usersig($sdkappid,$sdkappkey,$identifier); $random = rand(10000000,99999999); $url = ''.$sdkappid.'&identifier=administrator&usersig='.$usersig.'&random='.$random.'&contenttype=json'; $data = [ 'ChatType' => 'Group', 'MsgTime' => date('YmdH',strtotime('-3 Hours')), ]; $tasklog = [ 'type' => $data['ChatType'] == 'C2C' ? 1 : 2, 'datehour' => $data['MsgTime'], 'createtime' => time(), 'status' => 0, ]; dump($data); $jsonStr = json_encode($data); $header = array( 'Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8', 'Content-Length: ' . strlen($jsonStr) ); $rs = curl_post($url,$jsonStr,$header); $rs = json_decode($rs,true); dump($rs); if(is_array($rs) && isset($rs['ErrorCode']) && $rs['ErrorCode'] == 0){ $tasklog['status'] = 1; //正常的,可以下载了 if(isset($rs['File']) && !empty($rs['File'])){ foreach($rs['File'] as $key => $val){ echo $val['URL']; //下载 $gz_path = $this->downloadfile($val['URL'],$data['ChatType'],$data['MsgTime'].'_'.$data['ChatType'].'.json.gz'); dump($gz_path); //解压 $json_path = $this->jieyagz($gz_path); dump($json_path); //分析 $content = $this->readjson_group($json_path); dump(count($content)); //入库 if(!empty($content)){ Db::name('imlog_group')->insertAll($content); } } } } Db::name('imlog_tasklog')->insertGetId($tasklog); echo '结束'; exit; } //主动拉取im用户私聊 聊天记录 public function auto_imc2c(){ $im_config = config('tencent_im'); $sdkappid = $im_config['sdkappid']; $sdkappkey = $im_config['key']; $identifier= $im_config['identifier']; $usersig = $this->usersig($sdkappid,$sdkappkey,$identifier); $random = rand(10000000,99999999); $url = ''.$sdkappid.'&identifier=administrator&usersig='.$usersig.'&random='.$random.'&contenttype=json'; $data = [ 'ChatType' => 'C2C', 'MsgTime' => date('YmdH',strtotime('-3 Hours')), ]; $tasklog = [ 'type' => $data['ChatType'] == 'C2C' ? 1 : 2, 'datehour' => $data['MsgTime'], 'createtime' => time(), 'status' => 0, ]; dump($data); $jsonStr = json_encode($data); $header = array( 'Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8', 'Content-Length: ' . strlen($jsonStr) ); $rs = curl_post($url,$jsonStr,$header); $rs = json_decode($rs,true); dump($rs); if(is_array($rs) && isset($rs['ErrorCode']) && $rs['ErrorCode'] == 0){ $tasklog['status'] = 1; //正常的,可以下载了 if(isset($rs['File']) && !empty($rs['File'])){ foreach($rs['File'] as $key => $val){ //下载 $gz_path = $this->downloadfile($val['URL'],$data['ChatType'],$data['MsgTime'].'_'.$data['ChatType'].'.json.gz'); dump($gz_path); //解压 $json_path = $this->jieyagz($gz_path); dump($json_path); //分析 $content = $this->readjson($json_path); dump(count($content)); //入库 if(!empty($content)){ Db::name('imlog_c2c')->insertAll($content); } } } } Db::name('imlog_tasklog')->insertGetId($tasklog); echo '结束'; exit; } //定时跑用户活跃,改成离线。 一分钟一次 public function auto_user_active() { $start_time = time() - (3600 * 24); $end_time = time() - (3600 * 2); $sql = "update `mt_user` set is_active = 0 where is_active = 1 and id in (select user_id from mt_user_active where requesttime between {$start_time} and {$end_time})"; db()->query($sql); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /////////////////////////////////////////下面都是工具方法//////////////////////////////////////////////// //下载远程文件 到指定目录 private function downloadfile($file_url, $path = '', $save_file_name = '') { $basepath = '/uploaded/'; if ($path) { $basepath = $basepath . $path . '/'; } $basepath = $basepath . date('Ymd'); $dir_path = ROOT_PATH . '/public' . $basepath; if (!is_dir($dir_path)) { mkdir($dir_path, 0777, true); } $file = file_get_contents($file_url); //传入保存文件的名称 $filename = $save_file_name ?: pathinfo($file_url, PATHINFO_BASENAME); $resource = fopen($dir_path. '/'. $filename, 'w'); fwrite($resource, $file); fclose($resource); return $dir_path . '/' . $filename; } //解压 private function jieyagz($gz_path = ''){ $json_path = substr($gz_path,0,-3); if ($zp = gzopen($gz_path, 'r')) { // 打开压缩文件 if ($fp = fopen($json_path, 'w')) { // 打开目标文件 while (!gzeof($zp)) { fwrite($fp, gzread($zp, 1024 * 512)); // 逐块读取和解压缩后写入 } fclose($fp); } gzclose($zp); } return $json_path; } //读取json并分析,c2c private function readjson($json_path = ''){ $newMsgList = []; $json_content = file_get_contents($json_path); $json_content = json_decode($json_content,true); if(!empty($json_content) && is_array($json_content) && isset($json_content['MsgList'])){ $MsgList = $json_content['MsgList']; if(!empty($MsgList)){ foreach($MsgList as $key => $val) { $newone = [ 'ClientIP' => isset($val['ClientIP']) ? $val['ClientIP'] : '', 'CloudCustomData' => isset($val['CloudCustomData']) ? $val['CloudCustomData'] : '', 'From_Account' => isset($val['From_Account']) ? intval($val['From_Account']) : 0, //'MsgBody' => isset($val['MsgBody']) ? json_encode($val['MsgBody']) : '', 'MsgFromPlatform' => isset($val['MsgFromPlatform']) ? $val['MsgFromPlatform'] : '', 'MsgRandom' => isset($val['MsgRandom']) ? $val['MsgRandom'] : '', 'MsgSeq' => isset($val['MsgSeq']) ? $val['MsgSeq'] : '', 'MsgTimestamp' => isset($val['MsgTimestamp']) ? $val['MsgTimestamp'] : '', 'To_Account' => isset($val['To_Account']) ? intval($val['To_Account']) : 0, ]; //解析数据类型 if(isset($val['MsgBody'][0]['MsgType'])){ $newone['MsgType'] = $val['MsgBody'][0]['MsgType']; //文本 if($val['MsgBody'][0]['MsgType'] == 'TIMTextElem'){ $newone['MsgInfo'] = ''; if(isset($val['MsgBody'][0]['MsgContent']['Text'])){ $newone['MsgInfo'] = $val['MsgBody'][0]['MsgContent']['Text']; } } //图片 if($val['MsgBody'][0]['MsgType'] == 'TIMImageElem'){ $newone['MsgInfo'] = ''; if(isset($val['MsgBody'][0]['MsgContent']['ImageInfoArray'][0]['URL'])){ $newone['MsgInfo'] = $val['MsgBody'][0]['MsgContent']['ImageInfoArray'][0]['URL']; } } //声音 if($val['MsgBody'][0]['MsgType'] == 'TIMSoundElem'){ $newone['MsgInfo'] = ''; if(isset($val['MsgBody'][0]['MsgContent']['Url'])){ $newone['MsgInfo'] = $val['MsgBody'][0]['MsgContent']['Url']; } } //视频 if($val['MsgBody'][0]['MsgType'] == 'TIMVideoFileElem'){ $newone['MsgInfo'] = ''; if(isset($val['MsgBody'][0]['MsgContent']['VideoUrl'])){ $newone['MsgInfo'] = $val['MsgBody'][0]['MsgContent']['VideoUrl']; } } //其他 continue; }else{ continue; } $newMsgList[] = $newone; } } } return $newMsgList; } //读取json并分析,group private function readjson_group($json_path = ''){ $newMsgList = []; $json_content = file_get_contents($json_path); $json_content = json_decode($json_content,true); if(!empty($json_content) && is_array($json_content) && isset($json_content['MsgList'])){ $MsgList = $json_content['MsgList']; if(!empty($MsgList)){ foreach($MsgList as $key => $val) { $newone = [ //'key' => $key,辅助查找 'ClientIP' => isset($val['ClientIP']) ? $val['ClientIP'] : '', 'From_Account' => isset($val['From_Account']) ? intval($val['From_Account']) : 0, 'GroupId' => isset($val['GroupId']) ? intval($val['GroupId']) : 0, //'MsgBody' => isset($val['MsgBody']) ? json_encode($val['MsgBody']) : '', 'MsgFromPlatform' => isset($val['MsgFromPlatform']) ? $val['MsgFromPlatform'] : '', 'MsgSeq' => isset($val['MsgSeq']) ? $val['MsgSeq'] : '', 'MsgTimestamp' => isset($val['MsgTimestamp']) ? $val['MsgTimestamp'] : '', ]; //解析数据类型 if(isset($val['MsgBody'][0]['MsgType'])){ $newone['MsgType'] = $val['MsgBody'][0]['MsgType']; //文本 if($val['MsgBody'][0]['MsgType'] == 'TIMTextElem'){ $newone['MsgInfo'] = ''; if(isset($val['MsgBody'][0]['MsgContent']['Text'])){ //继续解析 $text = json_decode($val['MsgBody'][0]['MsgContent']['Text'],true); if(isset($text['type']) && $text['type'] == 1){ //TYPE_NORMAL =1;//普通消息 $newone['MsgInfo'] = isset($text['content']) ? $text['content'] : ''; $newMsgList[] = $newone; } //其他$text['type']的值都是房间内的,礼物的,表情等,不需要记录 } } //房间内的不需要显示的内容 if($val['MsgBody'][0]['MsgType'] == 'TIMCustomElem'){ } } //大循环结束 } } } return $newMsgList; } //请求im的签名 private function usersig($sdkappid,$key,$identifier){ $api = new TLSSigAPIv2($sdkappid,$key ); $sig = $api->genUserSig($identifier); return $sig; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //精秀支付订单支付状态查询。 一分钟一次,没用到 public function auto_pay_queue() { // 处理次数 $queue_times = 6; //查询订单信息 十分钟未处理的 $order_info = Db::name('pay_order') ->where('queue_status', 1) ->where('status',0) ->where('queue_times','<',$queue_times) ->where('createtime','<',time() - 600) ->order('queue_times','asc') ->find(); if (!$order_info){ return '无订单'; } // 增加处理次数 Db::name('pay_order')->where('id',$order_info['id'])->update(['queue_times' => $order_info['queue_times'] + 1]); // 查询订单是否支付成功 $pay = new JingXiuPayUtil(); if (!$pay->getOrder($order_info['pay_no'])){ $this->error($pay->getMessage()); } //PROCESSING=订单待支付,SUCCESS=订单支付成功,TIME_OUT=订单已过期,FAIL=订单支付失败,CLOSE=订单关闭,CALL_FAIL=支付成功未返回 $params = $pay->getData(); if (empty($params['order_status']) || $params['order_status'] != 'SUCCESS' || empty($params['out_trade_no'])) { $status = $params['order_status'] ?? 'error'; return '支付信息有误'.$status.':'.$params['out_trade_no']; } // 开始处理业务逻辑 $pay_no = $params['out_trade_no']; //查询订单信息 $order_info = Db::name('pay_order')->where('pay_no', $pay_no)->find(); if (!$order_info) { return '订单信息不存在'.$pay_no; } if ($order_info['status'] == 3){ return '订单信息_已删除'.$pay_no; } if ($order_info['status'] == 1 || $order_info['status'] == 2) { return '充值入账更新余额失败_status已更新过'.$pay_no; } $extendType = ''; //区分vip 还是 冲金币 $is_g = stripos($pay_no, 'P'); if ($is_g !== false) { $extendType = 'gold'; } else { $is_v = stripos($pay_no, 'V'); if ($is_v !== false) { $extendType = 'vip'; } } //status已更新过 $result = Db::name('pay_order')->where('pay_no', $pay_no)->where('status',$order_info['status'])->setField(['status' => 2]); if (!$result) { return '充值入账更新余额失败_status更新状态2不成功'.$pay_no; } //你可以在此编写订单逻辑 $payEvent = Db::name('pay_event')->where('pay_no', $pay_no)->find(); $args = json_decode($payEvent['args'] ?? '', true); $rechargeM = new \app\common\model\Recharge(); if ($extendType == 'gold') { $payRes = $rechargeM->goldpaysucc($pay_no, $args); $payTypeStr = '充值'; } elseif ($extendType == 'vip') { $payRes = $rechargeM->vippaysucc($pay_no, $args); $payTypeStr = 'vip'; } else { $payRes = false; $payTypeStr = '未知支付类型'; } if (!$payRes) { return '更新失败'.$payTypeStr.$pay_no; } return '订单处理成功'.$payTypeStr.$pay_no; } //发放代理奖励。没用到 public function issuingreward() { set_time_limit(0); //本周开始时间 $week_start_time = strtotime(date('Y-m-d')) - ((date('w')==0?7:date('w'))-1)*86400; $where['user_id'] = ['gt', 0]; $where['issuingtime'] = ['elt', $week_start_time]; $mt_admin = Db::name('admin'); $list = $mt_admin->field('id, user_id, issuingtime')->where($where)->limit(100)->select(); if (!$list) { echo 'mei shu ju'; die; } //上周开始时间 上周结束时间 $starttime = $week_start_time - 604800; $endtime = $week_start_time - 1; $money_map['log_type'] = ['in', [21, 22, 23, 54, 60, 82]]; $money_map['createtime'] = ['between', [$starttime, $endtime]]; $mt_user_money_log = Db::name('user_money_log'); $mt_user = Db::name('user'); $mt_extend_reward = Db::name('extend_reward'); $issuingtime = time(); foreach ($list as $k => &$v) { //开启事务 Db::startTrans(); //修改记录状态 $rs = $mt_admin->where(['id' => $v['id'], 'issuingtime' => $v['issuingtime']])->setField('issuingtime', $issuingtime); if (!$rs) { Db::rollback(); continue; } $user_ids = $mt_user->where(['intro_uid' => $v['user_id']])->column('id'); if ($user_ids) { $money_map['user_id'] = ['in', $user_ids]; //周收益 $week_sum_money = $mt_user_money_log->where($money_map)->sum('change_value'); $week_sum_money = $week_sum_money > 0 ? $week_sum_money : 0; if ($week_sum_money) { //查询推广奖励等级 $extend_reward_info = $mt_extend_reward->where(['total_flow' => ['elt', $week_sum_money]])->order('id desc')->find(); if ($extend_reward_info) { //额外提成 $extra_moeny = number_format($week_sum_money * $extend_reward_info['extra_reward'] / 100, 2, '.', ''); if ($extra_moeny > 0) { //发放额外提出 $wallet_rs = model('wallet')->lockChangeAccountRemain($v['user_id'],0,'money',$extra_moeny,91,'额外提成奖励'); if($wallet_rs['status'] === false){ Db::rollback(); } else { //发送系统消息 \app\common\model\Message::addMessage($v['user_id'],'额外提成奖励','上周额外提成奖励已经发放'); } } } } } Db::commit(); } echo 'wan bi'; die; } //自动推荐。 没用到 public function auto_userRecommend() { $payMoney = config('site.recommend_pay_money');//财富值 $getMoney = config('site.recommend_get_money');//魅力值 if ($payMoney <= 0 && $getMoney <= 0) { echo 'empty';exit; } $where = 'u.is_recommend = 0 '; $whereAppend = ''; if ($payMoney > 0) { $whereAppend = $where.' and uw.pay_money >= '.$payMoney; } if ($getMoney > 0) { $whereAppend = $where.' and uw.get_money >= '.$getMoney; } if ($payMoney >0 && $getMoney >0) { $whereAppend = $where. ' and (uw.pay_money >= '.$payMoney.' or uw.get_money >= '.$getMoney.')' ; } $user = Db::name('user')->alias('u')->field('') ->join('user_wallet uw','uw.user_id =','LEFT') ->where($whereAppend) ->select(); if (empty($user)) { echo 'update 0';exit; } $userIds = array_column($user,'id'); $userWhere['id'] = ['in',$userIds]; $userUpdateData['is_recommend'] = 1; $userUpdateData['updatetime'] = time(); $userRes = Db::name('user')->where($userWhere)->update($userUpdateData); echo 'update '.$userRes;exit; } }