/*! * tui-code-snippet.js * @version 1.2.5 * @author FE Development Lab * @license MIT */ (function webpackUniversalModuleDefinition(root, factory) { if(typeof exports === 'object' && typeof module === 'object') module.exports = factory(); else if(typeof define === 'function' && define.amd) define([], factory); else if(typeof exports === 'object') exports["util"] = factory(); else root["tui"] = root["tui"] || {}, root["tui"]["util"] = factory(); })(this, function() { return /******/ (function(modules) { // webpackBootstrap /******/ // The module cache /******/ var installedModules = {}; /******/ // The require function /******/ function __webpack_require__(moduleId) { /******/ // Check if module is in cache /******/ if(installedModules[moduleId]) /******/ return installedModules[moduleId].exports; /******/ // Create a new module (and put it into the cache) /******/ var module = installedModules[moduleId] = { /******/ exports: {}, /******/ id: moduleId, /******/ loaded: false /******/ }; /******/ // Execute the module function /******/ modules[moduleId].call(module.exports, module, module.exports, __webpack_require__); /******/ // Flag the module as loaded /******/ module.loaded = true; /******/ // Return the exports of the module /******/ return module.exports; /******/ } /******/ // expose the modules object (__webpack_modules__) /******/ __webpack_require__.m = modules; /******/ // expose the module cache /******/ __webpack_require__.c = installedModules; /******/ // __webpack_public_path__ /******/ __webpack_require__.p = ""; /******/ // Load entry module and return exports /******/ return __webpack_require__(0); /******/ }) /************************************************************************/ /******/ ([ /* 0 */ /***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) { 'use strict'; /** * @fileoverview * @author NHN Ent. * FE Development Lab * @namespace tui.util */ var util = {}; var object = __webpack_require__(1); var extend = object.extend; extend(util, object); extend(util, __webpack_require__(3)); extend(util, __webpack_require__(2)); extend(util, __webpack_require__(4)); extend(util, __webpack_require__(5)); extend(util, __webpack_require__(6)); extend(util, __webpack_require__(7)); extend(util, __webpack_require__(8)); util.browser = __webpack_require__(9); util.popup = __webpack_require__(10); util.formatDate = __webpack_require__(11); util.defineClass = __webpack_require__(12); util.defineModule = __webpack_require__(13); util.defineNamespace = __webpack_require__(14); util.CustomEvents = __webpack_require__(15); util.Enum = __webpack_require__(16); util.ExMap = __webpack_require__(17); util.HashMap = __webpack_require__(19); util.Map = __webpack_require__(18); module.exports = util; /***/ }), /* 1 */ /***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) { /** * @fileoverview This module has some functions for handling a plain object, json. * @author NHN Ent. * FE Development Lab * @dependency type.js, collection.js, array.js */ 'use strict'; var type = __webpack_require__(2); var array = __webpack_require__(3); /** * The last id of stamp * @type {number} * @private */ var lastId = 0; /** * Extend the target object from other objects. * @param {object} target - Object that will be extended * @param {...object} objects - Objects as sources * @returns {object} Extended object * @memberof tui.util */ function extend(target, objects) { // eslint-disable-line no-unused-vars var hasOwnProp = Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty; var source, prop, i, len; for (i = 1, len = arguments.length; i < len; i += 1) { source = arguments[i]; for (prop in source) { if (hasOwnProp.call(source, prop)) { target[prop] = source[prop]; } } } return target; } /** * Assign a unique id to an object * @param {object} obj - Object that will be assigned id. * @returns {number} Stamped id * @memberof tui.util */ function stamp(obj) { if (!obj.__fe_id) { lastId += 1; obj.__fe_id = lastId; // eslint-disable-line camelcase } return obj.__fe_id; } /** * Verify whether an object has a stamped id or not. * @param {object} obj - adjusted object * @returns {boolean} * @memberof tui.util */ function hasStamp(obj) { return type.isExisty(pick(obj, '__fe_id')); } /** * Reset the last id of stamp * @private */ function resetLastId() { lastId = 0; } /** * Return a key-list(array) of a given object * @param {object} obj - Object from which a key-list will be extracted * @returns {Array} A key-list(array) * @memberof tui.util */ function keys(obj) { var keyArray = []; var key; for (key in obj) { if (obj.hasOwnProperty(key)) { keyArray.push(key); } } return keyArray; } /** * Return the equality for multiple objects(jsonObjects).
* See {@link http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1068834/object-comparison-in-javascript} * @param {...object} object - Multiple objects for comparing. * @returns {boolean} Equality * @example * * var jsonObj1 = {name:'milk', price: 1000}; * var jsonObj2 = {name:'milk', price: 1000}; * var jsonObj3 = {name:'milk', price: 1000}; * * tui.util.compareJSON(jsonObj1, jsonObj2, jsonObj3); // true * * * var jsonObj4 = {name:'milk', price: 1000}; * var jsonObj5 = {name:'beer', price: 3000}; * * tui.util.compareJSON(jsonObj4, jsonObj5); // false * @memberof tui.util */ function compareJSON(object) { var argsLen = arguments.length; var i = 1; if (argsLen < 1) { return true; } for (; i < argsLen; i += 1) { if (!isSameObject(object, arguments[i])) { return false; } } return true; } /** * @param {*} x - object to compare * @param {*} y - object to compare * @returns {boolean} - whether object x and y is same or not * @private */ function isSameObject(x, y) { // eslint-disable-line complexity var leftChain = []; var rightChain = []; var p; // remember that NaN === NaN returns false // and isNaN(undefined) returns true if (isNaN(x) && isNaN(y) && type.isNumber(x) && type.isNumber(y)) { return true; } // Compare primitives and functions. // Check if both arguments link to the same object. // Especially useful on step when comparing prototypes if (x === y) { return true; } // Works in case when functions are created in constructor. // Comparing dates is a common scenario. Another built-ins? // We can even handle functions passed across iframes if ((type.isFunction(x) && type.isFunction(y)) || (x instanceof Date && y instanceof Date) || (x instanceof RegExp && y instanceof RegExp) || (x instanceof String && y instanceof String) || (x instanceof Number && y instanceof Number)) { return x.toString() === y.toString(); } // At last checking prototypes as good a we can if (!(x instanceof Object && y instanceof Object)) { return false; } if (x.isPrototypeOf(y) || y.isPrototypeOf(x) || x.constructor !== y.constructor || x.prototype !== y.prototype) { return false; } // check for infinitive linking loops if (array.inArray(x, leftChain) > -1 || array.inArray(y, rightChain) > -1) { return false; } // Quick checking of one object beeing a subset of another. for (p in y) { if (y.hasOwnProperty(p) !== x.hasOwnProperty(p)) { return false; } else if (typeof y[p] !== typeof x[p]) { return false; } } //This for loop executes comparing with hasOwnProperty() and typeof for each property in 'x' object, //and verifying equality for x[property] and y[property]. for (p in x) { if (y.hasOwnProperty(p) !== x.hasOwnProperty(p)) { return false; } else if (typeof y[p] !== typeof x[p]) { return false; } if (typeof (x[p]) === 'object' || typeof (x[p]) === 'function') { leftChain.push(x); rightChain.push(y); if (!isSameObject(x[p], y[p])) { return false; } leftChain.pop(); rightChain.pop(); } else if (x[p] !== y[p]) { return false; } } return true; } /* eslint-enable complexity */ /** * Retrieve a nested item from the given object/array * @param {object|Array} obj - Object for retrieving * @param {...string|number} paths - Paths of property * @returns {*} Value * @memberof tui.util * @example * var obj = { * 'key1': 1, * 'nested' : { * 'key1': 11, * 'nested': { * 'key1': 21 * } * } * }; * tui.util.pick(obj, 'nested', 'nested', 'key1'); // 21 * tui.util.pick(obj, 'nested', 'nested', 'key2'); // undefined * * var arr = ['a', 'b', 'c']; * tui.util.pick(arr, 1); // 'b' */ function pick(obj, paths) { // eslint-disable-line no-unused-vars var args = arguments; var target = args[0]; var length = args.length; var i; try { for (i = 1; i < length; i += 1) { target = target[args[i]]; } return target; } catch (e) { return; // eslint-disable-line consistent-return } } module.exports = { extend: extend, stamp: stamp, hasStamp: hasStamp, resetLastId: resetLastId, keys: Object.prototype.keys || keys, compareJSON: compareJSON, pick: pick }; /***/ }), /* 2 */ /***/ (function(module, exports) { /** * @fileoverview This module provides some functions to check the type of variable * @author NHN Ent. * FE Development Lab * @dependency collection.js */ 'use strict'; var toString = Object.prototype.toString; /** * Check whether the given variable is existing or not.
* If the given variable is not null and not undefined, returns true. * @param {*} param - Target for checking * @returns {boolean} Is existy? * @memberof tui.util * @example * tui.util.isExisty(''); //true * tui.util.isExisty(0); //true * tui.util.isExisty([]); //true * tui.util.isExisty({}); //true * tui.util.isExisty(null); //false * tui.util.isExisty(undefined); //false */ function isExisty(param) { return !isUndefined(param) && !isNull(param); } /** * Check whether the given variable is undefined or not.
* If the given variable is undefined, returns true. * @param {*} obj - Target for checking * @returns {boolean} Is undefined? * @memberof tui.util */ function isUndefined(obj) { return obj === undefined; // eslint-disable-line no-undefined } /** * Check whether the given variable is null or not.
* If the given variable(arguments[0]) is null, returns true. * @param {*} obj - Target for checking * @returns {boolean} Is null? * @memberof tui.util */ function isNull(obj) { return obj === null; } /** * Check whether the given variable is truthy or not.
* If the given variable is not null or not undefined or not false, returns true.
* (It regards 0 as true) * @param {*} obj - Target for checking * @returns {boolean} Is truthy? * @memberof tui.util */ function isTruthy(obj) { return isExisty(obj) && obj !== false; } /** * Check whether the given variable is falsy or not.
* If the given variable is null or undefined or false, returns true. * @param {*} obj - Target for checking * @returns {boolean} Is falsy? * @memberof tui.util */ function isFalsy(obj) { return !isTruthy(obj); } /** * Check whether the given variable is an arguments object or not.
* If the given variable is an arguments object, return true. * @param {*} obj - Target for checking * @returns {boolean} Is arguments? * @memberof tui.util */ function isArguments(obj) { var result = isExisty(obj) && ((toString.call(obj) === '[object Arguments]') || !!obj.callee); return result; } /** * Check whether the given variable is an instance of Array or not.
* If the given variable is an instance of Array, return true. * @param {*} obj - Target for checking * @returns {boolean} Is array instance? * @memberof tui.util */ function isArray(obj) { return obj instanceof Array; } /** * Check whether the given variable is an object or not.
* If the given variable is an object, return true. * @param {*} obj - Target for checking * @returns {boolean} Is object? * @memberof tui.util */ function isObject(obj) { return obj === Object(obj); } /** * Check whether the given variable is a function or not.
* If the given variable is a function, return true. * @param {*} obj - Target for checking * @returns {boolean} Is function? * @memberof tui.util */ function isFunction(obj) { return obj instanceof Function; } /** * Check whether the given variable is a number or not.
* If the given variable is a number, return true. * @param {*} obj - Target for checking * @returns {boolean} Is number? * @memberof tui.util */ function isNumber(obj) { return typeof obj === 'number' || obj instanceof Number; } /** * Check whether the given variable is a string or not.
* If the given variable is a string, return true. * @param {*} obj - Target for checking * @returns {boolean} Is string? * @memberof tui.util */ function isString(obj) { return typeof obj === 'string' || obj instanceof String; } /** * Check whether the given variable is a boolean or not.
* If the given variable is a boolean, return true. * @param {*} obj - Target for checking * @returns {boolean} Is boolean? * @memberof tui.util */ function isBoolean(obj) { return typeof obj === 'boolean' || obj instanceof Boolean; } /** * Check whether the given variable is an instance of Array or not.
* If the given variable is an instance of Array, return true.
* (It is used for multiple frame environments) * @param {*} obj - Target for checking * @returns {boolean} Is an instance of array? * @memberof tui.util */ function isArraySafe(obj) { return toString.call(obj) === '[object Array]'; } /** * Check whether the given variable is a function or not.
* If the given variable is a function, return true.
* (It is used for multiple frame environments) * @param {*} obj - Target for checking * @returns {boolean} Is a function? * @memberof tui.util */ function isFunctionSafe(obj) { return toString.call(obj) === '[object Function]'; } /** * Check whether the given variable is a number or not.
* If the given variable is a number, return true.
* (It is used for multiple frame environments) * @param {*} obj - Target for checking * @returns {boolean} Is a number? * @memberof tui.util */ function isNumberSafe(obj) { return toString.call(obj) === '[object Number]'; } /** * Check whether the given variable is a string or not.
* If the given variable is a string, return true.
* (It is used for multiple frame environments) * @param {*} obj - Target for checking * @returns {boolean} Is a string? * @memberof tui.util */ function isStringSafe(obj) { return toString.call(obj) === '[object String]'; } /** * Check whether the given variable is a boolean or not.
* If the given variable is a boolean, return true.
* (It is used for multiple frame environments) * @param {*} obj - Target for checking * @returns {boolean} Is a boolean? * @memberof tui.util */ function isBooleanSafe(obj) { return toString.call(obj) === '[object Boolean]'; } /** * Check whether the given variable is a instance of HTMLNode or not.
* If the given variables is a instance of HTMLNode, return true. * @param {*} html - Target for checking * @returns {boolean} Is HTMLNode ? * @memberof tui.util */ function isHTMLNode(html) { if (typeof HTMLElement === 'object') { return (html && (html instanceof HTMLElement || !!html.nodeType)); } return !!(html && html.nodeType); } /** * Check whether the given variable is a HTML tag or not.
* If the given variables is a HTML tag, return true. * @param {*} html - Target for checking * @returns {Boolean} Is HTML tag? * @memberof tui.util */ function isHTMLTag(html) { if (typeof HTMLElement === 'object') { return (html && (html instanceof HTMLElement)); } return !!(html && html.nodeType && html.nodeType === 1); } /** * Check whether the given variable is empty(null, undefined, or empty array, empty object) or not.
* If the given variables is empty, return true. * @param {*} obj - Target for checking * @returns {boolean} Is empty? * @memberof tui.util */ function isEmpty(obj) { if (!isExisty(obj) || _isEmptyString(obj)) { return true; } if (isArray(obj) || isArguments(obj)) { return obj.length === 0; } if (isObject(obj) && !isFunction(obj)) { return !_hasOwnProperty(obj); } return true; } /** * Check whether given argument is empty string * @param {*} obj - Target for checking * @returns {boolean} whether given argument is empty string * @memberof tui.util * @private */ function _isEmptyString(obj) { return isString(obj) && obj === ''; } /** * Check whether given argument has own property * @param {Object} obj - Target for checking * @returns {boolean} - whether given argument has own property * @memberof tui.util * @private */ function _hasOwnProperty(obj) { var key; for (key in obj) { if (obj.hasOwnProperty(key)) { return true; } } return false; } /** * Check whether the given variable is not empty * (not null, not undefined, or not empty array, not empty object) or not.
* If the given variables is not empty, return true. * @param {*} obj - Target for checking * @returns {boolean} Is not empty? * @memberof tui.util */ function isNotEmpty(obj) { return !isEmpty(obj); } /** * Check whether the given variable is an instance of Date or not.
* If the given variables is an instance of Date, return true. * @param {*} obj - Target for checking * @returns {boolean} Is an instance of Date? * @memberof tui.util */ function isDate(obj) { return obj instanceof Date; } /** * Check whether the given variable is an instance of Date or not.
* If the given variables is an instance of Date, return true.
* (It is used for multiple frame environments) * @param {*} obj - Target for checking * @returns {boolean} Is an instance of Date? * @memberof tui.util */ function isDateSafe(obj) { return toString.call(obj) === '[object Date]'; } module.exports = { isExisty: isExisty, isUndefined: isUndefined, isNull: isNull, isTruthy: isTruthy, isFalsy: isFalsy, isArguments: isArguments, isArray: isArray, isArraySafe: isArraySafe, isObject: isObject, isFunction: isFunction, isFunctionSafe: isFunctionSafe, isNumber: isNumber, isNumberSafe: isNumberSafe, isDate: isDate, isDateSafe: isDateSafe, isString: isString, isStringSafe: isStringSafe, isBoolean: isBoolean, isBooleanSafe: isBooleanSafe, isHTMLNode: isHTMLNode, isHTMLTag: isHTMLTag, isEmpty: isEmpty, isNotEmpty: isNotEmpty }; /***/ }), /* 3 */ /***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) { /** * @fileoverview This module has some functions for handling array. * @author NHN Ent. * FE Development Lab */ 'use strict'; var collection = __webpack_require__(4); var type = __webpack_require__(2); var aps = Array.prototype.slice; var util; /** * Generate an integer Array containing an arithmetic progression. * @param {number} start - start index * @param {number} stop - stop index * @param {number} step - next visit index = current index + step * @returns {Array} * @memberof tui.util * @example * * var arr = tui.util.range(5); * console.log(arr); // [0,1,2,3,4] * * arr = tui.util.range(1, 5); * console.log(arr); // [1,2,3,4] * * arr = tui.util.range(2, 10, 2); * console.log(arr); // [2,4,6,8] * * arr = tui.util.range(10, 2, -2); * console.log(arr); // [10,8,6,4] */ var range = function(start, stop, step) { var arr = []; var flag; if (type.isUndefined(stop)) { stop = start || 0; start = 0; } step = step || 1; flag = step < 0 ? -1 : 1; stop *= flag; for (; start * flag < stop; start += step) { arr.push(start); } return arr; }; /* eslint-disable valid-jsdoc */ /** * Zip together multiple lists into a single array * @param {...Array} * @returns {Array} * @memberof tui.util * @example * * var result = tui.util.zip([1, 2, 3], ['a', 'b','c'], [true, false, true]); * * console.log(result[0]); // [1, 'a', true] * console.log(result[1]); // [2, 'b', false] * console.log(result[2]); // [3, 'c', true] */ /* eslint-enable valid-jsdoc */ var zip = function() { var arr2d = aps.call(arguments); var result = []; collection.forEach(arr2d, function(arr) { collection.forEach(arr, function(value, index) { if (!result[index]) { result[index] = []; } result[index].push(value); }); }); return result; }; /** * Returns the first index at which a given element can be found in the array * from start index(default 0), or -1 if it is not present.
* It compares searchElement to elements of the Array using strict equality * (the same method used by the ===, or triple-equals, operator). * @param {*} searchElement Element to locate in the array * @param {Array} array Array that will be traversed. * @param {number} startIndex Start index in array for searching (default 0) * @returns {number} the First index at which a given element, or -1 if it is not present * @memberof tui.util * @example * * var arr = ['one', 'two', 'three', 'four']; * var idx1; * var idx2; * * idx1 = tui.util.inArray('one', arr, 3); * alert(idx1); // -1 * * idx2 = tui.util.inArray('one', arr); * alert(idx2); // 0 */ var inArray = function(searchElement, array, startIndex) { var i; var length; startIndex = startIndex || 0; if (!type.isArray(array)) { return -1; } if (Array.prototype.indexOf) { return Array.prototype.indexOf.call(array, searchElement, startIndex); } length = array.length; for (i = startIndex; startIndex >= 0 && i < length; i += 1) { if (array[i] === searchElement) { return i; } } return -1; }; util = { inArray: inArray, range: range, zip: zip }; module.exports = util; /***/ }), /* 4 */ /***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) { /** * @fileoverview This module has some functions for handling object as collection. * @author NHN Ent. * FE Development Lab * @dependency type.js, object.js */ 'use strict'; var type = __webpack_require__(2); var object = __webpack_require__(1); /** * Execute the provided callback once for each element present * in the array(or Array-like object) in ascending order.
* If the callback function returns false, the loop will be stopped.
* Callback function(iteratee) is invoked with three arguments: * - The value of the element * - The index of the element * - The array(or Array-like object) being traversed * @param {Array} arr The array(or Array-like object) that will be traversed * @param {function} iteratee Callback function * @param {Object} [context] Context(this) of callback function * @memberof tui.util * @example * var sum = 0; * * tui.util.forEachArray([1,2,3], function(value){ * sum += value; * }); * alert(sum); // 6 */ function forEachArray(arr, iteratee, context) { var index = 0; var len = arr.length; context = context || null; for (; index < len; index += 1) { if (iteratee.call(context, arr[index], index, arr) === false) { break; } } } /** * Execute the provided callback once for each property of object which actually exist.
* If the callback function returns false, the loop will be stopped.
* Callback function(iteratee) is invoked with three arguments: * - The value of the property * - The name of the property * - The object being traversed * @param {Object} obj The object that will be traversed * @param {function} iteratee Callback function * @param {Object} [context] Context(this) of callback function * @memberof tui.util * @example * var sum = 0; * * tui.util.forEachOwnProperties({a:1,b:2,c:3}, function(value){ * sum += value; * }); * alert(sum); // 6 **/ function forEachOwnProperties(obj, iteratee, context) { var key; context = context || null; for (key in obj) { if (obj.hasOwnProperty(key)) { if (iteratee.call(context, obj[key], key, obj) === false) { break; } } } } /** * Execute the provided callback once for each property of object(or element of array) which actually exist.
* If the object is Array-like object(ex-arguments object), It needs to transform to Array.(see 'ex2' of example).
* If the callback function returns false, the loop will be stopped.
* Callback function(iteratee) is invoked with three arguments: * - The value of the property(or The value of the element) * - The name of the property(or The index of the element) * - The object being traversed * @param {Object} obj The object that will be traversed * @param {function} iteratee Callback function * @param {Object} [context] Context(this) of callback function * @memberof tui.util * @example * //ex1 * var sum = 0; * * tui.util.forEach([1,2,3], function(value){ * sum += value; * }); * alert(sum); // 6 * * //ex2 - In case of Array-like object * function sum(){ * var factors = Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments); * forEach(factors, function(value){ * //...... * }); * } */ function forEach(obj, iteratee, context) { if (type.isArray(obj)) { forEachArray(obj, iteratee, context); } else { forEachOwnProperties(obj, iteratee, context); } } /** * Execute the provided callback function once for each element in an array, in order, * and constructs a new array from the results.
* If the object is Array-like object(ex-arguments object), * It needs to transform to Array.(see 'ex2' of forEach example)
* Callback function(iteratee) is invoked with three arguments: * - The value of the property(or The value of the element) * - The name of the property(or The index of the element) * - The object being traversed * @param {Object} obj The object that will be traversed * @param {function} iteratee Callback function * @param {Object} [context] Context(this) of callback function * @returns {Array} A new array composed of returned values from callback function * @memberof tui.util * @example * var result = tui.util.map([0,1,2,3], function(value) { * return value + 1; * }); * * alert(result); // 1,2,3,4 */ function map(obj, iteratee, context) { var resultArray = []; context = context || null; forEach(obj, function() { resultArray.push(iteratee.apply(context, arguments)); }); return resultArray; } /** * Execute the callback function once for each element present in the array(or Array-like object or plain object).
* If the object is Array-like object(ex-arguments object), * It needs to transform to Array.(see 'ex2' of forEach example)
* Callback function(iteratee) is invoked with four arguments: * - The previousValue * - The currentValue * - The index * - The object being traversed * @param {Object} obj The object that will be traversed * @param {function} iteratee Callback function * @param {Object} [context] Context(this) of callback function * @returns {*} The result value * @memberof tui.util * @example * var result = tui.util.reduce([0,1,2,3], function(stored, value) { * return stored + value; * }); * * alert(result); // 6 */ function reduce(obj, iteratee, context) { var index = 0; var keys, length, store; context = context || null; if (!type.isArray(obj)) { keys = object.keys(obj); length = keys.length; store = obj[keys[index += 1]]; } else { length = obj.length; store = obj[index]; } index += 1; for (; index < length; index += 1) { store = iteratee.call(context, store, obj[keys ? keys[index] : index]); } return store; } /** * Transform the Array-like object to Array.
* In low IE (below 8), Array.prototype.slice.call is not perfect. So, try-catch statement is used. * @param {*} arrayLike Array-like object * @returns {Array} Array * @memberof tui.util * @example * var arrayLike = { * 0: 'one', * 1: 'two', * 2: 'three', * 3: 'four', * length: 4 * }; * var result = tui.util.toArray(arrayLike); * * alert(result instanceof Array); // true * alert(result); // one,two,three,four */ function toArray(arrayLike) { var arr; try { arr = Array.prototype.slice.call(arrayLike); } catch (e) { arr = []; forEachArray(arrayLike, function(value) { arr.push(value); }); } return arr; } /** * Create a new array or plain object with all elements(or properties) * that pass the test implemented by the provided function.
* Callback function(iteratee) is invoked with three arguments: * - The value of the property(or The value of the element) * - The name of the property(or The index of the element) * - The object being traversed * @param {Object} obj Object(plain object or Array) that will be traversed * @param {function} iteratee Callback function * @param {Object} [context] Context(this) of callback function * @returns {Object} plain object or Array * @memberof tui.util * @example * var result1 = tui.util.filter([0,1,2,3], function(value) { * return (value % 2 === 0); * }); * alert(result1); // 0,2 * * var result2 = tui.util.filter({a : 1, b: 2, c: 3}, function(value) { * return (value % 2 !== 0); * }); * alert(result2.a); // 1 * alert(result2.b); // undefined * alert(result2.c); // 3 */ function filter(obj, iteratee, context) { var result, add; context = context || null; if (!type.isObject(obj) || !type.isFunction(iteratee)) { throw new Error('wrong parameter'); } if (type.isArray(obj)) { result = []; add = function(subResult, args) { subResult.push(args[0]); }; } else { result = {}; add = function(subResult, args) { subResult[args[1]] = args[0]; }; } forEach(obj, function() { if (iteratee.apply(context, arguments)) { add(result, arguments); } }, context); return result; } /** * fetching a property * @param {Array} arr target collection * @param {String|Number} property property name * @returns {Array} * @memberof tui.util * @example * var objArr = [ * {'abc': 1, 'def': 2, 'ghi': 3}, * {'abc': 4, 'def': 5, 'ghi': 6}, * {'abc': 7, 'def': 8, 'ghi': 9} * ]; * var arr2d = [ * [1, 2, 3], * [4, 5, 6], * [7, 8, 9] * ]; * var result; * * result = tui.util.pluck(objArr, 'abc'); * console.log(result) // [1, 4, 7] * * result = tui.util.pluck(arr2d, 2); * console.log(result) // [3, 6, 9] */ function pluck(arr, property) { var result = map(arr, function(item) { return item[property]; }); return result; } module.exports = { forEachOwnProperties: forEachOwnProperties, forEachArray: forEachArray, forEach: forEach, toArray: toArray, map: map, reduce: reduce, filter: filter, pluck: pluck }; /***/ }), /* 5 */ /***/ (function(module, exports) { /** * @fileoverview This module provides a bind() function for context binding. * @author NHN Ent. * FE Development Lab */ 'use strict'; /** * Create a new function that, when called, has its this keyword set to the provided value. * @param {function} fn A original function before binding * @param {*} obj context of function in arguments[0] * @returns {function()} A new bound function with context that is in arguments[1] * @memberof tui.util */ function bind(fn, obj) { var slice = Array.prototype.slice; var args; if (fn.bind) { return fn.bind.apply(fn, slice.call(arguments, 1)); } /* istanbul ignore next */ args = slice.call(arguments, 2); /* istanbul ignore next */ return function() { /* istanbul ignore next */ return fn.apply(obj, args.length ? args.concat(slice.call(arguments)) : arguments); }; } module.exports = { bind: bind }; /***/ }), /* 6 */ /***/ (function(module, exports) { /** * @fileoverview This module provides some simple function for inheritance. * @author NHN Ent. * FE Development Lab */ 'use strict'; /** * Create a new object with the specified prototype object and properties. * @param {Object} obj This object will be a prototype of the newly-created object. * @returns {Object} * @memberof tui.util */ function createObject(obj) { function F() {} // eslint-disable-line require-jsdoc F.prototype = obj; return new F(); } /** * Provide a simple inheritance in prototype-oriented.
* Caution : * Don't overwrite the prototype of child constructor. * * @param {function} subType Child constructor * @param {function} superType Parent constructor * @memberof tui.util * @example * // Parent constructor * function Animal(leg) { * this.leg = leg; * } * * Animal.prototype.growl = function() { * // ... * }; * * // Child constructor * function Person(name) { * this.name = name; * } * * // Inheritance * core.inherit(Person, Animal); * * // After this inheritance, please use only the extending of property. * // Do not overwrite prototype. * Person.prototype.walk = function(direction) { * // ... * }; */ function inherit(subType, superType) { var prototype = createObject(superType.prototype); prototype.constructor = subType; subType.prototype = prototype; } module.exports = { createObject: createObject, inherit: inherit }; /***/ }), /* 7 */ /***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) { /** * @fileoverview This module has some functions for handling the string. * @author NHN Ent. * FE Development Lab */ 'use strict'; var collection = __webpack_require__(4); var object = __webpack_require__(1); /** * Transform the given HTML Entity string into plain string * @param {String} htmlEntity - HTML Entity type string * @returns {String} Plain string * @memberof tui.util * @example * var htmlEntityString = "A 'quote' is <b>bold</b>" * var result = decodeHTMLEntity(htmlEntityString); //"A 'quote' is bold" */ function decodeHTMLEntity(htmlEntity) { var entities = { '"': '"', '&': '&', '<': '<', '>': '>', ''': '\'', ' ': ' ' }; return htmlEntity.replace(/&|<|>|"|'| /g, function(m0) { return entities[m0] ? entities[m0] : m0; }); } /** * Transform the given string into HTML Entity string * @param {String} html - String for encoding * @returns {String} HTML Entity * @memberof tui.util * @example * var htmlEntityString = ""; * var result = encodeHTMLEntity(htmlEntityString); * //"<script> alert('test');</script><a href='test'>" */ function encodeHTMLEntity(html) { var entities = {'"': 'quot', '&': 'amp', '<': 'lt', '>': 'gt', '\'': '#39'}; return html.replace(/[<>&"']/g, function(m0) { return entities[m0] ? '&' + entities[m0] + ';' : m0; }); } /** * Return whether the string capable to transform into plain string is in the given string or not. * @param {String} string - test string * @memberof tui.util * @returns {boolean} */ function hasEncodableString(string) { return (/[<>&"']/).test(string); } /** * Return duplicate charters * @param {string} operandStr1 The operand string * @param {string} operandStr2 The operand string * @private * @memberof tui.util * @returns {string} * @example * tui.util.getDuplicatedChar('fe dev', 'nhn entertainment'); * => 'e' * tui.util.getDuplicatedChar('fdsa', 'asdf'); * => 'asdf' */ function getDuplicatedChar(operandStr1, operandStr2) { var i = 0; var len = operandStr1.length; var pool = {}; var dupl, key; for (; i < len; i += 1) { key = operandStr1.charAt(i); pool[key] = 1; } for (i = 0, len = operandStr2.length; i < len; i += 1) { key = operandStr2.charAt(i); if (pool[key]) { pool[key] += 1; } } pool = collection.filter(pool, function(item) { return item > 1; }); pool = object.keys(pool).sort(); dupl = pool.join(''); return dupl; } module.exports = { decodeHTMLEntity: decodeHTMLEntity, encodeHTMLEntity: encodeHTMLEntity, hasEncodableString: hasEncodableString, getDuplicatedChar: getDuplicatedChar }; /***/ }), /* 8 */ /***/ (function(module, exports) { /** * @fileoverview collections of some technic methods. * @author NHN Ent. FE Development Lab */ 'use strict'; var tricks = {}; var aps = Array.prototype.slice; /** * Creates a debounced function that delays invoking fn until after delay milliseconds has elapsed * since the last time the debouced function was invoked. * @param {function} fn The function to debounce. * @param {number} [delay=0] The number of milliseconds to delay * @memberof tui.util * @returns {function} debounced function. * @example * * function someMethodToInvokeDebounced() {} * * var debounced = tui.util.debounce(someMethodToInvokeDebounced, 300); * * // invoke repeatedly * debounced(); * debounced(); * debounced(); * debounced(); * debounced(); * debounced(); // last invoke of debounced() * * // invoke someMethodToInvokeDebounced() after 300 milliseconds. */ function debounce(fn, delay) { var timer, args; /* istanbul ignore next */ delay = delay || 0; function debounced() { // eslint-disable-line require-jsdoc args = aps.call(arguments); window.clearTimeout(timer); timer = window.setTimeout(function() { fn.apply(null, args); }, delay); } return debounced; } /** * return timestamp * @memberof tui.util * @returns {number} The number of milliseconds from Jan. 1970 00:00:00 (GMT) */ function timestamp() { return Number(new Date()); } /** * Creates a throttled function that only invokes fn at most once per every interval milliseconds. * * You can use this throttle short time repeatedly invoking functions. (e.g MouseMove, Resize ...) * * if you need reuse throttled method. you must remove slugs (e.g. flag variable) related with throttling. * @param {function} fn function to throttle * @param {number} [interval=0] the number of milliseconds to throttle invocations to. * @memberof tui.util * @returns {function} throttled function * @example * * function someMethodToInvokeThrottled() {} * * var throttled = tui.util.throttle(someMethodToInvokeThrottled, 300); * * // invoke repeatedly * throttled(); // invoke (leading) * throttled(); * throttled(); // invoke (near 300 milliseconds) * throttled(); * throttled(); * throttled(); // invoke (near 600 milliseconds) * // ... * // invoke (trailing) * * // if you need reuse throttled method. then invoke reset() * throttled.reset(); */ function throttle(fn, interval) { var base; var isLeading = true; var tick = function(_args) { fn.apply(null, _args); base = null; }; var debounced, stamp, args; /* istanbul ignore next */ interval = interval || 0; debounced = tricks.debounce(tick, interval); function throttled() { // eslint-disable-line require-jsdoc args = aps.call(arguments); if (isLeading) { tick(args); isLeading = false; return; } stamp = tricks.timestamp(); base = base || stamp; // pass array directly because `debounce()`, `tick()` are already use // `apply()` method to invoke developer's `fn` handler. // // also, this `debounced` line invoked every time for implements // `trailing` features. debounced(args); if ((stamp - base) >= interval) { tick(args); } } function reset() { // eslint-disable-line require-jsdoc isLeading = true; base = null; } throttled.reset = reset; return throttled; } tricks.timestamp = timestamp; tricks.debounce = debounce; tricks.throttle = throttle; module.exports = tricks; /***/ }), /* 9 */ /***/ (function(module, exports) { /** * @fileoverview This module detects the kind of well-known browser and version. * @author NHN Ent. * FE Development Lab */ 'use strict'; /** * This object has an information that indicate the kind of browser.
* The list below is a detectable browser list. * - ie8 ~ ie11 * - chrome * - firefox * - safari * - edge * @memberof tui.util * @example * tui.util.browser.chrome === true; // chrome * tui.util.browser.firefox === true; // firefox * tui.util.browser.safari === true; // safari * tui.util.browser.msie === true; // IE * tui.util.browser.edge === true; // edge * tui.util.browser.others === true; // other browser * tui.util.browser.version; // browser version */ var browser = { chrome: false, firefox: false, safari: false, msie: false, edge: false, others: false, version: 0 }; var nav = window.navigator; var appName = nav.appName.replace(/\s/g, '_'); var userAgent = nav.userAgent; var rIE = /MSIE\s([0-9]+[.0-9]*)/; var rIE11 = /Trident.*rv:11\./; var rEdge = /Edge\/(\d+)\./; var versionRegex = { firefox: /Firefox\/(\d+)\./, chrome: /Chrome\/(\d+)\./, safari: /Version\/([\d\.]+).*Safari\/(\d+)/ }; var key, tmp; var detector = { Microsoft_Internet_Explorer: function() { // eslint-disable-line camelcase var detectedVersion = userAgent.match(rIE); if (detectedVersion) { // ie8 ~ ie10 browser.msie = true; browser.version = parseFloat(detectedVersion[1]); } else { // no version information browser.others = true; } }, Netscape: function() { // eslint-disable-line complexity var detected = false; if (rIE11.exec(userAgent)) { browser.msie = true; browser.version = 11; detected = true; } else if (rEdge.exec(userAgent)) { browser.edge = true; browser.version = userAgent.match(rEdge)[1]; detected = true; } else { for (key in versionRegex) { if (versionRegex.hasOwnProperty(key)) { tmp = userAgent.match(versionRegex[key]); if (tmp && tmp.length > 1) { // eslint-disable-line max-depth browser[key] = detected = true; browser.version = parseFloat(tmp[1] || 0); break; } } } } if (!detected) { browser.others = true; } } }; var fn = detector[appName]; if (fn) { detector[appName](); } module.exports = browser; /***/ }), /* 10 */ /***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) { /** * @fileoverview This module has some methods for handling popup-window * @author NHN Ent. * FE Development Lab * @dependency browser.js, type.js, object.js, collection.js, func.js */ 'use strict'; var collection = __webpack_require__(4); var type = __webpack_require__(2); var func = __webpack_require__(5); var browser = __webpack_require__(9); var object = __webpack_require__(1); var popupId = 0; /** * Popup management class * @constructor * @memberof tui.util */ function Popup() { /** * Caching the window-contexts of opened popups * @type {Object} */ this.openedPopup = {}; /** * In IE7, an error occurs when the closeWithParent property attaches to window object.
* So, It is for saving the value of closeWithParent instead of attaching to window object. * @type {Object} */ this.closeWithParentPopup = {}; /** * Post data bridge for IE11 popup * @type {string} */ this.postBridgeUrl = ''; } /********** * public methods **********/ /** * Returns a popup-list administered by current window. * @param {string} [key] The key of popup. * @returns {Object} popup window list object */ Popup.prototype.getPopupList = function(key) { var target; if (type.isExisty(key)) { target = this.openedPopup[key]; } else { target = this.openedPopup; } return target; }; /** * Open popup * Caution: * In IE11, when transfer data to popup by POST, must set the postBridgeUrl. * * @param {string} url - popup url * @param {Object} options - popup options * @param {string} [options.popupName] - Key of popup window.
* If the key is set, when you try to open by this key, the popup of this key is focused.
* Or else a new popup window having this key is opened. * * @param {string} [options.popupOptionStr=""] - Option string of popup window
* It is same with the third parameter of window.open() method.
* See {@link http://www.w3schools.com/jsref/met_win_open.asp} * * @param {boolean} [options.closeWithParent=true] - Is closed when parent window closed? * * @param {boolean} [options.useReload=false] - This property indicates whether reload the popup or not.
* If true, the popup will be reloaded when you try to re-open the popup that has been opened.
* When transmit the POST-data, some browsers alert a message for confirming whether retransmit or not. * * @param {string} [options.postBridgeUrl=''] * Use this url to avoid a certain bug occuring when transmitting POST data to the popup in IE11.
* This specific buggy situation is known to happen because IE11 tries to open the requested url
* not in a new popup window as intended, but in a new tab.
* See {@link http://wiki.nhnent.com/pages/viewpage.action?pageId=240562844} * * @param {string} [options.method=get] * The method of transmission when the form-data is transmitted to popup-window. * * @param {Object} [options.param=null] * Using as parameters for transmission when the form-data is transmitted to popup-window. */ Popup.prototype.openPopup = function(url, options) { // eslint-disable-line complexity var popup, formElement, useIEPostBridge; options = object.extend({ popupName: 'popup_' + popupId + '_' + Number(new Date()), popupOptionStr: '', useReload: true, closeWithParent: true, method: 'get', param: {} }, options || {}); options.method = options.method.toUpperCase(); this.postBridgeUrl = options.postBridgeUrl || this.postBridgeUrl; useIEPostBridge = options.method === 'POST' && options.param && browser.msie && browser.version === 11; if (!type.isExisty(url)) { throw new Error('Popup#open() need popup url.'); } popupId += 1; /* * In form-data transmission * 1. Create a form before opening a popup. * 2. Transmit the form-data. * 3. Remove the form after transmission. */ if (options.param) { if (options.method === 'GET') { url = url + (/\?/.test(url) ? '&' : '?') + this._parameterize(options.param); } else if (options.method === 'POST') { if (!useIEPostBridge) { formElement = this.createForm(url, options.param, options.method, options.popupName); url = 'about:blank'; } } } popup = this.openedPopup[options.popupName]; if (!type.isExisty(popup)) { this.openedPopup[options.popupName] = popup = this._open(useIEPostBridge, options.param, url, options.popupName, options.popupOptionStr); } else if (popup.closed) { this.openedPopup[options.popupName] = popup = this._open(useIEPostBridge, options.param, url, options.popupName, options.popupOptionStr); } else { if (options.useReload) { popup.location.replace(url); } popup.focus(); } this.closeWithParentPopup[options.popupName] = options.closeWithParent; if (!popup || popup.closed || type.isUndefined(popup.closed)) { alert('please enable popup windows for this website'); } if (options.param && options.method === 'POST' && !useIEPostBridge) { if (popup) { formElement.submit(); } if (formElement.parentNode) { formElement.parentNode.removeChild(formElement); } } window.onunload = func.bind(this.closeAllPopup, this); }; /** * Close the popup * @param {boolean} [skipBeforeUnload] - If true, the 'window.onunload' will be null and skip unload event. * @param {Window} [popup] - Window-context of popup for closing. If omit this, current window-context will be closed. */ Popup.prototype.close = function(skipBeforeUnload, popup) { var target = popup || window; skipBeforeUnload = type.isExisty(skipBeforeUnload) ? skipBeforeUnload : false; if (skipBeforeUnload) { window.onunload = null; } if (!target.closed) { target.opener = window.location.href; target.close(); } }; /** * Close all the popups in current window. * @param {boolean} closeWithParent - If true, popups having the closeWithParentPopup property as true will be closed. */ Popup.prototype.closeAllPopup = function(closeWithParent) { var hasArg = type.isExisty(closeWithParent); collection.forEachOwnProperties(this.openedPopup, function(popup, key) { if ((hasArg && this.closeWithParentPopup[key]) || !hasArg) { this.close(false, popup); } }, this); }; /** * Activate(or focus) the popup of the given name. * @param {string} popupName - Name of popup for activation */ Popup.prototype.focus = function(popupName) { this.getPopupList(popupName).focus(); }; /** * Return an object made of parsing the query string. * @returns {Object} An object having some information of the query string. * @private */ Popup.prototype.parseQuery = function() { var param = {}; var search, pair; search = window.location.search.substr(1); collection.forEachArray(search.split('&'), function(part) { pair = part.split('='); param[decodeURIComponent(pair[0])] = decodeURIComponent(pair[1]); }); return param; }; /** * Create a hidden form from the given arguments and return this form. * @param {string} action - URL for form transmission * @param {Object} [data] - Data for form transmission * @param {string} [method] - Method of transmission * @param {string} [target] - Target of transmission * @param {HTMLElement} [container] - Container element of form. * @returns {HTMLElement} Form element */ Popup.prototype.createForm = function(action, data, method, target, container) { var form = document.createElement('form'), input; container = container || document.body; form.method = method || 'POST'; form.action = action || ''; form.target = target || ''; form.style.display = 'none'; collection.forEachOwnProperties(data, function(value, key) { input = document.createElement('input'); input.name = key; input.type = 'hidden'; input.value = value; form.appendChild(input); }); container.appendChild(form); return form; }; /********** * private methods **********/ /** * Return an query string made by parsing the given object * @param {Object} obj - An object that has information for query string * @returns {string} - Query string * @private */ Popup.prototype._parameterize = function(obj) { var query = []; collection.forEachOwnProperties(obj, function(value, key) { query.push(encodeURIComponent(key) + '=' + encodeURIComponent(value)); }); return query.join('&'); }; /** * Open popup * @param {boolean} useIEPostBridge - A switch option whether to use alternative * of tossing POST data to the popup window in IE11 * @param {Object} param - A data for tossing to popup * @param {string} url - Popup url * @param {string} popupName - Popup name * @param {string} optionStr - Setting for popup, ex) 'width=640,height=320,scrollbars=yes' * @returns {Window} Window context of popup * @private */ Popup.prototype._open = function(useIEPostBridge, param, url, popupName, optionStr) { var popup; if (useIEPostBridge) { popup = window.open(this.postBridgeUrl, popupName, optionStr); setTimeout(function() { popup.redirect(url, param); }, 100); } else { popup = window.open(url, popupName, optionStr); } return popup; }; module.exports = new Popup(); /***/ }), /* 11 */ /***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) { /** * @fileoverview This module has a function for date format. * @author NHN Ent. * FE Development Lab * @dependency type.js, object.js */ 'use strict'; var type = __webpack_require__(2); var object = __webpack_require__(1); var tokens = /[\\]*YYYY|[\\]*YY|[\\]*MMMM|[\\]*MMM|[\\]*MM|[\\]*M|[\\]*DD|[\\]*D|[\\]*HH|[\\]*H|[\\]*A/gi; var MONTH_STR = [ 'Invalid month', 'January', 'February', 'March', 'April', 'May', 'June', 'July', 'August', 'September', 'October', 'November', 'December' ]; var MONTH_DAYS = [0, 31, 28, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31]; var replaceMap = { M: function(date) { return Number(date.month); }, MM: function(date) { var month = date.month; return (Number(month) < 10) ? '0' + month : month; }, MMM: function(date) { return MONTH_STR[Number(date.month)].substr(0, 3); }, MMMM: function(date) { return MONTH_STR[Number(date.month)]; }, D: function(date) { return Number(date.date); }, d: function(date) { return replaceMap.D(date); // eslint-disable-line new-cap }, DD: function(date) { var dayInMonth = date.date; return (Number(dayInMonth) < 10) ? '0' + dayInMonth : dayInMonth; }, dd: function(date) { return replaceMap.DD(date); // eslint-disable-line new-cap }, YY: function(date) { return Number(date.year) % 100; }, yy: function(date) { return replaceMap.YY(date); // eslint-disable-line new-cap }, YYYY: function(date) { var prefix = '20', year = date.year; if (year > 69 && year < 100) { prefix = '19'; } return (Number(year) < 100) ? prefix + String(year) : year; }, yyyy: function(date) { return replaceMap.YYYY(date); // eslint-disable-line new-cap }, A: function(date) { return date.meridiem; }, a: function(date) { return date.meridiem; }, hh: function(date) { var hour = date.hour; return (Number(hour) < 10) ? '0' + hour : hour; }, HH: function(date) { return replaceMap.hh(date); }, h: function(date) { return String(Number(date.hour)); }, H: function(date) { return replaceMap.h(date); }, m: function(date) { return String(Number(date.minute)); }, mm: function(date) { var minute = date.minute; return (Number(minute) < 10) ? '0' + minute : minute; } }; /** * Check whether the given variables are valid date or not. * @param {number} year - Year * @param {number} month - Month * @param {number} date - Day in month. * @returns {boolean} Is valid? * @private */ function isValidDate(year, month, date) { // eslint-disable-line complexity var isValidYear, isValidMonth, isValid, lastDayInMonth; year = Number(year); month = Number(month); date = Number(date); isValidYear = (year > -1 && year < 100) || (year > 1969) && (year < 2070); isValidMonth = (month > 0) && (month < 13); if (!isValidYear || !isValidMonth) { return false; } lastDayInMonth = MONTH_DAYS[month]; if (month === 2 && year % 4 === 0) { if (year % 100 !== 0 || year % 400 === 0) { lastDayInMonth = 29; } } isValid = (date > 0) && (date <= lastDayInMonth); return isValid; } /** * Return a string that transformed from the given form and date. * @param {string} form - Date form * @param {Date|Object} date - Date object * @param {{meridiemSet: {AM: string, PM: string}}} option - Option * @returns {boolean|string} A transformed string or false. * @memberof tui.util * @example * // key | Shorthand * // --------------- |----------------------- * // years | YY / YYYY / yy / yyyy * // months(n) | M / MM * // months(str) | MMM / MMMM * // days | D / DD / d / dd * // hours | H / HH / h / hh * // minutes | m / mm * // meridiem(AM,PM) | A / a * * var dateStr1 = formatDate('yyyy-MM-dd', { * year: 2014, * month: 12, * date: 12 * }); * alert(dateStr1); // '2014-12-12' * * var dateStr2 = formatDate('MMM DD YYYY HH:mm', { * year: 1999, * month: 9, * date: 9, * hour: 0, * minute: 2 * }) * alert(dateStr2); // 'Sep 09 1999 00:02' * * var dt = new Date(2010, 2, 13), * dateStr3 = formatDate('yyyy년 M월 dd일', dt); * * alert(dateStr3); // '2010년 3월 13일' * * var option4 = { * meridiemSet: { * AM: '오전', * PM: '오후' * } * }; * var date4 = {year: 1999, month: 9, date: 9, hour: 13, minute: 2}; * var dateStr4 = formatDate('yyyy-MM-dd A hh:mm', date4, option4)); * * alert(dateStr4); // '1999-09-09 오후 01:02' */ function formatDate(form, date, option) { // eslint-disable-line complexity var meridiem, nDate, resultStr; if (type.isDate(date)) { nDate = { year: date.getFullYear(), month: date.getMonth() + 1, date: date.getDate(), hour: date.getHours(), minute: date.getMinutes() }; } else { nDate = { year: date.year, month: date.month, date: date.date, hour: date.hour, minute: date.minute }; } if (!isValidDate(nDate.year, nDate.month, nDate.date)) { return false; } nDate.meridiem = ''; if (/([^\\]|^)[aA]\b/.test(form)) { meridiem = (nDate.hour > 11) ? object.pick(option, 'meridiemSet', 'PM') || 'PM' : object.pick(option, 'meridiemSet', 'AM') || 'AM'; if (nDate.hour > 12) { //See the clock system: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/12-hour_clock nDate.hour %= 12; } if (nDate.hour === 0) { nDate.hour = 12; } nDate.meridiem = meridiem; } resultStr = form.replace(tokens, function(key) { if (key.indexOf('\\') > -1) { // escape character return key.replace(/\\/, ''); } return replaceMap[key](nDate) || ''; }); return resultStr; } module.exports = formatDate; /***/ }), /* 12 */ /***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) { /** * @fileoverview * This module provides a function to make a constructor * that can inherit from the other constructors like the CLASS easily. * @author NHN Ent. * FE Development Lab * @dependencies inheritance.js, object.js */ 'use strict'; var inherit = __webpack_require__(6).inherit; var extend = __webpack_require__(1).extend; /** * Help a constructor to be defined and to inherit from the other constructors * @param {*} [parent] Parent constructor * @param {Object} props Members of constructor * @param {Function} props.init Initialization method * @param {Object} [props.static] Static members of constructor * @returns {*} Constructor * @memberof tui.util * @example * var Parent = tui.util.defineClass({ * init: function() { * this.name = 'made by def'; * }, * method: function() { * //..can do something with this * }, * static: { * staticMethod: function() { * //..do something * } * } * }); * * var Child = tui.util.defineClass(Parent, { * method2: function() {} * }); * * Parent.staticMethod(); * * var parentInstance = new Parent(); * console.log(parentInstance.name); //made by def * parentInstance.staticMethod(); // Error * * var childInstance = new Child(); * childInstance.method(); * childInstance.method2(); */ function defineClass(parent, props) { var obj; if (!props) { props = parent; parent = null; } obj = props.init || function() {}; if (parent) { inherit(obj, parent); } if (props.hasOwnProperty('static')) { extend(obj, props['static']); delete props['static']; } extend(obj.prototype, props); return obj; } module.exports = defineClass; /***/ }), /* 13 */ /***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) { /** * @fileoverview Define module * @author NHN Ent. * FE Development Lab * @dependency type.js, defineNamespace.js */ 'use strict'; var defineNamespace = __webpack_require__(14); var type = __webpack_require__(2); var INITIALIZATION_METHOD_NAME = 'initialize'; /** * Define module * @param {string} namespace - Namespace of module * @param {Object} moduleDefinition - Object literal for module * @returns {Object} Defined module * @memberof tui.util * @example * var myModule = tui.util.defineModule('modules.myModule', { * name: 'john', * message: '', * initialize: function() { * this.message = 'hello world'; * }, * getMessage: function() { * return this.name + ': ' + this.message * } * }); * * console.log(myModule.getMessage()); // 'john: hello world'; * console.log(window.modules.myModule.getMessage()); // 'john: hello world'; */ function defineModule(namespace, moduleDefinition) { var base = moduleDefinition || {}; if (type.isFunction(base[INITIALIZATION_METHOD_NAME])) { base[INITIALIZATION_METHOD_NAME](); } return defineNamespace(namespace, base); } module.exports = defineModule; /***/ }), /* 14 */ /***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) { /** * @fileoverview Define namespace * @author NHN Ent. * FE Development Lab * @dependency object.js, collection.js */ 'use strict'; var collection = __webpack_require__(4); var object = __webpack_require__(1); /** * Define namespace * @param {string} namespace - Namespace (ex- 'foo.bar.baz') * @param {(object|function)} props - A set of modules or one module * @param {boolean} [isOverride] - Override the props to the namespace.
* (It removes previous properties of this namespace) * @returns {(object|function)} Defined namespace * @memberof tui.util * @example * var neComp = tui.util.defineNamespace('ne.component'); * neComp.listMenu = defineClass({ * init: function() { * // code * } * }); */ function defineNamespace(namespace, props, isOverride) { var names, result, prevLast, last; names = namespace.split('.'); names.unshift(window); result = collection.reduce(names, function(obj, name) { obj[name] = obj[name] || {}; return obj[name]; }); if (isOverride) { last = names.pop(); prevLast = object.pick.apply(null, names); result = prevLast[last] = props; } else { object.extend(result, props); } return result; } module.exports = defineNamespace; /***/ }), /* 15 */ /***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) { /** * @fileoverview * This module provides some functions for custom events.
* And it is implemented in the observer design pattern. * @author NHN Ent. * FE Development Lab * @dependency type.js, collection.js object.js */ 'use strict'; var collection = __webpack_require__(4); var type = __webpack_require__(2); var object = __webpack_require__(1); var R_EVENTNAME_SPLIT = /\s+/g; /** * A unit of event handler item. * @ignore * @typedef {object} HandlerItem * @property {function} fn - event handler * @property {object} ctx - context of event handler */ /** * @class * @memberof tui.util */ function CustomEvents() { /** * @type {HandlerItem[]} */ this.events = null; /** * only for checking specific context event was binded * @type {object[]} */ this.contexts = null; } /** * Mixin custom events feature to specific constructor * @param {function} func - constructor * @example * function Model() { * this.name = ''; * } * tui.util.CustomEvents.mixin(Model); * * var model = new Model(); * model.on('change', function() { this.name = 'model'; }, this); * * model.fire('change'); * alert(model.name); // 'model'; */ CustomEvents.mixin = function(func) { object.extend(func.prototype, CustomEvents.prototype); }; /** * Get HandlerItem object * @param {function} handler - handler function * @param {object} [context] - context for handler * @returns {HandlerItem} HandlerItem object * @private */ CustomEvents.prototype._getHandlerItem = function(handler, context) { var item = {handler: handler}; if (context) { item.context = context; } return item; }; /** * Get event object safely * @param {string} [eventName] - create sub event map if not exist. * @returns {(object|array)} event object. if you supplied `eventName` * parameter then make new array and return it * @private */ CustomEvents.prototype._safeEvent = function(eventName) { var events = this.events; var byName; if (!events) { events = this.events = {}; } if (eventName) { byName = events[eventName]; if (!byName) { byName = []; events[eventName] = byName; } events = byName; } return events; }; /** * Get context array safely * @returns {array} context array * @private */ CustomEvents.prototype._safeContext = function() { var context = this.contexts; if (!context) { context = this.contexts = []; } return context; }; /** * Get index of context * @param {object} ctx - context that used for bind custom event * @returns {number} index of context * @private */ CustomEvents.prototype._indexOfContext = function(ctx) { var context = this._safeContext(); var index = 0; while (context[index]) { if (ctx === context[index][0]) { return index; } index += 1; } return -1; }; /** * Memorize supplied context for recognize supplied object is context or * name: handler pair object when off() * @param {object} ctx - context object to memorize * @private */ CustomEvents.prototype._memorizeContext = function(ctx) { var context, index; if (!type.isExisty(ctx)) { return; } context = this._safeContext(); index = this._indexOfContext(ctx); if (index > -1) { context[index][1] += 1; } else { context.push([ctx, 1]); } }; /** * Forget supplied context object * @param {object} ctx - context object to forget * @private */ CustomEvents.prototype._forgetContext = function(ctx) { var context, contextIndex; if (!type.isExisty(ctx)) { return; } context = this._safeContext(); contextIndex = this._indexOfContext(ctx); if (contextIndex > -1) { context[contextIndex][1] -= 1; if (context[contextIndex][1] <= 0) { context.splice(contextIndex, 1); } } }; /** * Bind event handler * @param {(string|{name:string, handler:function})} eventName - custom * event name or an object {eventName: handler} * @param {(function|object)} [handler] - handler function or context * @param {object} [context] - context for binding * @private */ CustomEvents.prototype._bindEvent = function(eventName, handler, context) { var events = this._safeEvent(eventName); this._memorizeContext(context); events.push(this._getHandlerItem(handler, context)); }; /** * Bind event handlers * @param {(string|{name:string, handler:function})} eventName - custom * event name or an object {eventName: handler} * @param {(function|object)} [handler] - handler function or context * @param {object} [context] - context for binding * @example * // 1. Basic * ustomEvent.on('onload', handler); * * // 2. With context * customEvent.on('onload', handler, myObj); * * // 3. Bind by object that name, handler pairs * customEvent.on({ * 'play': handler, * 'pause': handler2 * }); * * // 4. Bind by object that name, handler pairs with context object * customEvent.on({ * 'play': handler * }, myObj); */ CustomEvents.prototype.on = function(eventName, handler, context) { var self = this; if (type.isString(eventName)) { // [syntax 1, 2] eventName = eventName.split(R_EVENTNAME_SPLIT); collection.forEach(eventName, function(name) { self._bindEvent(name, handler, context); }); } else if (type.isObject(eventName)) { // [syntax 3, 4] context = handler; collection.forEach(eventName, function(func, name) { self.on(name, func, context); }); } }; /** * Bind one-shot event handlers * @param {(string|{name:string,handler:function})} eventName - custom * event name or an object {eventName: handler} * @param {function|object} [handler] - handler function or context * @param {object} [context] - context for binding */ CustomEvents.prototype.once = function(eventName, handler, context) { var self = this; if (type.isObject(eventName)) { context = handler; collection.forEach(eventName, function(func, name) { self.once(name, func, context); }); return; } function onceHandler() { // eslint-disable-line require-jsdoc handler.apply(context, arguments); self.off(eventName, onceHandler, context); } this.on(eventName, onceHandler, context); }; /** * Splice supplied array by callback result * @param {array} arr - array to splice * @param {function} predicate - function return boolean * @private */ CustomEvents.prototype._spliceMatches = function(arr, predicate) { var i = 0; var len; if (!type.isArray(arr)) { return; } for (len = arr.length; i < len; i += 1) { if (predicate(arr[i]) === true) { arr.splice(i, 1); len -= 1; i -= 1; } } }; /** * Get matcher for unbind specific handler events * @param {function} handler - handler function * @returns {function} handler matcher * @private */ CustomEvents.prototype._matchHandler = function(handler) { var self = this; return function(item) { var needRemove = handler === item.handler; if (needRemove) { self._forgetContext(item.context); } return needRemove; }; }; /** * Get matcher for unbind specific context events * @param {object} context - context * @returns {function} object matcher * @private */ CustomEvents.prototype._matchContext = function(context) { var self = this; return function(item) { var needRemove = context === item.context; if (needRemove) { self._forgetContext(item.context); } return needRemove; }; }; /** * Get matcher for unbind specific hander, context pair events * @param {function} handler - handler function * @param {object} context - context * @returns {function} handler, context matcher * @private */ CustomEvents.prototype._matchHandlerAndContext = function(handler, context) { var self = this; return function(item) { var matchHandler = (handler === item.handler); var matchContext = (context === item.context); var needRemove = (matchHandler && matchContext); if (needRemove) { self._forgetContext(item.context); } return needRemove; }; }; /** * Unbind event by event name * @param {string} eventName - custom event name to unbind * @param {function} [handler] - handler function * @private */ CustomEvents.prototype._offByEventName = function(eventName, handler) { var self = this; var forEach = collection.forEachArray; var andByHandler = type.isFunction(handler); var matchHandler = self._matchHandler(handler); eventName = eventName.split(R_EVENTNAME_SPLIT); forEach(eventName, function(name) { var handlerItems = self._safeEvent(name); if (andByHandler) { self._spliceMatches(handlerItems, matchHandler); } else { forEach(handlerItems, function(item) { self._forgetContext(item.context); }); self.events[name] = []; } }); }; /** * Unbind event by handler function * @param {function} handler - handler function * @private */ CustomEvents.prototype._offByHandler = function(handler) { var self = this; var matchHandler = this._matchHandler(handler); collection.forEach(this._safeEvent(), function(handlerItems) { self._spliceMatches(handlerItems, matchHandler); }); }; /** * Unbind event by object(name: handler pair object or context object) * @param {object} obj - context or {name: handler} pair object * @param {function} handler - handler function * @private */ CustomEvents.prototype._offByObject = function(obj, handler) { var self = this; var matchFunc; if (this._indexOfContext(obj) < 0) { collection.forEach(obj, function(func, name) { self.off(name, func); }); } else if (type.isString(handler)) { matchFunc = this._matchContext(obj); self._spliceMatches(this._safeEvent(handler), matchFunc); } else if (type.isFunction(handler)) { matchFunc = this._matchHandlerAndContext(handler, obj); collection.forEach(this._safeEvent(), function(handlerItems) { self._spliceMatches(handlerItems, matchFunc); }); } else { matchFunc = this._matchContext(obj); collection.forEach(this._safeEvent(), function(handlerItems) { self._spliceMatches(handlerItems, matchFunc); }); } }; /** * Unbind custom events * @param {(string|object|function)} eventName - event name or context or * {name: handler} pair object or handler function * @param {(function)} handler - handler function * @example * // 1. off by event name * customEvent.off('onload'); * * // 2. off by event name and handler * customEvent.off('play', handler); * * // 3. off by handler * customEvent.off(handler); * * // 4. off by context * customEvent.off(myObj); * * // 5. off by context and handler * customEvent.off(myObj, handler); * * // 6. off by context and event name * customEvent.off(myObj, 'onload'); * * // 7. off by an Object. that is {eventName: handler} * customEvent.off({ * 'play': handler, * 'pause': handler2 * }); * * // 8. off the all events * customEvent.off(); */ CustomEvents.prototype.off = function(eventName, handler) { if (type.isString(eventName)) { // [syntax 1, 2] this._offByEventName(eventName, handler); } else if (!arguments.length) { // [syntax 8] this.events = {}; this.contexts = []; } else if (type.isFunction(eventName)) { // [syntax 3] this._offByHandler(eventName); } else if (type.isObject(eventName)) { // [syntax 4, 5, 6] this._offByObject(eventName, handler); } }; /** * Fire custom event * @param {string} eventName - name of custom event */ CustomEvents.prototype.fire = function(eventName) { // eslint-disable-line this.invoke.apply(this, arguments); }; /** * Fire a event and returns the result of operation 'boolean AND' with all * listener's results. * * So, It is different from {@link CustomEvents#fire}. * * In service code, use this as a before event in component level usually * for notifying that the event is cancelable. * @param {string} eventName - Custom event name * @param {...*} data - Data for event * @returns {boolean} The result of operation 'boolean AND' * @example * if (this.invoke('beforeZoom')) { // check the result of 'beforeZoom' * // if true, * // doSomething * } * * // In service code, * map.on({ * 'beforeZoom': function() { * // It should cancel the 'zoom' event by some conditions. * if (that.disabled && this.getState()) { * return false; * } * return true; * } * }); */ CustomEvents.prototype.invoke = function(eventName) { var events, args, index, item; if (!this.hasListener(eventName)) { return true; } events = this._safeEvent(eventName); args = Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments, 1); index = 0; while (events[index]) { item = events[index]; if (item.handler.apply(item.context, args) === false) { return false; } index += 1; } return true; }; /** * Return whether at least one of the handlers is registered in the given * event name. * @param {string} eventName - Custom event name * @returns {boolean} Is there at least one handler in event name? */ CustomEvents.prototype.hasListener = function(eventName) { return this.getListenerLength(eventName) > 0; }; /** * Return a count of events registered. * @param {string} eventName - Custom event name * @returns {number} number of event */ CustomEvents.prototype.getListenerLength = function(eventName) { var events = this._safeEvent(eventName); return events.length; }; module.exports = CustomEvents; /***/ }), /* 16 */ /***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) { /** * @fileoverview This module provides a Enum Constructor. * @author NHN Ent. * FE Development Lab * @dependency type, collection.js */ 'use strict'; var collection = __webpack_require__(4); var type = __webpack_require__(2); /** * Check whether the defineProperty() method is supported. * @type {boolean} * @ignore */ var isSupportDefinedProperty = (function() { try { Object.defineProperty({}, 'x', {}); return true; } catch (e) { return false; } })(); /** * A unique value of a constant. * @type {number} * @ignore */ var enumValue = 0; /** * Make a constant-list that has unique values.
* In modern browsers (except IE8 and lower),
* a value defined once can not be changed. * * @param {...string|string[]} itemList Constant-list (An array of string is available) * @class * @memberof tui.util * @example * //create * var MYENUM = new tui.util.Enum('TYPE1', 'TYPE2'); * var MYENUM2 = new tui.util.Enum(['TYPE1', 'TYPE2']); * * //usage * if (value === MYENUM.TYPE1) { * .... * } * * //add (If a duplicate name is inputted, will be disregarded.) * MYENUM.set('TYPE3', 'TYPE4'); * * //get name of a constant by a value * MYENUM.getName(MYENUM.TYPE1); // 'TYPE1' * * // In modern browsers (except IE8 and lower), a value can not be changed in constants. * var originalValue = MYENUM.TYPE1; * MYENUM.TYPE1 = 1234; // maybe TypeError * MYENUM.TYPE1 === originalValue; // true * **/ function Enum(itemList) { if (itemList) { this.set.apply(this, arguments); } } /** * Define a constants-list * @param {...string|string[]} itemList Constant-list (An array of string is available) */ Enum.prototype.set = function(itemList) { var self = this; if (!type.isArray(itemList)) { itemList = collection.toArray(arguments); } collection.forEach(itemList, function itemListIteratee(item) { self._addItem(item); }); }; /** * Return a key of the constant. * @param {number} value A value of the constant. * @returns {string|undefined} Key of the constant. */ Enum.prototype.getName = function(value) { var self = this; var foundedKey; collection.forEach(this, function(itemValue, key) { // eslint-disable-line consistent-return if (self._isEnumItem(key) && value === itemValue) { foundedKey = key; return false; } }); return foundedKey; }; /** * Create a constant. * @private * @param {string} name Constant name. (It will be a key of a constant) */ Enum.prototype._addItem = function(name) { var value; if (!this.hasOwnProperty(name)) { value = this._makeEnumValue(); if (isSupportDefinedProperty) { Object.defineProperty(this, name, { enumerable: true, configurable: false, writable: false, value: value }); } else { this[name] = value; } } }; /** * Return a unique value for assigning to a constant. * @private * @returns {number} A unique value */ Enum.prototype._makeEnumValue = function() { var value; value = enumValue; enumValue += 1; return value; }; /** * Return whether a constant from the given key is in instance or not. * @param {string} key - A constant key * @returns {boolean} Result * @private */ Enum.prototype._isEnumItem = function(key) { return type.isNumber(this[key]); }; module.exports = Enum; /***/ }), /* 17 */ /***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) { /** * @fileoverview * Implements the ExMap (Extended Map) object. * @author NHN Ent. * FE Development Lab * @dependency Map.js, collection.js */ 'use strict'; var collection = __webpack_require__(4); var Map = __webpack_require__(18); // Caching tui.util for performance enhancing var mapAPIsForRead = ['get', 'has', 'forEach', 'keys', 'values', 'entries']; var mapAPIsForDelete = ['delete', 'clear']; /** * The ExMap object is Extended Version of the tui.util.Map object.
* and added some useful feature to make it easy to manage the Map object. * @constructor * @param {Array} initData - Array of key-value pairs (2-element Arrays). * Each key-value pair will be added to the new Map * @memberof tui.util */ function ExMap(initData) { this._map = new Map(initData); this.size = this._map.size; } collection.forEachArray(mapAPIsForRead, function(name) { ExMap.prototype[name] = function() { return this._map[name].apply(this._map, arguments); }; }); collection.forEachArray(mapAPIsForDelete, function(name) { ExMap.prototype[name] = function() { var result = this._map[name].apply(this._map, arguments); this.size = this._map.size; return result; }; }); ExMap.prototype.set = function() { this._map.set.apply(this._map, arguments); this.size = this._map.size; return this; }; /** * Sets all of the key-value pairs in the specified object to the Map object. * @param {Object} object - Plain object that has a key-value pair */ ExMap.prototype.setObject = function(object) { collection.forEachOwnProperties(object, function(value, key) { this.set(key, value); }, this); }; /** * Removes the elements associated with keys in the specified array. * @param {Array} keys - Array that contains keys of the element to remove */ ExMap.prototype.deleteByKeys = function(keys) { collection.forEachArray(keys, function(key) { this['delete'](key); }, this); }; /** * Sets all of the key-value pairs in the specified Map object to this Map object. * @param {Map} map - Map object to be merged into this Map object */ ExMap.prototype.merge = function(map) { map.forEach(function(value, key) { this.set(key, value); }, this); }; /** * Looks through each key-value pair in the map and returns the new ExMap object of * all key-value pairs that pass a truth test implemented by the provided function. * @param {function} predicate - Function to test each key-value pair of the Map object.
* Invoked with arguments (value, key). Return true to keep the element, false otherwise. * @returns {ExMap} A new ExMap object */ ExMap.prototype.filter = function(predicate) { var filtered = new ExMap(); this.forEach(function(value, key) { if (predicate(value, key)) { filtered.set(key, value); } }); return filtered; }; module.exports = ExMap; /***/ }), /* 18 */ /***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) { /** * @fileoverview * Implements the Map object. * @author NHN Ent. * FE Development Lab * @dependency type.js, collection.js */ 'use strict'; var collection = __webpack_require__(4); var type = __webpack_require__(2); var array = __webpack_require__(3); var browser = __webpack_require__(9); var func = __webpack_require__(5); /** * Using undefined for a key can be ambiguous if there's deleted item in the array,
* which is also undefined when accessed by index.
* So use this unique object as an undefined key to distinguish it from deleted keys. * @private * @constant */ var _KEY_FOR_UNDEFINED = {}; /** * For using NaN as a key, use this unique object as a NaN key.
* This makes it easier and faster to compare an object with each keys in the array
* through no exceptional comapring for NaN. * @private * @constant */ var _KEY_FOR_NAN = {}; /** * Constructor of MapIterator
* Creates iterator object with new keyword. * @constructor * @param {Array} keys - The array of keys in the map * @param {function} valueGetter - Function that returns certain value, * taking key and keyIndex as arguments. * @ignore */ function MapIterator(keys, valueGetter) { this._keys = keys; this._valueGetter = valueGetter; this._length = this._keys.length; this._index = -1; this._done = false; } /** * Implementation of Iterator protocol. * @returns {{done: boolean, value: *}} Object that contains done(boolean) and value. */ MapIterator.prototype.next = function() { var data = {}; do { this._index += 1; } while (type.isUndefined(this._keys[this._index]) && this._index < this._length); if (this._index >= this._length) { data.done = true; } else { data.done = false; data.value = this._valueGetter(this._keys[this._index], this._index); } return data; }; /** * The Map object implements the ES6 Map specification as closely as possible.
* For using objects and primitive values as keys, this object uses array internally.
* So if the key is not a string, get(), set(), has(), delete() will operates in O(n),
* and it can cause performance issues with a large dataset. * * Features listed below are not supported. (can't be implented without native support) * - Map object is iterable
* - Iterable object can be used as an argument of constructor * * If the browser supports full implementation of ES6 Map specification, native Map obejct * will be used internally. * @class * @param {Array} initData - Array of key-value pairs (2-element Arrays). * Each key-value pair will be added to the new Map * @memberof tui.util */ function Map(initData) { this._valuesForString = {}; this._valuesForIndex = {}; this._keys = []; if (initData) { this._setInitData(initData); } this.size = 0; } /* eslint-disable no-extend-native */ /** * Add all elements in the initData to the Map object. * @private * @param {Array} initData - Array of key-value pairs to add to the Map object */ Map.prototype._setInitData = function(initData) { if (!type.isArray(initData)) { throw new Error('Only Array is supported.'); } collection.forEachArray(initData, function(pair) { this.set(pair[0], pair[1]); }, this); }; /** * Returns true if the specified value is NaN.
* For unsing NaN as a key, use this method to test equality of NaN
* because === operator doesn't work for NaN. * @private * @param {*} value - Any object to be tested * @returns {boolean} True if value is NaN, false otherwise. */ Map.prototype._isNaN = function(value) { return typeof value === 'number' && value !== value; // eslint-disable-line no-self-compare }; /** * Returns the index of the specified key. * @private * @param {*} key - The key object to search for. * @returns {number} The index of the specified key */ Map.prototype._getKeyIndex = function(key) { var result = -1; var value; if (type.isString(key)) { value = this._valuesForString[key]; if (value) { result = value.keyIndex; } } else { result = array.inArray(key, this._keys); } return result; }; /** * Returns the original key of the specified key. * @private * @param {*} key - key * @returns {*} Original key */ Map.prototype._getOriginKey = function(key) { var originKey = key; if (key === _KEY_FOR_UNDEFINED) { originKey = undefined; // eslint-disable-line no-undefined } else if (key === _KEY_FOR_NAN) { originKey = NaN; } return originKey; }; /** * Returns the unique key of the specified key. * @private * @param {*} key - key * @returns {*} Unique key */ Map.prototype._getUniqueKey = function(key) { var uniqueKey = key; if (type.isUndefined(key)) { uniqueKey = _KEY_FOR_UNDEFINED; } else if (this._isNaN(key)) { uniqueKey = _KEY_FOR_NAN; } return uniqueKey; }; /** * Returns the value object of the specified key. * @private * @param {*} key - The key of the value object to be returned * @param {number} keyIndex - The index of the key * @returns {{keyIndex: number, origin: *}} Value object */ Map.prototype._getValueObject = function(key, keyIndex) { // eslint-disable-line consistent-return if (type.isString(key)) { return this._valuesForString[key]; } if (type.isUndefined(keyIndex)) { keyIndex = this._getKeyIndex(key); } if (keyIndex >= 0) { return this._valuesForIndex[keyIndex]; } }; /** * Returns the original value of the specified key. * @private * @param {*} key - The key of the value object to be returned * @param {number} keyIndex - The index of the key * @returns {*} Original value */ Map.prototype._getOriginValue = function(key, keyIndex) { return this._getValueObject(key, keyIndex).origin; }; /** * Returns key-value pair of the specified key. * @private * @param {*} key - The key of the value object to be returned * @param {number} keyIndex - The index of the key * @returns {Array} Key-value Pair */ Map.prototype._getKeyValuePair = function(key, keyIndex) { return [this._getOriginKey(key), this._getOriginValue(key, keyIndex)]; }; /** * Creates the wrapper object of original value that contains a key index * and returns it. * @private * @param {type} origin - Original value * @param {type} keyIndex - Index of the key * @returns {{keyIndex: number, origin: *}} Value object */ Map.prototype._createValueObject = function(origin, keyIndex) { return { keyIndex: keyIndex, origin: origin }; }; /** * Sets the value for the key in the Map object. * @param {*} key - The key of the element to add to the Map object * @param {*} value - The value of the element to add to the Map object * @returns {Map} The Map object */ Map.prototype.set = function(key, value) { var uniqueKey = this._getUniqueKey(key); var keyIndex = this._getKeyIndex(uniqueKey); var valueObject; if (keyIndex < 0) { keyIndex = this._keys.push(uniqueKey) - 1; this.size += 1; } valueObject = this._createValueObject(value, keyIndex); if (type.isString(key)) { this._valuesForString[key] = valueObject; } else { this._valuesForIndex[keyIndex] = valueObject; } return this; }; /** * Returns the value associated to the key, or undefined if there is none. * @param {*} key - The key of the element to return * @returns {*} Element associated with the specified key */ Map.prototype.get = function(key) { var uniqueKey = this._getUniqueKey(key); var value = this._getValueObject(uniqueKey); return value && value.origin; }; /** * Returns a new Iterator object that contains the keys for each element * in the Map object in insertion order. * @returns {Iterator} A new Iterator object */ Map.prototype.keys = function() { return new MapIterator(this._keys, func.bind(this._getOriginKey, this)); }; /** * Returns a new Iterator object that contains the values for each element * in the Map object in insertion order. * @returns {Iterator} A new Iterator object */ Map.prototype.values = function() { return new MapIterator(this._keys, func.bind(this._getOriginValue, this)); }; /** * Returns a new Iterator object that contains the [key, value] pairs * for each element in the Map object in insertion order. * @returns {Iterator} A new Iterator object */ Map.prototype.entries = function() { return new MapIterator(this._keys, func.bind(this._getKeyValuePair, this)); }; /** * Returns a boolean asserting whether a value has been associated to the key * in the Map object or not. * @param {*} key - The key of the element to test for presence * @returns {boolean} True if an element with the specified key exists; * Otherwise false */ Map.prototype.has = function(key) { return !!this._getValueObject(key); }; /** * Removes the specified element from a Map object. * @param {*} key - The key of the element to remove * @function delete * @memberof tui.util.Map.prototype */ // cannot use reserved keyword as a property name in IE8 and under. Map.prototype['delete'] = function(key) { var keyIndex; if (type.isString(key)) { if (this._valuesForString[key]) { keyIndex = this._valuesForString[key].keyIndex; delete this._valuesForString[key]; } } else { keyIndex = this._getKeyIndex(key); if (keyIndex >= 0) { delete this._valuesForIndex[keyIndex]; } } if (keyIndex >= 0) { delete this._keys[keyIndex]; this.size -= 1; } }; /** * Executes a provided function once per each key/value pair in the Map object, * in insertion order. * @param {function} callback - Function to execute for each element * @param {thisArg} thisArg - Value to use as this when executing callback */ Map.prototype.forEach = function(callback, thisArg) { thisArg = thisArg || this; collection.forEachArray(this._keys, function(key) { if (!type.isUndefined(key)) { callback.call(thisArg, this._getValueObject(key).origin, key, this); } }, this); }; /** * Removes all elements from a Map object. */ Map.prototype.clear = function() { Map.call(this); }; /* eslint-enable no-extend-native */ // Use native Map object if exists. // But only latest versions of Chrome and Firefox support full implementation. (function() { if (window.Map && ( (browser.firefox && browser.version >= 37) || (browser.chrome && browser.version >= 42) ) ) { Map = window.Map; // eslint-disable-line no-func-assign } })(); module.exports = Map; /***/ }), /* 19 */ /***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) { /** * @fileoverview This module provides the HashMap constructor. * @author NHN Ent. * FE Development Lab * @dependency type, collection.js */ 'use strict'; var collection = __webpack_require__(4); var type = __webpack_require__(2); /** * All the data in hashMap begin with _MAPDATAPREFIX; * @type {string} * @private */ var _MAPDATAPREFIX = 'å'; /** * HashMap can handle the key-value pairs.
* Caution:
* HashMap instance has a length property but is not an instance of Array. * @param {Object} [obj] A initial data for creation. * @constructor * @memberof tui.util * @deprecated since version 1.3.0 * @example * var hm = new tui.util.HashMap({ * 'mydata': { * 'hello': 'imfine' * }, * 'what': 'time' * }); */ function HashMap(obj) { /** * size * @type {number} */ this.length = 0; if (obj) { this.setObject(obj); } } /** * Set a data from the given key with value or the given object. * @param {string|Object} key A string or object for key * @param {*} [value] A data * @example * var hm = new HashMap(); * * hm.set('key', 'value'); * hm.set({ * 'key1': 'data1', * 'key2': 'data2' * }); */ HashMap.prototype.set = function(key, value) { if (arguments.length === 2) { this.setKeyValue(key, value); } else { this.setObject(key); } }; /** * Set a data from the given key with value. * @param {string} key A string for key * @param {*} value A data * @example * var hm = new HashMap(); * hm.setKeyValue('key', 'value'); */ HashMap.prototype.setKeyValue = function(key, value) { if (!this.has(key)) { this.length += 1; } this[this.encodeKey(key)] = value; }; /** * Set a data from the given object. * @param {Object} obj A object for data * @example * var hm = new HashMap(); * * hm.setObject({ * 'key1': 'data1', * 'key2': 'data2' * }); */ HashMap.prototype.setObject = function(obj) { var self = this; collection.forEachOwnProperties(obj, function(value, key) { self.setKeyValue(key, value); }); }; /** * Merge with the given another hashMap. * @param {HashMap} hashMap Another hashMap instance */ HashMap.prototype.merge = function(hashMap) { var self = this; hashMap.each(function(value, key) { self.setKeyValue(key, value); }); }; /** * Encode the given key for hashMap. * @param {string} key A string for key * @returns {string} A encoded key * @private */ HashMap.prototype.encodeKey = function(key) { return _MAPDATAPREFIX + key; }; /** * Decode the given key in hashMap. * @param {string} key A string for key * @returns {string} A decoded key * @private */ HashMap.prototype.decodeKey = function(key) { var decodedKey = key.split(_MAPDATAPREFIX); return decodedKey[decodedKey.length - 1]; }; /** * Return the value from the given key. * @param {string} key A string for key * @returns {*} The value from a key * @example * var hm = new HashMap(); * hm.set('key', 'value'); * * hm.get('key') // value */ HashMap.prototype.get = function(key) { return this[this.encodeKey(key)]; }; /** * Check the existence of a value from the key. * @param {string} key A string for key * @returns {boolean} Indicating whether a value exists or not. * @example * var hm = new HashMap(); * hm.set('key', 'value'); * * hm.has('key') // true */ HashMap.prototype.has = function(key) { return this.hasOwnProperty(this.encodeKey(key)); }; /** * Remove a data(key-value pairs) from the given key or the given key-list. * @param {...string|string[]} key A string for key * @returns {string|string[]} A removed data * @example * var hm = new HashMap(); * hm.set('key', 'value'); * hm.set('key2', 'value'); * * //ex1 * hm.remove('key'); * * //ex2 * hm.remove('key', 'key2'); * * //ex3 * hm.remove(['key', 'key2']); */ HashMap.prototype.remove = function(key) { if (arguments.length > 1) { key = collection.toArray(arguments); } return type.isArray(key) ? this.removeByKeyArray(key) : this.removeByKey(key); }; /** * Remove data(key-value pair) from the given key. * @param {string} key A string for key * @returns {*|null} A removed data * @example * var hm = new HashMap(); * hm.set('key', 'value'); * * hm.removeByKey('key') */ HashMap.prototype.removeByKey = function(key) { var data = this.has(key) ? this.get(key) : null; if (data !== null) { delete this[this.encodeKey(key)]; this.length -= 1; } return data; }; /** * Remove a data(key-value pairs) from the given key-list. * @param {string[]} keyArray An array of keys * @returns {string[]} A removed data * @example * var hm = new HashMap(); * hm.set('key', 'value'); * hm.set('key2', 'value'); * * hm.removeByKeyArray(['key', 'key2']); */ HashMap.prototype.removeByKeyArray = function(keyArray) { var data = []; var self = this; collection.forEach(keyArray, function(key) { data.push(self.removeByKey(key)); }); return data; }; /** * Remove all the data */ HashMap.prototype.removeAll = function() { var self = this; this.each(function(value, key) { self.remove(key); }); }; /** * Execute the provided callback once for each all the data. * @param {Function} iteratee Callback function * @example * var hm = new HashMap(); * hm.set('key', 'value'); * hm.set('key2', 'value'); * * hm.each(function(value, key) { * //do something... * }); */ HashMap.prototype.each = function(iteratee) { var self = this; var flag; collection.forEachOwnProperties(this, function(value, key) { // eslint-disable-line consistent-return if (key.charAt(0) === _MAPDATAPREFIX) { flag = iteratee(value, self.decodeKey(key)); } if (flag === false) { return flag; } }); }; /** * Return the key-list stored. * @returns {Array} A key-list * @example * var hm = new HashMap(); * hm.set('key', 'value'); * hm.set('key2', 'value'); * * hm.keys(); //['key', 'key2'); */ HashMap.prototype.keys = function() { var keys = []; var self = this; this.each(function(value, key) { keys.push(self.decodeKey(key)); }); return keys; }; /** * Work similarly to Array.prototype.map().
* It executes the provided callback that checks conditions once for each element of hashMap,
* and returns a new array having elements satisfying the conditions * @param {Function} condition A function that checks conditions * @returns {Array} A new array having elements satisfying the conditions * @example * //ex1 * var hm = new HashMap(); * hm.set('key', 'value'); * hm.set('key2', 'value'); * * hm.find(function(value, key) { * return key === 'key2'; * }); // ['value'] * * //ex2 * var hm = new HashMap({ * 'myobj1': { * visible: true * }, * 'mybobj2': { * visible: false * } * }); * * hm.find(function(obj, key) { * return obj.visible === true; * }); // [{visible: true}]; */ HashMap.prototype.find = function(condition) { var founds = []; this.each(function(value, key) { if (condition(value, key)) { founds.push(value); } }); return founds; }; /** * Return a new Array having all values. * @returns {Array} A new array having all values */ HashMap.prototype.toArray = function() { var result = []; this.each(function(v) { result.push(v); }); return result; }; module.exports = HashMap; /***/ }) /******/ ]) }); ;