lizhen_gitee 1 سال پیش

+ 3 - 3

@@ -34,7 +34,7 @@ class Baseconfig extends Api
         $apkName = config("site.android_apkName");
         $desc = config("site.android_desc");
         $versionCode = config("site.android_versionCode");
-        $this->success("获取成功!",["versionCode"=>$versionCode,"isForceUpdate"=>$is_force,"apkUrl"=>$apkUrl,"apkName"=>$apkName,"desc"=>$desc]);
+        $this->success(1,["versionCode"=>$versionCode,"isForceUpdate"=>$is_force,"apkUrl"=>$apkUrl,"apkName"=>$apkName,"desc"=>$desc]);
@@ -47,14 +47,14 @@ class Baseconfig extends Api
         $apkName = config("site.iso_appname");
         $desc = config("site.iso_desc");
         $versionCode = config("site.iso_versioncode");
-        $this->success("获取成功!",["versionCode"=>$versionCode,"isForceUpdate"=>$is_force,"apkUrl"=>$apkUrl,"apkName"=>$apkName,"desc"=>$desc]);
+        $this->success(1,["versionCode"=>$versionCode,"isForceUpdate"=>$is_force,"apkUrl"=>$apkUrl,"apkName"=>$apkName,"desc"=>$desc]);
     public function start_advert(){
         $info = Db::name('start_advert')->where('is_show',1)->order('id desc')->find();
         $info = info_domain_image($info,['image','video_file']);
-        $this->success_find('success',$info);
+        $this->success_find(1,$info);

+ 6 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
+return [
+    '标题和视频必填' => 'Title and video required',
+    '发布成功' => 'Successfully published',

+ 5 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
+return [
+    '操作成功' => 'Operation successful',

+ 100 - 1

@@ -1,3 +1,102 @@
-return [];
+return [
+    'Keep login'                                     => '保持会话',
+    'Username'                                       => '用户名',
+    'User id'                                        => '会员ID',
+    'Nickname'                                       => '昵称',
+    'Password'                                       => '密码',
+    'Sign up'                                        => '注 册',
+    'Sign in'                                        => '登 录',
+    'Sign out'                                       => '退 出',
+    'Guest'                                          => '游客',
+    'Welcome'                                        => '%s,你好!',
+    'Add'                                            => '添加',
+    'Edit'                                           => '编辑',
+    'Delete'                                         => '删除',
+    'Move'                                           => '移动',
+    'Name'                                           => '名称',
+    'Status'                                         => '状态',
+    'Weigh'                                          => '权重',
+    'Operate'                                        => '操作',
+    'Warning'                                        => '温馨提示',
+    'Default'                                        => '默认',
+    'Article'                                        => '文章',
+    'Page'                                           => '单页',
+    'OK'                                             => '确定',
+    'Cancel'                                         => '取消',
+    'Loading'                                        => '加载中',
+    'More'                                           => '更多',
+    'Normal'                                         => '正常',
+    'Hidden'                                         => '隐藏',
+    'Submit'                                         => '提交',
+    'Reset'                                          => '重置',
+    'Execute'                                        => '执行',
+    'Close'                                          => '关闭',
+    'Search'                                         => '搜索',
+    'Refresh'                                        => '刷新',
+    'First'                                          => '首页',
+    'Previous'                                       => '上一页',
+    'Next'                                           => '下一页',
+    'Last'                                           => '末页',
+    'None'                                           => '无',
+    'Home'                                           => '主页',
+    'Online'                                         => '在线',
+    'Logout'                                         => '退出',
+    'Profile'                                        => '个人资料',
+    'Index'                                          => '首页',
+    'Hot'                                            => '热门',
+    'Recommend'                                      => '推荐',
+    'Dashboard'                                      => '控制台',
+    'Code'                                           => '编号',
+    'Message'                                        => '内容',
+    'Line'                                           => '行号',
+    'File'                                           => '文件',
+    'Menu'                                           => '菜单',
+    'Type'                                           => '类型',
+    'Title'                                          => '标题',
+    'Content'                                        => '内容',
+    'Append'                                         => '追加',
+    'Memo'                                           => '备注',
+    'Parent'                                         => '父级',
+    'Params'                                         => '参数',
+    'Permission'                                     => '权限',
+    'Advance search'                                 => '高级搜索',
+    'Check all'                                      => '选中全部',
+    'Expand all'                                     => '展开全部',
+    'Begin time'                                     => '开始时间',
+    'End time'                                       => '结束时间',
+    'Create time'                                    => '创建时间',
+    'Flag'                                           => '标志',
+    'Please login first'                             => '请登录后操作',
+    'Uploaded successful'                            => '上传成功',
+    'You can upload up to %d file%s'                 => '你最多还可以上传%d个文件',
+    'You can choose up to %d file%s'                 => '你最多还可以选择%d个文件',
+    'Chunk file write error'                         => '分片写入失败',
+    'Chunk file info error'                          => '分片文件错误',
+    'Chunk file merge error'                         => '分片合并错误',
+    'Chunk file disabled'                            => '未开启分片上传功能',
+    'Cancel upload'                                  => '取消上传',
+    'Upload canceled'                                => '上传已取消',
+    'No file upload or server upload limit exceeded' => '未上传文件或超出服务器上传限制',
+    'Uploaded file format is limited'                => '上传文件格式受限制',
+    'Uploaded file is not a valid image'             => '上传文件不是有效的图片文件',
+    'Are you sure you want to cancel this upload?'   => '确定取消上传?',
+    'Remove file'                                    => '移除文件',
+    'You can only upload a maximum of %s files'      => '你最多允许上传 %s 个文件',
+    'You can\'t upload files of this type'           => '不允许上传的文件类型',
+    'Server responded with %s code'                  => '服务端响应(Code:%s)',
+    'File is too big (%sMiB), Max filesize: %sMiB'   => '当前上传(%sM),最大允许上传文件大小:%sM',
+    'Redirect now'                                   => '立即跳转',
+    'Operation completed'                            => '操作成功!',
+    'Operation failed'                               => '操作失败!',
+    'Unknown data format'                            => '未知的数据格式!',
+    'Network error'                                  => '网络错误!',
+    'Advanced search'                                => '高级搜索',
+    'Invalid parameters'                             => '未知参数',
+    'No results were found'                          => '记录未找到',
+    'Parameter %s can not be empty'                  => '参数%s不能为空',
+    'You have no permission'                         => '你没有权限访问',
+    'An unexpected error occurred'                   => '发生了一个意外错误,程序猿正在紧急处理中',
+    'This page will be re-directed in %s seconds'    => '页面将在 %s 秒后自动跳转',

+ 1 - 1

@@ -261,7 +261,7 @@ class Api
         $result = [
             'code' => $code,
-            'msg'  => $msg,
+            'msg'  => __($msg),
             'time' => Request::instance()->server('REQUEST_TIME'),
             'data' => $data,