model = new GoodsModel; $this->activityModel = new ActivityModel; } /** * 查看 * * @return string|Json * @throws \think\Exception * @throws DbException */ public function index() { if (!$this->request->isAjax()) { return $this->view->fetch(); } $goodsTableName = $this->model->getQuery()->getTable(); $goods = $this->model->sheepFilter()->with(['max_sku_price']); // 聚合库存 (包含下架的规格) $skuSql = SkuPriceModel::field('sum(stock) as stock, goods_id as sku_goods_id')->group('goods_id')->buildSql(); $goods = $goods->join([$skuSql => 'sp'], $goodsTableName . '.id = sp.sku_goods_id', 'left') ->field("$goodsTableName.*, sp.stock") // ,score.* ->paginate($this->request->param('list_rows', 10))->each(function ($goods) { // 获取活动信息 $goods->activities = $goods->activities; $goods->promos = $goods->promos; $data_type = request()->param('data_type', ''); // 特殊 type 需要处理的数据 if ($data_type == 'score_shop') { $goods->is_score_shop = $goods->is_score_shop; } }); $this->success('获取成功', null, $goods); } // 获取数据类型 public function getType() { $activityTypes = $this->activityModel->typeList(); $statusList = $this->model->statusList(); $result = [ 'activity_type' => $activityTypes, 'status' => $statusList ]; $data = []; foreach ($result as $key => $list) { $data[$key][] = ['name' => '全部', 'type' => 'all']; foreach ($list as $k => $v) { $data[$key][] = [ 'name' => $v, 'type' => $k ]; } } $this->success('获取成功', null, $data); } /** * 添加 */ public function add() { if (!$this->request->isAjax()) { return $this->view->fetch(); } $params = $this->request->only([ 'type', 'title', 'subtitle', 'category_ids', 'image', 'images', 'image_wh', 'params', 'original_price', 'price', 'is_sku', 'limit_type', 'limit_num', 'sales_show_type', 'stock_show_type', 'show_sales','bean_rate','back_rate', 'service_ids', 'dispatch_type', 'dispatch_id', 'is_offline','yushou', 'status', 'weigh', ]); // likes, views, sales, $params['content'] = $this->request->param('content', '', null); // content 不经过全局过滤 $this->svalidate($params, ".add"); if (!$params['is_sku']) { // 校验单规格属性 $sku_params = $this->request->only(['stock', 'stock_warning', 'sn', 'weight', 'cost_price', 'original_price', 'price']); $this->svalidate($sku_params, '.sku_params'); } $data = Db::transaction(function () use ($params) { $this->model->save($params); $this->editSku($this->model, 'add'); }); $this->success('保存成功', null, $data); } /** * 详情 * * @param $id * @return \think\Response */ public function detail($id) { $goods = $this->model->where('id', $id)->find(); if (!$goods) { $this->error(__('No Results were found')); } $goods->category_ids_arr = $goods->category_ids_arr; if ($goods->is_sku) { $goods->skus = $goods->skus; $goods->sku_prices = $goods->sku_prices; } else { // 将单规格的部分数据直接放到 row 上 $goodsSkuPrice = SkuPriceModel::where('goods_id', $id)->order('id', 'asc')->find(); $goods->stock = $goodsSkuPrice->stock; $goods->sn = $goodsSkuPrice->sn; $goods->weight = $goodsSkuPrice->weight; $goods->stock_warning = $goodsSkuPrice->stock_warning; $goods->cost_price = $goodsSkuPrice->cost_price; } $content = $goods['content']; $goods = $goods->toArray(); $goods['content'] = $content; $this->success('保存成功', null, $goods); } /** * 编辑(支持批量) */ public function edit($id = null) { if (!$this->request->isAjax()) { return $this->view->fetch('add'); } $params = $this->request->only([ 'type', 'title', 'subtitle', 'image', 'images', 'image_wh', 'params', 'original_price', 'price', 'is_sku', 'limit_type', 'limit_num', 'sales_show_type', 'stock_show_type', 'show_sales','bean_rate','back_rate', 'service_ids', 'dispatch_type', 'dispatch_id', 'is_offline', 'yushou', 'status', 'weigh', ]); // likes, views, sales, $this->request->has('content') && $params['content'] = $this->request->param('content', '', null); // content 不经过全局过滤 $this->svalidate($params); isset($params['is_sku']) && $params['category_ids'] = $this->request->param('category_ids', ''); // 分类不判空 isset($params['is_sku']) && $params['params'] = $this->request->param('params/a', []); // 编辑如果没有传 params 赋值为空 if (isset($params['is_sku']) && !$params['is_sku']) { // 校验单规格属性 $sku_params = $this->request->only(['stock_warning', 'sn', 'weight', 'cost_price', 'original_price', 'price']); $this->svalidate($sku_params, 'sku_params'); } $id = explode(',', $id); $items = $this->model->whereIn('id', $id)->select(); Db::transaction(function () use ($items, $params) { foreach ($items as $goods) { $goods->save($params); if (isset($params['is_sku'])) { // 编辑商品(如果没有 is_sku 就是批量编辑上下架等) $this->editSku($goods, 'edit'); } } }); $this->success('更新成功', null); } public function addStock($id) { if (!$this->request->isAjax()) { return $this->view->fetch(); } $goods = $this->model->where('id', $id)->find(); if (!$goods) { $this->error(__('No Results were found')); } if ($goods->is_sku) { // 多规格 $skuPrices = $this->request->post('sku_prices/a', []); foreach ($skuPrices as $skuPrice) { if (isset($skuPrice['add_stock']) && $skuPrice['add_stock'] != 0 && $skuPrice['id']) { $skuPriceModel = SkuPriceModel::where('goods_id', $id)->order('id', 'asc')->find($skuPrice['id']); if ($skuPriceModel) { Db::transaction(function () use ($skuPriceModel, $skuPrice) { $this->addStockToSkuPrice($skuPriceModel, $skuPrice['add_stock'], 'goods'); }); } } } } else { $add_stock = $this->request->param('add_stock', 0); $skuPriceModel = SkuPriceModel::where('goods_id', $id)->order('id', 'asc')->find(); if ($skuPriceModel) { Db::transaction(function () use ($skuPriceModel, $add_stock) { $this->addStockToSkuPrice($skuPriceModel, $add_stock, 'goods'); }); } } $this->success('补货成功'); } public function select() { if (!$this->request->isAjax()) { return $this->view->fetch(); } $type = $this->request->param('type', 'page'); $goodsTableName = $this->model->getQuery()->getTable(); $goods = $this->model->sheepFilter()->with(['max_sku_price']); // 聚合库存 (包含下架的规格) $skuSql = SkuPriceModel::field('sum(stock) as stock, goods_id as sku_goods_id')->group('goods_id')->buildSql(); $goods = $goods->join([$skuSql => 'sp'], $goodsTableName . '.id = sp.sku_goods_id', 'left') ->field("$goodsTableName.*, sp.stock"); // ,score.* if ($type == 'select') { // 普通结果 $goods = collection($goods->select()); } else { // 分页结果 $goods = $goods->paginate($this->request->param('list_rows', 10)); } $goods = $goods->each(function ($goods) { // 获取活动信息 $goods->activities = $goods->activities; $goods->promos = $goods->promos; $data_type = $this->request->param('data_type', ''); // 特殊 type 需要处理的数据 if ($data_type == 'score_shop') { $goods->is_score_shop = $goods->is_score_shop; } }); $this->success('获取成功', null, $goods); } /** * 获取指定活动相关商品 * * @param Request $request * @return void */ public function activitySelect() { $activity_id = $this->request->param('activity_id'); $need_buyers = $this->request->param('need_buyers', 0); // 需要查询哪些人在参与活动 $activity = $this->activityModel->where('id', $activity_id)->find(); if (!$activity) { $this->error(__('No Results were found')); } $goodsIds = $activity->goods_ids ? explode(',', $activity->goods_ids) : []; // 存一下,获取器获取指定活动的时候会用到 foreach ($goodsIds as $id) { session('goods-activity_id:' . $id, $activity_id); } $service = new GoodsService(function ($goods) use ($need_buyers) { if ($need_buyers) { $goods->buyers = $goods->buyers; } $goods->activity = $goods->activity; return $goods; }); $goods = $service->activity($activity_id)->whereIds($goodsIds)->show()->select(); $goods = collection($goods)->toArray(); // 可以将里面的单个 model也转为数组 foreach ($goods as &$gd) { unset($gd['new_sku_prices'], $gd['activity']); } $this->success('获取成功', null, $goods); } /** * 删除(支持批量) * * @param $id * @return \think\Response */ public function delete($id) { if (empty($id)) { $this->error(__('Parameter %s can not be empty', 'id')); } $list = $this->model->where('id', 'in', $id)->select(); $result = Db::transaction(function () use ($list) { $count = 0; foreach ($list as $item) { // 删除相关库存预警记录 StockWarningModel::destroy(function ($query) use ($item) { $query->where('goods_id', $item->id); }); $count += $item->delete(); } return $count; }); if ($result) { $this->success('删除成功', null, $result); } else { $this->error(__('No rows were deleted')); } } public function recyclebin() { if (!$this->request->isAjax()) { return $this->view->fetch(); } $goods = $this->model->onlyTrashed()->sheepFilter()->paginate($this->request->param('list_rows', 10)); $this->success('获取成功', null, $goods); } /** * 还原(支持批量) * * @param $id * @return \think\Response */ public function restore($id = null) { if (empty($id)) { $this->error(__('Parameter %s can not be empty', 'id')); } $items = $this->model->onlyTrashed()->where('id', 'in', $id)->select(); $result = Db::transaction(function () use ($items) { $count = 0; foreach ($items as $item) { $count += $item->restore(); } return $count; }); if ($result) { $this->success('还原成功', null, $result); } else { $this->error(__('No rows were updated')); } } /** * 销毁(支持批量) * * @param $id * @return \think\Response */ public function destroy($id = null) { if (empty($id)) { $this->error(__('Parameter %s can not be empty', 'id')); } if ($id !== 'all') { $items = $this->model->onlyTrashed()->whereIn('id', $id)->select(); } else { $items = $this->model->onlyTrashed()->select(); } $result = Db::transaction(function () use ($items) { $count = 0; foreach ($items as $goods) { // 删除商品相关的规格,规格记录 SkuModel::where('goods_id', $goods->id)->delete(); SkuPriceModel::where('goods_id', $goods->id)->delete(); // 删除商品 $count += $goods->delete(true); } return $count; }); if ($result) { $this->success('销毁成功', null, $result); } $this->error('销毁失败'); } }