function ($query) { $query->withField('id, name'); } ]) ->where('status', CommonStatus::NORMAL) ->where('is_only_room', 0)// 过滤仅考场使用的试卷 ->whereRaw("((start_time = 0 and end_time = 0) or (start_time < {$now} and end_time > {$now}))"); // 分类 if ($cate_id) { $child_cate_ids = CateModel::getChildId($cate_id); array_push($child_cate_ids, $cate_id); $query->whereIn('cate_id', $child_cate_ids); } // 排序 if ($sort && $sort != 'null') { $sort = explode('|', $sort); $field = $sort[0]; $order_by = $sort[1]; $field = in_array($field, ['join_count']) ? $field : 'join_count'; $order_by = $order_by == 'desc' ? 'desc' : 'asc'; $query->order("{$field} $order_by"); } $list = $query->paginate(); $this->success('', ['list' => $list]); } /** * 试卷取题接口 */ public function getExamQuestion() { $paper_id = input('paper_id/d', 0); $room_id = input('room_id/d', 0); // 验证是否需要绑定手机号 UserModel::isMustBindMobile($this->auth->getUser()); // 预创建考场考试记录 $room_grade_id = ExamService::preRoomGrade($room_id, $this->auth->id); // 获取试卷题目 $question_data = ExamService::getExamQuestion($paper_id, $room_id); $this->success('', array_merge($question_data, ['room_grade_id' => $room_grade_id])); } /** * 交卷 */ public function submit() { $request = Request::instance(); $user_id = $this->auth->id; $paper_id = $request->post('paper_id/d', 0); $questions = $request->post('questions/a', []); $start_time = $request->post('start_time/d', time()); $room_id = $request->post('room_id/d', 0); $room_grade_id = $request->post('room_grade_id/d', 0); if (!$user_id || !$paper_id || !$questions) { $this->error('提交数据有误' . $user_id); } // 考场考试 if ($room_id) { if (!$room_grade_id) { $this->error('提交数据不合法'); } // 考场考试 $result = ExamService::roomExam($user_id, $room_id, $room_grade_id, $questions, $start_time, $paper, $room, $is_makeup, $room_grade_log); // 记录考场考试成绩 $room_grade_log->allowField(true)->save( array_merge( $result, [ // 'cate_id' => $paper['cate_id'], 'user_id' => $user_id, 'paper_id' => $paper_id, 'is_makeup' => $is_makeup, 'is_pre' => 0, // 提交成绩后不再为预创建标记 ], [ 'exam_mode' => ExamMode::ROOM, ] ) ); } else { $result = ExamService::paperExam($user_id, $paper_id, $questions, $start_time, $paper); // 记录考试成绩 GradeModel::create(array_merge( $result, [ 'cate_id' => $paper['cate_id'], 'user_id' => $user_id, 'paper_id' => $paper_id, ], [ // 'exam_mode' => ExamMode::PAPER, 'date' => date('Y-m-d'), ]), true); } return json($result); } /* * 查看错题 * Robin * @param $ids * */ public function error_ids($ids) { $questions = QuestionModel::whereIn('id', ($ids))->select(); $this->success('', $questions); } }