/*! AdminLTE app.js
 * ================
 * Main JS application file for AdminLTE v2. This file
 * should be included in all pages. It controls some layout
 * options and implements exclusive AdminLTE plugins.
 * @Author  Almsaeed Studio
 * @Support <http://www.almsaeedstudio.com>
 * @Email   <abdullah@almsaeedstudio.com>
 * @version 2.3.8
 * @license MIT <http://opensource.org/licenses/MIT>

//Make sure jQuery has been loaded before app.js
if (typeof jQuery === "undefined") {
    throw new Error("AdminLTE requires jQuery");

/* AdminLTE
 * @type Object
 * @description $.AdminLTE is the main object for the template's app.
 *              It's used for implementing functions and options related
 *              to the template. Keeping everything wrapped in an object
 *              prevents conflict with other plugins and is a better
 *              way to organize our code.
$.AdminLTE = {};

/* --------------------
 * - AdminLTE Options -
 * --------------------
 * Modify these options to suit your implementation
$.AdminLTE.options = {
    //Add slimscroll to navbar menus
    //This requires you to load the slimscroll plugin
    //in every page before app.js
    navbarMenuSlimscroll: true,
    navbarMenuSlimscrollWidth: "3px", //The width of the scroll bar
    navbarMenuHeight: "200px", //The height of the inner menu
    //General animation speed for JS animated elements such as box collapse/expand and
    //sidebar treeview slide up/down. This options accepts an integer as milliseconds,
    //'fast', 'normal', or 'slow'
    animationSpeed: 300,
    //Sidebar push menu toggle button selector
    sidebarToggleSelector: "[data-toggle='offcanvas']",
    //Activate sidebar push menu
    sidebarPushMenu: true,
    //Activate sidebar slimscroll if the fixed layout is set (requires SlimScroll Plugin)
    sidebarSlimScroll: true,
    //Enable sidebar expand on hover effect for sidebar mini
    //This option is forced to true if both the fixed layout and sidebar mini
    //are used together
    sidebarExpandOnHover: false,
    //BoxRefresh Plugin
    enableBoxRefresh: true,
    //Bootstrap.js tooltip
    enableBSToppltip: true,
    BSTooltipSelector: "[data-toggle='tooltip']",
    //Enable Fast Click. Fastclick.js creates a more
    //native touch experience with touch devices. If you
    //choose to enable the plugin, make sure you load the script
    //before AdminLTE's app.js
    enableFastclick: false,
    //Control Sidebar Tree views
    enableControlTreeView: true,
    //Control Sidebar Options
    enableControlSidebar: true,
    controlSidebarOptions: {
        //Which button should trigger the open/close event
        toggleBtnSelector: "[data-toggle='control-sidebar']",
        //The sidebar selector
        selector: ".control-sidebar",
        //Enable slide over content
        slide: true
    //Box Widget Plugin. Enable this plugin
    //to allow boxes to be collapsed and/or removed
    enableBoxWidget: true,
    //Box Widget plugin options
    boxWidgetOptions: {
        boxWidgetIcons: {
            //Collapse icon
            collapse: 'fa-minus',
            //Open icon
            open: 'fa-plus',
            //Remove icon
            remove: 'fa-times'
        boxWidgetSelectors: {
            //Remove button selector
            remove: '[data-widget="remove"]',
            //Collapse button selector
            collapse: '[data-widget="collapse"]'
    //Direct Chat plugin options
    directChat: {
        //Enable direct chat by default
        enable: true,
        //The button to open and close the chat contacts pane
        contactToggleSelector: '[data-widget="chat-pane-toggle"]'
    //Define the set of colors to use globally around the website
    colors: {
        lightBlue: "#3c8dbc",
        red: "#f56954",
        green: "#00a65a",
        aqua: "#00c0ef",
        yellow: "#f39c12",
        blue: "#0073b7",
        navy: "#001F3F",
        teal: "#39CCCC",
        olive: "#3D9970",
        lime: "#01FF70",
        orange: "#FF851B",
        fuchsia: "#F012BE",
        purple: "#8E24AA",
        maroon: "#D81B60",
        black: "#222222",
        gray: "#d2d6de"
    //The standard screen sizes that bootstrap uses.
    //If you change these in the variables.less file, change
    //them here too.
    screenSizes: {
        xs: 480,
        sm: 768,
        md: 992,
        lg: 1200

/* ------------------
 * - Implementation -
 * ------------------
 * The next block of code implements AdminLTE's
 * functions and plugins as specified by the
 * options above.
$(function () {
    "use strict";

    //Fix for IE page transitions

    //Extend options if external options exist
    if (typeof AdminLTEOptions !== "undefined") {

    if ('ontouchstart' in document.documentElement) {
        $.AdminLTE.options.sidebarSlimScroll = false;
        $(".main-sidebar").css({height: ($(window).height() - $(".main-header").height()) + "px", overflow: "scroll"});

    //Easy access to options
    var o = $.AdminLTE.options;

    //Set up the object

    //Activate the layout maker

    //Enable sidebar tree view controls
    if (o.enableControlTreeView) {

    //Enable control sidebar
    if (o.enableControlSidebar) {

    //Add slimscroll to navbar dropdown
    if (o.navbarMenuSlimscroll && typeof $.fn.slimscroll != 'undefined') {
        $(".navbar .menu").slimscroll({
            height: o.navbarMenuHeight,
            alwaysVisible: false,
            size: o.navbarMenuSlimscrollWidth
        }).css("width", "100%");

    //Activate sidebar push menu
    if (o.sidebarPushMenu) {

    //Activate Bootstrap tooltip
    if (o.enableBSToppltip) {
            selector: o.BSTooltipSelector,
            container: 'body'

    //Activate box widget
    if (o.enableBoxWidget) {

    //Activate fast click
    if (o.enableFastclick && typeof FastClick != 'undefined') {

    //Activate direct chat widget
    if (o.directChat.enable) {
        $(document).on('click', o.directChat.contactToggleSelector, function () {
            var box = $(this).parents('.direct-chat').first();

     * ------------------------
    $('.btn-group[data-toggle="btn-toggle"]').each(function () {
        var group = $(this);
        $(this).find(".btn").on('click', function (e) {


/* ----------------------------------
 * - Initialize the AdminLTE Object -
 * ----------------------------------
 * All AdminLTE functions are implemented below.
function _init() {
    'use strict';
    /* Layout
     * ======
     * Fixes the layout height in case min-height fails.
     * @type Object
     * @usage $.AdminLTE.layout.activate()
     *        $.AdminLTE.layout.fix()
     *        $.AdminLTE.layout.fixSidebar()
    $.AdminLTE.layout = {
        activate: function () {
            var _this = this;
            //$('body, html, .wrapper').css('height', 'auto');
            $(window, ".wrapper").resize(function () {
        fix: function () {
            // Remove overflow from .wrapper if layout-boxed exists
            $(".layout-boxed > .wrapper").css('overflow', 'hidden');
            //Get window height and the wrapper height
            var footer_height = $('.main-footer').outerHeight() || 0;
            var neg = $('.main-header').outerHeight() + footer_height;
            var window_height = $(window).height();
            var sidebar_height = $(".sidebar").height() || 0;
            //Set the min-height of the content and sidebar based on the
            //the height of the document.
            if ($("body").hasClass("fixed")) {
                $(".content-wrapper, .right-side").css('min-height', window_height - footer_height);
            } else {
                var postSetWidth;
                if (window_height >= sidebar_height) {
                    $(".content-wrapper, .right-side").css('min-height', window_height - neg);
                    postSetWidth = window_height - neg;
                } else {
                    $(".content-wrapper, .right-side").css('min-height', sidebar_height);
                    postSetWidth = sidebar_height;

                //Fix for the control sidebar height
                var controlSidebar = $($.AdminLTE.options.controlSidebarOptions.selector);
                if (typeof controlSidebar !== "undefined") {
                    if (controlSidebar.height() > postSetWidth)
                        $(".content-wrapper, .right-side").css('min-height', controlSidebar.height());

        fixSidebar: function () {
            //Make sure the body tag has the .fixed class
            if (!$("body").hasClass("fixed")) {
                if (typeof $.fn.slimScroll != 'undefined') {
                    $(".sidebar").slimScroll({destroy: true}).height("auto");
            } else if (typeof $.fn.slimScroll == 'undefined' && window.console) {
                window.console.error("Error: the fixed layout requires the slimscroll plugin!");
            //Enable slimscroll for fixed layout
            if ($.AdminLTE.options.sidebarSlimScroll) {
                if (typeof $.fn.slimScroll != 'undefined') {
                    //Destroy if it exists
                    $(".sidebar").slimScroll({destroy: true}).height("auto").css("overflow", "inherit");
                    if (!$("body").hasClass('sidebar-collapse')) {
                        //Add slimscroll
                            height: ($(window).height() - $(".main-header").height()) + "px",
                            color: "rgba(0,0,0,0.2)",
                            size: "8px"

    /* PushMenu()
     * ==========
     * Adds the push menu functionality to the sidebar.
     * @type Function
     * @usage: $.AdminLTE.pushMenu("[data-toggle='offcanvas']")
    $.AdminLTE.pushMenu = {
        activate: function (toggleBtn) {
            //Get the screen sizes
            var screenSizes = $.AdminLTE.options.screenSizes;

            //Enable sidebar toggle
            $(document).on('click', toggleBtn, function (e) {

                //Enable sidebar push menu
                if ($(window).width() > (screenSizes.sm - 1)) {
                    if ($("body").hasClass('sidebar-collapse')) {
                    } else {
                //Handle sidebar push menu for small screens
                else {
                    if ($("body").hasClass('sidebar-open')) {
                    } else {

            $(".content-wrapper").click(function () {
                //Enable hide menu when clicking on the content-wrapper on small screens
                if ($(window).width() <= (screenSizes.sm - 1) && $("body").hasClass("sidebar-open")) {

            //Enable expand on hover for sidebar mini
            if ($.AdminLTE.options.sidebarExpandOnHover) {
        expandOnHover: function () {
            var _this = this;
            var screenWidth = $.AdminLTE.options.screenSizes.sm - 1;
            //Expand sidebar on hover
            $('.main-sidebar').hover(function () {
                if ($('body').hasClass('sidebar-mini')
                    && $("body").hasClass('sidebar-collapse')
                    && $(window).width() > screenWidth) {
            }, function () {
                if ($('body').hasClass('sidebar-mini')
                    && $('body').hasClass('sidebar-expanded-on-hover')
                    && $(window).width() > screenWidth) {
        expand: function () {
        collapse: function () {
            if ($('body').hasClass('sidebar-expanded-on-hover')) {

    /* Tree()
     * ======
     * Converts the sidebar into a multilevel
     * tree view menu.
     * @type Function
     * @Usage: $.AdminLTE.tree('.sidebar')
    $.AdminLTE.tree = function (menu) {
        var _this = this;
        var animationSpeed = $.AdminLTE.options.animationSpeed;
        $(document).off('click', menu + ' li a')
            .on('click', menu + ' li a', function (e) {
                //Get the clicked link and the next element
                var $this = $(this);
                var checkElement = $this.next();
                //Check if the next element is a menu and is visible
                if ((checkElement.is('.treeview-menu')) && (checkElement.is(':visible')) && (!$('body').hasClass('sidebar-collapse'))) {
                    //Close the menu
                    checkElement.slideUp(animationSpeed, function () {
                        //Fix the layout in case the sidebar stretches over the height of the window
                //If the menu is not visible
                else if ((checkElement.is('.treeview-menu')) && (!checkElement.is(':visible'))) {
                    //Get the parent menu
                    var parent = $this.parents('ul').first();
                    // modified by FastAdmin
                    if ($(".show-submenu", menu).size() == 0) {
                        //Close all open menus within the parent
                        var ul = parent.find('ul:visible').slideUp(animationSpeed);
                        //Remove the menu-open class from the parent
                    //Get the parent li
                    var parent_li = $this.parent("li");

                    //Open the target menu and add the menu-open class
                    checkElement.slideDown(animationSpeed, function () {
                        //Add the class active to the parent li
                        //Fix the layout in case the sidebar stretches over the height of the window
                        // _this.layout.fix();
                } else {
                    if (!$this.parent().hasClass("active")) {
                    // modified by FastAdmin
                    if ($(".show-submenu", menu).size() == 0) {
                //if this isn't a link, prevent the page from being redirected
                if (checkElement.is('.treeview-menu')) {

    /* ControlSidebar
     * ==============
     * Adds functionality to the right sidebar
     * @type Object
     * @usage $.AdminLTE.controlSidebar.activate(options)
    $.AdminLTE.controlSidebar = {
        //instantiate the object
        activate: function () {
            //Get the object
            var _this = this;
            //Update options
            var o = $.AdminLTE.options.controlSidebarOptions;
            //Get the sidebar
            var sidebar = $(o.selector);
            //The toggle button
            var btn = $(o.toggleBtnSelector);

            //Listen to the click event
            btn.on('click', function (e) {
                //If the sidebar is not open
                if (!sidebar.hasClass('control-sidebar-open')
                    && !$('body').hasClass('control-sidebar-open')) {
                    //Open the sidebar
                    _this.open(sidebar, o.slide);
                } else {
                    _this.close(sidebar, o.slide);

            //If the body has a boxed layout, fix the sidebar bg position
            var bg = $(".control-sidebar-bg");

            //If the body has a fixed layout, make the control sidebar fixed
            if ($('body').hasClass('fixed')) {
            } else {
                //If the content height is less than the sidebar's height, force max height
                if ($('.content-wrapper, .right-side').height() < sidebar.height()) {
        //Open the control sidebar
        open: function (sidebar, slide) {
            //Slide over content
            if (slide) {
            } else {
                //Push the content by adding the open class to the body instead
                //of the sidebar itself
        //Close the control sidebar
        close: function (sidebar, slide) {
            if (slide) {
            } else {
        _fix: function (sidebar) {
            var _this = this;
            if ($("body").hasClass('layout-boxed')) {
                sidebar.css('position', 'absolute');
                if (_this.hasBindedResize) {
                $(window).resize(function () {
                _this.hasBindedResize = true;
            } else {
                    'position': 'fixed',
                    'height': 'auto'
        _fixForFixed: function (sidebar) {
                'position': 'fixed',
                'max-height': '100%',
                'overflow': 'auto',
        _fixForContent: function (sidebar) {
            $(".content-wrapper, .right-side").css('min-height', sidebar.height());

    /* BoxWidget
     * =========
     * BoxWidget is a plugin to handle collapsing and
     * removing boxes from the screen.
     * @type Object
     * @usage $.AdminLTE.boxWidget.activate()
     *        Set all your options in the main $.AdminLTE.options object
    $.AdminLTE.boxWidget = {
        selectors: $.AdminLTE.options.boxWidgetOptions.boxWidgetSelectors,
        icons: $.AdminLTE.options.boxWidgetOptions.boxWidgetIcons,
        animationSpeed: $.AdminLTE.options.animationSpeed,
        activate: function (_box) {
            var _this = this;
            if (!_box) {
                _box = document; // activate all boxes per default
            //Listen for collapse event triggers
            $(_box).on('click', _this.selectors.collapse, function (e) {

            //Listen for remove event triggers
            $(_box).on('click', _this.selectors.remove, function (e) {
        collapse: function (element) {
            var _this = this;
            //Find the box parent
            var box = element.parents(".box").first();
            //Find the body and the footer
            var box_content = box.find("> .box-body, > .box-footer, > form  >.box-body, > form > .box-footer");
            if (!box.hasClass("collapsed-box")) {
                //Convert minus into plus
                //Hide the content
                box_content.slideUp(_this.animationSpeed, function () {
            } else {
                //Convert plus into minus
                //Show the content
                box_content.slideDown(_this.animationSpeed, function () {
        remove: function (element) {
            //Find the box parent
            var box = element.parents(".box").first();

/* ------------------
 * - Custom Plugins -
 * ------------------
 * All custom plugins are defined below.

 * ------------------
 * This is a custom plugin to use with the component BOX. It allows you to add
 * a refresh button to the box. It converts the box's state to a loading state.
 * @type plugin
 * @usage $("#box-widget").boxRefresh( options );
(function ($) {

    "use strict";

    $.fn.boxRefresh = function (options) {

        // Render options
        var settings = $.extend({
            //Refresh button selector
            trigger: ".refresh-btn",
            //File source to be loaded (e.g: ajax/src.php)
            source: "",
            onLoadStart: function (box) {
                return box;
            }, //Right after the button has been clicked
            onLoadDone: function (box) {
                return box;
            } //When the source has been loaded

        }, options);

        //The overlay
        var overlay = $('<div class="overlay"><div class="fa fa-refresh fa-spin"></div></div>');

        return this.each(function () {
            //if a source is specified
            if (settings.source === "") {
                if (window.console) {
                    window.console.log("Please specify a source first - boxRefresh()");
            //the box
            var box = $(this);
            //the button
            var rBtn = box.find(settings.trigger).first();

            //On trigger click
            rBtn.on('click', function (e) {
                //Add loading overlay

                //Perform ajax call
                box.find(".box-body").load(settings.source, function () {

        function start(box) {
            //Add overlay and loading img


        function done(box) {
            //Remove overlay and loading img




 * -----------------------
 * This is a custom plugin to use with the component BOX. It allows you to activate
 * a box inserted in the DOM after the app.js was loaded, toggle and remove box.
 * @type plugin
 * @usage $("#box-widget").activateBox();
 * @usage $("#box-widget").toggleBox();
 * @usage $("#box-widget").removeBox();
(function ($) {

    'use strict';

    $.fn.activateBox = function () {

    $.fn.toggleBox = function () {
        var button = $($.AdminLTE.boxWidget.selectors.collapse, this);

    $.fn.removeBox = function () {
        var button = $($.AdminLTE.boxWidget.selectors.remove, this);


 * -----------------------
 * This plugin depends on iCheck plugin for checkbox and radio inputs
 * @type plugin
 * @usage $("#todo-widget").todolist( options );
(function ($) {

    'use strict';

    $.fn.todolist = function (options) {
        // Render options
        var settings = $.extend({
            //When the user checks the input
            onCheck: function (ele) {
                return ele;
            //When the user unchecks the input
            onUncheck: function (ele) {
                return ele;
        }, options);

        return this.each(function () {

            if (typeof $.fn.iCheck != 'undefined') {
                $('input', this).on('ifChecked', function () {
                    var ele = $(this).parents("li").first();

                $('input', this).on('ifUnchecked', function () {
                    var ele = $(this).parents("li").first();
            } else {
                $('input', this).on('change', function () {
                    var ele = $(this).parents("li").first();
                    if ($('input', ele).is(":checked")) {
                    } else {

    //set/get form element value
    $.fn.field = function (name, value) {
        if (typeof name !== "string")
            return false;
        var element = $(this).find("[name='" + name + "']");

        if (typeof value === "undefined" && element.length >= 1) {
            switch (element.attr("type")) {
                case "checkbox":
                    var result = new Array();
                    element.each(function (i, val) {
                        if ($(this).is(":checked")) {
                    return result;
                case "radio":
                    var result;
                    element.each(function (i, val) {
                        if ($(this).is(":checked")) {
                            result = $(this).val();
                    return result;
                    return element.val();
        } else {
            switch (element.attr("type")) {
                case "checkbox":
                case "radio":
                    value = $.isArray(value) ? value : [value];
                    element.each(function (i) {
                            checked: $.inArray($(this).val(), value) > -1
                case undefined:
            return element;