starttime']), ], ]; if(!empty($order['whatsapp'])){ $this->whatapp($order['whatsapp'],'class_cancelled','en_US',$parameters); } } } catch (Exception $e) { } //这节课时,任务完成 $update = [ 'cancel_notice_status' => 1, ]; Db::name('lesson_slot')->where('id',$slot['id'])->update($update); } } //购买新套餐之后,通知。计划任务5分钟执行一次 public function auto_after_buy_package(){ $map = [ 'order.order_status' => 1, 'order.buy_notice_status' => 0, 'order.is_gift' => 0, ]; $task_list = Db::name('package_order')->alias('order') ->field('order.id,order.starttime,order.endtime,p.name,p.name_en,user.firstname,user.lastname,user.email,user.whatsapp') ->join('lesson_package p','order.package_id = p.id','LEFT') ->join('user','order.user_id = user.id','LEFT') ->where($map)->order('order.paytime asc')->limit(1)->select(); if(empty($task_list)){ echo 'empty'; exit; } $obj = new Email(); foreach($task_list as $order){ try { $message = 'Hi,'.$order['firstname']. ' ' .$order['lastname'].'!
Thank you for your purchase of the '.$order['name_en'].' plan!
Please note: Plans that are 5 hours and above need to be activated by us! This is so that you can use up your current plans first (if any)!
When you wish to activate, please send a WhatsApp message to 8879-9689 to activate your package to start booking classes.
Once activated, your plan’s validity period will begin.
You can view the unactivated packages in the app.
We look forward to seeing you soon!❤
Best Regards,
Elin Dance Studio
'; //给这些用户发邮件 $result = $obj ->to($order['email']) ->subject('Your plan purchase has been received!') ->message($message) ->send(); //发whatsapp $parameters = [ [ 'type' => 'text', 'text' => $order['firstname'].' '.$order['lastname'], ], [ 'type' => 'text', 'text' => $order['name_en'], ], /*[ 'type' => 'text', 'text' => date('Y-m-d H:i',$order['starttime']), ], [ 'type' => 'text', 'text' => date('Y-m-d H:i',$order['endtime']), ], [ 'type' => 'text', 'text' => $order['firstname'].' '.$order['lastname'], ],*/ ]; $this->whatapp($order['whatsapp'],'buy_new_package','en_US',$parameters); } catch (Exception $e) { } //任务完成 $update = [ 'buy_notice_status' => 1, ]; Db::name('package_order')->where('id',$order['id'])->update($update); } } //套餐将要到期,一个月,两周,一周,逐级通知,提醒三次。计划任务分别一小时执行一次 public function auto_package_order_notice_mon(){ $map = [ 'order.order_status' => 1, 'order.use_status' => 1, 'order.remain' => ['gt',0], 'order.endtime' => ['lt',time()+(86400*30)], 'order.notice_status' => 0, ]; $task_list = Db::name('package_order')->alias('order') ->field('order.id,order.endtime,p.name,p.name_en,order.remain,user.firstname,user.lastname,user.email,user.whatsapp') ->join('lesson_package p','order.package_id = p.id','LEFT') ->join('user','order.user_id = user.id','LEFT') ->where($map)->order('endtime asc')->limit(2)->select(); if(empty($task_list)){ echo 'empty'; exit; } $obj = new Email(); foreach($task_list as $order){ try { $message = 'Hi,'.$order['firstname']. ' ' .$order['lastname'].'!
We wanted to let you know that the following plan is set to expire in one month’s time!
Plan: '.$order['name_en'].'
Expiry Date: '.date('d F Y',$order['endtime']).'
Please note that any unutilised hours will automatically be forfeited in the system. Book your next session now and continue working towards those amazing goals you have set for yourself!
If you would like to sign up for another plan, you can contact us at 8879-9689 or check on the app!❤
Best Regards,
Elin Dance Studio
'; //给这些用户发邮件 $result = $obj ->to($order['email']) ->subject('Your Membership Plan is Expiring in One Month’s Time!') ->message($message) ->send(); //发whatsapp $parameters = [ [ 'type' => 'text', 'text' => $order['firstname'].' '.$order['lastname'], ], [ 'type' => 'text', 'text' => $order['name_en'], ], [ 'type' => 'text', 'text' => 'one month’s time', ], [ 'type' => 'text', 'text' => date('D l Y',$order['endtime']), ], [ 'type' => 'text', 'text' => ''.$order['remain'].'', ], ]; $this->whatapp($order['whatsapp'],'package_expiration_reminder','en_US',$parameters); } catch (Exception $e) { } //任务完成 $update = [ 'notice_status' => 1,//月通知已发送 ]; Db::name('package_order')->where('id',$order['id'])->update($update); } } public function auto_package_order_notice_2week(){ $map = [ 'order.order_status' => 1, 'order.use_status' => 1, 'order.remain' => ['gt',0], 'order.endtime' => ['lt',time()+(86400*14)], 'order.notice_status' => 1, ]; $task_list = Db::name('package_order')->alias('order') ->field('order.id,order.endtime,p.name,p.name_en,order.remain,user.firstname,user.lastname,user.email,user.whatsapp') ->join('lesson_package p','order.package_id = p.id','LEFT') ->join('user','order.user_id = user.id','LEFT') ->where($map)->order('endtime asc')->limit(2)->select(); if(empty($task_list)){ echo 'empty'; exit; } $obj = new Email(); foreach($task_list as $order){ try { $message = 'Hi,'.$order['firstname']. ' ' .$order['lastname'].'!
We wanted to let you know that the following plan is set to expire in two week’s time!
Plan: '.$order['name_en'].'
Expiry Date: '.date('d F Y',$order['endtime']).'
Please note that any unutilised hours will automatically be forfeited in the system. Book your next session now and continue working towards those amazing goals you have set for yourself!
If you would like to sign up for another plan, you can contact us at 8879-9689 or check on the app!❤
Best Regards,
Elin Dance Studio
'; //给这些用户发邮件 $result = $obj ->to($order['email']) ->subject('Your Membership Plan is Expiring in Two Week’s Time!') ->message($message) ->send(); //发whatsapp $parameters = [ [ 'type' => 'text', 'text' => $order['firstname'].' '.$order['lastname'], ], [ 'type' => 'text', 'text' => $order['name_en'], ], [ 'type' => 'text', 'text' => '2 week’s time', ], [ 'type' => 'text', 'text' => date('D l Y',$order['endtime']), ], [ 'type' => 'text', 'text' => ''.$order['remain'].'', ], ]; $this->whatapp($order['whatsapp'],'package_expiration_reminder','en_US',$parameters); } catch (Exception $e) { } //任务完成 $update = [ 'notice_status' => 2,//2周通知已发送 ]; Db::name('package_order')->where('id',$order['id'])->update($update); } } public function auto_package_order_notice_1week(){ $map = [ 'order.order_status' => 1, 'order.use_status' => 1, 'order.remain' => ['gt',0], 'order.endtime' => ['lt',time()+(86400*7)], 'order.notice_status' => 2, ]; $task_list = Db::name('package_order')->alias('order') ->field('order.id,order.endtime,p.name,p.name_en,order.remain,user.firstname,user.lastname,user.email,user.whatsapp') ->join('lesson_package p','order.package_id = p.id','LEFT') ->join('user','order.user_id = user.id','LEFT') ->where($map)->order('endtime asc')->limit(2)->select(); if(empty($task_list)){ echo 'empty'; exit; } $obj = new Email(); foreach($task_list as $order){ try { $message = 'Hi,'.$order['firstname']. ' ' .$order['lastname'].'!
We wanted to let you know that the following plan is set to expire in one week’s time!
Plan: '.$order['name_en'].'
Expiry Date: '.date('d F Y',$order['endtime']).'
Please note that any unutilised hours will automatically be forfeited in the system. Book your next session now and continue working towards those amazing goals you have set for yourself!
If you would like to sign up for another plan, you can contact us at 8879-9689 or check on the app!❤
Best Regards,
Elin Dance Studio
'; //给这些用户发邮件 $result = $obj ->to($order['email']) ->subject('Your Membership Plan is Expiring in One Week’s Time!') ->message($message) ->send(); //发whatsapp $parameters = [ [ 'type' => 'text', 'text' => $order['firstname'].' '.$order['lastname'], ], [ 'type' => 'text', 'text' => $order['name_en'], ], [ 'type' => 'text', 'text' => '1 week’s time', ], [ 'type' => 'text', 'text' => date('D l Y',$order['endtime']), ], [ 'type' => 'text', 'text' => ''.$order['remain'].'', ], ]; $this->whatapp($order['whatsapp'],'package_expiration_reminder','en_US',$parameters); } catch (Exception $e) { } //任务完成 $update = [ 'notice_status' => 3,//1周通知已发送 ]; Db::name('package_order')->where('id',$order['id'])->update($update); } } /** * 复制本周的课程表 */ public function auto_slot_copyweek_old(){ $week = date('w'); if($week != 1){ //exit; } //先查找 下周有没有数据 $starttime = strtotime('this week Monday') + (86400*7); $endtime = $starttime + (86400*7); $check = Db::name('lesson_slot')->where('starttime','BETWEEN',[$starttime,$endtime])->find(); if($check){ echo '下周有数据了'; exit; } echo '准备复制'; //拿上周,复制到下周 $starttime = strtotime('this week Monday') - (86400*7); // 获取本周一的时间戳 $endtime = $starttime + (86400*7); $list = Db::name('lesson_slot')->where('is_show',1)->where('starttime','BETWEEN',[$starttime,$endtime])->order('starttime asc')->select(); if(empty($list)){ echo 'empty'; exit; } foreach($list as $key => &$val){ unset($val['id']); $val['starttime'] = $val['starttime'] + (86400*14); $val['endtime'] = $val['endtime'] + (86400*14); $val['bookednum'] = 0; $val['status'] = 0; $val['notice_status'] = 0; $val['finishtime'] = 0; $val['cancel_reason'] = ''; $val['cancel_time'] = 0; $val['cancel_notice_status'] = 0; } Db::name('lesson_slot')->insertAll($list); echo '复制完成'; //$this->success('已复制到下周'); } //每两周一次 //周一早上,复制本周+下周的课,到下下周+下下下周 public function auto_slot_copyweek(){ $week = date('w'); if($week != 1){ echo '不是周一'; exit; } $check = Db::name('plantask')->where('key','auto_slot_copyweek')->whereTime('lasttime','week')->find(); if($check){ echo '本周执行过了'; exit; } $check = Db::name('plantask')->where('key','auto_slot_copyweek')->whereTime('lasttime','last week')->find(); if($check){ echo '上周执行过了'; exit; } //先查找 下周有没有数据 /*$starttime = strtotime('this week Monday') + (86400*14); $endtime = $starttime + (86400*14); $check = Db::name('lesson_slot')->where('starttime','BETWEEN',[$starttime,$endtime])->find(); if($check){ echo '下下周和下下下周有数据了'; exit; }*/ echo '准备复制'; //复制本周+下周的课 $starttime = strtotime('this week Monday'); // 获取本周一的时间戳 $endtime = $starttime + (86400*14); $list = Db::name('lesson_slot')->where('starttime','BETWEEN',[$starttime,$endtime])->order('starttime asc')->select(); if(empty($list)){ echo 'empty'; exit; } //到下下周+下下下周 foreach($list as $key => &$val){ unset($val['id']); $val['starttime'] = $val['starttime'] + (86400*14); $val['endtime'] = $val['endtime'] + (86400*14); $val['bookednum'] = 0; $val['status'] = 0; $val['notice_status'] = 0; $val['finishtime'] = 0; $val['cancel_reason'] = ''; $val['cancel_time'] = 0; $val['is_show'] = 0; $val['cancel_notice_status'] = 0; } Db::startTrans(); $rs1 = Db::name('plantask')->where('key','auto_slot_copyweek')->update(['lasttime'=>time()]); if($rs1 === false){ Db::rollback(); $this->error('同步失败'); } $rs2 = Db::name('lesson_slot')->insertAll($list); if(!$rs2){ Db::rollback(); $this->error('复制失败'); } Db::commit(); echo '复制完成'; } /////////////////////////////////////////下面都是工具方法//////////////////////////////////////////////// //发送whatapp消息的方法 private function whatapp($receive_mobile,$template,$code,$parameters){ if(empty($receive_mobile)){return true;} $token = config('site.whatsapp_token'); //发送者 $mobile_id = '337736419413019'; //Elin Dance Stuido 2:+65 8015 4154 , WhatsApp Business Account ID: 336509229537586 //发送 $url = 'https://graph.facebook.com/v19.0/'.$mobile_id.'/messages'; $header = [ 'Authorization: Bearer ' . $token, 'Content-Type: application/json', ]; $body = [ 'messaging_product' => 'whatsapp', 'recipient_type' => 'individual', 'to' => $receive_mobile, 'type' => 'template', 'template' => [ 'name' => $template, 'language' => [ 'code' => $code ], 'components' => [ [ 'type' => 'body', 'parameters' => $parameters ] ], ], ]; $body = json_encode($body); $rs = curl_post($url,$body,$header); return true; } //结果集信息里,多个字段需要翻译 private function list_lang($list,$field,$lang = ''){ if(!$list || empty($list)){ return $list; } foreach($list as $vo => $info){ $list[$vo] = $this->info_lang($info,$field); } return $list; } //单条信息里,多个字段需要翻译 private function info_lang($data,$field,$lang = ''){ if(!$data || empty($data)){ return $data; } foreach($data as $key => $val){ if(in_array($key,$field)){ if($lang == 'EN'){ $data[$key] = $data[$key.'_en']; unset($data[$key.'_en']); }else{ unset($data[$key.'_en']); } } } return $data; } }