client = $client; $this->copySource = $source; $this->options = $options; $this->size = $source['ContentLength']; unset($source['ContentLength']); $this->partSize = $this->calculatePartSize($minPartSize); $this->concurrency = isset($options['Concurrency']) ? $options['Concurrency'] : 10; $this->retry = isset($options['Retry']) ? $options['Retry'] : 5; } public function copy() { $uploadId= $this->initiateMultipartUpload(); for ($i = 0; $i < $this->retry; $i += 1) { $rt = $this->uploadParts($uploadId); if ($rt == 0) { break; } sleep(1 << $i); } foreach ( $this->parts as $key => $row ){ $num1[$key] = $row ['PartNumber']; $num2[$key] = $row ['ETag']; } array_multisort($num1, SORT_ASC, $num2, SORT_ASC, $this->parts); return $this->client->completeMultipartUpload(array( 'Bucket' => $this->options['Bucket'], 'Key' => $this->options['Key'], 'UploadId' => $uploadId, 'Parts' => $this->parts) ); } public function uploadParts($uploadId) { $copyRequests = function ($uploadId) { $offset = 0; $partNumber = 1; $partSize = $this->partSize; $finishedNum = 0; $this->parts = array(); for ($index = 1; ; $index ++) { if ($offset + $partSize >= $this->size) { $partSize = $this->size - $offset; } $copySourcePath = $this->copySource['Bucket']. '.cos.'. $this->copySource['Region']. "". $this->copySource['Key']. "?versionId=". $this->copySource['VersionId']; $params = array( 'Bucket' => $this->options['Bucket'], 'Key' => $this->options['Key'], 'UploadId' => $uploadId, 'PartNumber' => $partNumber, 'CopySource'=> $copySourcePath, 'CopySourceRange' => 'bytes='.((string)$offset).'-'.(string)($offset+$partSize - 1), ); if(!isset($this->parts[$partNumber])) { $command = $this->client->getCommand('uploadPartCopy', $params); $request = $this->client->commandToRequestTransformer($command); $this->commandList[$index] = $command; $this->requestList[$index] = $request; yield $request; } ++$partNumber; $offset += $partSize; if ($this->size == $offset) { break; } } }; $pool = new Pool($this->client->httpClient, $copyRequests($uploadId), [ 'concurrency' => $this->concurrency, 'fulfilled' => function ($response, $index) { $index = $index + 1; $response = $this->client->responseToResultTransformer($response, $this->requestList[$index], $this->commandList[$index]); $part = array('PartNumber' => $index, 'ETag' => $response['ETag']); $this->parts[$index] = $part; }, 'rejected' => function ($reason, $index) { $index = $index += 1; $retry = 2; for ($i = 1; $i <= $retry; $i++) { try { $rt =$this->client->execute($this->commandList[$index]); $part = array('PartNumber' => $index, 'ETag' => $rt['ETag']); $this->parts[$index] = $part; } catch(\Exception $e) { if ($i == $retry) { throw($e); } } } }, ]); // Initiate the transfers and create a promise $promise = $pool->promise(); // Force the pool of requests to complete. $promise->wait(); } private function calculatePartSize($minPartSize) { $partSize = intval(ceil(($this->size / self::MAX_PARTS))); $partSize = max($minPartSize, $partSize); $partSize = min($partSize, self::MAX_PART_SIZE); $partSize = max($partSize, self::MIN_PART_SIZE); return $partSize; } private function initiateMultipartUpload() { $result = $this->client->createMultipartUpload($this->options); return $result['UploadId']; } }