@@ -0,0 +1,2739 @@
+namespace OSS;
+use OSS\Core\MimeTypes;
+use OSS\Core\OssException;
+use OSS\Http\RequestCore;
+use OSS\Http\RequestCore_Exception;
+use OSS\Http\ResponseCore;
+use OSS\Model\CorsConfig;
+use OSS\Model\CnameConfig;
+use OSS\Model\LoggingConfig;
+use OSS\Model\LiveChannelConfig;
+use OSS\Model\LiveChannelInfo;
+use OSS\Model\LiveChannelListInfo;
+use OSS\Model\StorageCapacityConfig;
+use OSS\Result\AclResult;
+use OSS\Result\BodyResult;
+use OSS\Result\GetCorsResult;
+use OSS\Result\GetLifecycleResult;
+use OSS\Result\GetLoggingResult;
+use OSS\Result\GetRefererResult;
+use OSS\Result\GetWebsiteResult;
+use OSS\Result\GetCnameResult;
+use OSS\Result\GetLocationResult;
+use OSS\Result\HeaderResult;
+use OSS\Result\InitiateMultipartUploadResult;
+use OSS\Result\ListBucketsResult;
+use OSS\Result\ListMultipartUploadResult;
+use OSS\Model\ListMultipartUploadInfo;
+use OSS\Result\ListObjectsResult;
+use OSS\Result\ListPartsResult;
+use OSS\Result\PutSetDeleteResult;
+use OSS\Result\DeleteObjectsResult;
+use OSS\Result\CopyObjectResult;
+use OSS\Result\CallbackResult;
+use OSS\Result\ExistResult;
+use OSS\Result\PutLiveChannelResult;
+use OSS\Result\GetLiveChannelHistoryResult;
+use OSS\Result\GetLiveChannelInfoResult;
+use OSS\Result\GetLiveChannelStatusResult;
+use OSS\Result\ListLiveChannelResult;
+use OSS\Result\GetStorageCapacityResult;
+use OSS\Result\AppendResult;
+use OSS\Model\ObjectListInfo;
+use OSS\Result\UploadPartResult;
+use OSS\Model\BucketListInfo;
+use OSS\Model\LifecycleConfig;
+use OSS\Model\RefererConfig;
+use OSS\Model\WebsiteConfig;
+use OSS\Core\OssUtil;
+use OSS\Model\ListPartsInfo;
+use OSS\Result\SymlinkResult;
+ * Class OssClient
+ *
+ * Object Storage Service(OSS) 的客户端类,封装了用户通过OSS API对OSS服务的各种操作,
+ * 用户通过OssClient实例可以进行Bucket,Object,MultipartUpload, ACL等操作,具体
+ * 的接口规则可以参考官方OSS API文档
+ */
+class OssClient
+ /**
+ * 构造函数
+ *
+ * 构造函数有几种情况:
+ * 1. 一般的时候初始化使用 $ossClient = new OssClient($id, $key, $endpoint)
+ * 2. 如果使用CNAME的,比如使用的是www.testoss.com,在控制台上做了CNAME的绑定,
+ * 初始化使用 $ossClient = new OssClient($id, $key, $endpoint, true)
+ * 3. 如果使用了阿里云SecurityTokenService(STS),获得了AccessKeyID, AccessKeySecret, Token
+ * 初始化使用 $ossClient = new OssClient($id, $key, $endpoint, false, $token)
+ * 4. 如果用户使用的endpoint是ip
+ * 初始化使用 $ossClient = new OssClient($id, $key, “”)
+ *
+ * @param string $accessKeyId 从OSS获得的AccessKeyId
+ * @param string $accessKeySecret 从OSS获得的AccessKeySecret
+ * @param string $endpoint 您选定的OSS数据中心访问域名,例如oss-cn-hangzhou.aliyuncs.com
+ * @param boolean $isCName 是否对Bucket做了域名绑定,并且Endpoint参数填写的是自己的域名
+ * @param string $securityToken
+ * @param string $requestProxy 添加代理支持
+ * @throws OssException
+ */
+ public function __construct($accessKeyId, $accessKeySecret, $endpoint, $isCName = false, $securityToken = null, $requestProxy = null)
+ {
+ $accessKeyId = trim($accessKeyId);
+ $accessKeySecret = trim($accessKeySecret);
+ $endpoint = trim(trim($endpoint), "/");
+ if (empty($accessKeyId)) {
+ throw new OssException("access key id is empty");
+ }
+ if (empty($accessKeySecret)) {
+ throw new OssException("access key secret is empty");
+ }
+ if (empty($endpoint)) {
+ throw new OssException("endpoint is empty");
+ }
+ $this->hostname = $this->checkEndpoint($endpoint, $isCName);
+ $this->accessKeyId = $accessKeyId;
+ $this->accessKeySecret = $accessKeySecret;
+ $this->securityToken = $securityToken;
+ $this->requestProxy = $requestProxy;
+ self::checkEnv();
+ }
+ /**
+ * 列举用户所有的Bucket[GetService], Endpoint类型为cname不能进行此操作
+ *
+ * @param array $options
+ * @return BucketListInfo
+ * @throws OssException
+ */
+ public function listBuckets($options = null)
+ {
+ if ($this->hostType === self::OSS_HOST_TYPE_CNAME) {
+ throw new OssException("operation is not permitted with CName host");
+ }
+ $this->precheckOptions($options);
+ $options[self::OSS_BUCKET] = '';
+ $options[self::OSS_METHOD] = self::OSS_HTTP_GET;
+ $options[self::OSS_OBJECT] = '/';
+ $response = $this->auth($options);
+ $result = new ListBucketsResult($response);
+ return $result->getData();
+ }
+ /**
+ * 创建bucket,默认创建的bucket的ACL是OssClient::OSS_ACL_TYPE_PRIVATE
+ *
+ * @param string $bucket
+ * @param string $acl
+ * @param array $options
+ * @param string $storageType
+ * @return null
+ */
+ public function createBucket($bucket, $acl = self::OSS_ACL_TYPE_PRIVATE, $options = null)
+ {
+ $this->precheckCommon($bucket, null, $options, false);
+ $options[self::OSS_BUCKET] = $bucket;
+ $options[self::OSS_METHOD] = self::OSS_HTTP_PUT;
+ $options[self::OSS_OBJECT] = '/';
+ $options[self::OSS_HEADERS] = array(self::OSS_ACL => $acl);
+ if (isset($options[self::OSS_STORAGE])) {
+ $this->precheckStorage($options[self::OSS_STORAGE]);
+ $options[self::OSS_CONTENT] = OssUtil::createBucketXmlBody($options[self::OSS_STORAGE]);
+ unset($options[self::OSS_STORAGE]);
+ }
+ $response = $this->auth($options);
+ $result = new PutSetDeleteResult($response);
+ return $result->getData();
+ }
+ /**
+ * 删除bucket
+ * 如果Bucket不为空(Bucket中有Object,或者有分块上传的碎片),则Bucket无法删除,
+ * 必须删除Bucket中的所有Object以及碎片后,Bucket才能成功删除。
+ *
+ * @param string $bucket
+ * @param array $options
+ * @return null
+ */
+ public function deleteBucket($bucket, $options = null)
+ {
+ $this->precheckCommon($bucket, null, $options, false);
+ $options[self::OSS_BUCKET] = $bucket;
+ $options[self::OSS_METHOD] = self::OSS_HTTP_DELETE;
+ $options[self::OSS_OBJECT] = '/';
+ $response = $this->auth($options);
+ $result = new PutSetDeleteResult($response);
+ return $result->getData();
+ }
+ /**
+ * 判断bucket是否存在
+ *
+ * @param string $bucket
+ * @return bool
+ * @throws OssException
+ */
+ public function doesBucketExist($bucket)
+ {
+ $this->precheckCommon($bucket, null, $options, false);
+ $options[self::OSS_BUCKET] = $bucket;
+ $options[self::OSS_METHOD] = self::OSS_HTTP_GET;
+ $options[self::OSS_OBJECT] = '/';
+ $options[self::OSS_SUB_RESOURCE] = 'acl';
+ $response = $this->auth($options);
+ $result = new ExistResult($response);
+ return $result->getData();
+ }
+ /**
+ * 获取bucket所属的数据中心位置信息
+ *
+ * @param string $bucket
+ * @param array $options
+ * @return string
+ * @throws OssException
+ */
+ public function getBucketLocation($bucket, $options = null)
+ {
+ $this->precheckCommon($bucket, null, $options, false);
+ $options[self::OSS_BUCKET] = $bucket;
+ $options[self::OSS_METHOD] = self::OSS_HTTP_GET;
+ $options[self::OSS_OBJECT] = '/';
+ $options[self::OSS_SUB_RESOURCE] = 'location';
+ $response = $this->auth($options);
+ $result = new GetLocationResult($response);
+ return $result->getData();
+ }
+ /**
+ * 获取Bucket的Meta信息
+ *
+ * @param string $bucket
+ * @param array $options 具体参考SDK文档
+ * @return array
+ */
+ public function getBucketMeta($bucket, $options = null)
+ {
+ $this->precheckCommon($bucket, null, $options, false);
+ $options[self::OSS_BUCKET] = $bucket;
+ $options[self::OSS_METHOD] = self::OSS_HTTP_HEAD;
+ $options[self::OSS_OBJECT] = '/';
+ $response = $this->auth($options);
+ $result = new HeaderResult($response);
+ return $result->getData();
+ }
+ /**
+ * 获取bucket的ACL配置情况
+ *
+ * @param string $bucket
+ * @param array $options
+ * @return string
+ * @throws OssException
+ */
+ public function getBucketAcl($bucket, $options = null)
+ {
+ $this->precheckCommon($bucket, null, $options, false);
+ $options[self::OSS_BUCKET] = $bucket;
+ $options[self::OSS_METHOD] = self::OSS_HTTP_GET;
+ $options[self::OSS_OBJECT] = '/';
+ $options[self::OSS_SUB_RESOURCE] = 'acl';
+ $response = $this->auth($options);
+ $result = new AclResult($response);
+ return $result->getData();
+ }
+ /**
+ * 设置bucket的ACL配置情况
+ *
+ * @param string $bucket bucket名称
+ * @param string $acl 读写权限,可选值 ['private', 'public-read', 'public-read-write']
+ * @param array $options 可以为空
+ * @return null
+ * @throws OssException
+ */
+ public function putBucketAcl($bucket, $acl, $options = null)
+ {
+ $this->precheckCommon($bucket, null, $options, false);
+ $options[self::OSS_BUCKET] = $bucket;
+ $options[self::OSS_METHOD] = self::OSS_HTTP_PUT;
+ $options[self::OSS_OBJECT] = '/';
+ $options[self::OSS_HEADERS] = array(self::OSS_ACL => $acl);
+ $options[self::OSS_SUB_RESOURCE] = 'acl';
+ $response = $this->auth($options);
+ $result = new PutSetDeleteResult($response);
+ return $result->getData();
+ }
+ /**
+ * 获取object的ACL属性
+ *
+ * @param string $bucket
+ * @param string $object
+ * @return string
+ * @throws OssException
+ */
+ public function getObjectAcl($bucket, $object)
+ {
+ $options = array();
+ $this->precheckCommon($bucket, $object, $options, true);
+ $options[self::OSS_METHOD] = self::OSS_HTTP_GET;
+ $options[self::OSS_BUCKET] = $bucket;
+ $options[self::OSS_OBJECT] = $object;
+ $options[self::OSS_SUB_RESOURCE] = 'acl';
+ $response = $this->auth($options);
+ $result = new AclResult($response);
+ return $result->getData();
+ }
+ /**
+ * 设置object的ACL属性
+ *
+ * @param string $bucket bucket名称
+ * @param string $object object名称
+ * @param string $acl 读写权限,可选值 ['default', 'private', 'public-read', 'public-read-write']
+ * @return null
+ * @throws OssException
+ */
+ public function putObjectAcl($bucket, $object, $acl)
+ {
+ $this->precheckCommon($bucket, $object, $options, true);
+ $options[self::OSS_BUCKET] = $bucket;
+ $options[self::OSS_METHOD] = self::OSS_HTTP_PUT;
+ $options[self::OSS_OBJECT] = $object;
+ $options[self::OSS_HEADERS] = array(self::OSS_OBJECT_ACL => $acl);
+ $options[self::OSS_SUB_RESOURCE] = 'acl';
+ $response = $this->auth($options);
+ $result = new PutSetDeleteResult($response);
+ return $result->getData();
+ }
+ /**
+ * 获取Bucket的访问日志配置情况
+ *
+ * @param string $bucket bucket名称
+ * @param array $options 可以为空
+ * @return LoggingConfig
+ * @throws OssException
+ */
+ public function getBucketLogging($bucket, $options = null)
+ {
+ $this->precheckCommon($bucket, null, $options, false);
+ $options[self::OSS_BUCKET] = $bucket;
+ $options[self::OSS_METHOD] = self::OSS_HTTP_GET;
+ $options[self::OSS_OBJECT] = '/';
+ $options[self::OSS_SUB_RESOURCE] = 'logging';
+ $response = $this->auth($options);
+ $result = new GetLoggingResult($response);
+ return $result->getData();
+ }
+ /**
+ * 开启Bucket访问日志记录功能,只有Bucket的所有者才能更改
+ *
+ * @param string $bucket bucket名称
+ * @param string $targetBucket 日志文件存放的bucket
+ * @param string $targetPrefix 日志的文件前缀
+ * @param array $options 可以为空
+ * @return null
+ * @throws OssException
+ */
+ public function putBucketLogging($bucket, $targetBucket, $targetPrefix, $options = null)
+ {
+ $this->precheckCommon($bucket, null, $options, false);
+ $this->precheckBucket($targetBucket, 'targetbucket is not allowed empty');
+ $options[self::OSS_BUCKET] = $bucket;
+ $options[self::OSS_METHOD] = self::OSS_HTTP_PUT;
+ $options[self::OSS_OBJECT] = '/';
+ $options[self::OSS_SUB_RESOURCE] = 'logging';
+ $options[self::OSS_CONTENT_TYPE] = 'application/xml';
+ $loggingConfig = new LoggingConfig($targetBucket, $targetPrefix);
+ $options[self::OSS_CONTENT] = $loggingConfig->serializeToXml();
+ $response = $this->auth($options);
+ $result = new PutSetDeleteResult($response);
+ return $result->getData();
+ }
+ /**
+ * 关闭bucket访问日志记录功能
+ *
+ * @param string $bucket bucket名称
+ * @param array $options 可以为空
+ * @return null
+ * @throws OssException
+ */
+ public function deleteBucketLogging($bucket, $options = null)
+ {
+ $this->precheckCommon($bucket, null, $options, false);
+ $options[self::OSS_BUCKET] = $bucket;
+ $options[self::OSS_METHOD] = self::OSS_HTTP_DELETE;
+ $options[self::OSS_OBJECT] = '/';
+ $options[self::OSS_SUB_RESOURCE] = 'logging';
+ $response = $this->auth($options);
+ $result = new PutSetDeleteResult($response);
+ return $result->getData();
+ }
+ /**
+ * 将bucket设置成静态网站托管模式
+ *
+ * @param string $bucket bucket名称
+ * @param WebsiteConfig $websiteConfig
+ * @param array $options 可以为空
+ * @return null
+ * @throws OssException
+ */
+ public function putBucketWebsite($bucket, $websiteConfig, $options = null)
+ {
+ $this->precheckCommon($bucket, null, $options, false);
+ $options[self::OSS_BUCKET] = $bucket;
+ $options[self::OSS_METHOD] = self::OSS_HTTP_PUT;
+ $options[self::OSS_OBJECT] = '/';
+ $options[self::OSS_SUB_RESOURCE] = 'website';
+ $options[self::OSS_CONTENT_TYPE] = 'application/xml';
+ $options[self::OSS_CONTENT] = $websiteConfig->serializeToXml();
+ $response = $this->auth($options);
+ $result = new PutSetDeleteResult($response);
+ return $result->getData();
+ }
+ /**
+ * 获取bucket的静态网站托管状态
+ *
+ * @param string $bucket bucket名称
+ * @param array $options
+ * @return WebsiteConfig
+ * @throws OssException
+ */
+ public function getBucketWebsite($bucket, $options = null)
+ {
+ $this->precheckCommon($bucket, null, $options, false);
+ $options[self::OSS_BUCKET] = $bucket;
+ $options[self::OSS_METHOD] = self::OSS_HTTP_GET;
+ $options[self::OSS_OBJECT] = '/';
+ $options[self::OSS_SUB_RESOURCE] = 'website';
+ $response = $this->auth($options);
+ $result = new GetWebsiteResult($response);
+ return $result->getData();
+ }
+ /**
+ * 关闭bucket的静态网站托管模式
+ *
+ * @param string $bucket bucket名称
+ * @param array $options
+ * @return null
+ * @throws OssException
+ */
+ public function deleteBucketWebsite($bucket, $options = null)
+ {
+ $this->precheckCommon($bucket, null, $options, false);
+ $options[self::OSS_BUCKET] = $bucket;
+ $options[self::OSS_METHOD] = self::OSS_HTTP_DELETE;
+ $options[self::OSS_OBJECT] = '/';
+ $options[self::OSS_SUB_RESOURCE] = 'website';
+ $response = $this->auth($options);
+ $result = new PutSetDeleteResult($response);
+ return $result->getData();
+ }
+ /**
+ * 在指定的bucket上设定一个跨域资源共享(CORS)的规则,如果原规则存在则覆盖原规则
+ *
+ * @param string $bucket bucket名称
+ * @param CorsConfig $corsConfig 跨域资源共享配置,具体规则参见SDK文档
+ * @param array $options array
+ * @return null
+ * @throws OssException
+ */
+ public function putBucketCors($bucket, $corsConfig, $options = null)
+ {
+ $this->precheckCommon($bucket, null, $options, false);
+ $options[self::OSS_BUCKET] = $bucket;
+ $options[self::OSS_METHOD] = self::OSS_HTTP_PUT;
+ $options[self::OSS_OBJECT] = '/';
+ $options[self::OSS_SUB_RESOURCE] = 'cors';
+ $options[self::OSS_CONTENT_TYPE] = 'application/xml';
+ $options[self::OSS_CONTENT] = $corsConfig->serializeToXml();
+ $response = $this->auth($options);
+ $result = new PutSetDeleteResult($response);
+ return $result->getData();
+ }
+ /**
+ * 获取Bucket的CORS配置情况
+ *
+ * @param string $bucket bucket名称
+ * @param array $options 可以为空
+ * @return CorsConfig
+ * @throws OssException
+ */
+ public function getBucketCors($bucket, $options = null)
+ {
+ $this->precheckCommon($bucket, null, $options, false);
+ $options[self::OSS_BUCKET] = $bucket;
+ $options[self::OSS_METHOD] = self::OSS_HTTP_GET;
+ $options[self::OSS_OBJECT] = '/';
+ $options[self::OSS_SUB_RESOURCE] = 'cors';
+ $response = $this->auth($options);
+ $result = new GetCorsResult($response, __FUNCTION__);
+ return $result->getData();
+ }
+ /**
+ * 关闭指定Bucket对应的CORS功能并清空所有规则
+ *
+ * @param string $bucket bucket名称
+ * @param array $options
+ * @return null
+ * @throws OssException
+ */
+ public function deleteBucketCors($bucket, $options = null)
+ {
+ $this->precheckCommon($bucket, null, $options, false);
+ $options[self::OSS_BUCKET] = $bucket;
+ $options[self::OSS_METHOD] = self::OSS_HTTP_DELETE;
+ $options[self::OSS_OBJECT] = '/';
+ $options[self::OSS_SUB_RESOURCE] = 'cors';
+ $response = $this->auth($options);
+ $result = new PutSetDeleteResult($response);
+ return $result->getData();
+ }
+ /**
+ * 为指定Bucket增加CNAME绑定
+ *
+ * @param string $bucket bucket名称
+ * @param string $cname
+ * @param array $options
+ * @return null
+ * @throws OssException
+ */
+ public function addBucketCname($bucket, $cname, $options = null)
+ {
+ $this->precheckCommon($bucket, null, $options, false);
+ $options[self::OSS_BUCKET] = $bucket;
+ $options[self::OSS_METHOD] = self::OSS_HTTP_POST;
+ $options[self::OSS_OBJECT] = '/';
+ $options[self::OSS_SUB_RESOURCE] = 'cname';
+ $options[self::OSS_CONTENT_TYPE] = 'application/xml';
+ $cnameConfig = new CnameConfig();
+ $cnameConfig->addCname($cname);
+ $options[self::OSS_CONTENT] = $cnameConfig->serializeToXml();
+ $options[self::OSS_COMP] = 'add';
+ $response = $this->auth($options);
+ $result = new PutSetDeleteResult($response);
+ return $result->getData();
+ }
+ /**
+ * 获取指定Bucket已绑定的CNAME列表
+ *
+ * @param string $bucket bucket名称
+ * @param array $options
+ * @return CnameConfig
+ * @throws OssException
+ */
+ public function getBucketCname($bucket, $options = null)
+ {
+ $this->precheckCommon($bucket, null, $options, false);
+ $options[self::OSS_BUCKET] = $bucket;
+ $options[self::OSS_METHOD] = self::OSS_HTTP_GET;
+ $options[self::OSS_OBJECT] = '/';
+ $options[self::OSS_SUB_RESOURCE] = 'cname';
+ $response = $this->auth($options);
+ $result = new GetCnameResult($response);
+ return $result->getData();
+ }
+ /**
+ * 解除指定Bucket的CNAME绑定
+ *
+ * @param string $bucket bucket名称
+ * @param CnameConfig $cnameConfig
+ * @param array $options
+ * @return null
+ * @throws OssException
+ */
+ public function deleteBucketCname($bucket, $cname, $options = null)
+ {
+ $this->precheckCommon($bucket, null, $options, false);
+ $options[self::OSS_BUCKET] = $bucket;
+ $options[self::OSS_METHOD] = self::OSS_HTTP_POST;
+ $options[self::OSS_OBJECT] = '/';
+ $options[self::OSS_SUB_RESOURCE] = 'cname';
+ $options[self::OSS_CONTENT_TYPE] = 'application/xml';
+ $cnameConfig = new CnameConfig();
+ $cnameConfig->addCname($cname);
+ $options[self::OSS_CONTENT] = $cnameConfig->serializeToXml();
+ $options[self::OSS_COMP] = 'delete';
+ $response = $this->auth($options);
+ $result = new PutSetDeleteResult($response);
+ return $result->getData();
+ }
+ /**
+ * 为指定Bucket创建LiveChannel
+ *
+ * @param string $bucket bucket名称
+ * @param string channelName $channelName
+ * @param LiveChannelConfig $channelConfig
+ * @param array $options
+ * @return LiveChannelInfo
+ * @throws OssException
+ */
+ public function putBucketLiveChannel($bucket, $channelName, $channelConfig, $options = null)
+ {
+ $this->precheckCommon($bucket, null, $options, false);
+ $options[self::OSS_BUCKET] = $bucket;
+ $options[self::OSS_METHOD] = self::OSS_HTTP_PUT;
+ $options[self::OSS_OBJECT] = $channelName;
+ $options[self::OSS_SUB_RESOURCE] = 'live';
+ $options[self::OSS_CONTENT_TYPE] = 'application/xml';
+ $options[self::OSS_CONTENT] = $channelConfig->serializeToXml();
+ $response = $this->auth($options);
+ $result = new PutLiveChannelResult($response);
+ $info = $result->getData();
+ $info->setName($channelName);
+ $info->setDescription($channelConfig->getDescription());
+ return $info;
+ }
+ /**
+ * 设置LiveChannel的status
+ *
+ * @param string $bucket bucket名称
+ * @param string channelName $channelName
+ * @param string channelStatus $channelStatus 为enabled或disabled
+ * @param array $options
+ * @return null
+ * @throws OssException
+ */
+ public function putLiveChannelStatus($bucket, $channelName, $channelStatus, $options = null)
+ {
+ $this->precheckCommon($bucket, null, $options, false);
+ $options[self::OSS_BUCKET] = $bucket;
+ $options[self::OSS_METHOD] = self::OSS_HTTP_PUT;
+ $options[self::OSS_OBJECT] = $channelName;
+ $options[self::OSS_SUB_RESOURCE] = 'live';
+ $options[self::OSS_LIVE_CHANNEL_STATUS] = $channelStatus;
+ $response = $this->auth($options);
+ $result = new PutSetDeleteResult($response);
+ return $result->getData();
+ }
+ /**
+ * 获取LiveChannel信息
+ *
+ * @param string $bucket bucket名称
+ * @param string channelName $channelName
+ * @param array $options
+ * @return GetLiveChannelInfo
+ * @throws OssException
+ */
+ public function getLiveChannelInfo($bucket, $channelName, $options = null)
+ {
+ $this->precheckCommon($bucket, null, $options, false);
+ $options[self::OSS_BUCKET] = $bucket;
+ $options[self::OSS_METHOD] = self::OSS_HTTP_GET;
+ $options[self::OSS_OBJECT] = $channelName;
+ $options[self::OSS_SUB_RESOURCE] = 'live';
+ $response = $this->auth($options);
+ $result = new GetLiveChannelInfoResult($response);
+ return $result->getData();
+ }
+ /**
+ * 获取LiveChannel状态信息
+ *
+ * @param string $bucket bucket名称
+ * @param string channelName $channelName
+ * @param array $options
+ * @return GetLiveChannelStatus
+ * @throws OssException
+ */
+ public function getLiveChannelStatus($bucket, $channelName, $options = null)
+ {
+ $this->precheckCommon($bucket, null, $options, false);
+ $options[self::OSS_BUCKET] = $bucket;
+ $options[self::OSS_METHOD] = self::OSS_HTTP_GET;
+ $options[self::OSS_OBJECT] = $channelName;
+ $options[self::OSS_SUB_RESOURCE] = 'live';
+ $options[self::OSS_COMP] = 'stat';
+ $response = $this->auth($options);
+ $result = new GetLiveChannelStatusResult($response);
+ return $result->getData();
+ }
+ /**
+ *获取LiveChannel推流记录
+ *
+ * @param string $bucket bucket名称
+ * @param string channelName $channelName
+ * @param array $options
+ * @return GetLiveChannelHistory
+ * @throws OssException
+ */
+ public function getLiveChannelHistory($bucket, $channelName, $options = null)
+ {
+ $this->precheckCommon($bucket, null, $options, false);
+ $options[self::OSS_BUCKET] = $bucket;
+ $options[self::OSS_METHOD] = self::OSS_HTTP_GET;
+ $options[self::OSS_OBJECT] = $channelName;
+ $options[self::OSS_SUB_RESOURCE] = 'live';
+ $options[self::OSS_COMP] = 'history';
+ $response = $this->auth($options);
+ $result = new GetLiveChannelHistoryResult($response);
+ return $result->getData();
+ }
+ /**
+ *获取指定Bucket下的live channel列表
+ *
+ * @param string $bucket bucket名称
+ * @param array $options
+ * @return LiveChannelListInfo
+ * @throws OssException
+ */
+ public function listBucketLiveChannels($bucket, $options = null)
+ {
+ $this->precheckCommon($bucket, null, $options, false);
+ $options[self::OSS_BUCKET] = $bucket;
+ $options[self::OSS_METHOD] = self::OSS_HTTP_GET;
+ $options[self::OSS_OBJECT] = '/';
+ $options[self::OSS_SUB_RESOURCE] = 'live';
+ $options[self::OSS_QUERY_STRING] = array(
+ 'prefix' => isset($options['prefix']) ? $options['prefix'] : '',
+ 'marker' => isset($options['marker']) ? $options['marker'] : '',
+ 'max-keys' => isset($options['max-keys']) ? $options['max-keys'] : '',
+ );
+ $response = $this->auth($options);
+ $result = new ListLiveChannelResult($response);
+ $list = $result->getData();
+ $list->setBucketName($bucket);
+ return $list;
+ }
+ /**
+ * 为指定LiveChannel生成播放列表
+ *
+ * @param string $bucket bucket名称
+ * @param string channelName $channelName
+ * @param string $playlistName 指定生成的点播播放列表的名称,必须以“.m3u8”结尾
+ * @param array $setTime startTime和EndTime以unix时间戳格式给定,跨度不能超过一天
+ * @return null
+ * @throws OssException
+ */
+ public function postVodPlaylist($bucket, $channelName, $playlistName, $setTime)
+ {
+ $this->precheckCommon($bucket, null, $options, false);
+ $options[self::OSS_BUCKET] = $bucket;
+ $options[self::OSS_METHOD] = self::OSS_HTTP_POST;
+ $options[self::OSS_OBJECT] = $channelName . '/' . $playlistName;
+ $options[self::OSS_SUB_RESOURCE] = 'vod';
+ $options[self::OSS_LIVE_CHANNEL_END_TIME] = $setTime['EndTime'];
+ $options[self::OSS_LIVE_CHANNEL_START_TIME] = $setTime['StartTime'];
+ $response = $this->auth($options);
+ $result = new PutSetDeleteResult($response);
+ return $result->getData();
+ }
+ /**
+ * 删除指定Bucket的LiveChannel
+ *
+ * @param string $bucket bucket名称
+ * @param string channelName $channelName
+ * @param array $options
+ * @return null
+ * @throws OssException
+ */
+ public function deleteBucketLiveChannel($bucket, $channelName, $options = null)
+ {
+ $this->precheckCommon($bucket, null, $options, false);
+ $options[self::OSS_BUCKET] = $bucket;
+ $options[self::OSS_METHOD] = self::OSS_HTTP_DELETE;
+ $options[self::OSS_OBJECT] = $channelName;
+ $options[self::OSS_SUB_RESOURCE] = 'live';
+ $response = $this->auth($options);
+ $result = new PutSetDeleteResult($response);
+ return $result->getData();
+ }
+ /**
+ * 生成带签名的推流地址
+ *
+ * @param string $bucket bucket名称
+ * @param string channelName $channelName
+ * @param int timeout 设置超时时间,单位为秒
+ * @param array $options
+ * @return 推流地址
+ * @throws OssException
+ */
+ public function signRtmpUrl($bucket, $channelName, $timeout = 60, $options = null)
+ {
+ $this->precheckCommon($bucket, $channelName, $options, false);
+ $expires = time() + $timeout;
+ $proto = 'rtmp://';
+ $hostname = $this->generateHostname($bucket);
+ $cano_params = '';
+ $query_items = array();
+ $params = isset($options['params']) ? $options['params'] : array();
+ uksort($params, 'strnatcasecmp');
+ foreach ($params as $key => $value) {
+ $cano_params = $cano_params . $key . ':' . $value . "\n";
+ $query_items[] = rawurlencode($key) . '=' . rawurlencode($value);
+ }
+ $resource = '/' . $bucket . '/' . $channelName;
+ $string_to_sign = $expires . "\n" . $cano_params . $resource;
+ $signature = base64_encode(hash_hmac('sha1', $string_to_sign, $this->accessKeySecret, true));
+ $query_items[] = 'OSSAccessKeyId=' . rawurlencode($this->accessKeyId);
+ $query_items[] = 'Expires=' . rawurlencode($expires);
+ $query_items[] = 'Signature=' . rawurlencode($signature);
+ return $proto . $hostname . '/live/' . $channelName . '?' . implode('&', $query_items);
+ }
+ /**
+ * 检验跨域资源请求, 发送跨域请求之前会发送一个preflight请求(OPTIONS)并带上特定的来源域,
+ * HTTP方法和header信息等给OSS以决定是否发送真正的请求。 OSS可以通过putBucketCors接口
+ * 来开启Bucket的CORS支持,开启CORS功能之后,OSS在收到浏览器preflight请求时会根据设定的
+ * 规则评估是否允许本次请求
+ *
+ * @param string $bucket bucket名称
+ * @param string $object object名称
+ * @param string $origin 请求来源域
+ * @param string $request_method 表明实际请求中会使用的HTTP方法
+ * @param string $request_headers 表明实际请求中会使用的除了简单头部之外的headers
+ * @param array $options
+ * @return array
+ * @throws OssException
+ * @link http://help.aliyun.com/document_detail/oss/api-reference/cors/OptionObject.html
+ */
+ public function optionsObject($bucket, $object, $origin, $request_method, $request_headers, $options = null)
+ {
+ $this->precheckCommon($bucket, null, $options, false);
+ $options[self::OSS_BUCKET] = $bucket;
+ $options[self::OSS_METHOD] = self::OSS_HTTP_OPTIONS;
+ $options[self::OSS_OBJECT] = $object;
+ $options[self::OSS_HEADERS] = array(
+ self::OSS_OPTIONS_ORIGIN => $origin,
+ self::OSS_OPTIONS_REQUEST_HEADERS => $request_headers,
+ self::OSS_OPTIONS_REQUEST_METHOD => $request_method
+ );
+ $response = $this->auth($options);
+ $result = new HeaderResult($response);
+ return $result->getData();
+ }
+ /**
+ * 设置Bucket的Lifecycle配置
+ *
+ * @param string $bucket bucket名称
+ * @param LifecycleConfig $lifecycleConfig Lifecycle配置类
+ * @param array $options
+ * @return null
+ * @throws OssException
+ */
+ public function putBucketLifecycle($bucket, $lifecycleConfig, $options = null)
+ {
+ $this->precheckCommon($bucket, null, $options, false);
+ $options[self::OSS_BUCKET] = $bucket;
+ $options[self::OSS_METHOD] = self::OSS_HTTP_PUT;
+ $options[self::OSS_OBJECT] = '/';
+ $options[self::OSS_SUB_RESOURCE] = 'lifecycle';
+ $options[self::OSS_CONTENT_TYPE] = 'application/xml';
+ $options[self::OSS_CONTENT] = $lifecycleConfig->serializeToXml();
+ $response = $this->auth($options);
+ $result = new PutSetDeleteResult($response);
+ return $result->getData();
+ }
+ /**
+ * 获取Bucket的Lifecycle配置情况
+ *
+ * @param string $bucket bucket名称
+ * @param array $options
+ * @return LifecycleConfig
+ * @throws OssException
+ */
+ public function getBucketLifecycle($bucket, $options = null)
+ {
+ $this->precheckCommon($bucket, null, $options, false);
+ $options[self::OSS_BUCKET] = $bucket;
+ $options[self::OSS_METHOD] = self::OSS_HTTP_GET;
+ $options[self::OSS_OBJECT] = '/';
+ $options[self::OSS_SUB_RESOURCE] = 'lifecycle';
+ $response = $this->auth($options);
+ $result = new GetLifecycleResult($response);
+ return $result->getData();
+ }
+ /**
+ * 删除指定Bucket的生命周期配置
+ *
+ * @param string $bucket bucket名称
+ * @param array $options
+ * @return null
+ * @throws OssException
+ */
+ public function deleteBucketLifecycle($bucket, $options = null)
+ {
+ $this->precheckCommon($bucket, null, $options, false);
+ $options[self::OSS_BUCKET] = $bucket;
+ $options[self::OSS_METHOD] = self::OSS_HTTP_DELETE;
+ $options[self::OSS_OBJECT] = '/';
+ $options[self::OSS_SUB_RESOURCE] = 'lifecycle';
+ $response = $this->auth($options);
+ $result = new PutSetDeleteResult($response);
+ return $result->getData();
+ }
+ /**
+ * 设置一个bucket的referer访问白名单和是否允许referer字段为空的请求访问
+ * Bucket Referer防盗链具体见OSS防盗链
+ *
+ * @param string $bucket bucket名称
+ * @param RefererConfig $refererConfig
+ * @param array $options
+ * @return ResponseCore
+ * @throws null
+ */
+ public function putBucketReferer($bucket, $refererConfig, $options = null)
+ {
+ $this->precheckCommon($bucket, null, $options, false);
+ $options[self::OSS_BUCKET] = $bucket;
+ $options[self::OSS_METHOD] = self::OSS_HTTP_PUT;
+ $options[self::OSS_OBJECT] = '/';
+ $options[self::OSS_SUB_RESOURCE] = 'referer';
+ $options[self::OSS_CONTENT_TYPE] = 'application/xml';
+ $options[self::OSS_CONTENT] = $refererConfig->serializeToXml();
+ $response = $this->auth($options);
+ $result = new PutSetDeleteResult($response);
+ return $result->getData();
+ }
+ /**
+ * 获取Bucket的Referer配置情况
+ * Bucket Referer防盗链具体见OSS防盗链
+ *
+ * @param string $bucket bucket名称
+ * @param array $options
+ * @return RefererConfig
+ * @throws OssException
+ */
+ public function getBucketReferer($bucket, $options = null)
+ {
+ $this->precheckCommon($bucket, null, $options, false);
+ $options[self::OSS_BUCKET] = $bucket;
+ $options[self::OSS_METHOD] = self::OSS_HTTP_GET;
+ $options[self::OSS_OBJECT] = '/';
+ $options[self::OSS_SUB_RESOURCE] = 'referer';
+ $response = $this->auth($options);
+ $result = new GetRefererResult($response);
+ return $result->getData();
+ }
+ /**
+ * 设置bucket的容量大小,单位GB
+ * 当bucket的容量大于设置的容量时,禁止继续写入
+ *
+ * @param string $bucket bucket名称
+ * @param int $storageCapacity
+ * @param array $options
+ * @return ResponseCore
+ * @throws null
+ */
+ public function putBucketStorageCapacity($bucket, $storageCapacity, $options = null)
+ {
+ $this->precheckCommon($bucket, null, $options, false);
+ $options[self::OSS_BUCKET] = $bucket;
+ $options[self::OSS_METHOD] = self::OSS_HTTP_PUT;
+ $options[self::OSS_OBJECT] = '/';
+ $options[self::OSS_SUB_RESOURCE] = 'qos';
+ $options[self::OSS_CONTENT_TYPE] = 'application/xml';
+ $storageCapacityConfig = new StorageCapacityConfig($storageCapacity);
+ $options[self::OSS_CONTENT] = $storageCapacityConfig->serializeToXml();
+ $response = $this->auth($options);
+ $result = new PutSetDeleteResult($response);
+ return $result->getData();
+ }
+ /**
+ * 获取bucket的容量大小,单位GB
+ *
+ * @param string $bucket bucket名称
+ * @param array $options
+ * @return int
+ * @throws OssException
+ */
+ public function getBucketStorageCapacity($bucket, $options = null)
+ {
+ $this->precheckCommon($bucket, null, $options, false);
+ $options[self::OSS_BUCKET] = $bucket;
+ $options[self::OSS_METHOD] = self::OSS_HTTP_GET;
+ $options[self::OSS_OBJECT] = '/';
+ $options[self::OSS_SUB_RESOURCE] = 'qos';
+ $response = $this->auth($options);
+ $result = new GetStorageCapacityResult($response);
+ return $result->getData();
+ }
+ /**
+ * 获取bucket下的object列表
+ *
+ * @param string $bucket
+ * @param array $options
+ * 其中options中的参数如下
+ * $options = array(
+ * 'max-keys' => max-keys用于限定此次返回object的最大数,如果不设定,默认为100,max-keys取值不能大于1000。
+ * 'prefix' => 限定返回的object key必须以prefix作为前缀。注意使用prefix查询时,返回的key中仍会包含prefix。
+ * 'delimiter' => 是一个用于对Object名字进行分组的字符。所有名字包含指定的前缀且第一次出现delimiter字符之间的object作为一组元素
+ * 'marker' => 用户设定结果从marker之后按字母排序的第一个开始返回。
+ * )
+ * 其中 prefix,marker用来实现分页显示效果,参数的长度必须小于256字节。
+ * @return ObjectListInfo
+ * @throws OssException
+ */
+ public function listObjects($bucket, $options = null)
+ {
+ $this->precheckCommon($bucket, null, $options, false);
+ $options[self::OSS_BUCKET] = $bucket;
+ $options[self::OSS_METHOD] = self::OSS_HTTP_GET;
+ $options[self::OSS_OBJECT] = '/';
+ $options[self::OSS_HEADERS] = array(
+ self::OSS_DELIMITER => isset($options[self::OSS_DELIMITER]) ? $options[self::OSS_DELIMITER] : '/',
+ self::OSS_PREFIX => isset($options[self::OSS_PREFIX]) ? $options[self::OSS_PREFIX] : '',
+ self::OSS_MAX_KEYS => isset($options[self::OSS_MAX_KEYS]) ? $options[self::OSS_MAX_KEYS] : self::OSS_MAX_KEYS_VALUE,
+ self::OSS_MARKER => isset($options[self::OSS_MARKER]) ? $options[self::OSS_MARKER] : '',
+ );
+ $query = isset($options[self::OSS_QUERY_STRING]) ? $options[self::OSS_QUERY_STRING] : array();
+ $options[self::OSS_QUERY_STRING] = array_merge(
+ $query,
+ );
+ $response = $this->auth($options);
+ $result = new ListObjectsResult($response);
+ return $result->getData();
+ }
+ /**
+ * 创建虚拟目录 (本函数会在object名称后增加'/', 所以创建目录的object名称不需要'/'结尾,否则,目录名称会变成'//')
+ *
+ * 暂不开放此接口
+ *
+ * @param string $bucket bucket名称
+ * @param string $object object名称
+ * @param array $options
+ * @return null
+ */
+ public function createObjectDir($bucket, $object, $options = null)
+ {
+ $this->precheckCommon($bucket, $object, $options);
+ $options[self::OSS_BUCKET] = $bucket;
+ $options[self::OSS_METHOD] = self::OSS_HTTP_PUT;
+ $options[self::OSS_OBJECT] = $object . '/';
+ $options[self::OSS_CONTENT_LENGTH] = array(self::OSS_CONTENT_LENGTH => 0);
+ $response = $this->auth($options);
+ $result = new PutSetDeleteResult($response);
+ return $result->getData();
+ }
+ /**
+ * 上传内存中的内容
+ *
+ * @param string $bucket bucket名称
+ * @param string $object objcet名称
+ * @param string $content 上传的内容
+ * @param array $options
+ * @return null
+ */
+ public function putObject($bucket, $object, $content, $options = null)
+ {
+ $this->precheckCommon($bucket, $object, $options);
+ $options[self::OSS_CONTENT] = $content;
+ $options[self::OSS_BUCKET] = $bucket;
+ $options[self::OSS_METHOD] = self::OSS_HTTP_PUT;
+ $options[self::OSS_OBJECT] = $object;
+ if (!isset($options[self::OSS_LENGTH])) {
+ $options[self::OSS_CONTENT_LENGTH] = strlen($options[self::OSS_CONTENT]);
+ } else {
+ $options[self::OSS_CONTENT_LENGTH] = $options[self::OSS_LENGTH];
+ }
+ $is_check_md5 = $this->isCheckMD5($options);
+ if ($is_check_md5) {
+ $content_md5 = base64_encode(md5($content, true));
+ $options[self::OSS_CONTENT_MD5] = $content_md5;
+ }
+ if (!isset($options[self::OSS_CONTENT_TYPE])) {
+ $options[self::OSS_CONTENT_TYPE] = $this->getMimeType($object);
+ }
+ $response = $this->auth($options);
+ if (isset($options[self::OSS_CALLBACK]) && !empty($options[self::OSS_CALLBACK])) {
+ $result = new CallbackResult($response);
+ } else {
+ $result = new PutSetDeleteResult($response);
+ }
+ return $result->getData();
+ }
+ /**
+ * 创建symlink
+ * @param string $bucket bucket名称
+ * @param string $symlink symlink名称
+ * @param string $targetObject 目标object名称
+ * @param array $options
+ * @return null
+ */
+ public function putSymlink($bucket, $symlink, $targetObject, $options = null)
+ {
+ $this->precheckCommon($bucket, $symlink, $options);
+ $options[self::OSS_BUCKET] = $bucket;
+ $options[self::OSS_METHOD] = self::OSS_HTTP_PUT;
+ $options[self::OSS_OBJECT] = $symlink;
+ $options[self::OSS_SUB_RESOURCE] = self::OSS_SYMLINK;
+ $options[self::OSS_HEADERS][self::OSS_SYMLINK_TARGET] = rawurlencode($targetObject);
+ $response = $this->auth($options);
+ $result = new PutSetDeleteResult($response);
+ return $result->getData();
+ }
+ /**
+ * 获取symlink
+ * @param string $bucket bucket名称
+ * @param string $symlink symlink名称
+ * @return null
+ */
+ public function getSymlink($bucket, $symlink)
+ {
+ $this->precheckCommon($bucket, $symlink, $options);
+ $options[self::OSS_BUCKET] = $bucket;
+ $options[self::OSS_METHOD] = self::OSS_HTTP_GET;
+ $options[self::OSS_OBJECT] = $symlink;
+ $options[self::OSS_SUB_RESOURCE] = self::OSS_SYMLINK;
+ $response = $this->auth($options);
+ $result = new SymlinkResult($response);
+ return $result->getData();
+ }
+ /**
+ * 上传本地文件
+ *
+ * @param string $bucket bucket名称
+ * @param string $object object名称
+ * @param string $file 本地文件路径
+ * @param array $options
+ * @return null
+ * @throws OssException
+ */
+ public function uploadFile($bucket, $object, $file, $options = null)
+ {
+ $this->precheckCommon($bucket, $object, $options);
+ OssUtil::throwOssExceptionWithMessageIfEmpty($file, "file path is invalid");
+ $file = OssUtil::encodePath($file);
+ if (!file_exists($file)) {
+ throw new OssException($file . " file does not exist");
+ }
+ $options[self::OSS_FILE_UPLOAD] = $file;
+ $file_size = filesize($options[self::OSS_FILE_UPLOAD]);
+ $is_check_md5 = $this->isCheckMD5($options);
+ if ($is_check_md5) {
+ $content_md5 = base64_encode(md5_file($options[self::OSS_FILE_UPLOAD], true));
+ $options[self::OSS_CONTENT_MD5] = $content_md5;
+ }
+ if (!isset($options[self::OSS_CONTENT_TYPE])) {
+ $options[self::OSS_CONTENT_TYPE] = $this->getMimeType($object, $file);
+ }
+ $options[self::OSS_METHOD] = self::OSS_HTTP_PUT;
+ $options[self::OSS_BUCKET] = $bucket;
+ $options[self::OSS_OBJECT] = $object;
+ $options[self::OSS_CONTENT_LENGTH] = $file_size;
+ $response = $this->auth($options);
+ $result = new PutSetDeleteResult($response);
+ return $result->getData();
+ }
+ /**
+ * 追加上传内存中的内容
+ *
+ * @param string $bucket bucket名称
+ * @param string $object objcet名称
+ * @param string $content 本次追加上传的内容
+ * @param array $options
+ * @return int next append position
+ * @throws OssException
+ */
+ public function appendObject($bucket, $object, $content, $position, $options = null)
+ {
+ $this->precheckCommon($bucket, $object, $options);
+ $options[self::OSS_CONTENT] = $content;
+ $options[self::OSS_BUCKET] = $bucket;
+ $options[self::OSS_METHOD] = self::OSS_HTTP_POST;
+ $options[self::OSS_OBJECT] = $object;
+ $options[self::OSS_SUB_RESOURCE] = 'append';
+ $options[self::OSS_POSITION] = strval($position);
+ if (!isset($options[self::OSS_LENGTH])) {
+ $options[self::OSS_CONTENT_LENGTH] = strlen($options[self::OSS_CONTENT]);
+ } else {
+ $options[self::OSS_CONTENT_LENGTH] = $options[self::OSS_LENGTH];
+ }
+ $is_check_md5 = $this->isCheckMD5($options);
+ if ($is_check_md5) {
+ $content_md5 = base64_encode(md5($content, true));
+ $options[self::OSS_CONTENT_MD5] = $content_md5;
+ }
+ if (!isset($options[self::OSS_CONTENT_TYPE])) {
+ $options[self::OSS_CONTENT_TYPE] = $this->getMimeType($object);
+ }
+ $response = $this->auth($options);
+ $result = new AppendResult($response);
+ return $result->getData();
+ }
+ /**
+ * 追加上传本地文件
+ *
+ * @param string $bucket bucket名称
+ * @param string $object object名称
+ * @param string $file 追加上传的本地文件路径
+ * @param array $options
+ * @return int next append position
+ * @throws OssException
+ */
+ public function appendFile($bucket, $object, $file, $position, $options = null)
+ {
+ $this->precheckCommon($bucket, $object, $options);
+ OssUtil::throwOssExceptionWithMessageIfEmpty($file, "file path is invalid");
+ $file = OssUtil::encodePath($file);
+ if (!file_exists($file)) {
+ throw new OssException($file . " file does not exist");
+ }
+ $options[self::OSS_FILE_UPLOAD] = $file;
+ $file_size = filesize($options[self::OSS_FILE_UPLOAD]);
+ $is_check_md5 = $this->isCheckMD5($options);
+ if ($is_check_md5) {
+ $content_md5 = base64_encode(md5_file($options[self::OSS_FILE_UPLOAD], true));
+ $options[self::OSS_CONTENT_MD5] = $content_md5;
+ }
+ if (!isset($options[self::OSS_CONTENT_TYPE])) {
+ $options[self::OSS_CONTENT_TYPE] = $this->getMimeType($object, $file);
+ }
+ $options[self::OSS_METHOD] = self::OSS_HTTP_POST;
+ $options[self::OSS_BUCKET] = $bucket;
+ $options[self::OSS_OBJECT] = $object;
+ $options[self::OSS_CONTENT_LENGTH] = $file_size;
+ $options[self::OSS_SUB_RESOURCE] = 'append';
+ $options[self::OSS_POSITION] = strval($position);
+ $response = $this->auth($options);
+ $result = new AppendResult($response);
+ return $result->getData();
+ }
+ /**
+ * 拷贝一个在OSS上已经存在的object成另外一个object
+ *
+ * @param string $fromBucket 源bucket名称
+ * @param string $fromObject 源object名称
+ * @param string $toBucket 目标bucket名称
+ * @param string $toObject 目标object名称
+ * @param array $options
+ * @return null
+ * @throws OssException
+ */
+ public function copyObject($fromBucket, $fromObject, $toBucket, $toObject, $options = null)
+ {
+ $this->precheckCommon($fromBucket, $fromObject, $options);
+ $this->precheckCommon($toBucket, $toObject, $options);
+ $options[self::OSS_BUCKET] = $toBucket;
+ $options[self::OSS_METHOD] = self::OSS_HTTP_PUT;
+ $options[self::OSS_OBJECT] = $toObject;
+ if (isset($options[self::OSS_HEADERS])) {
+ $options[self::OSS_HEADERS][self::OSS_OBJECT_COPY_SOURCE] = '/' . $fromBucket . '/' . $fromObject;
+ } else {
+ $options[self::OSS_HEADERS] = array(self::OSS_OBJECT_COPY_SOURCE => '/' . $fromBucket . '/' . $fromObject);
+ }
+ $response = $this->auth($options);
+ $result = new CopyObjectResult($response);
+ return $result->getData();
+ }
+ /**
+ * 获取Object的Meta信息
+ *
+ * @param string $bucket bucket名称
+ * @param string $object object名称
+ * @param string $options 具体参考SDK文档
+ * @return array
+ */
+ public function getObjectMeta($bucket, $object, $options = null)
+ {
+ $this->precheckCommon($bucket, $object, $options);
+ $options[self::OSS_BUCKET] = $bucket;
+ $options[self::OSS_METHOD] = self::OSS_HTTP_HEAD;
+ $options[self::OSS_OBJECT] = $object;
+ $response = $this->auth($options);
+ $result = new HeaderResult($response);
+ return $result->getData();
+ }
+ /**
+ * 删除某个Object
+ *
+ * @param string $bucket bucket名称
+ * @param string $object object名称
+ * @param array $options
+ * @return null
+ */
+ public function deleteObject($bucket, $object, $options = null)
+ {
+ $this->precheckCommon($bucket, $object, $options);
+ $options[self::OSS_BUCKET] = $bucket;
+ $options[self::OSS_METHOD] = self::OSS_HTTP_DELETE;
+ $options[self::OSS_OBJECT] = $object;
+ $response = $this->auth($options);
+ $result = new PutSetDeleteResult($response);
+ return $result->getData();
+ }
+ /**
+ * 删除同一个Bucket中的多个Object
+ *
+ * @param string $bucket bucket名称
+ * @param array $objects object列表
+ * @param array $options
+ * @return ResponseCore
+ * @throws null
+ */
+ public function deleteObjects($bucket, $objects, $options = null)
+ {
+ $this->precheckCommon($bucket, null, $options, false);
+ if (!is_array($objects) || !$objects) {
+ throw new OssException('objects must be array');
+ }
+ $options[self::OSS_METHOD] = self::OSS_HTTP_POST;
+ $options[self::OSS_BUCKET] = $bucket;
+ $options[self::OSS_OBJECT] = '/';
+ $options[self::OSS_SUB_RESOURCE] = 'delete';
+ $options[self::OSS_CONTENT_TYPE] = 'application/xml';
+ $quiet = 'false';
+ if (isset($options['quiet'])) {
+ if (is_bool($options['quiet'])) { //Boolean
+ $quiet = $options['quiet'] ? 'true' : 'false';
+ } elseif (is_string($options['quiet'])) { // string
+ $quiet = ($options['quiet'] === 'true') ? 'true' : 'false';
+ }
+ }
+ $xmlBody = OssUtil::createDeleteObjectsXmlBody($objects, $quiet);
+ $options[self::OSS_CONTENT] = $xmlBody;
+ $response = $this->auth($options);
+ $result = new DeleteObjectsResult($response);
+ return $result->getData();
+ }
+ /**
+ * 获得Object内容
+ *
+ * @param string $bucket bucket名称
+ * @param string $object object名称
+ * @param array $options 该参数中必须设置ALIOSS::OSS_FILE_DOWNLOAD,ALIOSS::OSS_RANGE可选,可以根据实际情况设置;如果不设置,默认会下载全部内容
+ * @return string
+ */
+ public function getObject($bucket, $object, $options = null)
+ {
+ $this->precheckCommon($bucket, $object, $options);
+ $options[self::OSS_BUCKET] = $bucket;
+ $options[self::OSS_METHOD] = self::OSS_HTTP_GET;
+ $options[self::OSS_OBJECT] = $object;
+ if (isset($options[self::OSS_LAST_MODIFIED])) {
+ $options[self::OSS_HEADERS][self::OSS_IF_MODIFIED_SINCE] = $options[self::OSS_LAST_MODIFIED];
+ unset($options[self::OSS_LAST_MODIFIED]);
+ }
+ if (isset($options[self::OSS_ETAG])) {
+ $options[self::OSS_HEADERS][self::OSS_IF_NONE_MATCH] = $options[self::OSS_ETAG];
+ unset($options[self::OSS_ETAG]);
+ }
+ if (isset($options[self::OSS_RANGE])) {
+ $range = $options[self::OSS_RANGE];
+ $options[self::OSS_HEADERS][self::OSS_RANGE] = "bytes=$range";
+ unset($options[self::OSS_RANGE]);
+ }
+ $response = $this->auth($options);
+ $result = new BodyResult($response);
+ return $result->getData();
+ }
+ /**
+ * 检测Object是否存在
+ * 通过获取Object的Meta信息来判断Object是否存在, 用户需要自行解析ResponseCore判断object是否存在
+ *
+ * @param string $bucket bucket名称
+ * @param string $object object名称
+ * @param array $options
+ * @return bool
+ */
+ public function doesObjectExist($bucket, $object, $options = null)
+ {
+ $this->precheckCommon($bucket, $object, $options);
+ $options[self::OSS_BUCKET] = $bucket;
+ $options[self::OSS_METHOD] = self::OSS_HTTP_HEAD;
+ $options[self::OSS_OBJECT] = $object;
+ $response = $this->auth($options);
+ $result = new ExistResult($response);
+ return $result->getData();
+ }
+ /**
+ * 针对Archive类型的Object读取
+ * 需要使用Restore操作让服务端执行解冻任务
+ *
+ * @param string $bucket bucket名称
+ * @param string $object object名称
+ * @return null
+ * @throws OssException
+ */
+ public function restoreObject($bucket, $object, $options = null)
+ {
+ $this->precheckCommon($bucket, $object, $options);
+ $options[self::OSS_BUCKET] = $bucket;
+ $options[self::OSS_METHOD] = self::OSS_HTTP_POST;
+ $options[self::OSS_OBJECT] = $object;
+ $options[self::OSS_SUB_RESOURCE] = self::OSS_RESTORE;
+ $response = $this->auth($options);
+ $result = new PutSetDeleteResult($response);
+ return $result->getData();
+ }
+ /**
+ * 获取分片大小,根据用户提供的part_size,重新计算一个更合理的partsize
+ *
+ * @param int $partSize
+ * @return int
+ */
+ private function computePartSize($partSize)
+ {
+ $partSize = (integer)$partSize;
+ if ($partSize <= self::OSS_MIN_PART_SIZE) {
+ $partSize = self::OSS_MIN_PART_SIZE;
+ } elseif ($partSize > self::OSS_MAX_PART_SIZE) {
+ $partSize = self::OSS_MAX_PART_SIZE;
+ }
+ return $partSize;
+ }
+ /**
+ * 计算文件可以分成多少个part,以及每个part的长度以及起始位置
+ * 方法必须在 <upload_part()>中调用
+ *
+ * @param integer $file_size 文件大小
+ * @param integer $partSize part大小,默认5M
+ * @return array An array 包含 key-value 键值对. Key 为 `seekTo` 和 `length`.
+ */
+ public function generateMultiuploadParts($file_size, $partSize = 5242880)
+ {
+ $i = 0;
+ $size_count = $file_size;
+ $values = array();
+ $partSize = $this->computePartSize($partSize);
+ while ($size_count > 0) {
+ $size_count -= $partSize;
+ $values[] = array(
+ self::OSS_SEEK_TO => ($partSize * $i),
+ self::OSS_LENGTH => (($size_count > 0) ? $partSize : ($size_count + $partSize)),
+ );
+ $i++;
+ }
+ return $values;
+ }
+ /**
+ * 初始化multi-part upload
+ *
+ * @param string $bucket Bucket名称
+ * @param string $object Object名称
+ * @param array $options Key-Value数组
+ * @return string 返回uploadid
+ * @throws OssException
+ */
+ public function initiateMultipartUpload($bucket, $object, $options = null)
+ {
+ $this->precheckCommon($bucket, $object, $options);
+ $options[self::OSS_METHOD] = self::OSS_HTTP_POST;
+ $options[self::OSS_BUCKET] = $bucket;
+ $options[self::OSS_OBJECT] = $object;
+ $options[self::OSS_SUB_RESOURCE] = 'uploads';
+ $options[self::OSS_CONTENT] = '';
+ if (!isset($options[self::OSS_CONTENT_TYPE])) {
+ $options[self::OSS_CONTENT_TYPE] = $this->getMimeType($object);
+ }
+ if (!isset($options[self::OSS_HEADERS])) {
+ $options[self::OSS_HEADERS] = array();
+ }
+ $response = $this->auth($options);
+ $result = new InitiateMultipartUploadResult($response);
+ return $result->getData();
+ }
+ /**
+ * 分片上传的块上传接口
+ *
+ * @param string $bucket Bucket名称
+ * @param string $object Object名称
+ * @param string $uploadId
+ * @param array $options Key-Value数组
+ * @return string eTag
+ * @throws OssException
+ */
+ public function uploadPart($bucket, $object, $uploadId, $options = null)
+ {
+ $this->precheckCommon($bucket, $object, $options);
+ $this->precheckParam($options, self::OSS_FILE_UPLOAD, __FUNCTION__);
+ $this->precheckParam($options, self::OSS_PART_NUM, __FUNCTION__);
+ $options[self::OSS_METHOD] = self::OSS_HTTP_PUT;
+ $options[self::OSS_BUCKET] = $bucket;
+ $options[self::OSS_OBJECT] = $object;
+ $options[self::OSS_UPLOAD_ID] = $uploadId;
+ if (isset($options[self::OSS_LENGTH])) {
+ $options[self::OSS_CONTENT_LENGTH] = $options[self::OSS_LENGTH];
+ }
+ $response = $this->auth($options);
+ $result = new UploadPartResult($response);
+ return $result->getData();
+ }
+ /**
+ * 获取已成功上传的part
+ *
+ * @param string $bucket Bucket名称
+ * @param string $object Object名称
+ * @param string $uploadId uploadId
+ * @param array $options Key-Value数组
+ * @return ListPartsInfo
+ * @throws OssException
+ */
+ public function listParts($bucket, $object, $uploadId, $options = null)
+ {
+ $this->precheckCommon($bucket, $object, $options);
+ $options[self::OSS_METHOD] = self::OSS_HTTP_GET;
+ $options[self::OSS_BUCKET] = $bucket;
+ $options[self::OSS_OBJECT] = $object;
+ $options[self::OSS_UPLOAD_ID] = $uploadId;
+ $options[self::OSS_QUERY_STRING] = array();
+ foreach (array('max-parts', 'part-number-marker') as $param) {
+ if (isset($options[$param])) {
+ $options[self::OSS_QUERY_STRING][$param] = $options[$param];
+ unset($options[$param]);
+ }
+ }
+ $response = $this->auth($options);
+ $result = new ListPartsResult($response);
+ return $result->getData();
+ }
+ /**
+ * 中止进行一半的分片上传操作
+ *
+ * @param string $bucket Bucket名称
+ * @param string $object Object名称
+ * @param string $uploadId uploadId
+ * @param array $options Key-Value数组
+ * @return null
+ * @throws OssException
+ */
+ public function abortMultipartUpload($bucket, $object, $uploadId, $options = null)
+ {
+ $this->precheckCommon($bucket, $object, $options);
+ $options[self::OSS_METHOD] = self::OSS_HTTP_DELETE;
+ $options[self::OSS_BUCKET] = $bucket;
+ $options[self::OSS_OBJECT] = $object;
+ $options[self::OSS_UPLOAD_ID] = $uploadId;
+ $response = $this->auth($options);
+ $result = new PutSetDeleteResult($response);
+ return $result->getData();
+ }
+ /**
+ * 在将所有数据Part都上传完成后,调用此接口完成本次分块上传
+ *
+ * @param string $bucket Bucket名称
+ * @param string $object Object名称
+ * @param string $uploadId uploadId
+ * @param array $listParts array( array("PartNumber"=> int, "ETag"=>string))
+ * @param array $options Key-Value数组
+ * @return PutSetDeleteResult
+ * @throws OssException
+ */
+ public function completeMultipartUpload($bucket, $object, $uploadId, $listParts, $options = null)
+ {
+ $this->precheckCommon($bucket, $object, $options);
+ $options[self::OSS_METHOD] = self::OSS_HTTP_POST;
+ $options[self::OSS_BUCKET] = $bucket;
+ $options[self::OSS_OBJECT] = $object;
+ $options[self::OSS_UPLOAD_ID] = $uploadId;
+ $options[self::OSS_CONTENT_TYPE] = 'application/xml';
+ if (!is_array($listParts)) {
+ throw new OssException("listParts must be array type");
+ }
+ $options[self::OSS_CONTENT] = OssUtil::createCompleteMultipartUploadXmlBody($listParts);
+ $response = $this->auth($options);
+ if (isset($options[self::OSS_CALLBACK]) && !empty($options[self::OSS_CALLBACK])) {
+ $result = new CallbackResult($response);
+ } else {
+ $result = new PutSetDeleteResult($response);
+ }
+ return $result->getData();
+ }
+ /**
+ * 罗列出所有执行中的Multipart Upload事件,即已经被初始化的Multipart Upload但是未被
+ * Complete或者Abort的Multipart Upload事件
+ *
+ * @param string $bucket bucket
+ * @param array $options 关联数组
+ * @return ListMultipartUploadInfo
+ * @throws OssException
+ */
+ public function listMultipartUploads($bucket, $options = null)
+ {
+ $this->precheckCommon($bucket, null, $options, false);
+ $options[self::OSS_METHOD] = self::OSS_HTTP_GET;
+ $options[self::OSS_BUCKET] = $bucket;
+ $options[self::OSS_OBJECT] = '/';
+ $options[self::OSS_SUB_RESOURCE] = 'uploads';
+ foreach (array('delimiter', 'key-marker', 'max-uploads', 'prefix', 'upload-id-marker') as $param) {
+ if (isset($options[$param])) {
+ $options[self::OSS_QUERY_STRING][$param] = $options[$param];
+ unset($options[$param]);
+ }
+ }
+ $query = isset($options[self::OSS_QUERY_STRING]) ? $options[self::OSS_QUERY_STRING] : array();
+ $options[self::OSS_QUERY_STRING] = array_merge(
+ $query,
+ );
+ $response = $this->auth($options);
+ $result = new ListMultipartUploadResult($response);
+ return $result->getData();
+ }
+ /**
+ * 从一个已存在的Object中拷贝数据来上传一个Part
+ *
+ * @param string $fromBucket 源bucket名称
+ * @param string $fromObject 源object名称
+ * @param string $toBucket 目标bucket名称
+ * @param string $toObject 目标object名称
+ * @param int $partNumber 分块上传的块id
+ * @param string $uploadId 初始化multipart upload返回的uploadid
+ * @param array $options Key-Value数组
+ * @return null
+ * @throws OssException
+ */
+ public function uploadPartCopy($fromBucket, $fromObject, $toBucket, $toObject, $partNumber, $uploadId, $options = null)
+ {
+ $this->precheckCommon($fromBucket, $fromObject, $options);
+ $this->precheckCommon($toBucket, $toObject, $options);
+ //如果没有设置$options['isFullCopy'],则需要强制判断copy的起止位置
+ $start_range = "0";
+ if (isset($options['start'])) {
+ $start_range = $options['start'];
+ }
+ $end_range = "";
+ if (isset($options['end'])) {
+ $end_range = $options['end'];
+ }
+ $options[self::OSS_METHOD] = self::OSS_HTTP_PUT;
+ $options[self::OSS_BUCKET] = $toBucket;
+ $options[self::OSS_OBJECT] = $toObject;
+ $options[self::OSS_PART_NUM] = $partNumber;
+ $options[self::OSS_UPLOAD_ID] = $uploadId;
+ if (!isset($options[self::OSS_HEADERS])) {
+ $options[self::OSS_HEADERS] = array();
+ }
+ $options[self::OSS_HEADERS][self::OSS_OBJECT_COPY_SOURCE] = '/' . $fromBucket . '/' . $fromObject;
+ $options[self::OSS_HEADERS][self::OSS_OBJECT_COPY_SOURCE_RANGE] = "bytes=" . $start_range . "-" . $end_range;
+ $response = $this->auth($options);
+ $result = new UploadPartResult($response);
+ return $result->getData();
+ }
+ /**
+ * multipart上传统一封装,从初始化到完成multipart,以及出错后中止动作
+ *
+ * @param string $bucket bucket名称
+ * @param string $object object名称
+ * @param string $file 需要上传的本地文件的路径
+ * @param array $options Key-Value数组
+ * @return null
+ * @throws OssException
+ */
+ public function multiuploadFile($bucket, $object, $file, $options = null)
+ {
+ $this->precheckCommon($bucket, $object, $options);
+ if (isset($options[self::OSS_LENGTH])) {
+ $options[self::OSS_CONTENT_LENGTH] = $options[self::OSS_LENGTH];
+ unset($options[self::OSS_LENGTH]);
+ }
+ if (empty($file)) {
+ throw new OssException("parameter invalid, file is empty");
+ }
+ $uploadFile = OssUtil::encodePath($file);
+ if (!isset($options[self::OSS_CONTENT_TYPE])) {
+ $options[self::OSS_CONTENT_TYPE] = $this->getMimeType($object, $uploadFile);
+ }
+ $upload_position = isset($options[self::OSS_SEEK_TO]) ? (integer)$options[self::OSS_SEEK_TO] : 0;
+ if (isset($options[self::OSS_CONTENT_LENGTH])) {
+ $upload_file_size = (integer)$options[self::OSS_CONTENT_LENGTH];
+ } else {
+ $upload_file_size = filesize($uploadFile);
+ if ($upload_file_size !== false) {
+ $upload_file_size -= $upload_position;
+ }
+ }
+ if ($upload_position === false || !isset($upload_file_size) || $upload_file_size === false || $upload_file_size < 0) {
+ throw new OssException('The size of `fileUpload` cannot be determined in ' . __FUNCTION__ . '().');
+ }
+ // 处理partSize
+ if (isset($options[self::OSS_PART_SIZE])) {
+ $options[self::OSS_PART_SIZE] = $this->computePartSize($options[self::OSS_PART_SIZE]);
+ } else {
+ $options[self::OSS_PART_SIZE] = self::OSS_MID_PART_SIZE;
+ }
+ $is_check_md5 = $this->isCheckMD5($options);
+ // 如果上传的文件小于partSize,则直接使用普通方式上传
+ if ($upload_file_size < $options[self::OSS_PART_SIZE] && !isset($options[self::OSS_UPLOAD_ID])) {
+ return $this->uploadFile($bucket, $object, $uploadFile, $options);
+ }
+ // 初始化multipart
+ if (isset($options[self::OSS_UPLOAD_ID])) {
+ $uploadId = $options[self::OSS_UPLOAD_ID];
+ } else {
+ // 初始化
+ $uploadId = $this->initiateMultipartUpload($bucket, $object, $options);
+ }
+ // 获取的分片
+ $pieces = $this->generateMultiuploadParts($upload_file_size, (integer)$options[self::OSS_PART_SIZE]);
+ $response_upload_part = array();
+ foreach ($pieces as $i => $piece) {
+ $from_pos = $upload_position + (integer)$piece[self::OSS_SEEK_TO];
+ $to_pos = (integer)$piece[self::OSS_LENGTH] + $from_pos - 1;
+ $up_options = array(
+ self::OSS_FILE_UPLOAD => $uploadFile,
+ self::OSS_PART_NUM => ($i + 1),
+ self::OSS_SEEK_TO => $from_pos,
+ self::OSS_LENGTH => $to_pos - $from_pos + 1,
+ self::OSS_CHECK_MD5 => $is_check_md5,
+ );
+ if ($is_check_md5) {
+ $content_md5 = OssUtil::getMd5SumForFile($uploadFile, $from_pos, $to_pos);
+ $up_options[self::OSS_CONTENT_MD5] = $content_md5;
+ }
+ $response_upload_part[] = $this->uploadPart($bucket, $object, $uploadId, $up_options);
+ }
+ $uploadParts = array();
+ foreach ($response_upload_part as $i => $etag) {
+ $uploadParts[] = array(
+ 'PartNumber' => ($i + 1),
+ 'ETag' => $etag,
+ );
+ }
+ return $this->completeMultipartUpload($bucket, $object, $uploadId, $uploadParts);
+ }
+ /**
+ * 上传本地目录内的文件或者目录到指定bucket的指定prefix的object中
+ *
+ * @param string $bucket bucket名称
+ * @param string $prefix 需要上传到的object的key前缀,可以理解成bucket中的子目录,结尾不能是'/',接口中会补充'/'
+ * @param string $localDirectory 需要上传的本地目录
+ * @param string $exclude 需要排除的目录
+ * @param bool $recursive 是否递归的上传localDirectory下的子目录内容
+ * @param bool $checkMd5
+ * @return array 返回两个列表 array("succeededList" => array("object"), "failedList" => array("object"=>"errorMessage"))
+ * @throws OssException
+ */
+ public function uploadDir($bucket, $prefix, $localDirectory, $exclude = '.|..|.svn|.git', $recursive = false, $checkMd5 = true)
+ {
+ $retArray = array("succeededList" => array(), "failedList" => array());
+ if (empty($bucket)) throw new OssException("parameter error, bucket is empty");
+ if (!is_string($prefix)) throw new OssException("parameter error, prefix is not string");
+ if (empty($localDirectory)) throw new OssException("parameter error, localDirectory is empty");
+ $directory = $localDirectory;
+ $directory = OssUtil::encodePath($directory);
+ //判断是否目录
+ if (!is_dir($directory)) {
+ throw new OssException('parameter error: ' . $directory . ' is not a directory, please check it');
+ }
+ //read directory
+ $file_list_array = OssUtil::readDir($directory, $exclude, $recursive);
+ if (!$file_list_array) {
+ throw new OssException($directory . ' is empty...');
+ }
+ foreach ($file_list_array as $k => $item) {
+ if (is_dir($item['path'])) {
+ continue;
+ }
+ $options = array(
+ self::OSS_CHECK_MD5 => $checkMd5,
+ );
+ $realObject = (!empty($prefix) ? $prefix . '/' : '') . $item['file'];
+ try {
+ $this->multiuploadFile($bucket, $realObject, $item['path'], $options);
+ $retArray["succeededList"][] = $realObject;
+ } catch (OssException $e) {
+ $retArray["failedList"][$realObject] = $e->getMessage();
+ }
+ }
+ return $retArray;
+ }
+ /**
+ * 支持生成get和put签名, 用户可以生成一个具有一定有效期的
+ * 签名过的url
+ *
+ * @param string $bucket
+ * @param string $object
+ * @param int $timeout
+ * @param string $method
+ * @param array $options Key-Value数组
+ * @return string
+ * @throws OssException
+ */
+ public function signUrl($bucket, $object, $timeout = 60, $method = self::OSS_HTTP_GET, $options = null)
+ {
+ $this->precheckCommon($bucket, $object, $options);
+ //method
+ if (self::OSS_HTTP_GET !== $method && self::OSS_HTTP_PUT !== $method) {
+ throw new OssException("method is invalid");
+ }
+ $options[self::OSS_BUCKET] = $bucket;
+ $options[self::OSS_OBJECT] = $object;
+ $options[self::OSS_METHOD] = $method;
+ if (!isset($options[self::OSS_CONTENT_TYPE])) {
+ $options[self::OSS_CONTENT_TYPE] = '';
+ }
+ $timeout = time() + $timeout;
+ $options[self::OSS_PREAUTH] = $timeout;
+ $options[self::OSS_DATE] = $timeout;
+ $this->setSignStsInUrl(true);
+ return $this->auth($options);
+ }
+ /**
+ * 检测options参数
+ *
+ * @param array $options
+ * @throws OssException
+ */
+ private function precheckOptions(&$options)
+ {
+ OssUtil::validateOptions($options);
+ if (!$options) {
+ $options = array();
+ }
+ }
+ /**
+ * 校验bucket参数
+ *
+ * @param string $bucket
+ * @param string $errMsg
+ * @throws OssException
+ */
+ private function precheckBucket($bucket, $errMsg = 'bucket is not allowed empty')
+ {
+ OssUtil::throwOssExceptionWithMessageIfEmpty($bucket, $errMsg);
+ }
+ /**
+ * 校验object参数
+ *
+ * @param string $object
+ * @throws OssException
+ */
+ private function precheckObject($object)
+ {
+ OssUtil::throwOssExceptionWithMessageIfEmpty($object, "object name is empty");
+ }
+ /**
+ * 校验option restore
+ *
+ * @param string $restore
+ * @throws OssException
+ */
+ private function precheckStorage($storage)
+ {
+ if (is_string($storage)) {
+ switch ($storage) {
+ return;
+ case self::OSS_STORAGE_IA:
+ return;
+ return;
+ default:
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ throw new OssException('storage name is invalid');
+ }
+ /**
+ * 校验bucket,options参数
+ *
+ * @param string $bucket
+ * @param string $object
+ * @param array $options
+ * @param bool $isCheckObject
+ */
+ private function precheckCommon($bucket, $object, &$options, $isCheckObject = true)
+ {
+ if ($isCheckObject) {
+ $this->precheckObject($object);
+ }
+ $this->precheckOptions($options);
+ $this->precheckBucket($bucket);
+ }
+ /**
+ * 参数校验
+ *
+ * @param array $options
+ * @param string $param
+ * @param string $funcName
+ * @throws OssException
+ */
+ private function precheckParam($options, $param, $funcName)
+ {
+ if (!isset($options[$param])) {
+ throw new OssException('The `' . $param . '` options is required in ' . $funcName . '().');
+ }
+ }
+ /**
+ * 检测md5
+ *
+ * @param array $options
+ * @return bool|null
+ */
+ private function isCheckMD5($options)
+ {
+ return $this->getValue($options, self::OSS_CHECK_MD5, false, true, true);
+ }
+ /**
+ * 获取value
+ *
+ * @param array $options
+ * @param string $key
+ * @param string $default
+ * @param bool $isCheckEmpty
+ * @param bool $isCheckBool
+ * @return bool|null
+ */
+ private function getValue($options, $key, $default = null, $isCheckEmpty = false, $isCheckBool = false)
+ {
+ $value = $default;
+ if (isset($options[$key])) {
+ if ($isCheckEmpty) {
+ if (!empty($options[$key])) {
+ $value = $options[$key];
+ }
+ } else {
+ $value = $options[$key];
+ }
+ unset($options[$key]);
+ }
+ if ($isCheckBool) {
+ if ($value !== true && $value !== false) {
+ $value = false;
+ }
+ }
+ return $value;
+ }
+ /**
+ * 获取mimetype类型
+ *
+ * @param string $object
+ * @return string
+ */
+ private function getMimeType($object, $file = null)
+ {
+ if (!is_null($file)) {
+ $type = MimeTypes::getMimetype($file);
+ if (!is_null($type)) {
+ return $type;
+ }
+ }
+ $type = MimeTypes::getMimetype($object);
+ if (!is_null($type)) {
+ return $type;
+ }
+ return self::DEFAULT_CONTENT_TYPE;
+ }
+ /**
+ * 验证并且执行请求,按照OSS Api协议,执行操作
+ *
+ * @param array $options
+ * @return ResponseCore
+ * @throws OssException
+ * @throws RequestCore_Exception
+ */
+ public function auth($options)
+ {
+ OssUtil::validateOptions($options);
+ //验证bucket,list_bucket时不需要验证
+ $this->authPrecheckBucket($options);
+ //验证object
+ $this->authPrecheckObject($options);
+ //Object名称的编码必须是utf8
+ $this->authPrecheckObjectEncoding($options);
+ //验证ACL
+ $this->authPrecheckAcl($options);
+ // 获得当次请求使用的协议头,是https还是http
+ $scheme = $this->useSSL ? 'https://' : 'http://';
+ // 获得当次请求使用的hostname,如果是公共域名或者专有域名,bucket拼在前面构成三级域名
+ $hostname = $this->generateHostname($options[self::OSS_BUCKET]);
+ $string_to_sign = '';
+ $headers = $this->generateHeaders($options, $hostname);
+ $signable_query_string_params = $this->generateSignableQueryStringParam($options);
+ $signable_query_string = OssUtil::toQueryString($signable_query_string_params);
+ $resource_uri = $this->generateResourceUri($options);
+ //生成请求URL
+ $conjunction = '?';
+ $non_signable_resource = '';
+ if (isset($options[self::OSS_SUB_RESOURCE])) {
+ $conjunction = '&';
+ }
+ if ($signable_query_string !== '') {
+ $signable_query_string = $conjunction . $signable_query_string;
+ $conjunction = '&';
+ }
+ $query_string = $this->generateQueryString($options);
+ if ($query_string !== '') {
+ $non_signable_resource .= $conjunction . $query_string;
+ $conjunction = '&';
+ }
+ $this->requestUrl = $scheme . $hostname . $resource_uri . $signable_query_string . $non_signable_resource;
+ //创建请求
+ $request = new RequestCore($this->requestUrl, $this->requestProxy);
+ $request->set_useragent($this->generateUserAgent());
+ // Streaming uploads
+ if (isset($options[self::OSS_FILE_UPLOAD])) {
+ if (is_resource($options[self::OSS_FILE_UPLOAD])) {
+ $length = null;
+ if (isset($options[self::OSS_CONTENT_LENGTH])) {
+ $length = $options[self::OSS_CONTENT_LENGTH];
+ } elseif (isset($options[self::OSS_SEEK_TO])) {
+ $stats = fstat($options[self::OSS_FILE_UPLOAD]);
+ if ($stats && $stats[self::OSS_SIZE] >= 0) {
+ $length = $stats[self::OSS_SIZE] - (integer)$options[self::OSS_SEEK_TO];
+ }
+ }
+ $request->set_read_stream($options[self::OSS_FILE_UPLOAD], $length);
+ } else {
+ $request->set_read_file($options[self::OSS_FILE_UPLOAD]);
+ $length = $request->read_stream_size;
+ if (isset($options[self::OSS_CONTENT_LENGTH])) {
+ $length = $options[self::OSS_CONTENT_LENGTH];
+ } elseif (isset($options[self::OSS_SEEK_TO]) && isset($length)) {
+ $length -= (integer)$options[self::OSS_SEEK_TO];
+ }
+ $request->set_read_stream_size($length);
+ }
+ }
+ if (isset($options[self::OSS_SEEK_TO])) {
+ $request->set_seek_position((integer)$options[self::OSS_SEEK_TO]);
+ }
+ if (isset($options[self::OSS_FILE_DOWNLOAD])) {
+ if (is_resource($options[self::OSS_FILE_DOWNLOAD])) {
+ $request->set_write_stream($options[self::OSS_FILE_DOWNLOAD]);
+ } else {
+ $request->set_write_file($options[self::OSS_FILE_DOWNLOAD]);
+ }
+ }
+ if (isset($options[self::OSS_METHOD])) {
+ $request->set_method($options[self::OSS_METHOD]);
+ $string_to_sign .= $options[self::OSS_METHOD] . "\n";
+ }
+ if (isset($options[self::OSS_CONTENT])) {
+ $request->set_body($options[self::OSS_CONTENT]);
+ if ($headers[self::OSS_CONTENT_TYPE] === 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded') {
+ $headers[self::OSS_CONTENT_TYPE] = 'application/octet-stream';
+ }
+ $headers[self::OSS_CONTENT_LENGTH] = strlen($options[self::OSS_CONTENT]);
+ $headers[self::OSS_CONTENT_MD5] = base64_encode(md5($options[self::OSS_CONTENT], true));
+ }
+ if (isset($options[self::OSS_CALLBACK])) {
+ $headers[self::OSS_CALLBACK] = base64_encode($options[self::OSS_CALLBACK]);
+ }
+ if (isset($options[self::OSS_CALLBACK_VAR])) {
+ $headers[self::OSS_CALLBACK_VAR] = base64_encode($options[self::OSS_CALLBACK_VAR]);
+ }
+ if (!isset($headers[self::OSS_ACCEPT_ENCODING])) {
+ $headers[self::OSS_ACCEPT_ENCODING] = '';
+ }
+ uksort($headers, 'strnatcasecmp');
+ foreach ($headers as $header_key => $header_value) {
+ $header_value = str_replace(array("\r", "\n"), '', $header_value);
+ if ($header_value !== '' || $header_key === self::OSS_ACCEPT_ENCODING) {
+ $request->add_header($header_key, $header_value);
+ }
+ if (
+ strtolower($header_key) === 'content-md5' ||
+ strtolower($header_key) === 'content-type' ||
+ strtolower($header_key) === 'date' ||
+ (isset($options['self::OSS_PREAUTH']) && (integer)$options['self::OSS_PREAUTH'] > 0)
+ ) {
+ $string_to_sign .= $header_value . "\n";
+ } elseif (substr(strtolower($header_key), 0, 6) === self::OSS_DEFAULT_PREFIX) {
+ $string_to_sign .= strtolower($header_key) . ':' . $header_value . "\n";
+ }
+ }
+ // 生成 signable_resource
+ $signable_resource = $this->generateSignableResource($options);
+ $string_to_sign .= rawurldecode($signable_resource) . urldecode($signable_query_string);
+ //对?后面的要签名的string字母序排序
+ $string_to_sign_ordered = $this->stringToSignSorted($string_to_sign);
+ $signature = base64_encode(hash_hmac('sha1', $string_to_sign_ordered, $this->accessKeySecret, true));
+ $request->add_header('Authorization', 'OSS ' . $this->accessKeyId . ':' . $signature);
+ if (isset($options[self::OSS_PREAUTH]) && (integer)$options[self::OSS_PREAUTH] > 0) {
+ $signed_url = $this->requestUrl . $conjunction . self::OSS_URL_ACCESS_KEY_ID . '=' . rawurlencode($this->accessKeyId) . '&' . self::OSS_URL_EXPIRES . '=' . $options[self::OSS_PREAUTH] . '&' . self::OSS_URL_SIGNATURE . '=' . rawurlencode($signature);
+ return $signed_url;
+ } elseif (isset($options[self::OSS_PREAUTH])) {
+ return $this->requestUrl;
+ }
+ if ($this->timeout !== 0) {
+ $request->timeout = $this->timeout;
+ }
+ if ($this->connectTimeout !== 0) {
+ $request->connect_timeout = $this->connectTimeout;
+ }
+ try {
+ $request->send_request();
+ } catch (RequestCore_Exception $e) {
+ throw(new OssException('RequestCoreException: ' . $e->getMessage()));
+ }
+ $response_header = $request->get_response_header();
+ $response_header['oss-request-url'] = $this->requestUrl;
+ $response_header['oss-redirects'] = $this->redirects;
+ $response_header['oss-stringtosign'] = $string_to_sign;
+ $response_header['oss-requestheaders'] = $request->request_headers;
+ $data = new ResponseCore($response_header, $request->get_response_body(), $request->get_response_code());
+ //retry if OSS Internal Error
+ if ((integer)$request->get_response_code() === 500) {
+ if ($this->redirects <= $this->maxRetries) {
+ //设置休眠
+ $delay = (integer)(pow(4, $this->redirects) * 100000);
+ usleep($delay);
+ $this->redirects++;
+ $data = $this->auth($options);
+ }
+ }
+ $this->redirects = 0;
+ return $data;
+ }
+ /**
+ * 设置最大尝试次数
+ *
+ * @param int $maxRetries
+ * @return void
+ */
+ public function setMaxTries($maxRetries = 3)
+ {
+ $this->maxRetries = $maxRetries;
+ }
+ /**
+ * 获取最大尝试次数
+ *
+ * @return int
+ */
+ public function getMaxRetries()
+ {
+ return $this->maxRetries;
+ }
+ /**
+ * 打开sts enable标志,使用户构造函数中传入的$sts生效
+ *
+ * @param boolean $enable
+ */
+ public function setSignStsInUrl($enable)
+ {
+ $this->enableStsInUrl = $enable;
+ }
+ /**
+ * @return boolean
+ */
+ public function isUseSSL()
+ {
+ return $this->useSSL;
+ }
+ /**
+ * @param boolean $useSSL
+ */
+ public function setUseSSL($useSSL)
+ {
+ $this->useSSL = $useSSL;
+ }
+ /**
+ * 检查bucket名称格式是否正确,如果非法抛出异常
+ *
+ * @param $options
+ * @throws OssException
+ */
+ private function authPrecheckBucket($options)
+ {
+ if (!(('/' == $options[self::OSS_OBJECT]) && ('' == $options[self::OSS_BUCKET]) && ('GET' == $options[self::OSS_METHOD])) && !OssUtil::validateBucket($options[self::OSS_BUCKET])) {
+ throw new OssException('"' . $options[self::OSS_BUCKET] . '"' . 'bucket name is invalid');
+ }
+ }
+ /**
+ *
+ * 检查object名称格式是否正确,如果非法抛出异常
+ *
+ * @param $options
+ * @throws OssException
+ */
+ private function authPrecheckObject($options)
+ {
+ if (isset($options[self::OSS_OBJECT]) && $options[self::OSS_OBJECT] === '/') {
+ return;
+ }
+ if (isset($options[self::OSS_OBJECT]) && !OssUtil::validateObject($options[self::OSS_OBJECT])) {
+ throw new OssException('"' . $options[self::OSS_OBJECT] . '"' . ' object name is invalid');
+ }
+ }
+ /**
+ * 检查object的编码,如果是gbk或者gb2312则尝试将其转化为utf8编码
+ *
+ * @param mixed $options 参数
+ */
+ private function authPrecheckObjectEncoding(&$options)
+ {
+ $tmp_object = $options[self::OSS_OBJECT];
+ try {
+ if (OssUtil::isGb2312($options[self::OSS_OBJECT])) {
+ $options[self::OSS_OBJECT] = iconv('GB2312', "UTF-8//IGNORE", $options[self::OSS_OBJECT]);
+ } elseif (OssUtil::checkChar($options[self::OSS_OBJECT], true)) {
+ $options[self::OSS_OBJECT] = iconv('GBK', "UTF-8//IGNORE", $options[self::OSS_OBJECT]);
+ }
+ } catch (\Exception $e) {
+ try {
+ $tmp_object = iconv(mb_detect_encoding($tmp_object), "UTF-8", $tmp_object);
+ } catch (\Exception $e) {
+ }
+ }
+ $options[self::OSS_OBJECT] = $tmp_object;
+ }
+ /**
+ * 检查ACL是否是预定义中三种之一,如果不是抛出异常
+ *
+ * @param $options
+ * @throws OssException
+ */
+ private function authPrecheckAcl($options)
+ {
+ if (isset($options[self::OSS_HEADERS][self::OSS_ACL]) && !empty($options[self::OSS_HEADERS][self::OSS_ACL])) {
+ if (!in_array(strtolower($options[self::OSS_HEADERS][self::OSS_ACL]), self::$OSS_ACL_TYPES)) {
+ throw new OssException($options[self::OSS_HEADERS][self::OSS_ACL] . ':' . 'acl is invalid(private,public-read,public-read-write)');
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ /**
+ * 获得档次请求使用的域名
+ * bucket在前的三级域名,或者二级域名,如果是cname或者ip的话,则是二级域名
+ *
+ * @param $bucket
+ * @return string 剥掉协议头的域名
+ */
+ private function generateHostname($bucket)
+ {
+ if ($this->hostType === self::OSS_HOST_TYPE_IP) {
+ $hostname = $this->hostname;
+ } elseif ($this->hostType === self::OSS_HOST_TYPE_CNAME) {
+ $hostname = $this->hostname;
+ } else {
+ // 专有域或者官网endpoint
+ $hostname = ($bucket == '') ? $this->hostname : ($bucket . '.') . $this->hostname;
+ }
+ return $hostname;
+ }
+ /**
+ * 获得当次请求的资源定位字段
+ *
+ * @param $options
+ * @return string 资源定位字段
+ */
+ private function generateResourceUri($options)
+ {
+ $resource_uri = "";
+ // resource_uri + bucket
+ if (isset($options[self::OSS_BUCKET]) && '' !== $options[self::OSS_BUCKET]) {
+ if ($this->hostType === self::OSS_HOST_TYPE_IP) {
+ $resource_uri = '/' . $options[self::OSS_BUCKET];
+ }
+ }
+ // resource_uri + object
+ if (isset($options[self::OSS_OBJECT]) && '/' !== $options[self::OSS_OBJECT]) {
+ $resource_uri .= '/' . str_replace(array('%2F', '%25'), array('/', '%'), rawurlencode($options[self::OSS_OBJECT]));
+ }
+ // resource_uri + sub_resource
+ $conjunction = '?';
+ if (isset($options[self::OSS_SUB_RESOURCE])) {
+ $resource_uri .= $conjunction . $options[self::OSS_SUB_RESOURCE];
+ }
+ return $resource_uri;
+ }
+ /**
+ * 生成signalbe_query_string_param, array类型
+ *
+ * @param array $options
+ * @return array
+ */
+ private function generateSignableQueryStringParam($options)
+ {
+ $signableQueryStringParams = array();
+ $signableList = array(
+ self::OSS_PART_NUM,
+ 'response-content-type',
+ 'response-content-language',
+ 'response-cache-control',
+ 'response-content-encoding',
+ 'response-expires',
+ 'response-content-disposition',
+ self::OSS_UPLOAD_ID,
+ self::OSS_COMP,
+ self::OSS_PROCESS,
+ self::OSS_SYMLINK,
+ self::OSS_RESTORE,
+ );
+ foreach ($signableList as $item) {
+ if (isset($options[$item])) {
+ $signableQueryStringParams[$item] = $options[$item];
+ }
+ }
+ if ($this->enableStsInUrl && (!is_null($this->securityToken))) {
+ $signableQueryStringParams["security-token"] = $this->securityToken;
+ }
+ return $signableQueryStringParams;
+ }
+ /**
+ * 生成用于签名resource段
+ *
+ * @param mixed $options
+ * @return string
+ */
+ private function generateSignableResource($options)
+ {
+ $signableResource = "";
+ $signableResource .= '/';
+ if (isset($options[self::OSS_BUCKET]) && '' !== $options[self::OSS_BUCKET]) {
+ $signableResource .= $options[self::OSS_BUCKET];
+ // 如果操作没有Object操作的话,这里最后是否有斜线有个trick,ip的域名下,不需要加'/', 否则需要加'/'
+ if ($options[self::OSS_OBJECT] == '/') {
+ if ($this->hostType !== self::OSS_HOST_TYPE_IP) {
+ $signableResource .= "/";
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ //signable_resource + object
+ if (isset($options[self::OSS_OBJECT]) && '/' !== $options[self::OSS_OBJECT]) {
+ $signableResource .= '/' . str_replace(array('%2F', '%25'), array('/', '%'), rawurlencode($options[self::OSS_OBJECT]));
+ }
+ if (isset($options[self::OSS_SUB_RESOURCE])) {
+ $signableResource .= '?' . $options[self::OSS_SUB_RESOURCE];
+ }
+ return $signableResource;
+ }
+ /**
+ * 生成query_string
+ *
+ * @param mixed $options
+ * @return string
+ */
+ private function generateQueryString($options)
+ {
+ //请求参数
+ $queryStringParams = array();
+ if (isset($options[self::OSS_QUERY_STRING])) {
+ $queryStringParams = array_merge($queryStringParams, $options[self::OSS_QUERY_STRING]);
+ }
+ return OssUtil::toQueryString($queryStringParams);
+ }
+ private function stringToSignSorted($string_to_sign)
+ {
+ $queryStringSorted = '';
+ $explodeResult = explode('?', $string_to_sign);
+ $index = count($explodeResult);
+ if ($index === 1)
+ return $string_to_sign;
+ $queryStringParams = explode('&', $explodeResult[$index - 1]);
+ sort($queryStringParams);
+ foreach ($queryStringParams as $params) {
+ $queryStringSorted .= $params . '&';
+ }
+ $queryStringSorted = substr($queryStringSorted, 0, -1);
+ return $explodeResult[0] . '?' . $queryStringSorted;
+ }
+ /**
+ * 初始化headers
+ *
+ * @param mixed $options
+ * @param string $hostname hostname
+ * @return array
+ */
+ private function generateHeaders($options, $hostname)
+ {
+ $headers = array(
+ self::OSS_CONTENT_MD5 => '',
+ self::OSS_CONTENT_TYPE => isset($options[self::OSS_CONTENT_TYPE]) ? $options[self::OSS_CONTENT_TYPE] : self::DEFAULT_CONTENT_TYPE,
+ self::OSS_DATE => isset($options[self::OSS_DATE]) ? $options[self::OSS_DATE] : gmdate('D, d M Y H:i:s \G\M\T'),
+ self::OSS_HOST => $hostname,
+ );
+ if (isset($options[self::OSS_CONTENT_MD5])) {
+ $headers[self::OSS_CONTENT_MD5] = $options[self::OSS_CONTENT_MD5];
+ }
+ //添加stsSecurityToken
+ if ((!is_null($this->securityToken)) && (!$this->enableStsInUrl)) {
+ $headers[self::OSS_SECURITY_TOKEN] = $this->securityToken;
+ }
+ //合并HTTP headers
+ if (isset($options[self::OSS_HEADERS])) {
+ $headers = array_merge($headers, $options[self::OSS_HEADERS]);
+ }
+ return $headers;
+ }
+ /**
+ * 生成请求用的UserAgent
+ *
+ * @return string
+ */
+ private function generateUserAgent()
+ {
+ return self::OSS_NAME . "/" . self::OSS_VERSION . " (" . php_uname('s') . "/" . php_uname('r') . "/" . php_uname('m') . ";" . PHP_VERSION . ")";
+ }
+ /**
+ * 检查endpoint的种类
+ * 如有有协议头,剥去协议头
+ * 并且根据参数 is_cname 和endpoint本身,判定域名类型,是ip,cname,还是专有域或者官网域名
+ *
+ * @param string $endpoint
+ * @param boolean $isCName
+ * @return string 剥掉协议头的域名
+ */
+ private function checkEndpoint($endpoint, $isCName)
+ {
+ $ret_endpoint = null;
+ if (strpos($endpoint, 'http://') === 0) {
+ $ret_endpoint = substr($endpoint, strlen('http://'));
+ } elseif (strpos($endpoint, 'https://') === 0) {
+ $ret_endpoint = substr($endpoint, strlen('https://'));
+ $this->useSSL = true;
+ } else {
+ $ret_endpoint = $endpoint;
+ }
+ if ($isCName) {
+ $this->hostType = self::OSS_HOST_TYPE_CNAME;
+ } elseif (OssUtil::isIPFormat($ret_endpoint)) {
+ $this->hostType = self::OSS_HOST_TYPE_IP;
+ } else {
+ $this->hostType = self::OSS_HOST_TYPE_NORMAL;
+ }
+ return $ret_endpoint;
+ }
+ /**
+ * 用来检查sdk所以来的扩展是否打开
+ *
+ * @throws OssException
+ */
+ public static function checkEnv()
+ {
+ if (function_exists('get_loaded_extensions')) {
+ //检测curl扩展
+ $enabled_extension = array("curl");
+ $extensions = get_loaded_extensions();
+ if ($extensions) {
+ foreach ($enabled_extension as $item) {
+ if (!in_array($item, $extensions)) {
+ throw new OssException("Extension {" . $item . "} is not installed or not enabled, please check your php env.");
+ }
+ }
+ } else {
+ throw new OssException("function get_loaded_extensions not found.");
+ }
+ } else {
+ throw new OssException('Function get_loaded_extensions has been disabled, please check php config.');
+ }
+ }
+ /**
+ * //* 设置http库的请求超时时间,单位秒
+ *
+ * @param int $timeout
+ */
+ public function setTimeout($timeout)
+ {
+ $this->timeout = $timeout;
+ }
+ /**
+ * 设置http库的连接超时时间,单位秒
+ *
+ * @param int $connectTimeout
+ */
+ public function setConnectTimeout($connectTimeout)
+ {
+ $this->connectTimeout = $connectTimeout;
+ }
+ // 生命周期相关常量
+ const OSS_LIFECYCLE_EXPIRATION = "Expiration";
+ //OSS 内部常量
+ const OSS_BUCKET = 'bucket';
+ const OSS_OBJECT = 'object';
+ const OSS_METHOD = 'method';
+ const OSS_QUERY = 'query';
+ const OSS_BASENAME = 'basename';
+ const OSS_MAX_KEYS = 'max-keys';
+ const OSS_UPLOAD_ID = 'uploadId';
+ const OSS_PART_NUM = 'partNumber';
+ const OSS_COMP = 'comp';
+ const OSS_LIVE_CHANNEL_STATUS = 'status';
+ const OSS_LIVE_CHANNEL_START_TIME = 'startTime';
+ const OSS_LIVE_CHANNEL_END_TIME = 'endTime';
+ const OSS_POSITION = 'position';
+ const OSS_MAX_KEYS_VALUE = 100;
+ const OSS_FILE_SLICE_SIZE = 8192;
+ const OSS_PREFIX = 'prefix';
+ const OSS_DELIMITER = 'delimiter';
+ const OSS_MARKER = 'marker';
+ const OSS_ACCEPT_ENCODING = 'Accept-Encoding';
+ const OSS_CONTENT_MD5 = 'Content-Md5';
+ const OSS_SELF_CONTENT_MD5 = 'x-oss-meta-md5';
+ const OSS_CONTENT_TYPE = 'Content-Type';
+ const OSS_CONTENT_LENGTH = 'Content-Length';
+ const OSS_IF_MODIFIED_SINCE = 'If-Modified-Since';
+ const OSS_IF_UNMODIFIED_SINCE = 'If-Unmodified-Since';
+ const OSS_IF_MATCH = 'If-Match';
+ const OSS_IF_NONE_MATCH = 'If-None-Match';
+ const OSS_CACHE_CONTROL = 'Cache-Control';
+ const OSS_EXPIRES = 'Expires';
+ const OSS_PREAUTH = 'preauth';
+ const OSS_CONTENT_COING = 'Content-Coding';
+ const OSS_CONTENT_DISPOSTION = 'Content-Disposition';
+ const OSS_RANGE = 'range';
+ const OSS_ETAG = 'etag';
+ const OSS_LAST_MODIFIED = 'lastmodified';
+ const OS_CONTENT_RANGE = 'Content-Range';
+ const OSS_BODY = 'body';
+ const OSS_LENGTH = OssUtil::OSS_LENGTH;
+ const OSS_HOST = 'Host';
+ const OSS_DATE = 'Date';
+ const OSS_AUTHORIZATION = 'Authorization';
+ const OSS_FILE_DOWNLOAD = 'fileDownload';
+ const OSS_FILE_UPLOAD = 'fileUpload';
+ const OSS_PART_SIZE = 'partSize';
+ const OSS_SEEK_TO = 'seekTo';
+ const OSS_SIZE = 'size';
+ const OSS_QUERY_STRING = 'query_string';
+ const OSS_SUB_RESOURCE = 'sub_resource';
+ const OSS_DEFAULT_PREFIX = 'x-oss-';
+ const OSS_CHECK_MD5 = 'checkmd5';
+ const DEFAULT_CONTENT_TYPE = 'application/octet-stream';
+ const OSS_SYMLINK_TARGET = 'x-oss-symlink-target';
+ const OSS_SYMLINK = 'symlink';
+ const OSS_HTTP_CODE = 'http_code';
+ const OSS_REQUEST_ID = 'x-oss-request-id';
+ const OSS_INFO = 'info';
+ const OSS_STORAGE = 'storage';
+ const OSS_RESTORE = 'restore';
+ const OSS_STORAGE_STANDARD = 'Standard';
+ const OSS_STORAGE_IA = 'IA';
+ const OSS_STORAGE_ARCHIVE = 'Archive';
+ //私有URL变量
+ const OSS_URL_ACCESS_KEY_ID = 'OSSAccessKeyId';
+ const OSS_URL_EXPIRES = 'Expires';
+ const OSS_URL_SIGNATURE = 'Signature';
+ //HTTP方法
+ const OSS_HTTP_GET = 'GET';
+ const OSS_HTTP_PUT = 'PUT';
+ const OSS_HTTP_HEAD = 'HEAD';
+ const OSS_HTTP_POST = 'POST';
+ //其他常量
+ const OSS_ACL = 'x-oss-acl';
+ const OSS_OBJECT_ACL = 'x-oss-object-acl';
+ const OSS_OBJECT_GROUP = 'x-oss-file-group';
+ const OSS_MULTI_PART = 'uploads';
+ const OSS_MULTI_DELETE = 'delete';
+ const OSS_OBJECT_COPY_SOURCE = 'x-oss-copy-source';
+ const OSS_OBJECT_COPY_SOURCE_RANGE = "x-oss-copy-source-range";
+ const OSS_PROCESS = "x-oss-process";
+ const OSS_CALLBACK = "x-oss-callback";
+ const OSS_CALLBACK_VAR = "x-oss-callback-var";
+ //支持STS SecurityToken
+ const OSS_SECURITY_TOKEN = "x-oss-security-token";
+ const OSS_ACL_TYPE_PRIVATE = 'private';
+ const OSS_ACL_TYPE_PUBLIC_READ = 'public-read';
+ const OSS_ACL_TYPE_PUBLIC_READ_WRITE = 'public-read-write';
+ const OSS_ENCODING_TYPE = "encoding-type";
+ const OSS_ENCODING_TYPE_URL = "url";
+ // 域名类型
+ const OSS_HOST_TYPE_NORMAL = "normal";//http://bucket.oss-cn-hangzhou.aliyuncs.com/object
+ const OSS_HOST_TYPE_IP = "ip"; //
+ const OSS_HOST_TYPE_SPECIAL = 'special'; //http://bucket.guizhou.gov/object
+ const OSS_HOST_TYPE_CNAME = "cname"; //http://mydomain.com/object
+ //OSS ACL数组
+ static $OSS_ACL_TYPES = array(
+ );
+ // OssClient版本信息
+ const OSS_NAME = "aliyun-sdk-php";
+ const OSS_VERSION = "2.3.0";
+ const OSS_BUILD = "20180105";
+ const OSS_AUTHOR = "";
+ const OSS_OPTIONS_ORIGIN = 'Origin';
+ const OSS_OPTIONS_REQUEST_METHOD = 'Access-Control-Request-Method';
+ const OSS_OPTIONS_REQUEST_HEADERS = 'Access-Control-Request-Headers';
+ //是否使用ssl
+ private $useSSL = false;
+ private $maxRetries = 3;
+ private $redirects = 0;
+ private $hostType = self::OSS_HOST_TYPE_NORMAL;
+ private $requestUrl;
+ private $accessKeyId;
+ private $accessKeySecret;
+ private $hostname;
+ private $securityToken;
+ private $requestProxy = null;
+ private $enableStsInUrl = false;
+ private $timeout = 0;
+ private $connectTimeout = 0;