@@ -15,7 +15,7 @@ class Ems
* 验证码有效时长
* @var int
- protected static $expire = 120;
+ protected static $expire = 300;
* 最大允许检测的次数
@@ -51,25 +51,25 @@ class Ems
public static function send($email, $code = null, $event = 'default')
- $event = 'default';
$code = is_null($code) ? Random::numeric(config('captcha.length')) : $code;
$time = time();
$ip = request()->ip();
$ems = \app\common\model\Ems::create(['event' => $event, 'email' => $email, 'code' => $code, 'ip' => $ip, 'createtime' => $time]);
- if (!Hook::get('ems_send')) {
- //采用框架默认的邮件推送
- Hook::add('ems_send', function ($params) {
- $obj = new Email();
- $result = $obj
- ->to($params->email)
- ->subject('请查收你的验证码!')
- ->message("你的验证码是:" . $params->code . "," . ceil(self::$expire / 60) . "分钟内有效。")
- ->send();
- return $result;
- });
+ $message = self::msg_register($code);
+ if($event == 'resetpwd'){
+ $message = self::msg_pwd($code);
- $result = Hook::listen('ems_send', $ems, null, true);
+ $obj = new Email();
+ $result = $obj
+ ->to($email)
+ ->subject('Elin Dance Studio')
+// ->message("你的验证码是:" . $code . "," . ceil(self::$expire / 60) . "分钟内有效。")
+ ->message($message)
+ ->send();
if (!$result) {
return false;
@@ -77,6 +77,34 @@ class Ems
return true;
+ private static function msg_register($code){
+ $str =
+ 'Hello!<br/>
+ We have received your request to create an account for our app.<br>
+ Please use the OTP code below to verify your email address:<br>
+ <strong>'.$code.'</strong><br>
+ The OTP will expire in '. ceil(self::$expire / 60).' minutes.<br>
+ Sincerely,<br>
+ Elin Dance Studio Customer Support
+ ';
+ return $str;
+ }
+ private static function msg_pwd($code){
+ $str =
+ 'Hello!<br/>
+ We have received your request to reset your password for our app.<br>
+ Please use the OTP code below to verify your email address:<br>
+ <strong>'.$code.'</strong><br>
+ The OTP will expire in '. ceil(self::$expire / 60).' minutes.<br>
+ Sincerely,<br>
+ Elin Dance Studio Customer Support
+ ';
+ return $str;
+ }
* 发送通知
@@ -159,7 +187,7 @@ class Ems
$event = 'default';
- where(['email' => $email, 'event' => $event])
+ where(['email' => $email])
return true;