<?php declare(strict_types = 1); namespace BaconQrCode\Renderer\Module; use BaconQrCode\Encoder\ByteMatrix; use BaconQrCode\Exception\InvalidArgumentException; use BaconQrCode\Renderer\Module\EdgeIterator\EdgeIterator; use BaconQrCode\Renderer\Path\Path; /** * Rounds the corners of module groups. */ final class RoundnessModule implements ModuleInterface { public const STRONG = 1; public const MEDIUM = .5; public const SOFT = .25; /** * @var float */ private $intensity; public function __construct(float $intensity) { if ($intensity <= 0 || $intensity > 1) { throw new InvalidArgumentException('Intensity must between 0 (exclusive) and 1 (inclusive)'); } $this->intensity = $intensity / 2; } public function createPath(ByteMatrix $matrix) : Path { $path = new Path(); foreach (new EdgeIterator($matrix) as $edge) { $points = $edge->getSimplifiedPoints(); $length = count($points); $currentPoint = $points[0]; $nextPoint = $points[1]; $horizontal = ($currentPoint[1] === $nextPoint[1]); if ($horizontal) { $right = $nextPoint[0] > $currentPoint[0]; $path = $path->move( $currentPoint[0] + ($right ? $this->intensity : -$this->intensity), $currentPoint[1] ); } else { $up = $nextPoint[0] < $currentPoint[0]; $path = $path->move( $currentPoint[0], $currentPoint[1] + ($up ? -$this->intensity : $this->intensity) ); } for ($i = 1; $i <= $length; ++$i) { if ($i === $length) { $previousPoint = $points[$length - 1]; $currentPoint = $points[0]; $nextPoint = $points[1]; } else { $previousPoint = $points[(0 === $i ? $length : $i) - 1]; $currentPoint = $points[$i]; $nextPoint = $points[($length - 1 === $i ? -1 : $i) + 1]; } $horizontal = ($previousPoint[1] === $currentPoint[1]); if ($horizontal) { $right = $previousPoint[0] < $currentPoint[0]; $up = $nextPoint[1] < $currentPoint[1]; $sweep = ($up xor $right); if ($this->intensity < 0.5 || ($right && $previousPoint[0] !== $currentPoint[0] - 1) || (! $right && $previousPoint[0] - 1 !== $currentPoint[0]) ) { $path = $path->line( $currentPoint[0] + ($right ? -$this->intensity : $this->intensity), $currentPoint[1] ); } $path = $path->ellipticArc( $this->intensity, $this->intensity, 0, false, $sweep, $currentPoint[0], $currentPoint[1] + ($up ? -$this->intensity : $this->intensity) ); } else { $up = $previousPoint[1] > $currentPoint[1]; $right = $nextPoint[0] > $currentPoint[0]; $sweep = ! ($up xor $right); if ($this->intensity < 0.5 || ($up && $previousPoint[1] !== $currentPoint[1] + 1) || (! $up && $previousPoint[0] + 1 !== $currentPoint[0]) ) { $path = $path->line( $currentPoint[0], $currentPoint[1] + ($up ? $this->intensity : -$this->intensity) ); } $path = $path->ellipticArc( $this->intensity, $this->intensity, 0, false, $sweep, $currentPoint[0] + ($right ? $this->intensity : -$this->intensity), $currentPoint[1] ); } } $path = $path->close(); } return $path; } }