define(['jquery', 'bootstrap', 'backend', 'table', 'form'], function ($, undefined, Backend, Table, Form) { var Controller = { index: () => { const { ref, reactive, onMounted, getCurrentInstance } = Vue const { ElMessageBox } = ElementPlus const index = { setup() { const { proxy } = getCurrentInstance(); const state = reactive({ data: [], order: 'desc', sort: 'id', filter: { drawer: false, data: { status: 'all', keyword: { field: 'id', value: '' }, category_ids: 'all', activity_type: '', price: { min: '', max: '' }, sales: { min: '', max: '' }, }, tools: { keyword: { type: 'tinputprepend', label: '商品信息', placeholder: '请输入查询内容', value: { field: 'id', value: '', }, options: { data: [{ label: '商品ID', value: 'id', }, { label: '商品名称', value: 'title', }, { label: '商品副标题', value: 'subtitle', }], } }, // category_ids: { // type: 'tcascader', // label: '商品分类', // value: [], // options: { // data: [], // props: { // children: 'children', // label: 'name', // value: 'id', // checkStrictly: true, // emitPath: false, // multiple: true, // }, // }, // }, activity_type: { type: 'tselect', label: '活动类型', value: '', options: { data: [], props: { label: 'name', value: 'type', }, }, }, }, condition: {}, }, statusData: { type: { up: 'success', down: 'danger', hidden: 'info', }, color: { up: 'var(--el-color-success)', down: 'var(--el-color-danger)', hidden: 'var(--el-color-info)', } }, }) const type = reactive({ data: [] }) function getTypeData() { Fast.api.ajax({ url: 'shopro/goods/goods/getType', type: 'GET', }, function (ret, res) { = for (key in { if (key == 'activity_type') {[key] =[key] } } return false }, function (ret, res) { }) } const category = reactive({ select: [] }) function getCategorySelect() { Fast.api.ajax({ url: 'shopro/category/goodsSelect', type: 'GET', }, function (ret, res) { = // for (key in { // if (key == 'category_ids') { //[key] = // } // } return false }, function (ret, res) { }) } function getData() { let tempSearch = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(; for (key in tempSearch) { if (key == 'price' || key == 'sales') { if (Number(tempSearch[key].min) && Number(tempSearch[key].max)) { tempSearch[key] = `${tempSearch[key].min} - ${tempSearch[key].max}` } } } let search = composeFilter(tempSearch, { title: 'like', subtitle: 'like', category_ids: { spacer: ',', }, price: 'between', sales: 'between', }); Fast.api.ajax({ url: 'shopro/goods/goods', type: 'GET', data: { page:, list_rows: pagination.list_rows, order: state.order, sort: state.sort,, }, }, function (ret, res) { = = return false }, function (ret, res) { }) } function onChangeSort({ prop, order }) { state.order = order == 'ascending' ? 'asc' : 'desc'; state.sort = prop; getData(); } function onOpenFilter() { state.filter.drawer = true } function onChangeFilter() { = 1 getData() state.filter.drawer && (state.filter.drawer = false) } function onChangeTab() { = 1 getData() } const pagination = reactive({ page: 1, list_rows: 10, total: 0, }) const batchHandle = reactive({ data: [], }) function onChangeSelection(val) { = val } function onBatchHandle(type) { let ids = [] => { ids.push( }) switch (type) { case 'delete': ElMessageBox.confirm('此操作将删除, 是否继续?', '提示', { confirmButtonText: '确定', cancelButtonText: '取消', type: 'warning', }).then(() => { onDelete(ids.join(',')) }); break; default: onCommand({ id: ids.join(','), type: type }) break; } } function onCommand(item) { Fast.api.ajax({ url: `shopro/goods/goods/edit/id/${}`, type: 'POST', data: { status: item.type } }, function (ret, res) { getData() }, function (ret, res) { }) } function onSkuCommand(item) { Fast.api.ajax({ url: `shopro/goods/sku_price/edit/id/${}`, type: 'POST', data: { status: item.type } }, function (ret, res) { getSkuPrice(item.goods_id); }, function (ret, res) { }) } const expandRowKeys = reactive([]); function onExpand(id) { = []; if (expandRowKeys.includes(id)) { expandRowKeys.length = 0; } else { expandRowKeys.length = 0; expandRowKeys.push(id); getSkuPrice(id); } } const skuPrice = reactive({ data: [] }) function getSkuPrice(id) { Fast.api.ajax({ url: `shopro/goods/sku_price?goods_id=${id}`, type: 'GET', }, function (ret, res) { =; return false }, function (ret, res) { }) } function onOpenActivityDetail(activity) {`shopro/activity/activity/edit?type=edit&activity_type=${activity.type}&id=${}`, `${activity.type_text}活动`, { callback() { getData() } }) } function onEditStock(item) { console.log('编辑库存')`shopro/goods/goods/addStock?id=${}&stock=${item.stock || 0}&is_sku=${item.is_sku}`, "编辑库存", { callback() { getData() } }) } function onAdd() {"shopro/goods/goods/add?type=add", "添加", { callback() { getData() } }) } function onEdit(id) {`shopro/goods/goods/edit?type=edit&id=${id}`, "编辑", { callback() { getData() } }) } function onCopy(id) {`shopro/goods/goods/add?type=copy&id=${id}`, "复制", { callback() { getData() } }) } function onDelete(id) { Fast.api.ajax({ url: `shopro/goods/goods/delete/id/${id}`, type: 'DELETE', }, function (ret, res) { getData() }, function (ret, res) { }) } function onRecyclebin() {'shopro/goods/goods/recyclebin', "回收站", { callback() { getData() } }) } function onChangeCategoryIds(val) { = val?.id || 'all' = 1 getData(); } const defaultExpandedKeys = ref([]) function onFold() { for (var key in proxy.$ { proxy.$[key].expanded = false } defaultExpandedKeys.value = [] } onMounted(() => { getTypeData() getCategorySelect() getData() }) return { state, type, category, getData, onChangeSort, onOpenFilter, onChangeFilter, onChangeTab, pagination, batchHandle, onChangeSelection, onBatchHandle, onCommand, onSkuCommand, expandRowKeys, onExpand, skuPrice, getSkuPrice, onOpenActivityDetail, onEditStock, onAdd, onEdit, onCopy, onDelete, onRecyclebin, onChangeCategoryIds, onFold, defaultExpandedKeys, } } } createApp('index', index); }, add: () => { Controller.form(); }, edit: () => { Controller.form(); }, form: () => { const { ref, reactive, onBeforeMount, onMounted, getCurrentInstance, watch, nextTick } = Vue const addEdit = { setup() { const { proxy } = getCurrentInstance(); const state = reactive({ type: new URLSearchParams('type'), id: new URLSearchParams('id'), activeStep: 0, tempData: { isStockWarning: false, } }) const form = reactive({ model: { type: 'normal', // 商品类型 image: '', images: [], title: '', subtitle: '', category_ids: '', weigh: 0, sales_show_type: 'exact', show_sales: 0, limit_type: 'none', limit_num: 0, status: 'up', dispatch_type: 'express', dispatch_id: '', is_offline: 0, yushou: '', is_sku: 0, price: '', original_price: 0, cost_price: 0, stock_show_type: 'exact', stock: '', stock_warning: '', weight: '', sn: '', skus: [ { id: 0, name: '', goods_id: 0, parent_id: 0, weigh: 0, children: [ { id: 0, name: '', goods_id: 0, parent_id: 0, weigh: 0, }, ], }, ], sku_prices: [], service_ids: [], params: [], content: '', sku_prices: [], }, rules: { image: [{ required: true, message: '请选择商品主图', trigger: 'blur' }], images: [{ required: true, message: '请选择轮播图', trigger: 'blur' }], title: [{ required: true, message: '请输入商品标题', trigger: 'blur' }], // category_ids: [{ required: true, message: '请输入商品分类', trigger: 'blur' }], dispatch_id: [{ required: true, message: '请选择物流快递', trigger: 'blur' }], price: [{ required: true, message: '请输入售卖价格', trigger: 'blur' }], }, }) function getDetail() { Fast.api.ajax({ url: `shopro/goods/goods/detail/id/${}`, type: 'GET', }, function (ret, res) { form.model =; // 商品分类 initCategoryIds() // 单规格 if (form.model.is_sku == 0) { form.model.price = Number(form.model.price); state.tempData.isStockWarning = form.model.stock_warning ? true : false } // 多规格 if (form.model.is_sku == 1) { getInit(); } if (!form.model.skus) { form.model.skus = [] form.model.sku_prices = [] getInit(); } form.model.params = form.model.params ? form.model.params : []; form.model.service_ids = form.model.service_ids ? form.model.service_ids : []; // 富文本 Controller.api.bindevent(); $('#goodsContent').html(form.model.content) getDispatchSelect() return false }, function (ret, res) { }) } function onChangeGoodsType(type) { console.log(type, 'type') form.model.type = type; form.model.dispatch_type = type == 'normal' ? 'express' : 'autosend'; form.model.dispatch_id = '' getDispatchSelect() } let categoryRef = {}; const setCategoryRef = (el, tab) => { if (el) { categoryRef[ + '-' +] = el; } }; const tempCategory = reactive({ tabActive: '', idsArr: {}, label: {} }) function initCategoryIds() { tempCategory.idsArr = {} form.model.category_ids_arr.forEach(item => { if (tempCategory.idsArr[item[0]]) { tempCategory.idsArr[item[0]].push(item.pop()) } else { tempCategory.idsArr[item[0]] = [] tempCategory.idsArr[item[0]].push(item.pop()) } }) onChangeCategoryIds() } function onChangeCategoryIds() { nextTick(() => { tempCategory.label = {} for (var key in categoryRef) { let keyArr = key.split('-'); if (categoryRef[key].checkedNodes.length > 0) { categoryRef[key].checkedNodes.forEach((row) => { tempCategory.label[row.value] = keyArr[1] + '/' + row.pathLabels.join('/'); }); } } }) } function onDeleteCategoryIds(id) { delete tempCategory.label[id]; let idx = -1 for (var key in tempCategory.idsArr) { tempCategory.idsArr[key].forEach((item, index) => { if (item == id) { idx = index } }) if (idx != -1) { tempCategory.idsArr[key].splice(idx, 1) idx = -1 } } } function onClearCategoryIds() { tempCategory.idsArr = {} tempCategory.label = {} } const category = reactive({ select: [] }) function getCategorySelect(type) { Fast.api.ajax({ url: 'shopro/category/select', type: 'GET', }, function (ret, res) { = // 分类选项卡赋值 if ( > 0) { tempCategory.tabActive =[0].id + '' } if (type) { if (state.type == 'edit' || state.type == 'copy') { getDetail() } else { getInit(); getDispatchSelect() nextTick(() => { Controller.api.bindevent(); }) } } return false }, function (ret, res) { }) } function onAddCategory() {"shopro/category/add?type=add", "添加", { callback() { getCategorySelect() } }) } const dispatch = reactive({ select: [] }) function getDispatchSelect() { Fast.api.ajax({ url: 'shopro/dispatch/dispatch/select', type: 'GET', data: { type: form.model.dispatch_type } }, function (ret, res) { = return false }, function (ret, res) { }) } function onAddDispatch(dispatch_type) {`shopro/dispatch/dispatch/add?type=add&dispatch_type=${dispatch_type}`, "添加", { callback() { getDispatchSelect() } }) } function onChangeDispatchType(val) { form.model.dispatch_id = val == 'custom' ? 0 : '' getDispatchSelect() } const service = reactive({ select: [] }) function getServiceSelect() { Fast.api.ajax({ url: 'shopro/goods/service/select', type: 'GET', }, function (ret, res) { = return false }, function (ret, res) { }) } function onAddService() {"shopro/goods/service/add?type=add", "添加", { callback() { getServiceSelect() } }) } function onBack() { state.activeStep--; } function onNext() { // proxy.$refs['formRef'].validate((valid) => { // if (valid) { state.activeStep++; // } else { // return false; // } // }); } const validateData = ref({ 0: 0, 1: 0, 2: 0, 3: 0, 4: 0, }) function isValidate() { nextTick(async () => { for (var key in validateData.value) { await proxy.$refs[`formRef${key}`].validate((valid) => { if (valid) { validateData.value[key] = 0; } else { validateData.value[key] = 1; } }); } }) } const isEditInit = ref(false); function getInit() { let tempIdArr = {}; for (let i in form.model.skus) { // 为每个 规格增加当前页面自增计数器,比较唯一用 form.model.skus[i]['temp_id'] = countId.value++; for (let j in form.model.skus[i]['children']) { // 为每个 规格项增加当前页面自增计数器,比较唯一用 form.model.skus[i]['children'][j]['temp_id'] = countId.value++; // 记录规格项真实 id 对应的 临时 id tempIdArr[form.model.skus[i]['children'][j]['id']] = form.model.skus[i]['children'][j]['temp_id']; } } for (var i = 0; i < form.model.sku_prices.length; i++) { let tempSkuPrice = form.model.sku_prices[i]; tempSkuPrice['temp_id'] = i + 1; // 将真实 id 数组,循环,找到对应的临时 id 组合成数组 tempSkuPrice['goods_sku_temp_ids'] = []; let goods_sku_id_arr = tempSkuPrice['goods_sku_ids'].split(','); for (let ids of goods_sku_id_arr) { tempSkuPrice['goods_sku_temp_ids'].push(tempIdArr[ids]); } form.model.sku_prices[i] = tempSkuPrice; } if (state.type == 'copy') { for (let i in form.model.skus) { // 为每个 规格增加当前页面自增计数器,比较唯一用 form.model.skus[i].id = 0; for (let j in form.model.skus[i]['children']) { form.model.skus[i]['children'][j].id = 0; } } } if (form.model.sku_prices.length > 0) { form.model.sku_prices.forEach((si) => { si.stock_warning_switch = false; if (si.stock_warning || si.stock_warning == 0) { si.stock_warning_switch = true; } }); } setTimeout(() => { isEditInit.value = true; }, 200); } //添加主规格 const skuModal = ref(''); const countId = ref(1); function addMainSku() { form.model.skus.push({ id: 0, temp_id: countId.value++, name: skuModal.value, pid: 0, children: [], }); skuModal.value = ''; buildSkuPriceTable(); } function deleteMainSku(k) { let data = form.model.skus[k]; // 删除主规格 form.model.skus.splice(k, 1); // 如果当前删除的主规格存在子规格,则清空 skuPrice, 不存在子规格则不清空 if (data.children.length > 0) { form.model.sku_prices = []; // 规格大变化,清空skuPrice isResetSku.value = 1; // 重置规格 } buildSkuPriceTable(); } //添加子规格 const isResetSku = ref(0); const childrenModal = []; function addChildrenSku(k) { let isExist = false; form.model.skus[k].children.forEach((e) => { if ( == childrenModal[k] && != '') { isExist = true; } }); if (isExist) { alert('子规格已存在'); return false; } form.model.skus[k].children.push({ id: 0, temp_id: countId.value++, name: childrenModal[k], pid: form.model.skus[k].id, }); childrenModal[k] = ''; // 如果是添加的第一个子规格,清空 skuPrice if (form.model.skus[k].children.length == 1) { form.model.sku_prices = []; // 规格大变化,清空skuPrice isResetSku.value = 1; // 重置规格 } buildSkuPriceTable(); } function deleteChildrenSku(k, i) { let data = form.model.skus[k].children[i]; form.model.skus[k].children.splice(i, 1); // 查询 skuPrice 中包含被删除的的子规格的项,然后移除 let deleteArr = []; form.model.sku_prices.forEach((item, index) => { item.goods_sku_text.forEach((e, i) => { if (e == { deleteArr.push(index); } }); }); deleteArr.sort(function (a, b) { return b - a; }); // 移除有相关子规格的项 deleteArr.forEach((i, e) => { form.model.sku_prices.splice(i, 1); }); // 当前规格项,所有子规格都被删除,清空 skuPrice if (form.model.skus[k].children.length <= 0) { form.model.sku_prices = []; // 规格大变化,清空skuPrice isResetSku.value = 1; // 重置规格 } buildSkuPriceTable(); } watch( () => form.model.skus, () => { if (isEditInit.value && form.model.is_sku) { buildSkuPriceTable(); } }, { deep: true }, ); //组成新的规格 function buildSkuPriceTable() { let arr = []; //遍历sku子规格生成新数组,然后执行递归笛卡尔积 form.model.skus.forEach((s1, k1) => { let children = s1.children; let childrenIdArray = []; if (children.length > 0) { children.forEach((s2, k2) => { childrenIdArray.push(s2.temp_id); }); // 如果 children 子规格数量为 0,则不渲染当前规格, (相当于没有这个主规格) arr.push(childrenIdArray); } }); recursionSku(arr, 0, []); } //递归找笛卡尔规格集合 function recursionSku(arr, k, temp) { if (k == arr.length && k != 0) { let tempDetail = []; let tempDetailIds = []; temp.forEach((item, index) => { for (let sku of form.model.skus) { for (let child of sku.children) { if (item == child.temp_id) { tempDetail.push(; tempDetailIds.push(child.temp_id); } } } }); let flag = false; // 默认添加新的 for (let i = 0; i < form.model.sku_prices.length; i++) { if (form.model.sku_prices[i].goods_sku_temp_ids.join(',') == tempDetailIds.join(',')) { flag = i; break; } } if (flag === false) { form.model.sku_prices.push({ id: 0, temp_id: form.model.sku_prices.length + 1, goods_sku_ids: '', goods_id: 0, weigh: 0, image: '', stock: 0, stock_warning: null, stock_warning_switch: false, price: 0, sn: '', weight: 0, status: 'up', goods_sku_text: tempDetail, goods_sku_temp_ids: tempDetailIds, }); } else { form.model.sku_prices[flag].goods_sku_text = tempDetail; form.model.sku_prices[flag].goods_sku_temp_ids = tempDetailIds; } return; } if (arr.length) { for (let i = 0; i < arr[k].length; i++) { temp[k] = arr[k][i]; recursionSku(arr, k + 1, temp); } } } const batchPopover = reactive({ flag: { price: false, original_price: false, cost_price: false, weight: false, sn: false, }, value: '' }) function onbatchPopover(type, oper) { switch (oper) { case 'confirm': form.model.sku_prices.forEach((i) => { i[type] = batchPopover.value; }); batchPopover.value = ''; batchPopover.flag[type] = false; break; case 'cancel': batchPopover.value = ''; batchPopover.flag[type] = false; break; } } function onChangeStockWarningSwitch(index) { form.model.sku_prices[index].stock_warning = form.model.sku_prices[index].stock_warning_switch ? 0 : null; } const paramsRules = { title: [{ required: true, message: '请输入名称', trigger: 'blur' }], content: [{ required: true, message: '请输入内容', trigger: 'blur' }], }; function onAddParams() { form.model.params.push({ title: '', content: '', }); } function onDeleteParams(index) { form.model.params.splice(index, 1); } function onSuccess(data) { form.model.image_wh = { w: data.image_width, h: data.image_height, }; } function onConfirm() { isValidate() setTimeout(() => { if (validateData.value[0] == 0 && validateData.value[1] == 0 && validateData.value[2] == 0) { let submitForm = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(form.model)); let idsArr = []; for (var key in tempCategory.idsArr) { idsArr.push(...tempCategory.idsArr[key]); } submitForm.category_ids = idsArr.join(','); if (submitForm.is_sku == 0) { if (!state.tempData.isStockWarning) { submitForm.stock_warning = null } } if (submitForm.is_sku == 1) { delete submitForm.price; delete submitForm.original_price; delete submitForm.cost_price; delete submitForm.stock_show_type delete submitForm.stock; delete submitForm.stock_warning; delete submitForm.weight; delete; } submitForm.content = $("#goodsContent").val() if (state.type == 'copy') { delete; } // 虚拟商品is_offline=0 if (submitForm.type == 'virtual') { submitForm.is_offline = 0 } Fast.api.ajax({ url: state.type == 'add' || state.type == 'copy' ? 'shopro/goods/goods/add' : `shopro/goods/goods/edit/id/${}`, type: 'POST', data: submitForm }, function (ret, res) { Fast.api.close() }, function (ret, res) { }) } }, 500) } onBeforeMount(() => { getCategorySelect(true) getServiceSelect() }) return { state, form, onChangeGoodsType, categoryRef, setCategoryRef, tempCategory, onChangeCategoryIds, onDeleteCategoryIds, onClearCategoryIds, category, onAddCategory, dispatch, getDispatchSelect, onAddDispatch, onChangeDispatchType, service, onAddService, onBack, onNext, validateData, isValidate, isEditInit, getInit, skuModal, countId, addMainSku, deleteMainSku, isResetSku, childrenModal, addChildrenSku, deleteChildrenSku, buildSkuPriceTable, recursionSku, batchPopover, onbatchPopover, onChangeStockWarningSwitch, paramsRules, onAddParams, onDeleteParams, onSuccess, onConfirm } } } createApp('addEdit', addEdit); }, select: () => { const { reactive, onMounted, watch, getCurrentInstance, nextTick } = Vue const select = { setup() { const { proxy } = getCurrentInstance(); const state = reactive({ data_type: new URLSearchParams('data_type'), multiple: new URLSearchParams('multiple') || false, max: new URLSearchParams('max') || 0, ids: new URLSearchParams('ids'), // 选中的商品ids goods_ids: new URLSearchParams('goods_ids'), // 需要搜索的商品id列表 data: [], filter: { drawer: false, data: { category_ids: '', keyword: '', price: { min: '', max: '', }, }, tools: {}, }, }) state.ids = state.ids ? state.ids.split(',') : [] const category = reactive({ id: '', select: [], detail: [] }) function getCategorySelect() { Fast.api.ajax({ url: 'shopro/category/select', type: 'GET', }, function (ret, res) { ={ children: [], id: 'all', name: '全部分类', }); if ( > 0) { =[0].id; getCategoryDetail(); } return false }, function (ret, res) { }) } function getCategoryDetail() { const data = => ==; category.detail = data.children || []; =; } function changeCategoryIds(data) { =; } function getData() { let tempSearch = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(; if (tempSearch.price.min && tempSearch.price.max) { tempSearch.price = `${tempSearch.price.min} - ${tempSearch.price.max}`; } // activity_type 搜索 if (state.activity_type) { tempSearch.activity_type = state.activity_type; } // id 搜索 if (state.goods_ids) { tempSearch.goods = { field: 'id', value: state.goods_ids }; } let search = composeFilter(tempSearch, { keyword: 'like', price: 'between', }); Fast.api.ajax({ url: 'shopro/goods/goods/select', type: 'GET', data: { data_type: state.data_type, type: 'page', page:, list_rows: pagination.list_rows,, }, }, function (ret, res) { = = nextTick(() => { => { if (state.ids?.includes( + '')) { proxy.$refs['multipleTableRef']?.toggleRowSelection(l, true); toggleRowSelection('row', [l], l); } }); }); return false }, function (ret, res) { }) } watch(() =>, () => { = 1; getData() }, { deep: true, }) const pagination = reactive({ page: 1, list_rows: 10, total: 0, }) function onSelect(selection, row) { if ( !state.max || (state.max && state.max > state.ids.length) ) { if (state.ids.includes( + '')) { let index = state.ids.findIndex((id) => id ==; state.ids.splice(index, 1); } else { state.ids.push(; } } toggleRowSelection('row', selection, row); } function onSelectAll(selection) { if ( !state.max || (state.max && state.max > state.ids.length + selection.length) ) { if (selection.length == 0) { => { if (state.ids.includes( { let index = state.ids.findIndex((id) => id ==; state.ids.splice(index, 1); } }); } else { => { if (!state.ids.includes( { state.ids.push(; } }); } } toggleRowSelection('all', selection); } function toggleRowSelection(type, selection, row) { // 限制数量 if (state.max && state.max < selection.length) { if (type == 'row') { proxy.$refs['multipleTableRef'].toggleRowSelection(row, false); } else if (type == 'all') { proxy.$refs['multipleTableRef']?.clearSelection(); => { if (state.ids?.includes( { proxy.$refs['multipleTableRef']?.toggleRowSelection(l, true); } }); } ElMessage({ type: 'warning', message: '已到选择上限', }); return false; } } function onSingleSelect(item) { Fast.api.close(item) } function onConfirm() { let ids = state.ids.join(',') Fast.api.ajax({ url: 'shopro/goods/goods/select', type: 'GET', data: { type: 'select', search: JSON.stringify({ id: [ids, 'in'] }) }, }, function (ret, res) { Fast.api.close( return false }, function (ret, res) { }) } onMounted(() => { getCategorySelect() getData() }) return { state, category, getCategoryDetail, getData, changeCategoryIds, pagination, onSelect, onSelectAll, onSingleSelect, onConfirm } } } createApp('select', select); }, recyclebin: () => { const { reactive, onMounted } = Vue const { ElMessageBox } = ElementPlus const recyclebin = { setup() { const state = reactive({ data: [], order: '', sort: '', }) function getData() { Fast.api.ajax({ url: 'shopro/goods/goods/recyclebin', type: 'GET', data: { page:, list_rows: pagination.list_rows, order: state.order, sort: state.sort, }, }, function (ret, res) { = = return false }, function (ret, res) { }) } function onChangeSort({ prop, order }) { state.order = order == 'ascending' ? 'asc' : 'desc'; state.sort = prop; getData(); } const pagination = reactive({ page: 1, list_rows: 10, total: 0, }) const batchHandle = reactive({ data: [], }) function onChangeSelection(val) { = val } function onBatchHandle(type) { let ids = [] => { ids.push( }) switch (type) { case 'restore': onRestore(ids.join(',')) break; case 'destroy': ElMessageBox.confirm('此操作将销毁, 是否继续?', '提示', { confirmButtonText: '确定', cancelButtonText: '取消', type: 'warning', }).then(() => { onDestroy(ids.join(',')) }); break; case 'all': ElMessageBox.confirm('此操作将清空回收站, 是否继续?', '提示', { confirmButtonText: '确定', cancelButtonText: '取消', type: 'warning', }).then(() => { onDestroy('all') }); break; } } function onRestore(id) { Fast.api.ajax({ url: `shopro/goods/goods/restore/id/${id}`, type: 'POST', }, function (ret, res) { getData() }, function (ret, res) { }) } function onDestroy(id) { Fast.api.ajax({ url: `shopro/goods/goods/destroy/id/${id}`, type: 'POST', }, function (ret, res) { getData() }, function (ret, res) { }) } onMounted(() => { getData() }) return { state, getData, onChangeSort, pagination, batchHandle, onChangeSelection, onBatchHandle, onRestore, onDestroy, } } } createApp('recyclebin', recyclebin); }, addstock: () => { const { reactive, onMounted, getCurrentInstance, watch } = Vue const addStock = { setup() { const { proxy } = getCurrentInstance(); const state = reactive({ id: new URLSearchParams('id'), is_sku: new URLSearchParams('is_sku'), stock: new URLSearchParams('stock') || 0, }) const form = reactive({ model: { add_stock: '', sku_prices: [ { id: '', goods_sku_text: [], add_stock: '', }, ], }, rules: { add_stock: [ { required: true, message: '请输入补充库存', trigger: 'change' }, { pattern: /^(-)?[1-9][0-9]*$/, message: '只能输入正整数、负整数', trigger: 'change', }, ], }, }) const batchPopover = reactive({ flag: false, add_stock: '', }) function onBatchPopover(type) { if (type == 'cancel') { batchPopover.add_stock = ''; batchPopover.flag = false; } else { form.model.sku_prices.forEach((i) => { i.add_stock = batchPopover.add_stock; }); batchPopover.add_stock = ''; batchPopover.flag = false; } } function getSkuPrice() { Fast.api.ajax({ url: `shopro/goods/sku_price?goods_id=${}`, type: 'GET', }, function (ret, res) { form.model.sku_prices =; return false }, function (ret, res) { }) } function onConfirm() { proxy.$refs['formRef'].validate((valid) => { if (valid) { Fast.api.ajax({ url: `shopro/goods/goods/addStock/id/${}`, type: 'POST', data: JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(form.model)) }, function (ret, res) { Fast.api.close() }, function (ret, res) { }) } }); } onMounted(() => { getSkuPrice() }) return { state, form, batchPopover, onBatchPopover, getSkuPrice, onConfirm } } } createApp('addStock', addStock); }, api: { bindevent: function () { Form.api.bindevent($("form[role=form]")); }, }, }; return Controller; });