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lizhen_gitee 4 months ago
1 changed files with 806 additions and 0 deletions
  1. 806 0

+ 806 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,806 @@
+namespace app\api\controller;
+use app\common\controller\Api;
+use think\Db;
+use app\common\library\Transaction;
+ * 充值配置与充值订单
+ */
+class Payios extends Api
+    protected $noNeedLogin = ['auto_renewal_vip_notify'];
+    protected $noNeedRight = ['*'];
+    //vip ios用的
+    public function vip_config_ios(){
+        $list = Db::name('payvip_config_ios')->field('id,money,days,title,info,bundle_id,is_lianxu')->where('is_show',1)->order('weight asc,id asc')->select();
+        $data['vipconfig'] = $list;
+        $data['vip_endtime'] = model('wallet')->getWallet($this->auth->id,'vip_endtime');
+        $data['is_vip'] = $data['vip_endtime'] > time() ? 1 : 0;
+        $data['avatar'] = localpath_to_netpath($this->auth->avatar);
+        $this->success('success',$data);
+    }
+    //vip用的,创建订单
+    public function vip_recharge_ios(){
+        $rc_id = input('rc_id',0);
+        $platform = 'app';
+        $uid = $this->auth->id;
+        if(!$rc_id){
+            $this->error('请选择会员套餐');
+        }
+        if(!$this->user_auth_limit()){
+            $this->error('请先完成实名认证');
+        }
+        //赋值money
+        $recharge_config = Db::name('payvip_config_ios')->where('id',$rc_id)->find();
+        $money = $recharge_config['money'];
+        if($money<=0)
+        {
+            $this->error('支付金额必须大于0');
+        }
+        if($money > 10000){
+            $this->error('支付金额太大');
+        }
+        //创建订单
+        $data = [];
+        $data['user_id'] = $uid;
+        $data['out_trade_no'] = createUniqueNo('V',$uid); // 数据库订单号加密
+        $data['order_amount'] = $money;
+        $data['createtime'] = time();
+        $data['pay_type'] = 'ios';
+        $data['platform'] = $platform;
+        $data['order_status'] = 0;
+        $data['table_name'] = 'vip_recharge';
+        $data['table_id'] = 0;
+        $data['args'] = json_encode(['days'=>$recharge_config['days']]);
+        $data['bundle_id'] = $recharge_config['bundle_id'];
+        $data['is_lianxu'] = $recharge_config['is_lianxu'];
+        $orderid = Db::name('pay_order')->insertGetId($data);
+        $this->success('success',$data['out_trade_no']);
+    }
+    //金币充值
+    public function gold_config_ios(){
+        $list = Db::name('paygold_webcon_ios')->field('id,money,gold,bundle_id')->where('is_show',1)->order('weigh asc,id asc')->select();
+        $data['goldconfig'] = $list;
+        $wallet = model('wallet')->getWallet($this->auth->id);
+        $data['wallet'] = $wallet;
+        $data['money_to_gold'] = config('site.money_to_gold');
+        $this->success('success',$data);
+    }
+    //充值金币 创建订单
+    public function gold_recharge_ios(){
+        $rc_id     = input_post('rc_id',0);
+        $pay_type  = 'ios';
+        $platform  = 'app';
+        $uid = $this->auth->id;
+        if(!$rc_id){
+            $this->error('请选择充值金额');
+        }
+        if(!$this->user_auth_limit()){
+            $this->error('请先完成实名认证');
+        }
+        //赋值money
+        $recharge_config = Db::name('paygold_webcon_ios')->where('id',$rc_id)->find();
+        $money = $recharge_config['money'] ?: 0;
+        $gold  = $recharge_config['gold'] ?: 0;
+        //
+        if($money<=0)
+        {
+            $this->error('支付金额必须大于0');
+        }
+        if($money > 10000){
+            $this->error('支付金额太大');
+        }
+        //创建订单
+        $data['user_id'] = $uid;
+        $data['out_trade_no'] = createUniqueNo('P',$uid); // 数据库订单号加密
+        $data['order_amount'] = $money;
+        $data['createtime'] = time();
+        $data['pay_type'] = $pay_type;
+        $data['platform'] = $platform;
+        $data['order_status'] = 0;
+        $data['table_name'] = 'gold_recharge';
+        $data['table_id'] = 0;
+        $data['args'] = json_encode(['gold'=>$gold]);
+        $data['bundle_id'] = $recharge_config['bundle_id'];
+        $orderid = Db::name('pay_order')->insertGetId($data);
+        $this->success('success',$data['out_trade_no']);
+    }
+    //订阅信息处理,续订情况下,单独分支方法
+    public function expires(){
+        //苹果订阅的验证收据
+        $original_transaction_id = input('original_transaction_id','','trim');
+        $receipt_data = input('apple_receipt', '', 'trim');
+        $transaction_id = input('transaction_id', '', 'trim');
+        $out_trade_no = input('out_trade_no', '', 'trim');
+        filePut("\r\n\r\n".'新请求VIP订阅');
+        $prefix = 'iosVIP订阅登录user_id:'.$this->auth->id.',传入original_transaction_id:'.$original_transaction_id.',传入transaction_id:'.$transaction_id.'。';
+        filePut($prefix.'参数apple_receipt:'.$receipt_data);
+        if (!$receipt_data || !$original_transaction_id || !$transaction_id) {
+            $this->error('缺少参数');
+        }
+        //检查重复订单
+        $check_map = [
+            'original_transaction_id' => $original_transaction_id,
+            'transaction_id'          => $transaction_id,
+        ];
+        $check_order = Db::name('user_vipxufei_task')->where($check_map)->field('id')->find();
+        if($check_order){
+            filePut($prefix.'续费早已完成');
+            $this->success('充值早已完成');
+        }
+        // 验证支付状态
+        $result = $this->validate_apple_pay($receipt_data);
+        if (!$result['status']) {// 验证不通过
+            filePut($prefix.'验证'.$result['message']);
+            $this->error($result['message']);
+        }
+        $in_app = $result['data']['receipt']['in_app'];
+        $only_trans = [];
+        foreach($in_app as $key => $trans){
+            //非订阅信息,原始信息,不验证product_id因为可能换了新的套餐
+            if($trans['transaction_id'] == $transaction_id && $original_transaction_id == $trans['original_transaction_id']/* && $trans['product_id'] == $order_info['bundle_id']*/){
+                $only_trans = $trans;
+                break;
+            }
+        }
+        if(empty($only_trans)){
+            filePut($prefix.'未找到匹配的交易');
+            $this->error('未找到匹配的交易');
+        }
+        Db::startTrans();
+        //查找订单,可能找到以前的,非当前用户的。根据原始id 和 用户id不是终生绑定
+        $order_map = [
+            'original_transaction_id' => $original_transaction_id,
+        ];
+        $order_info = Db::name('user_vipxufei_task')->where($order_map)->order('expires_date_ms desc')->find();
+        if (!$order_info) {
+            Db::rollback();
+            filePut($prefix.'不存在的订单');
+            $this->error('不存在的订单');
+        }
+        //续订,但是换了产品了,重新定义order_info
+        //原始id换给别人用了
+        $order_info_bundle_id = $order_info['bundle_id'];
+        $order_info_user_id   = $order_info['user_id'];
+        //在app里,不能连续购买同一个续费规格(bunder_id),可以升级或降级另一个续费规格。也可以在苹果商店直接修改规格(不产生新订单)。
+        if($only_trans['product_id'] != $order_info['bundle_id'] || $order_info['user_id'] != $this->auth->id){
+            $pay_order_map = [
+                'user_id'   => ($order_info['user_id']   != $this->auth->id)           ? $this->auth->id           : $order_info['user_id'],
+                'bundle_id' => ($order_info['bundle_id'] != $only_trans['product_id']) ? $only_trans['product_id'] : $order_info['bundle_id'],
+                'order_status' => 0,
+                'table_name' => 'vip_recharge',
+            ];
+            $pay_order = Db::name('pay_order')->where($pay_order_map)->order('id desc')->lock(true)->find();
+            if(!$pay_order){
+                /*Db::rollback();
+                filePut($prefix.'未找到匹配的交易,新订单找不到');
+                $this->error('未找到匹配的新订单');*/
+                //创建订单
+                $recharge_config = Db::name('payvip_config_ios')->where('bundle_id',$pay_order_map['bundle_id'])->find();
+                $new_order = [
+                   'user_id' => $pay_order_map['user_id'],
+                   'out_trade_no'=> createUniqueNo('NV',$pay_order_map['user_id']), // 数据库订单号加密
+                   'order_amount'=> $recharge_config['money'],
+                   'createtime'=> time(),
+                   'pay_type'=> 'ios',
+                   'platform'=> 'app',
+                   'order_status'=> 0,
+                   'table_name'=> 'vip_recharge',
+                   'table_id'=> 0,
+                   'args'=> json_encode(['days'=>$recharge_config['days']]),
+                   'bundle_id'=> $recharge_config['bundle_id'],
+                   'is_lianxu'=> $recharge_config['is_lianxu'],
+                ];
+                $new_orderid = Db::name('pay_order')->insertGetId($new_order);
+                if(!$new_orderid){
+                    Db::rollback();
+                    filePut($prefix.'未找到匹配的交易,创建新订单失败');
+                    $this->error('创建新订单失败');
+                }
+                $pay_order = $new_order;
+                $pay_order['id'] = $new_orderid;
+            }
+            // 修改订单状态
+            $update_order = [
+                'notifytime'=>time(),
+                'order_status'=>1,
+                'original_transaction_id' => $only_trans['original_transaction_id'],
+                'in_app_one' => json_encode($only_trans),
+            ];
+            $ros = Db::name('pay_order')->where(['id' => $pay_order['id']])->update($update_order);
+            if($ros === false) {
+                filePut($prefix.'修改订单状态失败');
+                Db::rollback();
+                $this->error('充值失败');
+            }
+            $args = json_decode($pay_order['args'],true);
+            //修改order_info
+            $order_info['order_id'] = $pay_order['id'];
+            $order_info['user_id']  = $pay_order['user_id'];
+            $order_info['bundle_id'] = $pay_order['bundle_id'];
+            $order_info['days'] = $args['days'];
+            $order_info['original_transaction_id'] = $only_trans['original_transaction_id'];//多余
+        }
+        //验证时间,不得小于最新的一条预定信息
+//        if($order_info_user_id == $this->auth->id){
+            if($only_trans['purchase_date_ms'] <= $order_info['purchase_date_ms']/* || $only_trans['expires_date_ms'] <= $order_info['expires_date_ms']*/){
+                Db::rollback();
+                filePut($prefix.'时间对不上,返回成功,finish掉');
+                $this->success('时间对不上,返回成功,finish掉');
+            }
+//        }
+        //逻辑开始
+        //先充值
+        $user_info = Db::name('user_wallet')->where('user_id',$order_info['user_id'])->lock(true)->find();
+        if($user_info['vip_endtime'] < time()){
+            //过期了
+            $vip_endtime = time() + (intval($order_info['days']) * 86400);
+            $vip_type = 1;
+        }else{
+            //追加vip
+            $vip_endtime = $user_info['vip_endtime'] + (intval($order_info['days']) * 86400);
+            $vip_type = 2;
+        }
+        $update_data = [
+            'vip_endtime'=>$vip_endtime,
+        ];
+        $result = Db::name('user_wallet')->where('user_id',$order_info['user_id'])->update($update_data);
+        if($result === false)
+        {
+            filePut($prefix.'逻辑续费vip时间失败');
+            Db::rollback();
+            $this->error('充值失败');
+        }
+        //记录日志
+        $log_data = [
+            'user_id' => $order_info['user_id'],
+            'before'  => $user_info['vip_endtime'],
+            'change_value'  => intval($order_info['days']) * 86400,
+            'remain'  => $vip_endtime,
+            'remark'  => 'ios续费vip',
+            'createtime'  => time(),
+            'vip_type'  => $vip_type,
+        ];
+        Db::name('user_vip_log')->insertGetId($log_data);
+        //逻辑结束
+        //添加新的一个task
+        $task_data = $order_info;
+        unset($task_data['id']);
+        unset($task_data['transaction_info']);
+        $task_data['createtime'] = time();
+        $task_data['apple_receipt'] = $receipt_data;
+        $task_data['in_app_one'] = json_encode($only_trans);
+        $task_data['transaction_id'] = $transaction_id;
+        $task_data['times'] = $order_info['times'] + 1;
+        $task_data['original_purchase_date_ms'] = $only_trans['original_purchase_date_ms'];
+        $task_data['purchase_date_ms'] = $only_trans['purchase_date_ms'];
+        $task_data['expires_date_ms']  = $only_trans['expires_date_ms'];
+        //换了产品了,或者订单的user_id被改过了
+        if($only_trans['product_id'] != $order_info_bundle_id || $order_info['user_id'] != $order_info_user_id){
+            $task_data['times'] = 1;//回归1
+        }
+        $task_id = Db::name('user_vipxufei_task')->insertGetId($task_data);
+        if(!$task_id)
+        {
+            filePut($prefix.'用户添加vipxufei_task失败');
+            Db::rollback();
+            $this->error('充值失败');
+        }
+        Db::commit();
+        filePut($prefix.'充值成功'.$task_id);
+        $this->success('充值成功'.$task_id);
+        //逻辑结束
+    }
+    //金币+vip,苹果内购支付回调,app请求的接口
+    public function gold_notify_iosnew(){
+        $original_transaction_id = input('original_transaction_id','','trim');
+        if(!empty($original_transaction_id)){
+            //订阅信息
+            $this->expires();
+        }
+        //苹果内购的验证收据
+        $receipt_data = input('apple_receipt', '', 'trim');
+        $out_trade_no = input('out_trade_no', '', 'trim');
+        $transaction_id = input('transaction_id', '', 'trim');
+        filePut("\r\n\r\n".'新请求');
+        $prefix = 'ios充值,登录user_id:'.$this->auth->id.',out_trade_no:'.$out_trade_no.',传入transaction_id:'.$transaction_id.'。';
+        filePut($prefix.'参数apple_receipt:'.$receipt_data);
+        if (!$receipt_data || !$out_trade_no || !$transaction_id) {
+            $this->error('缺少参数');
+        }
+        Db::startTrans();
+        // 查找订单
+        $order_map = [
+//            'user_id' => $this->auth->id,
+            'out_trade_no' => $out_trade_no,
+            //'original_transaction_id' => $transaction_id,
+        ];
+        $order_info = Db::name('pay_order')->where($order_map)->lock(true)->find();
+        if (!$order_info) {
+            Db::rollback();
+            filePut($prefix.'不存在的订单');
+            $this->error('不存在的订单');
+        }
+        if ($order_info['order_status'] == 1) {
+            Db::rollback();
+            filePut($prefix.'充值早已完成');
+            $this->success('充值已完成');
+        }
+        // 验证支付状态
+        $result = $this->validate_apple_pay($receipt_data);
+        if (!$result['status']) {// 验证不通过
+            Db::rollback();
+            filePut($prefix.'验证'.$result['message']);
+            $this->error($result['message']);
+        }
+        $in_app = $result['data']['receipt']['in_app'];
+        $only_trans = [];
+        foreach($in_app as $key => $trans){
+            //非订阅信息,原始信息
+            // $trans['transaction_id'] == $transaction_id 这个不重要,重要的是后面2个。应该也重要,保证这次处理的是初始交易
+            if($trans['transaction_id'] == $transaction_id && $transaction_id == $trans['original_transaction_id']){
+                if($trans['product_id'] == $order_info['bundle_id']){
+                    $only_trans = $trans;
+                    break;
+                }else{
+                    //找上一个真正的订单
+                    $order_map = [
+                        'user_id' => $this->auth->id,
+                        'order_status' => 0,
+                        'bundle_id' => $trans['product_id']
+                    ];
+                    $order_info = Db::name('pay_order')->where($order_map)->lock(true)->find();
+                    if (!$order_info) {
+                        Db::rollback();
+                        filePut($prefix.'不存在的正确产品订单');
+                        $this->error('不存在的正确产品订单');
+                    }
+                    $only_trans = $trans;
+                    break;
+                }
+            }
+        }
+        if(empty($only_trans)){
+            Db::rollback();
+            filePut($prefix.'未找到匹配的交易,产品id'.$order_info['bundle_id'].',原始交易id'.$transaction_id);
+            $this->error('未找到匹配的交易,产品id'.$order_info['bundle_id'].',原始交易id'.$transaction_id);
+        }
+        //逻辑开始
+        $args = json_decode($order_info['args'],true);
+        //先充值
+        if($order_info['table_name'] == 'gold_recharge'){
+            $result = model('Wallet')->lockChangeAccountRemain($order_info['user_id'],'gold',$args['gold'],10, '金币充值','pay_order',$order_info['id']);
+            if($result['status']===false)
+            {
+                filePut($prefix.'逻辑添加金币失败');
+                Db::rollback();
+                $this->error('充值失败');
+            }
+        }
+        //先充值
+        if($order_info['table_name'] == 'vip_recharge'){
+            $user_info = Db::name('user_wallet')->where('user_id',$order_info['user_id'])->lock(true)->find();
+            if($user_info['vip_endtime'] < time()){
+                //过期了
+                $vip_endtime = time() + (intval($args['days']) * 86400);
+                $vip_type = 1;
+            }else{
+                //追加vip
+                $vip_endtime = $user_info['vip_endtime'] + (intval($args['days']) * 86400);
+                $vip_type = 2;
+            }
+            $update_data = [
+                'vip_endtime'=>$vip_endtime,
+            ];
+            $result = Db::name('user_wallet')->where('user_id',$order_info['user_id'])->update($update_data);
+            if($result === false)
+            {
+                filePut($prefix.'逻辑续费vip时间失败');
+                Db::rollback();
+                $this->error('充值失败');
+            }
+            //记录日志
+            $log_data = [
+                'user_id' => $order_info['user_id'],
+                'before'  => $user_info['vip_endtime'],
+                'change_value'  => intval($args['days']) * 86400,
+                'remain'  => $vip_endtime,
+                'remark'  => 'ios购买vip',
+                'createtime'  => time(),
+                'vip_type'  => $vip_type,
+            ];
+            Db::name('user_vip_log')->insertGetId($log_data);
+            //订阅vip需要多加的逻辑
+            if($order_info['is_lianxu'] == 1){
+                $task_data = [
+                    'order_id' => $order_info['id'],
+                    'user_id' => $order_info['user_id'],
+                    'bundle_id' => $order_info['bundle_id'],
+                    'days' => $args['days'],
+                    'createtime' => time(),
+                    'apple_receipt' => $receipt_data,
+                    'in_app_one' => json_encode($only_trans),
+                    'original_transaction_id' => $only_trans['original_transaction_id'],
+                    'transaction_id' => $only_trans['transaction_id'],
+                    'status' => 1,
+                    'times' => 1,
+                    //'notification_type' => 'INITIAL_BUY'.',首次订阅',
+                    'original_purchase_date_ms' => $only_trans['original_purchase_date_ms'],
+                    'purchase_date_ms'          => $only_trans['purchase_date_ms'],
+                    'expires_date_ms'           => $only_trans['purchase_date_ms'], //第一次借用购买时间戳
+                ];
+                $task_id = Db::name('user_vipxufei_task')->insertGetId($task_data);
+                if(!$task_id)
+                {
+                    filePut($prefix.'用户添加vipxufei_task失败');
+                    Db::rollback();
+                    $this->error('充值失败');
+                }
+            }
+        }
+        // 修改订单状态
+        $update_order = [
+            'notifytime'=>time(),
+            'order_status'=>1,
+            'original_transaction_id' => $only_trans['original_transaction_id'],//理论上与 transaction_id 相等
+            'in_app_one' => json_encode($only_trans),
+        ];
+        $ros = Db::name('pay_order')->where(['id' => $order_info['id']])->update($update_order);
+        if($ros === false) {
+            filePut($prefix.'修改订单状态失败');
+            Db::rollback();
+            $this->error('充值失败');
+        }
+        Db::commit();
+        filePut($prefix.'充值成功');
+        $this->success('充值成功');
+        //逻辑结束
+    }
+    /**
+     * ios 事件通知
+     * @return bool
+     */
+    public function auto_renewal_vip_notify()
+    {
+        $this->notify_log_start('ios');
+        try {
+            $raw = file_get_contents("php://input");
+            //filePut("\r\n\r\n".'入口:'.$raw);
+            $raw = json_decode($raw,true);
+            $token = isset($raw['signedPayload']) ? $raw['signedPayload'] : '';
+            $data  = $this->verifyAppleToken($token);
+            dump($data);
+            if (empty($data)) {
+                //timbao add
+                //记录苹果通知逻辑中的bug
+                exit;
+            }
+            $transaction_info = $this->verifyAppleToken($data['data']['signedTransactionInfo']);
+            dump($transaction_info);
+            $rs = '默认';
+            switch ($data['notificationType']) {
+                case 'DID_RENEW': // 续订
+                    $rs = Transaction::autoRenew($transaction_info);
+                    break;
+                case 'REFUND': // 退款
+                    $rs = Transaction::refund($transaction_info);
+                    break;
+                case 'DID_CHANGE_RENEWAL_STATUS': // 连续续订状态 变更
+                    $rs = Transaction::changeRenewStatus($transaction_info, $data['subtype']);
+                    break;
+                case 'EXPIRED': // 过期通知
+                    $rs = Transaction::updateExpiredTrans($transaction_info);
+                    break;
+                case 'SUBSCRIBED': // 订阅通知
+                    $rs = Transaction::updateSubscribed($transaction_info, $data['subtype']);
+                    break;
+                case 'DID_FAIL_TO_RENEW': // 续订失败
+                    $rs = Transaction::updateRenewFailTrans($transaction_info);
+                    break;
+                case 'DID_CHANGE_RENEWAL_PREF': //升级 降级
+                    if ($data['subtype'] == 'UPGRADE') {
+                        $rs = Transaction::autoRenew($transaction_info, true);
+                    }
+                    break;
+            }
+            dump($rs);
+            exit;
+        }catch (Exception $e) {
+            echo $e->getMessage();
+            exit;
+        }
+    }
+    //异步日志
+    private function notify_log_start($paytype = 'ios'){
+        //记录支付回调数据
+        ignore_user_abort(); // run script in background
+        set_time_limit(30);
+        // 日志文件 start
+        $log_base_dir = '../paylog/'.$paytype.'/';
+        if (!is_dir($log_base_dir))
+        {
+            mkdir($log_base_dir, 0770, true);
+            @chmod($log_base_dir, 0770);
+        }
+        $notify_file = $log_base_dir.'notify.txt';
+        if(!file_exists($notify_file)) {
+            @touch($notify_file);
+            @chmod($notify_file, 0770);
+        }
+        if(filesize($notify_file)>5242880)//大于5M自动切换
+        {
+            rename($notify_file, $log_base_dir.'notify_'.date('Y_m_d_H_i_s').'.txt');
+        }
+        if(!file_exists($notify_file)) {
+            @touch($notify_file);
+            @chmod($notify_file, 0770);
+        }
+        // 日志文件 end
+        //开始写入
+        $_REQUEST = isset($_REQUEST) ? $_REQUEST : array();
+        if($_REQUEST && $paytype == 'alipay') {
+            file_put_contents($notify_file, "\r\n\r\n".date('Y-m-d H:i:s')." [notify][入口接收request]".json_encode($_REQUEST), FILE_APPEND);
+        } else {
+            $xml = file_get_contents("php://input");
+            file_put_contents($notify_file, "\r\n\r\n".date('Y-m-d H:i:s')." [notify][入口接收php://input流原始数据] \n".$xml, FILE_APPEND);
+            /*$xmlObj = simplexml_load_string($xml, 'SimpleXMLElement', LIBXML_NOCDATA);
+            file_put_contents($notify_file, "\r\n\r\n".date('Y-m-d H:i:s')." [notify][入口接收php://input流] ".json_encode($xmlObj), FILE_APPEND);*/
+        }
+        ini_set('display_errors','On');
+        return $notify_file;
+    }
+    public function test(){
+        $a = input('apple_receipt');
+        $b = $this->validate_apple_pay($a);
+        echo json_encode($b);
+    }
+    /**
+     * 验证AppStore内付
+     * @param string $receipt_data 付款后凭证
+     * @return array                验证是否成功
+     * 报错代码
+     */
+    function validate_apple_pay($receipt_data = '') {
+        // 验证参数
+        if (strlen($receipt_data) < 20) {
+            $result = array(
+                'status' => false,
+                'message' => '非法参数'
+            );
+            return $result;
+        }
+        // 请求验证
+        $html = $this->curl($receipt_data);
+        $data = json_decode($html, true);
+        $data['sandbox'] = '0';
+//        p($data);die;
+        if ($data['status'] == '21002') {
+            $result = array(
+                'status' => false,
+                'message' => 'status:21002'
+            );
+            return $result;
+        }
+        // 如果是沙盒数据 则验证沙盒模式 21008;正式数据 21007
+        if ($data['status'] == '21007') {
+            // 请求验证
+            $html = $this->curl($receipt_data, 1);
+            $data = json_decode($html, true);
+            $data['sandbox'] = '1';
+        }
+        if (isset($_GET['debug'])) {
+            exit(json_encode($data));
+        }
+        if ($data['receipt']['bundle_id'] != '') {
+            $result = array(
+                'status' => false,
+                'message' => '非法请求',
+                'data' => $data
+            );
+            return $result;
+        }
+        // 判断是否购买成功
+        if (intval($data['status']) === 0) {
+            $result = array(
+                'status' => true,
+                'message' => '购买成功',
+                'data' => $data
+            );
+        } else {
+            $result = array(
+                'status' => false,
+                'message' => '购买失败 status:' . $data['status']
+            );
+        }
+//        dump($result);
+        return $result;
+    }
+    /**
+     * 0	票据校验成功
+     * 21000 App Store不能读取你提供的JSON对象25
+     * 21002 receipt-data域的数据有问题
+     * 21003 receipt无法通过验证
+     * 21004 提供的shared secret不匹配你账号中的shared secret
+     * 21005 receipt服务器当前不可用
+     * 21006 receipt合法,但是订阅已过期。服务器接收到这个状态码时,receipt数据仍然会解码并一起发送
+     * 21007 receipt是Sandbox receipt,但却发送至生产系统的验证服务
+     * 21008 receipt是生产receipt,但却发送至Sandbox环境的验证服务
+     */
+    //苹果也是建议这个校验逻辑由服务端完成。服务器需要先去请求正式环境。如果receipt是正式环境的,那么这个时候苹果会返回(21007)告诉我们这个是沙盒的receipt,那么服务器再去请求sandbox环境。
+    function curl($receipt_data,$sandbox = 0) {
+        //小票信息
+        $POSTFIELDS = [
+            'receipt-data' => $receipt_data,
+            'password'     => 'd6c4cae953804133b40e44418dce2afb'
+        ];
+        $POSTFIELDS = json_encode($POSTFIELDS, 320);
+        //正式购买地址 沙盒购买地址
+        $url_buy = "";
+        $url_sandbox = "";
+        //默认后台控制
+        if (config('site.ios_pay_sandbox') > 0 ) {
+            $url = $url_buy;
+        } else {
+            $url = $url_sandbox;
+        }
+        //强制沙盒
+        if($sandbox == 1){
+            $url = $url_sandbox;
+        }
+        $ch = curl_init($url);
+        curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, true);
+        curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_POST, true);
+        curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS, $POSTFIELDS);
+        curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYPEER, 0);  //这两行一定要加,不加会报SSL 错误
+        curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYHOST, 0);
+        $response = curl_exec($ch);
+        $errno = curl_errno($ch);
+        curl_close($ch);
+        if ($errno != 0) {
+            return $errno;
+        } else {
+            return $response;
+        }
+    }
+    /**
+     * 苹果token解密
+     *
+     * @param $token
+     * @return array|bool|mixed|string
+     */
+    private function verifyAppleToken($token)
+    {
+        $arr = explode('.',$token);
+        if(count($arr) != 3){
+            return [];
+        }
+        $header = $arr[0];
+        $header = base64_decode($header);
+        $header = json_decode($header,true);
+        if(empty($header)){
+            return [];
+        }
+        if($header['alg'] != 'ES256'){
+            return [];
+        }
+        $data = $arr[1];
+        $data = base64_decode($data);
+        $data = json_decode($data,true);
+        if(empty($data)){
+            return [];
+        }
+        $sign = $arr[2];
+        if(empty($sign)){
+            return [];
+        }
+        return $data;
+    }