Browse Source


lizhen_gitee 3 years ago
1 changed files with 2475 additions and 0 deletions
  1. 2475 0

+ 2475 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,2475 @@
+namespace app\api\controller;
+use addons\faqueue\library\QueueApi;
+use app\api\controller\Common;
+use app\common\model\GiftBox;
+use app\common\model\PartyJoin;
+use fast\Random;
+use app\common\controller\RedisLeaderboard;
+use Redis;
+use think\Db;
+use think\Exception;
+use think\exception\PDOException;
+use think\exception\ValidateException;
+use think\Request;
+ * 派对信息接口
+ */
+class Party extends Common
+    protected $noNeedLogin = ['updatePartyInfo', 'getPatyType', 'addUserPositionToParty', 'clearMoney', 'clearCharm', 'getPartyRankList', 'getDefaultBackground', 'getPartyGifType', 'getPartGifList', 'getPartHeadgifList', 'isNotalk', 'getMusicList', 'updateTops', 'handleParty'];
+    protected $noNeedRight = ['*'];
+    public function __construct(Request $request = null)
+    {
+        $this->roomTypeArr = [1=>"party",2=>"live"];
+        parent::__construct($request);
+    }
+    /**
+     * 创建/进入派对
+     */
+    public function createParty() {
+            $room_type = $this->request->request('room_type',1); // 房间类型:1=派对,2=直播
+        $partyModel = new \app\common\model\Party();
+        $user_id = $this->auth->id;
+        // 开直播时,判断当前用户是否为主播
+        if($room_type == 2) {
+            $anchorInfo = \app\common\model\UserAnchor::where(["user_id"=>$user_id])->find();
+            $anchorInfo || $this->error("您还未申请主播!");
+            $anchorInfo->status == 0 && $this->error("您的主播申请信息还未受理,请耐心等待!");
+            $anchorInfo->status == 2 && $this->error("您的主播申请未通过,请重新提交!");
+        }
+        // 1。实名认证
+        $userAuthInfo = \app\common\model\UserAuth::where(["user_id"=>$user_id])->find();
+        if($userAuthInfo) {
+            if($userAuthInfo->status == 0) {
+                $this->error("您的实名认证还在这审核中...,请耐心等待!");
+            } elseif($userAuthInfo->status == 2) {
+                $this->error("您的实名认证审核未通过,请重新审核!");
+            }
+        } else {
+            $this->error("请先申请实名认证!");
+        }
+        if($room_type == 1) {
+            // 2。开厅申请
+            $authInfo = \app\common\model\GuildApply::where(["user_id"=>$user_id])->find();
+            if($authInfo) {
+                if($authInfo->status == 0) {
+                    $this->error("您的开厅申请还在这审核中...,请耐心等待!");
+                } elseif($authInfo->status == -1) {
+                    $this->error("您的开厅申请审核未通过,请重新审核!");
+                }
+            } else {
+                $this->error("请先申请开厅资质!");
+            }
+        }
+        // 判断派对是否存在
+        $redis = new Redis();
+        $redisconfig = config("redis");
+        $redis->connect($redisconfig["host"], $redisconfig["port"]);
+        $where = [];
+        $where["user_id"] = $user_id;
+        $where["room_type"] = $room_type;
+        $sqlPartyInfo = $partyModel->where($where)->find();
+        if(!$sqlPartyInfo) { // sql中不存在派对信息
+            $partylimit = config("site.roomLimit");
+            $partycount = $partyModel->count("id");
+            if($partycount >= $partylimit && $partylimit != -1) {
+                $this->error("房间数量已达上线,请联系客服!");
+            }
+            $party_name = $this->auth->u_id."的房间"; // 派对名称
+            $party_logo = "/assets/api/party_logo.png"; // 派对logo
+            $party_type = 0; // 派对类型(情感互动,心动点单 等)
+            $party_notice = "请编辑房间公告"; // 派对公告
+            $party_notice_detail = "请编辑房间公告内容!"; // 派对公告详情
+            if (!$party_name || !$party_logo || !$party_notice) {
+                $this->error(__('Invalid parameters'));
+            }
+            $party_ids = $partyModel->column("party_id");
+            // 创建派对ID (临时ID四位,派对数不超过8999)
+            $party_id = $this->auth->getUinqueId(4,$party_ids);
+            if($party_id > 9999) {
+                $this->error("派对超限,请联系客服");
+            }
+            $data = [];
+            $data["user_id"] = $this->auth->id;
+            $data["room_type"] = $room_type;
+            $data["party_id"] = $party_id;
+            $data["party_hot"] = 0;
+            $data["party_name"] = $party_name;
+            $data["party_logo"] = $party_logo;
+            $data["party_type"] = $party_type;
+            $data["party_notice"] = $party_notice;
+            $data["party_notice_detail"] = $party_notice_detail;
+            $data["is_online"] = 1;
+            $data["status"] = 0;
+            $data["is_recommend"] = 0;
+            $data["createtime"] = time();
+            $id = $partyModel->insertGetId($data);
+            if(!$id) {
+                $this->error("派对创建失败,请稍后重试!");
+            }
+            $data["id"] = $id;
+            if($room_type == 2) {
+                \app\common\model\User::update(["is_live"=>1],["id"=>$user_id]);
+            }
+            $partyInfo = $partyModel->where(["id"=>$id])->find();
+            $partyInfo["is_new"] = 1;
+            // 冠名
+            $userInfo = [];
+            if($partyInfo["naming"]) {
+                $userInfo = \app\common\model\User::field("id,nickname,avatar")->where(["id"=>$partyInfo["naming"]])->find();
+            }
+            // 头像
+            if($partyInfo["user_id"] > 0 && $room_type == 2) {
+                $partyInfo["avatar"] = \app\common\model\User::where(["id"=>$partyInfo["user_id"]])->value("avatar");
+            }
+            // 派对类型
+            $partyTypeName = "普通房";
+            if($partyInfo["party_type"]) {
+                $partyTypeName = \app\common\model\PartyType::where(["id"=>$partyInfo["party_type"]])->value("name");
+            }
+            $partyInfo["naming"] = $userInfo;
+            $partyInfo["type_name"] = $partyTypeName;
+            // 加入缓存排序
+            $redis->zAdd($this->roomTypeArr[$room_type]."Rank", $partyInfo['party_hot'], $partyInfo["id"]);
+            // 加入缓存
+            $redis->set($this->roomTypeArr[$room_type]."_".$partyInfo["id"],json_encode($partyInfo));
+            if($room_type != 2) {
+                // 创建公会
+                \app\common\model\Guild::createGuild($partyInfo["id"], $partyInfo["party_name"], $user_id);
+                \app\common\model\User::update(["is_guild" => 3], ["id" => $user_id]);
+            }
+        } else {
+            if($sqlPartyInfo["is_close"] == 1) $this->error("该房间已被关闭!");
+            if($sqlPartyInfo["status"] == 0){
+                // 清楚对应的记录
+                $redis->del($this->roomTypeArr[$room_type]."_".$sqlPartyInfo["id"]);
+                // 删除派对记录
+                \app\common\model\Party::where('id',$sqlPartyInfo["id"])->delete();
+                $this->error("创建失败,请重试");
+            }
+//            if($sqlPartyInfo["status"] != 1) $this->error("该房间为预创建房间,请联系管理员正式开通!");
+            // 如果是房主并且房间处于离线状态下激活
+            if ($sqlPartyInfo['user_id'] != $user_id) {
+                $this->error("当前直播已结束!");
+            }
+            $partyInfo = $sqlPartyInfo;
+            $partyInfo["is_new"] = 0;
+        }
+        // 获取用户魅力值
+        $users = $redis->zRange("hourCharm_".$partyInfo->id,0,-1,true);
+        $u = [];
+        if($users) {
+            foreach($users as $k => $v) $u[] = [
+                "user_id"=>$k,
+                "charm"=>$this->changeW($v)
+            ];
+        }
+        $partyInfo["userCharm"] = $u;
+        $this->success("获取成功!",$partyInfo);
+    }
+    /**
+     * 更新房间状态为正常
+     */
+    public function savePartyStatus() {
+        $party_id = $this->request->request('party_id'); // 派对ID
+        $room_type = $this->request->request('room_type',1); // 房间类型:1=派对,2=直播
+        if (!$party_id || !in_array($room_type,[1,2])) $this->error(__('Invalid parameters'));
+        $user_id = $this->auth->id;
+        $partyInfo = \app\common\model\Party::get($party_id);
+        if($partyInfo->status < 0) $this->error("当前状态不支持变更!");
+        if($partyInfo->user_id !== $user_id) $this->error("当前账号异常,非工会长禁止操作!");
+        $partyInfo->status = 1;
+        $res = $partyInfo->save();
+        if($res) {
+            // 更新redis  加入缓存排序
+            $redis = new Redis();
+            $redisconfig = config("redis");
+            $redis->connect($redisconfig["host"], $redisconfig["port"]);
+            // 更新redis  加入缓存
+            $redPartyInfo = $redis->get($this->roomTypeArr[$room_type]."_".$partyInfo["id"]);
+            if($redPartyInfo) {
+                $redPartyInfo = json_decode($redPartyInfo,true);
+                $redPartyInfo["status"] = 1;
+                $redis->set($this->roomTypeArr[$room_type]."_".$partyInfo["id"],json_encode($redPartyInfo));
+            }
+            $this->success("更新公会状态成功!");
+        } else {
+            $this->error("网络错误,请稍后重试!");
+        }
+    }
+    /**
+     * 删除派对(群解散)
+     */
+    public function closeParty() {
+        $party_id = $this->request->request('party_id'); // 派对ID
+        $room_type = $this->request->request('room_type',1); // 房间类型:1=派对,2=直播
+        if (!$party_id || !in_array($room_type,[1,2])) $this->error(__('Invalid parameters'));
+        $partyInfo = \app\common\model\Party::where(["id"=>$party_id])->find();
+        if(!$partyInfo) $this->error(__('派对不存在!'));
+        $res = $partyInfo->delete();
+        if($res !== false) {
+            // redis 删除
+            $redis = new Redis();
+            $redisconfig = config("redis");
+            $redis->connect($redisconfig["host"], $redisconfig["port"]);
+            $redis->zRem($this->roomTypeArr[$room_type]."Rank",$party_id);
+            $redis->del($this->roomTypeArr[$room_type]."_".$party_id);
+            $this->success("删除成功!");
+        } else {
+            $this->error("删除失败!");
+        }
+    }
+    /**
+     * 获取派对列表排序
+     */
+    public function getPartyRankList() {
+        $thispage = $this->request->request('thispage',1,"intval"); // 当前页数
+        $pagenum = $this->request->request('pagenum',10,"intval"); // 每页显示条数0=不做分页
+        $type_id = $this->request->request('type_id'); // 派对类型
+        $room_type = $this->request->request('room_type',1); // 房间类型:1=派对,2=直播
+        $is_recommend = $this->request->request('is_recommend'); // 推荐0=否1=是
+        $all = $this->request->request('all'); // 全部分类0=否1=是
+        $index = $this->request->request('index',0); // 全部分类0=否1=是
+        //更新ip,设备id
+        if($is_recommend == 1) controller('api/User')->changeDeviceIp();
+        $start = ($thispage-1)*$pagenum;
+        $end = $start+($pagenum-1);
+        // 获取排序
+        $redis = new Redis();
+        $redisconfig = config("redis");
+        $redis->connect($redisconfig["host"], $redisconfig["port"]);
+        $redisPartyRankList = $redis->zRevRange($this->roomTypeArr[$room_type]."Rank",0,-1,true);
+        $partyModel = new \app\common\model\Party();
+        if(!$redisPartyRankList) {
+            $userModel = new \app\common\model\User();
+            // 直接从数据库获取所有数据
+            $where = [];
+            $where["a.status"] = 1;
+            $where["a.is_online"] = 1;
+            $where["a.room_type"] = $room_type;
+            $sqlPartyList = $partyModel->alias("a")->field("a.*, as type_name")
+                ->join("hx_party_type b","a.party_type =","left")->where($where)->select();
+            $userList = $userModel->field("id,nickname,avatar")->where(["status"=>"normal"])->select();
+            $userInfoArr = [];
+            if($userList) foreach($userList as $k => $v) $userInfoArr[$v["id"]] = $v;
+            if($sqlPartyList) {
+                foreach($sqlPartyList as $k => $v) {
+                    // 加入缓存排序
+                    $redis->zAdd($this->roomTypeArr[$room_type]."Rank", $v['party_hot'], $v["id"]);
+                    // 设置冠名
+                    $sqlPartyList[$k]["naming"] = isset($userInfoArr[$v["naming"]])?$userInfoArr[$v["naming"]]:[];
+                    // 设置房主头像
+                    $sqlPartyList[$k]["avatar"] = isset($userInfoArr[$v["user_id"]])?$userInfoArr[$v["user_id"]]["avatar"]:[];
+                    // 加入缓存
+                    $redis->set($this->roomTypeArr[$room_type]."_".$v["id"],json_encode($v));
+                }
+                $redisPartyRankList = $redis->zRevRange($this->roomTypeArr[$room_type]."Rank",0,-1,true);
+            }
+        }
+        if($redisPartyRankList) {
+            $resultInfo = $partyModel->getPatyInfoByPartyId($redisPartyRankList,$this->roomTypeArr[$room_type],$type_id,$is_recommend,$all,$start,$end,$index);
+            $this->success("获取成功!",$resultInfo);
+        }else{
+            $this->success("获取成功!",[]);
+        }
+    }
+    /**
+     * 获取派对用户排序
+     */
+    public function getPartyUserRank() {
+        $room_type = $this->request->request('room_type',1); // 房间类型
+        $party_id = $this->request->request("party_id");// 派对ID
+        if (!$party_id) $this->error(__('Invalid parameters'));
+        $redis = new Redis();
+        $redisconfig = config("redis");
+        $redis->connect($redisconfig["host"], $redisconfig["port"]);
+        $res = [];
+        // 获取今天
+        $day = date("Ymd");
+        // 获取本周第一天
+        $weekday = $this->firstOfWeek(date("Y-m-d H:i:s"));
+        // 获取本月第一天
+        $monthday = date("Ym01");
+        $userModel = new \app\common\model\User();
+        // 获取条数
+        $num = 50;
+        // 获取50条财富排行日记录
+        $getday = $redis->zRevRange($this->roomTypeArr[$room_type]."_jewel_get_".$party_id.":".$day."d",0,$num-1,true);
+        $res['getRankListDay'] = $userModel->rankList($getday);
+        // 获取50条财富排行日记录
+        $today = $redis->zRevRange($this->roomTypeArr[$room_type]."_jewel_to_".$party_id.":".$day."d",0,$num-1,true);
+        $res['toRankListDay'] = $userModel->rankList($today);
+        // 获取50条财富排行周记录
+        $getweek = $redis->zRevRange($this->roomTypeArr[$room_type]."_jewel_get_".$party_id.":".$weekday."w",0,$num-1,true);
+        $res['getRankListWeek'] = $userModel->rankList($getweek);
+        // 获取50条贡献排行周记录
+        $toweek = $redis->zRevRange($this->roomTypeArr[$room_type]."_jewel_to_".$party_id.":".$weekday."w",0,$num-1,true);
+        $res['toRankListWeek'] = $userModel->rankList($toweek);
+        // 获取50条财富排行月记录
+        $toweek = $redis->zRevRange($this->roomTypeArr[$room_type]."_jewel_get_".$party_id.":".$monthday."m",0,$num-1,true);
+        $res['getRankListMonth'] = $userModel->rankList($toweek);
+        // 获取50条贡献排行周记录
+        $toweek = $redis->zRevRange($this->roomTypeArr[$room_type]."_jewel_to_".$party_id.":".$monthday."m",0,$num-1,true);
+        $res['toRankListMonth'] = $userModel->rankList($toweek);
+        return $this->success("获取成功!",$res);
+    }
+    /**
+     * 派对热度更新(已废弃)
+     */
+    public function changeUserPartyhot() {
+        $party_id = $this->request->request('party_id',0,"intval"); // 派对ID
+        $room_type = $this->request->request('room_type',1); // 房间类型
+        $party_hot = $this->request->request('party_hot'); // 房间热度(正数表示提高的热度值,负数表示降低的热度值)
+        if (!$party_id || !$party_hot) {
+            $this->error(__('Invalid parameters'));
+        }
+        $redis = new Redis();
+        $redisconfig = config("redis");
+        $redis->connect($redisconfig["host"], $redisconfig["port"]);
+        // 更新热度
+        $redis->zIncrBy($this->roomTypeArr[$room_type]."Rank", $party_hot, $party_id);
+        return $this->success("更新成功!");
+    }
+    /**
+     * 更新主持人和麦位前四位至首页房间排行
+     */
+    public function addUserPositionToParty() {
+        $party_id = $this->request->request('party_id',0,"intval"); // 直播间ID
+        $user_id = $this->request->request('user_id',0,"intval"); // 用户ID
+        $upOrdown = $this->request->request('upordown'); // 上下麦:1=上麦-1=下麦
+        $room_type = $this->request->request('room_type',1); // 房间类型
+        $avatar   = $this->request->request('avatar'); // 用户头像 (upOrdown参数为-1时可以不传)
+        $position   = $this->request->request('position'); // 麦位置:0=支持人,1=1号麦,2=2号麦,3=3号麦,4=4号麦
+        if (!$party_id || !$user_id || !in_array($position,[0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8]) || !in_array($upOrdown,[1,-1])) {
+            $this->error(__('Invalid parameters'));
+        }
+        if($upOrdown == 1) {
+            // 先完成所有麦上记录
+            \app\common\model\UserOnsiteTime::update(["status"=>2],["user_id"=>$user_id]);
+            // 保存上麦记录
+            $data = [];
+            $data["user_id"] = $user_id;
+            $data["party_id"] = $party_id;
+            $data["onsite_time"] = time();
+            \app\common\model\UserOnsiteTime::insert($data);
+        }
+        if($upOrdown == -1) {
+            // 更新下麦时间
+            $update = [];
+            $update["offsite_time"] = time();
+            $update["status"] = 2;
+            \app\common\model\UserOnsiteTime::update($update,["user_id"=>$user_id,"status"=>1]);
+        }
+        if(in_array($position,[5,6,7,8])) return $this->success("设置成功!");
+        $redis = new Redis();
+        $redisconfig = config("redis");
+        $redis->connect($redisconfig["host"], $redisconfig["port"]);
+        $redisData = $redis->get($this->roomTypeArr[$room_type]."_".$party_id);
+        if($redisData) {
+            $partyInfo = json_decode($redisData,true);
+            if($upOrdown == 1) {
+                // 删掉已有头像,防止重复
+                $partyuser = isset($partyInfo["party_user"])?$partyInfo["party_user"]:"";
+                if(is_array($partyuser)) foreach($partyuser as $k => $v) if($v === $avatar) unset($partyInfo["party_user"][$k]);
+                $partyInfo["party_user"][$position] = $avatar;
+            } else {
+                if(isset($partyInfo["party_user"])) unset($partyInfo["party_user"][$position]);
+            }
+//        sort($partyInfo["party_user"]);
+            $redis->set($this->roomTypeArr[$room_type]."_".$party_id,json_encode($partyInfo));
+        }
+        return $this->success("设置成功!");
+    }
+    /**
+     * 获取派对在线人数列表
+     */
+    public function getOnlieList() {
+        $party_id = $this->request->request('party_id',0,"intval"); // 直播间ID 逻辑ID
+        $page = $this->request->request('page',1); // 分页
+        $pageNum = $this->request->request('pageNum',10); // 分页
+        // 分页搜索构建
+        $pageStart = ($page-1)*$pageNum;
+        if (!$party_id) {
+            $this->error(__('Invalid parameters'));
+        }
+        $redis = new Redis();
+        $redisconfig = config("redis");
+        $redis->connect($redisconfig["host"], $redisconfig["port"]);
+        $res = $redis->hGetAll("online_".$party_id);
+        $user_ids = [];$userList = [];
+        if($res) $user_ids = array_values($res);
+        // 获取用户列表信息
+        $user_ids && $userList = \app\common\model\User::field("id,avatar,nickname,level,gender")->where(["id"=>["in",$user_ids]])->limit($pageStart,$pageNum)->select();
+        $this->success("获取成功!",$userList);
+    }
+    /** 连续进房提示
+     * @param $user_id
+     * @param $party_id
+     * @param $redis
+     * @return int
+     */
+    private function getUserJoinPartyDays($user_id, $party_id,$redis): int
+    {
+        $days = 1;
+        $joinPartyDays = $redis->hGet("joinParty_days",$user_id."-".$party_id);
+        if ($joinPartyDays){
+            $joinPartyDaysArr = explode('-',$joinPartyDays);
+            $oldTime = (int)$joinPartyDaysArr[0];
+            $todayStartTime = strtotime(date('Y-m-d'));//今天0点
+            $yesterdayStartTime = strtotime(date("Y-m-d",strtotime("-1 day")));//昨天开始时间戳
+            $todayEndTime = $todayStartTime+24 * 60 * 60-1;//今天结束时间戳
+            //昨天登录过,+1
+            if ($yesterdayStartTime <= $oldTime &&  $oldTime < $todayStartTime){
+                $days = (int)$joinPartyDaysArr[1];
+                $days++;
+                $redis->hSet("joinParty_days", $user_id . "-" . $party_id, time().'-'. $days);
+            }elseif($todayStartTime <= $oldTime && $oldTime <= $todayEndTime){
+                //今天登录过 days
+                $days = (int)$joinPartyDaysArr[1];
+            } else {
+                $redis->hSet("joinParty_days", $user_id . "-" . $party_id, time().'-1');
+            }
+        }else{
+            $redis->hSet("joinParty_days", $user_id . "-" . $party_id, time().'-1');
+        }
+        return $days;
+    }
+    /**
+     * 加入派对
+     */
+    public function joinParty() {
+        $party_id = $this->request->request('party_id',0,"intval"); // 直播间ID 逻辑ID
+        $room_type = $this->request->request("room_type",1);//
+        $party_pass = $this->request->request("party_pass");//
+        if (!$party_id || !in_array($room_type,[1,2])) {
+            $this->error(__('Invalid parameters'));
+        }
+        $user_id = $this->auth->id;
+        $redis = new Redis();
+        $redisconfig = config("redis");
+        $redis->connect($redisconfig["host"], $redisconfig["port"]);
+        $redis->zAdd("party_user_".$party_id,$this->auth->u_id,$user_id);
+        // 判断当前用户是否存在在直播间通过切换过来的
+        $livingUserPartyId = $redis->hGet("livingUser", $user_id);
+        if ($livingUserPartyId) {
+            if($livingUserPartyId != $party_id){
+                // 扣除房间在线人数
+                $redis->HDel("online_" . $livingUserPartyId, $user_id);
+                // 扣除在线用户在房间情况
+                $redis->hDel("livingUser", $user_id);
+            }
+        }
+        // 记录在线用户在房间情况
+        $redis->hSet("livingUser", $user_id, $party_id);
+        // 判断当前用户是否被该房间设置限制 //项目:1=房管,2=禁言,3=拉黑,4=踢出
+        $lsetList = [];
+        for($i=1;$i<=4;$i++) {
+            $hgetlist = $redis->hGet("party_manage_".$party_id,$user_id."-".$i);
+            $hgetlist = unserialize($hgetlist);
+            $restime = time() - intval($hgetlist["createtime"]);
+            // 房管
+            if($hgetlist && $i == 1) $lsetList["manage_restime"] = "";
+            // 禁言
+            if($hgetlist && $i == 2 && $restime < $hgetlist["time"]) $lsetList["manage_notalk"] = $restime;
+            // 拉黑
+            if($hgetlist && $i == 3 && $restime < $hgetlist["time"]) {
+                $restime = date("Y-m-d H:i:s",($hgetlist["time"]+$hgetlist["createtime"]));
+                $this->error(__('您已被该房间拉黑,解除时间:'.$restime));
+                break;
+            }
+            // 踢出
+            if($hgetlist && $i == 4 && $restime < $hgetlist["time"]) {
+                $restime = date("Y-m-d H:i:s",($hgetlist["time"]+$hgetlist["createtime"]));
+                $this->error(__('您已被该房间踢出,解除时间:'.$restime));
+                break;
+            }
+        }
+        // 判断派对密码
+        $partyInfo = $redis->get($this->roomTypeArr[$room_type]."_".$party_id);
+        if($partyInfo) {
+            $partyInfo = json_decode($partyInfo,true);
+            if($partyInfo["is_close"] == 1) $this->error("该房间已被关闭!");
+            // if($partyInfo["status"] != 1) $this->error("该房间为预创建房间,请联系管理员正式开通!");
+            if(isset($partyInfo["party_pass"]) && $partyInfo["party_pass"] && $partyInfo["user_id"] != $user_id) {
+                if(($party_pass != $partyInfo["party_pass"] || strlen($party_pass) != 4) && $this->auth->id != 4) {
+                    $this->error("派对密码不正确!");
+                }
+            }
+            // 公会管理员和工会长激活派对厅
+            $guildInfo = \app\common\model\Guild::where(['user_id' => $partyInfo['user_id'], 'status' => 1])->find();
+            if ($guildInfo) {
+                // 获取公会管理员
+                $guildMemberInfo = \app\common\model\GuildMember::where(["user_id" => $user_id, "guild_id" => $guildInfo['id'], 'status' => 1])->find();
+                if ($guildMemberInfo && $guildMemberInfo['role'] == 0 && $partyInfo['is_online'] == 0) {
+                    $this->error("当前直播已结束!");
+                }
+            }
+//            // 如果是房主自己进入房间,则更新用户 为在线状态
+//            if ($partyInfo["user_id"] == $user_id) {
+//                if ($room_type == 2)
+//                    \app\common\model\User::update(["is_live" => 1], ["id" => $partyInfo["user_id"]]);
+//            }
+        } else {
+            $this->error("派对信息获取失败!");
+        }
+        // 获取用户魅力值
+        $users = $redis->zRange("hourCharm_".$party_id,0,-1,true);
+        $u = [];
+        if($users) {
+            foreach($users as $k => $v) $u[] = [
+                "user_id"=>$k,
+                "charm"=>$this->changeW($v)
+            ];
+        }
+        $lsetList["userCharm"] = $u;
+        // 获取用户排行榜前三名头像
+        $heads = $redis->hGet("user_jewel_top3",$party_id);
+        $lsetList["userJewelTop3"] = $heads?json_decode($heads,true):[];
+        // 判断当前用户是否收藏了此房间
+        $cellection = $redis->hGet("room_cellection",$user_id."-".$party_id);
+        $lsetList["is_cellection"] = $cellection?1:0;
+        if(isset($partyInfo["type_name"]) && $partyInfo["type_name"]) {
+//            $partyInfo["type_name"] = $partyInfo["type_name"];
+        } else {
+            $partyInfo["type_name"] = "普通房";
+        }
+        $partyInfo["party_hot"] = $this->changeW($partyInfo["party_hot"]);
+        $partyInfo['is_new'] = $partyInfo["status"] == 0 ? 1 : 0;
+        $partyInfo['join_days'] = $this->getUserJoinPartyDays($user_id,$party_id,$redis);
+        $lsetList["partyInfo"] = $partyInfo;
+        return $this->success("加入成功!",$lsetList);
+    }
+    /**
+     * 判断是否被禁言
+     */
+    public function isNotalk() {
+        $party_id = $this->request->request('party_id',0,"intval"); // 直播间ID 逻辑ID
+        $user_id = $this->request->request('user_id',0,"intval"); // 用户ID 逻辑ID
+        if (!$user_id || !$party_id) {
+            $this->error(__('Invalid parameters'));
+        }
+        $redis = new Redis();
+        $redisconfig = config("redis");
+        $redis->connect($redisconfig["host"], $redisconfig["port"]);
+        // 判断当前用户是否被该房间设置限制 //项目:1=房管,2=禁言,3=拉黑,4=踢出
+        $lsetList = [];
+        $lsetList["is_notalk"] = 0;
+        $lsetList["notalk_time"] = 0;
+        $hgetlist = $redis->hGet("party_manage_".$party_id,$user_id."-2");
+        $hgetlist = unserialize($hgetlist);
+        $restime = time() - intval($hgetlist["createtime"]);
+        // 禁言
+        if($hgetlist && $restime < $hgetlist["time"]) {
+            $lsetList["is_notalk"] = 1;
+            $lsetList["notalk_time"] = $restime;
+        }
+        return $this->success("获取成功!",$lsetList);
+    }
+    /**
+     * 退出派对
+     */
+    public function outParty() {
+        $party_id = $this->request->request('party_id',0,"intval"); // 直播间ID
+        if (!$party_id) {
+            $this->error(__('Invalid parameters'));
+        }
+        $user_u_id = $this->auth->u_id;
+        $redis = new Redis();
+        $redisconfig = config("redis");
+        $redis->connect($redisconfig["host"], $redisconfig["port"]);
+        $redis->zRem("party_user_".$party_id,$user_u_id);
+        // 处理online_party_id
+        $redis->connect($redisconfig["host"], $redisconfig["port"]);
+        $redis->HDel("online_" . $party_id, $this->auth->id);
+        // 扣除在线用户在房间情况
+        $redis->hDel("livingUser", $this->auth->id);
+        // 更新房间在线状态
+        $partyInfo = $redis->get("party_" . $party_id);
+        if ($partyInfo) {
+            $partyInfo = json_decode($partyInfo, true);
+            $memCount = count($redis->hGetAll("online_" . $party_id));
+            if ($memCount <= 0) {
+                $partyInfo["is_online"] = 0;
+                $redis->set("party_" . $party_id, json_encode($partyInfo));
+                \app\common\model\Party::update(["is_online" => 0], ["id" => $party_id]);
+            }
+        }
+        $liveInfo = $redis->get("live_" . $party_id);
+        if ($liveInfo) {
+            $liveInfo = json_decode($liveInfo, true);
+            $memCount = count($redis->hGetAll("online_" . $party_id));
+            if ($memCount <= 0) {
+                $liveInfo["is_online"] = 0;
+                $redis->set("live_" . $party_id, json_encode($liveInfo));
+                \app\common\model\Party::update(["is_online" => 0], ["id" => $party_id]);
+            }
+        }
+        return $this->success("退出成功!",[]);
+    }
+    /**
+     * 派对内搜索用户
+     */
+    public function searchUserParty() {
+        $u_id = $this->request->request('u_id',0,"intval"); // 用户u_id
+        $party_id = $this->request->request('party_id',0,"intval"); // 直播间ID
+//        $redis = new Redis();
+//        $redisconfig = config("redis");
+//        $redis->connect($redisconfig["host"], $redisconfig["port"]);
+//        $userids = $redis->zRange("party_user_".$party_id,0,-1,true);
+//        $useridArr = [];
+//        if($userids)foreach($userids as $k => $v)  $useridArr[$v] = $k; // 因为array_slip 不能交换数字啊
+//        $userid = isset($useridArr[$u_id])?$useridArr[$u_id]:0;
+        $userModel = new \app\common\model\User();
+        $where = [];
+        $where["u_id"] = $u_id;
+        $userInfo = $userModel->field("id,u_id,avatar,nickname,level,gender")->where($where)->select();
+        return $this->success("查询成功!",$userInfo);
+    }
+    /**
+     * 设置冠名
+     */
+    public function setNaming() {
+        $party_id = $this->request->request('party_id',0,"intval"); // 直播间ID
+        $user_id = $this->request->request('user_id',0,"intval"); // 用户ID
+        $type = $this->request->request('type',1); // 1:设置 0:取消设置
+        if (!$party_id || !$user_id || ($type != 1 && $type != 0)) {
+            $this->error(__('Invalid parameters'));
+        }
+        $redis = new Redis();
+        $redisconfig = config("redis");
+        $redis->connect($redisconfig["host"], $redisconfig["port"]);
+        $partyModel = new \app\common\model\Party();
+        $data = [];
+        $where = [];
+        $where["id"] = $party_id;
+        $partyInfo = $partyModel->where(["id"=>$party_id])->find();
+        $getredisPartyInfo = $redis->get($this->roomTypeArr[$partyInfo->room_type].'_'.$party_id);
+        $redisPartyInfo = json_decode($getredisPartyInfo,true);
+        if($type == 1) {
+            $data["naming"] = $user_id;
+            // 冠名
+            $userInfo = \app\common\model\User::field("id,nickname,avatar")->where(["id"=>$user_id])->find($user_id);
+            $redisPartyInfo["naming"] = $userInfo;
+        } else {
+            $data["naming"] = 0;
+            $redisPartyInfo["naming"] = [];
+        }
+        $redis->set($this->roomTypeArr[$partyInfo->room_type].'_'.$party_id,json_encode($redisPartyInfo));
+        $res = $partyModel->update($data,$where);
+        if($res !== false) {
+            $this->success("操作成功!");
+        } else {
+            $this->error("网络错误,请稍后重试!");
+        }
+    }
+    /**
+     * 派对收藏
+     */
+    public function cellectionParty() {
+        $party_id = $this->request->request('party_id',0,"intval"); // 直播间ID
+        if (!$party_id) {
+            $this->error(__('Invalid parameters'));
+        }
+        $user_id = $this->auth->id;
+        $redis = new Redis();
+        $redisconfig = config("redis");
+        $redis->connect($redisconfig["host"], $redisconfig["port"]);
+        $partycellectionModel = new \app\common\model\PartyCellection();
+        // 添加记录
+        $data = [];
+        $data["user_id"] = $user_id;
+        $data["party_id"] = $party_id;
+        if($partycellectionModel->where($data)->find()) {
+            $res = $partycellectionModel->where($data)->delete();
+            $redis->hDel("room_cellection",$user_id."-".$party_id);
+            return $this->success("取消收藏成功!",$res);
+        }
+        $data["createtime"] = time();
+        $res = $partycellectionModel->insert($data);
+        $redis->hSet("room_cellection",$user_id."-".$party_id,1);
+        return $this->success("收藏成功!",$res);
+    }
+    /**
+     * 派对收藏列表
+     */
+    public function cellectionPartyList() {
+        $page = $this->request->request('page',1); // 分页
+        $pageNum = $this->request->request('pageNum',10); // 分页
+        // 分页搜索构建
+        $pageStart = ($page-1)*$pageNum;
+        $partycellectionModel = new \app\common\model\PartyCellection();
+        $userModel = new \app\common\model\User();
+        $where = [];
+        $where["a.user_id"] = $this->auth->id;
+        $where["r.room_type"] = 1;
+        $list = $partycellectionModel->alias("a")
+            ->field("a.party_id,r.party_logo,r.party_hot,r.party_id as r_id,r.party_name, as party_type_id, as party_type")
+            ->where($where)
+            ->join("hx_party r","a.party_id =")
+            ->join("hx_party_type t"," = r.party_type","left")
+            ->limit($pageStart,$pageNum)
+            ->select();
+        if($list) {
+//            $redis = new Redis();
+//            $redisconfig = config("redis");
+//            $redis->connect($redisconfig["host"], $redisconfig["port"]);
+//            // 获取本周第一天
+//            $weekday = $this->firstOfWeek(date("Y-m-d H:i:s"));
+//            // 获取redis 中 用户排行榜前五名
+//            foreach($list as $k => $v) {
+//                $getweek = $redis->zRevRange("party_jewel_get_".$v["r_id"].":".$weekday,0,4,true);
+//                $userlist = $userModel->rankList($getweek);
+//                if($userlist) {
+//                    $users = [];
+//                    foreach($userlist as $m => $n) {
+//                        $users[] = $n["avatar"];
+//                    }
+//                    $list[$k]["users"] = $users;
+//                } else {
+//                    $list[$k]["users"] = [];
+//                }
+//                $mod = isset($v["party_type_id"])?intval($v["party_type_id"])%5:1;
+//                $list[$k]["party_type_color"] = $mod == 0?5:$mod;
+//            }
+            $users = [];
+            foreach($list as $k => $v) {
+                $users[$v["party_id"]] = $v["party_hot"];
+            }
+            $partyModel = new \app\common\model\Party();
+            $resultInfo = $partyModel->getPatyInfoByPartyId($users,"party",0,0,1,0,20,0);
+            $this->success("获取成功!",$resultInfo);
+        }
+        return $this->success("获取成功!",$list);
+    }
+    /**
+     * 获取派对信息
+     */
+    public function getPartyInfo() {
+        $party_id = $this->request->request('party_id',0,"intval"); // 直播间ID
+        if (!$party_id) {
+            $this->error(__('Invalid parameters'));
+        }
+        $user_id = $this->auth->id;
+        $partyModel = new \app\common\model\Party();
+        $partycellectionModel = new \app\common\model\PartyCellection();
+        $userModel = new \app\common\model\User();
+        // 获取主体信息
+        $where = [];
+        $where[""] = $party_id;
+        $partyInfo = $partyModel->alias("a")
+            ->field(",a.user_id,a.party_id,a.party_name,a.party_hot,a.party_logo, as party_type, as type_name,a.party_notice,a.party_notice_detail")
+            ->join("hx_party_type rt"," = a.party_type", "left")
+            ->where($where)
+            ->find();
+        if($partyInfo) {
+            $mod = isset($partyInfo["party_type"])?intval($partyInfo["party_type"])%5:1;
+            $partyInfo["party_type_color"] = $mod == 0?5:$mod;
+            if(isset($partyInfo["type_name"]) && $partyInfo["type_name"]) {
+//            $partyInfo["type_name"] = $partyInfo["type_name"];
+            } else {
+                $partyInfo["type_name"] = "普通房";
+            }
+            // 获取是否被当前用户收藏
+            $partyInfo["is_sellection"] = 0;
+            $where = [];
+            $where["user_id"] = $user_id;
+            $where["party_id"] = $party_id;
+            if($partycellectionModel->where($where)->find()) {
+                $partyInfo["is_sellection"] = 1;
+            }
+            // 获取房主信息
+            $where = [];
+            $where["id"] = $partyInfo["user_id"];
+            $userInfo = $userModel->field("avatar,nickname")->where($where)->find();
+            // 获取技能信息
+            $skillList = Model("ViewUserSkill")->getSkillInfo($partyInfo["user_id"]);
+            $userInfo["skill"] = implode("/",$skillList);
+            $partyInfo["userInfo"] = $userInfo;
+            $partyInfo["party_hot"] = $this->changeW($partyInfo["party_hot"]);
+        }
+        $this->success("获取成功!",$partyInfo);
+    }
+    /**
+     * 派对设置
+     */
+    public function setParty() {
+        $party_id = $this->request->request('party_id',0,"intval"); // 直播间ID
+        $party_name = $this->request->request('party_name'); // 派对名称
+        $party_logo = $this->request->request('party_logo'); // 派对logo/封面
+        $party_pass = $this->request->request('party_pass'); // 派对密码
+        $party_type = $this->request->request('party_type'); // 使用场景
+        $is_screen = $this->request->request('is_screen'); // 是否关闭公屏:1=是,0=否
+        $on_model = $this->request->request('on_model'); // 上麦模式:1=自由模式,2=麦序模式
+        $room_type = $this->request->request('room_type',1); // 房间类型:1=派对,2=直播
+        $background = $this->request->request('background'); // 派对背景
+        if (!$party_id || (!$party_name && !$party_logo && !$party_pass && !$party_type && !$is_screen && !$on_model && !$background)) {
+            $this->error(__('Invalid parameters'));
+        }
+        if($party_pass && strlen($party_pass) != 4) {
+            $this->error("房间密码必须为四位!");
+        }
+        $partyModel = new \app\common\model\Party();
+        $data = [];
+        $party_name && $data["party_name"] = $party_name;
+        $party_logo && $data["party_logo"] = $party_logo;
+        $data["party_pass"] = $party_pass;
+        $party_type && $data["party_type"] = $party_type;
+        $is_screen && $data["is_screen"] = $is_screen;
+        $on_model && $data["on_model"] = $on_model;
+        $background && $data["background"] = $background;
+        $where = [];
+        $where["id"] = $party_id;
+        $res = $partyModel->update($data,$where);
+        if($res) {
+            // 获取派对类型
+            if($party_type) $data["type_name"] = \app\common\model\PartyType::where(["id"=>$party_type])->value("name");
+            // 存redis 房间信息
+            $redis = new Redis();
+            $redisconfig = config("redis");
+            $redis->connect($redisconfig["host"], $redisconfig["port"]);
+            $partyInfo = $redis->get($this->roomTypeArr[$room_type]."_".$party_id);
+            if($partyInfo) {
+                $partyInfo = json_decode($partyInfo,true);
+                $partyInfo = array_replace($partyInfo,$data);
+                $redis->set($this->roomTypeArr[$room_type]."_".$party_id,json_encode($partyInfo));
+            }
+            $this->success("房间设置成功!",$data);
+        } else {
+            $this->error("网络错误,请稍后重试!");
+        }
+    }
+    /**
+     * 获取派对背景
+     */
+    public function getDefaultBackground() {
+        $room_type = $this->request->request('room_type',1); // 房间类型
+        if (!in_array($room_type,[1,2])) {
+            $this->error(__('Invalid parameters'));
+        }
+        $this->success("获取成功!",\app\common\model\PartyBackground::where(["room_type"=>$room_type])->select());
+    }
+    //腾讯im设置管理员
+    private function setGroupAdmin($user_id,$party_id,$status)
+    {
+        $tenIm = new Tenim();
+        return $tenIm->setUpIMAdmin($user_id, $party_id,$status);
+    }
+    /**
+     * 派对管理设置
+     */
+    public function partyManageSet() {
+        $party_id = $this->request->request('party_id',0,"intval"); // 直播间ID
+        $user_id = $this->request->request('user_id',0,"intval"); // 用户ID
+        $item = $this->request->request('item'); // 项目:1=房管,2=禁言,3=拉黑,4=踢出
+        $time = $this->request->request('time'); // 限制时间(单位:秒):0=永久
+        if (!$party_id || !$user_id || !in_array($item,[1,2,3,4])) {
+            $this->error(__('Invalid parameters'));
+        }
+        if($item>1 && $time<=0) {
+            $this->error(__('时间设置有误'));
+        }
+        $partyUserId = \app\common\model\Party::where('id', $party_id)->value('user_id');
+        if ($partyUserId == $user_id && in_array($item, [2, 3, 4])) {
+            $this->error("您当前无权限操作!");
+        }
+        // 获取用户信息
+        $userInfo = \app\common\model\User::field("noble,avatar,nickname,gender,level")->where(["id"=>$user_id])->find();
+        if(!$userInfo) $this->error("用户信息获取失败!");
+        // 国王防踢。
+        $noble_no = \app\common\model\NobleLevel::where(["id"=>$userInfo['noble']])->value("level_no");
+        if(($item == 3 || $item == 4) && $noble_no == "p08PCcNB") {
+            $this->error("对方已开通国王贵族,踢出房间失败!");
+        }
+        $redis = new Redis();
+        $redisconfig = config("redis");
+        $redis->connect($redisconfig["host"], $redisconfig["port"]);
+        $data = [];
+        $data["user_id"] = $user_id;
+        $data["avatar"] = $userInfo->avatar;
+        $data["nickname"] = $userInfo->nickname;
+        $data["gender"] = $userInfo->gender;
+        $data["level"] = $userInfo->level;
+        $data["item"] = $item;
+        $data["time"] = $time;
+        $data["createtime"] = time();
+        $res = $redis->hSet("party_manage_".$party_id,$user_id."-".$item,serialize($data));
+        if ($item==1) {
+            $this->setGroupAdmin($user_id,$party_id,1);
+        }
+        if($res !== false) {
+            $this->success("设置成功!",$data);
+        } else {
+            $this->error("网络错误,请稍后重试!");
+        }
+    }
+    /**
+     * 派对管理设置列表
+     */
+    public function partyManageSetList() {
+        $party_id = $this->request->request('party_id',0,"intval"); // 直播间ID
+        $item = $this->request->request('item',1,"intval"); // 项目:1=房管,2=禁言,3=拉黑,4=踢出
+        if (!$party_id || !in_array($item,[1,2,3,4])) {
+            $this->error(__('Invalid parameters'));
+        }
+        $time = time();
+        $redis = new Redis();
+        $redisconfig = config("redis");
+        $redis->connect($redisconfig["host"], $redisconfig["port"]);
+        $hget=$redis->hGetAll("party_manage_".$party_id);
+        $list=array();
+        foreach($hget as $key=>$val) {
+            if(substr($key,-2) == "-".$item){
+                array_push($list,unserialize($val));
+            }
+        }
+        if($list) {
+            foreach($list as $k => $v) if(bcadd($v["createtime"],$v["time"]) <= $time && $v["item"] > 1) unset($list[$k]);
+            if($list) $list = array_values($list);
+        }
+        $this->success("获取成功!",$list);
+    }
+    /**
+     * 派对管理设置移除
+     */
+    public function partyManageSetDel() {
+        $id = $this->request->request('user_id',0,"intval"); // userid
+        $party_id = $this->request->request('party_id',0,"intval"); // 房间ID
+        $item = $this->request->request('item',1,"intval"); // 项目:1=房管,2=禁言,3=拉黑,4=踢出
+        if (!$id || !in_array($item,[1,2,3,4])) {
+            $this->error(__('Invalid parameters'));
+        }
+        $redis = new Redis();
+        $redisconfig = config("redis");
+        $redis->connect($redisconfig["host"], $redisconfig["port"]);
+        $res = $redis->hDel("party_manage_".$party_id,$id."-".$item);
+        if ($item==1) {
+            $this->setGroupAdmin($id,$party_id,0);
+        }
+        if($res !== false) {
+            $this->success("移除成功!",$res);
+        } else {
+            $this->error("网络错误,请稍后重试!");
+        }
+    }
+    /**
+     * 更新派对公告
+     */
+    public function savePartyNotice() {
+        $party_id = $this->request->request('party_id',0,"intval"); // 直播间ID
+        $room_type = $this->request->request('room_type',1); // 房间类型:1=派对2=直播
+        $party_notice = $this->request->request('party_notice'); // 公告标题
+        $party_notice_detail = $this->request->request('party_notice_detail'); // 公告内容
+        if (!$party_id || !$party_notice || !$party_notice_detail) {
+            $this->error(__('Invalid parameters'));
+        }
+        $partyModel = new \app\common\model\Party();
+        $where = [];
+        $where["id"] = $party_id;
+        $data = [];
+        $data["party_notice"] = $party_notice;
+        $data["party_notice_detail"] = $party_notice_detail;
+        $res = $partyModel->update($data,$where);
+        if($res) {
+            // 存redis 房间信息
+            $redis = new Redis();
+            $redisconfig = config("redis");
+            $redis->connect($redisconfig["host"], $redisconfig["port"]);
+            $partyInfo = $redis->get($this->roomTypeArr[$room_type]."_".$party_id);
+            if($partyInfo) {
+                $partyInfo = json_decode($partyInfo,true);
+                $partyInfo = array_replace($partyInfo,$data);
+                $redis->set($this->roomTypeArr[$room_type]."_".$party_id,json_encode($partyInfo));
+            }
+            $this->success("更新成功!",$res);
+        } else {
+            $this->error("网络错误,请稍后重试!");
+        }
+    }
+    /**
+     * 开始排麦
+     */
+    public function addLineUp() {
+        $party_id = $this->request->request('party_id',0,"intval"); // 直播间ID
+        $mai_id = $this->request->request('mai_id',"1"); // 麦位置
+        if (!$party_id) {
+            $this->error(__('Invalid parameters'));
+        }
+        $userInfo = $this->auth->getUserinfo();
+        $userid = $userInfo['id'];
+        // 获取 房间信息
+        $partyUser = \app\common\model\Party::where(['id'=>$party_id])->value("user_id");
+        if(!$partyUser) $this->error(__('房间信息未找到!'));
+//        $is_home = $partyUser == $userInfo->id?1:0;
+        $redis = new Redis();
+        $redisconfig = config("redis");
+        $redis->connect($redisconfig["host"], $redisconfig["port"]);
+        $data = unserialize($redis->hGet("party_lineup",$party_id));
+        $data[$userid]["user_id"] = $userInfo['id'];
+        $data[$userid]["avatar"] = $userInfo['avatar'];
+        $data[$userid]["mai_id"] = $mai_id;
+        $data[$userid]["nickname"] = $userInfo['nickname'];
+//        $data["is_home"] = $is_home;
+        $data[$userid]["level"] = $userInfo['level'];
+        $data[$userid]["gender"] = $userInfo['gender'];
+        $res = false;
+        $data && $res = $redis->hSet("party_lineup",$party_id,serialize($data));
+        $data = array_values($data);
+        if($res !== false) {
+            $this->success("设置成功!",$data);
+        } else {
+            $this->error("网络错误,请稍后重试!");
+        }
+    }
+    /**
+     * 取消排麦
+     */
+    public function cancelLineUp() {
+        $party_id = $this->request->request('party_id',0,"intval"); // 直播间ID
+        $user_id = $this->request->request('user_id',0); // 直播间ID
+        $is_empty = $this->request->request('is_empty',0,"intval"); // 是否清空排麦列表 1=清空,0=不清空
+        if (!$party_id) {
+            $this->error(__('Invalid parameters'));
+        }
+        $userid = $this->auth->id;
+        $redis = new Redis();
+        $redisconfig = config("redis");
+        $redis->connect($redisconfig["host"], $redisconfig["port"]);
+        $data=unserialize($redis->hGet("party_lineup",$party_id));
+        if($data && $is_empty != 1) {
+            foreach($data as $k => $v) {
+                if($v["user_id"] == $user_id) {
+                    unset($data[$k]);
+                    break;
+                }
+            }
+        }
+//        unset($data[$userid]);
+        if($is_empty == 1) $data = [];
+        $redis->hSet("party_lineup",$party_id,serialize($data));
+        $this->success("移除成功!");
+    }
+    /**
+     * 排麦列表
+     */
+    public function lineUpList() {
+        $party_id = $this->request->request('party_id',0,"intval"); // 直播间ID
+        if (!$party_id) {
+            $this->error(__('Invalid parameters'));
+        }
+        $redis = new Redis();
+        $redisconfig = config("redis");
+        $redis->connect($redisconfig["host"], $redisconfig["port"]);
+        $data = $redis->hGet("party_lineup",$party_id);
+        $dataArr = unserialize($data);
+        $datas = [];
+        is_array($dataArr) && $datas=array_values($dataArr);
+        if($datas) {
+            $this->success("获取成功!",$datas);
+        } else {
+            $this->success("获取成功!",[]);
+        }
+    }
+    /**
+     * 获取派对类型
+     */
+    public function getPatyType() {
+        $room_type = $this->request->request("room_type",1);//
+        if (!in_array($room_type,[1,2])) $this->error(__('Invalid parameters'));
+        $partytypeModel = new \app\common\model\PartyType();
+        $partytypeList = $partytypeModel->where(["room_type"=>$room_type])->select();
+        $this->success("获取成功!",$partytypeList);
+    }
+    /**
+     * 判断派对是否设置过密码
+     */
+    public function getPatyIspass() {
+        $party_id = $this->request->request("party_id");// 派对ID
+        $room_type = $this->request->request("room_type",1);//
+        $is_miniprogram = $this->request->request("is_miniprogram",0);//
+        if (!$party_id) $this->error(__('Invalid parameters'));
+        $user_id = $this->auth->id;
+        // 存redis 房间信息
+        $redis = new Redis();
+        $redisconfig = config("redis");
+        $redis->connect($redisconfig["host"], $redisconfig["port"]);
+        $partyInfo = $redis->get($this->roomTypeArr[$room_type]."_".$party_id);
+        if($partyInfo) {
+            $partyInfo = json_decode($partyInfo,true);
+        } else {
+            $partyModel = new \app\common\model\Party();
+            $partyInfo = $partyModel->field("id,party_pass")->where(["id"=>$party_id])->find();
+            if(!$partyInfo) {
+                $this->error(__('房间信息获取失败!'));
+            }
+        }
+        $data = [];
+        $data["status"] = 0;
+        $data["is_pass"] = $partyInfo["party_pass"]?1:0;
+        if($partyInfo["user_id"] == $user_id || $this->auth->mobile == '17353993050') $data["is_pass"] = 0;
+        if($is_miniprogram == 1) { // 小程序单独处理
+            // 判断当前用户是否被该房间设置限制 //项目:1=房管,2=禁言,3=拉黑,4=踢出
+            $lsetList = [];
+            for($i=1;$i<=4;$i++) {
+                $hgetlist = $redis->hGet("party_manage_".$party_id,$user_id."-".$i);
+                $hgetlist = unserialize($hgetlist);
+                $restime = time() - intval($hgetlist["createtime"]);
+                // 房管
+                if($hgetlist && $i == 1) $lsetList["manage_restime"] = "";
+                // 禁言
+                if($hgetlist && $i == 2 && $restime < $hgetlist["time"]) $lsetList["manage_notalk"] = $restime;
+                // 拉黑
+                if($hgetlist && $i == 3 && $restime < $hgetlist["time"]) {
+                    $restime = date("Y-m-d H:i:s",($hgetlist["time"]+$hgetlist["createtime"]));
+                    $lsetList["manage_black"] = $restime;
+                    $lsetList["tips"] = '您已被该房间拉黑,解除时间:'.$restime;
+//                    $this->error(__('您已被该房间拉黑,解除时间:'.$restime));
+                    break;
+                }
+                // 踢出
+                if($hgetlist && $i == 4 && $restime < $hgetlist["time"]) {
+                    $restime = date("Y-m-d H:i:s",($hgetlist["time"]+$hgetlist["createtime"]));
+                    $lsetList["manage_takeout"] = $restime;
+                    $lsetList["tips"] = '您已被该房间踢出,解除时间:'.$restime;
+//                    $this->error(__('您已被该房间踢出,解除时间:'.$restime));
+                    break;
+                }
+            }
+            if($lsetList) {
+                $data["status"] = 1;
+                $data["hgetlist"] = $lsetList;
+            }
+        }
+        $this->success("获取成功!",$data);
+    }
+    /**
+     * 获取房间gif表情分类
+     */
+    public function getPartyGifType()
+    {
+        $list = \app\common\model\PartyGifType::field("id,name,image")->order("weigh", "asc")->select();
+        $this->success("获取成功!", $list);
+    }
+    /**
+     * 获取房间gif表情列表
+     */
+    public function getPartGifList()
+    {
+        $type_id = $this->request->request("type_id", 1);// 类型ID
+        $list = \app\common\model\PartyGif::field("id,gif_image")->where('party_gif_type_id', $type_id)->order("weight", "asc")->select();
+        $this->success("获取成功!", $list);
+    }
+    /**
+     * 获取房间头像gif表情列表
+     */
+    public function getPartHeadgifList() {
+        $this->success("获取成功!",\app\common\model\PartyHeadgif::field("id,name,gif_image")->order("weight","asc")->select());
+    }
+    /**
+     * 随机获取礼物盒礼物
+     */
+    private function getBoxGift($gift_box_type) {
+        // 查询本奖池内礼物是否还有可抽礼物
+        $where = [];
+        $where["Jackpot_id"] = $gift_box_type;
+        $where["is_use"] = 0;
+        $boxhasgift = \app\common\model\GiftBox::where($where)->select();
+        $giftcount = count($boxhasgift);
+        $giftArr = [];
+        foreach($boxhasgift as $k => $v) $giftArr[$v["id"]] = $v;
+        if($giftcount > 1) {
+            // 随机抽取$num个礼物
+            $giftids = array_rand($giftArr,1);
+            \app\common\model\GiftBox::update(["is_use"=>1],["id"=>$giftids]);
+        }
+        if($giftcount == 1) {
+            $giftids = $boxhasgift[0]["id"];
+            // 更新宝箱奖池全部礼物为未使用
+            \app\common\model\GiftBox::update(["is_use"=>0],["Jackpot_id"=>$gift_box_type]);
+        }
+        $giftInfo = $giftArr[$giftids];
+        return $giftInfo;
+    }
+    /**
+     * 全麦/单独赠送礼物
+     */
+    public function giveGiftToYou() {
+        // 接口防并发
+        if (!$this->apiLimit(1, 1000)) {
+            $this->error(__('Operation frequently'));
+        }
+        $user_ids = $this->request->request("user_id");// 赠送对象
+        $gift_id = $this->request->request("gift_id");// 礼物ID
+        $party_id = $this->request->request("party_id",0);// 派对ID
+        $room_type = $this->request->request('room_type',1); // 房间类型
+        $number = $this->request->request("number");// 赠送数量
+        $is_back = $this->request->request("is_back",0);// 是否背包赠送: 1=是,0=否
+        if (!$user_ids || !in_array($is_back,[0,1]) || !$gift_id || !$number || !in_array($room_type,[1,2])) $this->error(__('Invalid parameters'));
+        $user_id_arr = explode(",",$user_ids);
+        $userCount = count($user_id_arr);
+        $userauthid = $this->auth->id;
+        $soundCoinRate = config("site.giftCoin"); // 声币兑换比例
+        $userModel = new \app\common\model\User();
+        $backGiftId = 0;
+        $boxgiftInfo = [];
+        if($is_back == 1) {
+            // 获取背包礼物信息
+            $giftInfo = \app\common\model\GiftBack::get($gift_id);
+            if(!$giftInfo) $this->error("背包礼物获取失败");
+            $backGiftId = $giftInfo->gift_id;
+            // 随机获取一个礼物
+            $allCount = $number*$userCount;
+            $giftbackList = \app\common\model\GiftBack::where(["name"=>$giftInfo->name,"user_id"=>$userauthid,'is_use'=>0])->limit($allCount)->select();
+            $giftInfo = isset($giftbackList[0])?$giftbackList[0]:[];
+            $giftcount = 0;
+            $giftList = [];
+            if($giftbackList) foreach($giftbackList as $k => $v) {
+                $giftcount =  $giftcount + $v["number"];
+                $giftList[$k] = $v;
+                if($giftcount >= $allCount) {
+                    break;
+                }
+            }
+            if($giftcount < $allCount) $this->error("背包数量不足");
+            $giftValue = $giftInfo["value"] * $number;
+            $getValue = $giftInfo["value"] * $number;
+        } else {
+//        // 不可以赠送给自己
+//        if(in_array($userauthid,$user_id_arr)) $this->error("不可以赠送给自己!");
+            // 获取礼物信息
+            $giftModel = new \app\common\model\Gift();
+            $where = [];
+            $where["id"] = $gift_id;
+            $giftInfo = $giftModel->where($where)->find();
+            if (!$giftInfo) $this->error("请选择礼物!");
+            $giftValue = $giftInfo["value"] * $number;
+            $giftCountValue = $giftInfo["value"] * $number * $userCount;
+            $getValue = $giftValue;
+            // 判断如果是礼物盒则随机开礼物盒礼物
+            if($giftInfo->box_type > 0) {
+                $boxgiftInfo = $this->getBoxGift($giftInfo->box_type);
+                $getValue = $boxgiftInfo["price"];
+            }
+            // 判断当前用户余额
+            $where = [];
+            $where["id"] = $userauthid;
+            $userInfo = $userModel->where($where)->lock(true)->find();
+            if (!$userInfo) $this->error("用户信息查询失败!");
+            if($userInfo["jewel"] < $giftCountValue) $this->error("您的钻石余额不足!");
+        }
+        $hotValue = $getValue;
+        $getValue = round($getValue * ($soundCoinRate/100));
+        // 转换统计
+        $progetValue = $hotValue - $getValue;
+        if($progetValue >0) {
+            $data = [];
+            $data["user_id"] = $user_ids;
+            $data["party_id"] = $party_id?$party_id:0;
+            $data["gift_value"] = $hotValue;
+            $data["plat_value"] = $hotValue - $getValue;
+            $data["createtime"] = time();
+            \app\common\model\UserChangeLog::insert($data);
+        }
+        // 转换声币后 再进行抽点设置
+        $partyInfo = null;
+        if(!$party_id) {
+            $platRate = 10;
+            $guilderRate = 30;
+        } else {
+            $partyInfo = \app\common\model\Party::field("user_id,platRate,guilderRate")->where(["id"=>$party_id])->find();
+            // 获取系统配置信息
+            $platRate = $partyInfo->platRate; // 平台抽成百分比
+            $guilderRate = $partyInfo->guilderRate; // 工会长抽成百分比
+        }
+        $platValue = bcmul($platRate/100,$getValue);
+        $guilderValue = bcmul($guilderRate/100,$getValue);
+        $getValue = bcsub(bcsub($getValue,$platValue),$guilderValue);
+//        $gif_image = $is_back==1?$giftInfo["gif_image"]:$giftInfo["special"];
+        $returnData = [];
+        Db::startTrans();
+        try {
+            $redis = new Redis();
+            $redisconfig = config("redis");
+            $redis->connect($redisconfig["host"], $redisconfig["port"], 86400 * 31);
+            // 事务处理余额与记录信息
+            $userjewellogModel = new \app\common\model\UserJewelLog();
+            $usersoundcoinlogModel = new \app\common\model\UserSoundcoinLog();
+            // 获取当天零点
+            $day = date("Ymd");
+            // 获取本周第一天
+            $weekday = $this->firstOfWeek(date("Y-m-d H:i:s"));
+            // 获取本月第一天
+            $monthday = date("Ym01");
+            $allVal = 0;
+            $i = 0;
+            foreach($user_id_arr as $user_id) {
+                // 获取赠送用户信息
+                $where = [];
+                $where["id"] = $user_id;
+                $touserInfo = $userModel->where($where)->find();
+                if($is_back == 1) {
+                    $b=0;
+                    foreach($giftList as $k => $v) {
+                        for($a=1;$a<=$v["number"];$a++) {
+                            $b++;
+                            $num = $v["number"] - $a;
+                            if($num > 0) {
+                                $res1 = \app\common\model\GiftBack::where(["id"=>$v["id"]])->setDec("number");
+                            } else {
+                                $res1 = \app\common\model\GiftBack::update(["is_use"=>1,"use_time"=>time()],["id"=>$v["id"]]);
+                            }
+                            if($b == $number) break;
+                        }
+                    }
+                    $res2 = true;
+                } else {
+                    // 扣除当前用户钻石余额
+                    $where = [];
+                    $where["id"] = $userauthid;
+                    $res1 = $userModel->where($where)->setDec("jewel", $giftValue);
+                    // 添加当前用户钻石流水记录
+                    $res2 = $userjewellogModel->addUserJewelLog($userauthid, $giftValue, "-", $userInfo["jewel"], "赠送礼物:'" . $giftInfo["name"] . "',扣除" . $giftValue . "钻石!", 3);
+                }
+                $giftuserpartyModel = new \app\common\model\GiftUserParty();
+                // 添加礼物赠送记录表
+                $data = [];
+                $data["user_id"] = $userauthid;
+                $data["user_to_id"] = $user_id;
+                $data["party_id"] = $party_id;
+                if($boxgiftInfo){
+                    $data["gift_id"] = $boxgiftInfo['gift_id'];
+                    $data["gift_give_type"] = 2;
+                    $data["gift_name"] = $boxgiftInfo["gift_name"];
+                    $data["gift_gif_image"] = $boxgiftInfo["image"];
+                    $data["number"] = $number;
+                    $data["price"] = $boxgiftInfo["price"];
+                    $data["value"] = $boxgiftInfo["price"] * $number;
+                }else{
+                    $data["gift_id"] = $backGiftId > 0 ? $backGiftId : $gift_id;
+                    $data["gift_give_type"] = $is_back ? 1 : 2;
+                    $data["gift_name"] = $giftInfo["name"];
+                    $data["gift_gif_image"] = $giftInfo["image"];
+                    $data["number"] = $number;
+                    $data["price"] = $giftInfo["value"];
+                    $data["value"] = $giftValue;
+                }
+                $data["createtime"] = time();
+                $res5 = $giftuserpartyModel->allowField(true)->save($data);
+                // 添加赠送用户声币余额
+                $where = [];
+                $where["id"] = $user_id;
+                $res3 = $userModel->where($where)->setInc("sound_coin", $getValue);
+                $getValue == 0 && $res3 = true;
+                // 添加赠送用户声币流水记录soundCoin
+                // xxx送你
+                $res4 = $usersoundcoinlogModel->addUserSoundcoinLog($user_id, $getValue, "+", $touserInfo["sound_coin"], "{$this->auth->nickname}送你{$giftInfo['name']}x{$number}", 1, $giftuserpartyModel->id);
+                if ($partyInfo && $guilderValue > 0) {
+                    // 增加房主抽成
+                    $where = [];
+                    $where["id"] = $partyInfo->user_id;
+                    $userModel->where($where)->setInc("sound_coin", $guilderValue);
+                    // 添加赠送用户声币流水记录soundCoin
+                    // xxx送礼物给xxx,房间礼物抽成
+                    $usersoundcoinlogModel->addUserSoundcoinLog($partyInfo->user_id, $guilderValue, "+", $touserInfo["sound_coin"], "{$this->auth->nickname}送礼物{$giftInfo['name']}x{$number}给{$touserInfo['nickname']},房间礼物抽成", 4, $giftuserpartyModel->id);
+                }
+                //总消费增加
+                $res6 = Db::name('user')->where('id',$user_id)->setInc("renewcount", $giftCountValue);
+                if ($res1 && $res2 && $res3 && $res4 && $res5 && $res6) {
+                    $i++;
+                    if($party_id > 0) {
+                        // 添加redis记录做财富排行榜日榜用
+                        $redis->zIncrBy($this->roomTypeArr[$room_type] . "_jewel_get_" . $party_id . ":" . $day . "d", $hotValue, $user_id);
+                        // 添加redis记录做财富排行榜周榜用
+                        $redis->zIncrBy($this->roomTypeArr[$room_type] . "_jewel_get_" . $party_id . ":" . $weekday . "w", $hotValue, $user_id);
+                        // 添加redis记录做财富排行榜月榜用
+                        $redis->zIncrBy($this->roomTypeArr[$room_type] . "_jewel_get_" . $party_id . ":" . $monthday . "m", $hotValue, $user_id);
+                        // 添加redis记录做贡献排行榜日榜用
+                        $redis->zIncrBy($this->roomTypeArr[$room_type] . "_jewel_to_" . $party_id . ":" . $day . "d", $giftValue, $userauthid);
+                        // 添加redis记录做贡献排行榜周榜用
+                        $redis->zIncrBy($this->roomTypeArr[$room_type] . "_jewel_to_" . $party_id . ":" . $weekday . "w", $giftValue, $userauthid);
+                        // 添加redis记录做贡献排行榜月榜用
+                        $redis->zIncrBy($this->roomTypeArr[$room_type] . "_jewel_to_" . $party_id . ":" . $monthday . "m", $giftValue, $userauthid);
+                        // tcp 更新用户魅力值
+                        $this->updateUserCharm($party_id, $user_id, $hotValue);
+                        // 如果是主播,则添加魅力值记录做榜单统计
+                        if($room_type == 2) {
+                            $data = [];
+                            $data["user_id"] = $user_id;
+                            $data["party_id"] = $party_id;
+                            $data["charm"] = $hotValue;
+                            $data["createtime"] = time();
+                            \app\common\model\UserCharmRank::insert($data);
+                        }
+                    }
+                    $getempirical = config("site.getempirical");
+                    $getempirical = $getempirical * $hotValue;
+                    // 获取用户贵族信息
+                    $noble = \app\common\model\User::getUserNoble($this->auth->id);
+                    if(isset($noble["noble_on"]) && $noble["noble_on"] == 1) {
+                        $getempirical = $getempirical + $getempirical * ($noble["explain"]/100);
+                    }
+                    // 增加用户经验值
+                    $res = \app\common\model\User::addEmpirical($this->auth->id,$getempirical);
+                    if ($res){
+                        $this->auth->level = $res->level;
+                    }
+                    // +exp
+                    \app\common\model\TaskLog::tofinish($this->auth->id,"OBHqCX4g",$number);
+                    //贵族升级处理
+                    $this->checkBeNoble($redis,$this->auth->id,$giftCountValue);
+                    // +message
+                    \app\common\model\Message::addMessage($user_id,"礼物通知","收到 ".$this->auth->nickname." 赠送的".$giftInfo["name"]." x".$number);
+                    $allVal = $allVal + $hotValue;
+//                    // 剪掉背包礼物
+//                    if($is_back == 1) {
+//                        \app\common\model\GiftBack::update(["is_use"=>1],["id"=>$gift_id]);
+//                    }
+                }
+            }
+            // 获取用户魅力值
+            $users = $redis->zRange("hourCharm_".$party_id,0,-1,true);
+            $u = [];
+            if($users) {
+                foreach($users as $k => $v) $u[] = [
+                    "user_id"=>$k,
+                    "charm"=>$this->changeW($v)
+                ];
+            }
+            $userCharm = $u;
+            // tcp 更新房间热度
+            $partyHot = $this->updatePartyHot($party_id, $allVal, $room_type);
+            // 如果是派对,则添加派对热度值记录做榜单统计
+            if($room_type == 1) {
+                $data = [];
+                $data["party_id"] = $party_id;
+                $data["hot"] = $allVal;
+                $data["createtime"] = time();
+                \app\common\model\PartyHot::insert($data);
+            }
+            // tcp 获取房间用户周前三名
+            $partyUserTop = $this->getPartyUserTop($party_id, $room_type);
+            if($i == $userCount) {
+                $returnData["userCharm"] = $userCharm;
+                $returnData["partyHot"] = $this->changeW($partyHot);
+                $returnData["partyUserTop"] = $partyUserTop;
+                if($is_back != 1) {
+                    if($giftInfo->box_type > 0) { // 不是背包,宝箱中赠送
+                        $returnData["box_type"] = $giftInfo->box_type;
+                        $returnData["box_image"] = $giftInfo->image;
+                        $returnData["image"] = $boxgiftInfo["image"];
+                        $returnData["name"] = $boxgiftInfo["gift_name"];
+                        $returnData["gif_image"] = $boxgiftInfo["special"];
+                    } else {
+                        $returnData["image"] = $giftInfo["image"];
+                        $returnData["gif_image"] = $giftInfo["special"];
+                    }
+                } else {
+                    $returnData["image"] = $giftInfo["image"];
+                    $returnData["gif_image"] = $giftInfo["gif_image"];
+                }
+                // 增加抽点记录
+                $data = [];
+                $data["user_id"] = $user_ids;
+                $data["party_id"] = $party_id?$party_id:0;
+                $data["gift_value"] = $getValue;
+                $data["plat_value"] = $platValue;
+                $data["guilder_value"] = $guilderValue;
+                $data["createtime"] = time();
+                \app\common\model\UserProfitLog::insert($data);
+                Db::commit();
+                $this->success("赠送成功!",$returnData);
+            } else {
+                $this->success("赠送失败!");
+            }
+        } catch (ValidateException $e) {
+            Db::rollback();
+            $this->error($e->getMessage());
+        } catch (PDOException $e) {
+            Db::rollback();
+            $this->error($e->getMessage());
+        } catch (Exception $e) {
+            Db::rollback();
+            $this->error($e->getMessage());
+        }
+    }
+    /**
+     * 随机获取礼物盒礼物(复数版)
+     * @params $gift_box_type 奖池id
+     * @params $userCount 用户数量
+     * @params $number 礼物数量
+     */
+    private function getBoxesGift($gift_box_type,$userCount,$number,&$oldGiftArr=[]) {
+        // 查询本奖池内礼物是否还有可抽礼物
+        $where = [];
+        $where["Jackpot_id"] = $gift_box_type;
+        $where["is_use"] = 0;
+        $limit = $userCount*$number;
+        $boxhasgift = \app\common\model\GiftBox::where($where)->orderRaw('rand()')->limit($limit)->select();
+        $giftcount = count($boxhasgift);
+        $giftArr = [];
+        foreach($boxhasgift as $k => $v) $giftArr[$v["id"]] = $v;
+        unset($boxhasgift);
+        foreach ($giftArr as $id => $v) {
+            $list[] = ['id' => $id, 'is_use' => 1];
+        }
+        $oldGiftArr = array_merge($giftArr,$oldGiftArr);
+        $is_update = TRUE;
+        if($giftcount<$limit){
+            $newNum = $limit - $giftcount;
+            \app\common\model\GiftBox::update(["is_use"=>0],["Jackpot_id"=>$gift_box_type]);
+            $this->getBoxesGift($gift_box_type,1,$newNum,$oldGiftArr);
+            $is_update = FALSE;
+        }
+        if ($is_update==TRUE) {
+            $gifBoxObject = new GiftBox();
+            $gifBoxObject->isUpdate()->saveAll($list);
+        }
+        return $oldGiftArr;
+    }
+    /**
+     * 用户声币余额变更数据(宝箱专供)
+     */
+    private function boxAddUserSoundcoinLog($user_id, $money, $mode, $before, $detail, $type = 1, $objId = 0)
+    {
+        if ($mode == "+") {
+            $balance = $before + $money;
+        } else {
+            $balance = $before - $money;
+        }
+        // 添加当前用户钻石流水记录
+        $data = [];
+        $data["user_id"] = $user_id;
+        $data['type'] = $type;
+        $data['obj_id'] = $objId;
+        $data["value"] = $money;
+        $data["mode"] = $mode;
+        $data["before"] = $before;
+        $data["balance"] = $balance;
+        $data["detail"] = $detail;
+        $data["createtime"] = time();
+        return $data;
+    }
+    /**
+     * 增加抽点数据
+     */
+    private function addUserProfitLogList($user_id,$party_id,$getValue,$platValue,$guilderValue)
+    {
+        $data = [];
+        $data["user_id"] = $user_id;
+        $data["party_id"] = $party_id?$party_id:0;
+        $data["gift_value"] = $getValue;
+        $data["plat_value"] = $platValue;
+        $data["guilder_value"] = $guilderValue;
+        $data["createtime"] = time();
+        return $data;
+    }
+    //每个玩家获得的礼物,对象处理成数组
+    private function checkAllUserBoxGiftInfo(&$allUserBoxGiftInfo)
+    {
+        $giftNotice = config("site.giftNotice");
+        foreach ($allUserBoxGiftInfo as $k => $v){
+            $data = [];
+            foreach ($v as  $vv){
+                $money = $vv['price'] / 100 ;
+                if($money<$giftNotice){
+                    $vv['only_gif_image'] = '';
+                }
+                unset($vv['price']);
+                $data[] = $vv;
+            }
+            $allUserBoxGiftInfo[$k] = $data;
+        }
+    }
+    /**
+     * 全麦/单独赠送宝箱
+     */
+    public function giveBoxToYou() {
+        // 接口防并发
+        if (!$this->apiLimit(1, 1000)) {
+            $this->error(__('Operation frequently'));
+        }
+        $user_ids = $this->request->request("user_id");// 赠送对象
+        $gift_id = $this->request->request("gift_id");// 礼物ID
+        $party_id = $this->request->request("party_id",0);// 派对ID
+        $room_type = $this->request->request('room_type',1); // 房间类型
+        $number = $this->request->request("number");// 赠送数量
+        if (!$user_ids || !$gift_id || !$number || !in_array($room_type,[1,2])) $this->error(__('Invalid parameters'));
+        $user_id_arr = explode(",",$user_ids);
+        $userCount = count($user_id_arr);
+        $userauthid = $this->auth->id;
+        $soundCoinRate = config("site.giftCoin"); // 声币兑换比例
+        $userModel = new \app\common\model\User();
+        // 获取礼物信息
+        $giftModel = new \app\common\model\Gift();
+        $where = [];
+        $where["id"] = $gift_id;
+        $giftInfo = $giftModel->where($where)->find();
+        if (!$giftInfo) $this->error("请选择礼物!");
+        //宝箱价值
+        $giftCountValue = $giftInfo["value"] * $number * $userCount;
+        //随机开礼物盒礼物
+        $boxgiftInfo = $this->getBoxesGift($giftInfo->box_type,$userCount,$number);
+        // 判断当前用户余额
+        $where = [];
+        $where["id"] = $userauthid;
+        $userInfo = $userModel->where($where)->lock(true)->find();
+        if (!$userInfo) $this->error("用户信息查询失败!");
+        if($userInfo["jewel"] < $giftCountValue) $this->error("您的钻石余额不足!");
+        // 转换声币后 再进行抽点设置
+        if(!$party_id) {
+            $platRate = 10;
+            $guilderRate = 30;
+        } else {
+            $partyInfo = \app\common\model\Party::field("user_id,platRate,guilderRate")->where(["id"=>$party_id])->find();
+            // 获取系统配置信息
+            $platRate = $partyInfo->platRate; // 平台抽成百分比
+            $guilderRate = $partyInfo->guilderRate; // 工会长抽成百分比
+        }
+        $returnData = [];
+        // 获取当天零点
+        $day = date("Ymd");
+        // 获取本周第一天
+        $weekday = $this->firstOfWeek(date("Y-m-d H:i:s"));
+        // 获取本月第一天
+        $monthday = date("Ym01");
+        $allVal = 0;
+        $i = 0;
+        $allUserBoxGiftInfo = [];//每个玩家获得的礼物
+        $redis = new Redis();
+        $redisconfig = config("redis");
+        $redis->connect($redisconfig["host"], $redisconfig["port"], 86400 * 31);
+        Db::startTrans();
+        try {
+            // 事务处理余额与记录信息
+            $userjewellogModel = new \app\common\model\UserJewelLog();
+            $usersoundcoinlogModel = new \app\common\model\UserSoundcoinLog();
+            $giftuserpartyModel = new \app\common\model\GiftUserParty();
+            // 扣除当前用户钻石余额
+            $where = [];
+            $where["id"] = $userauthid;
+            $res1 = $userModel->where($where)->setDec("jewel", $giftCountValue);
+            // 添加当前用户钻石流水记录
+            $res2 = $userjewellogModel->addUserJewelLog($userauthid, $giftCountValue, "-", $userInfo["jewel"], "赠送礼物:'" . $giftInfo["name"] . "',扣除" . $giftCountValue . "钻石!", 3);
+            $UserProfitLogList = [];
+            foreach($user_id_arr as $user_id) {
+                // 添加礼物赠送记录表
+                $data = [];
+                for ($k=0;$k<$number;$k++){
+                    $data[$k]["user_id"] = $userauthid;
+                    $data[$k]["user_to_id"] = $user_id;
+                    $data[$k]["party_id"] = $party_id;
+                    $data[$k]["createtime"] = time();
+                    $oneBoxGiftInfo = array_pop($boxgiftInfo);
+                    $giftId = $oneBoxGiftInfo['gift_id'];
+                    $oneBoxGiftInfoNew['id'] = $oneBoxGiftInfo['gift_id'];
+                    $oneBoxGiftInfoNew['name'] = $oneBoxGiftInfo['gift_name'];
+                    $oneBoxGiftInfoNew['image'] = $oneBoxGiftInfo['image'];
+                    $oneBoxGiftInfoNew['gif_image'] = $oneBoxGiftInfo['special'];
+                    $oneBoxGiftInfoNew['price'] = $oneBoxGiftInfo["price"];
+                    $oneBoxGiftInfoNew['only_gif_image'] = $oneBoxGiftInfo["only_special"];
+                    $oneBoxGiftInfoNew['number'] = 1;
+//                    合并重复的礼物数量
+                    if (isset($allUserBoxGiftInfo[$user_id][$giftId])){
+                        $allUserBoxGiftInfo[$user_id][$giftId]['number'] += 1;
+                    }else{
+                        $allUserBoxGiftInfo[$user_id][$giftId] = $oneBoxGiftInfoNew;
+                    }
+                    if($oneBoxGiftInfo){
+                        $data[$k]["gift_id"] = $oneBoxGiftInfo['gift_id'];
+                        $data[$k]["gift_give_type"] = 2;
+                        $data[$k]["gift_name"] = $oneBoxGiftInfo["gift_name"];
+                        $data[$k]["gift_gif_image"] = $oneBoxGiftInfo["image"];
+                        $data[$k]["number"] = 1;
+                        $data[$k]["price"] = $oneBoxGiftInfo["price"];
+                        $data[$k]["value"] = $oneBoxGiftInfo["price"];
+                    }
+                }
+                $res5 = $giftuserpartyModel->allowField(true)->saveAll($data);
+                // 获取赠送用户信息
+                $where = [];
+                $where["id"] = $user_id;
+                $toUserInfo = $userModel->where($where)->find();
+                $UserChangeLogList = [];
+                $res4 = [];
+                $res6 = [];
+                $getValueForUser = 0;
+                $platValueForUser = 0;
+                $guilderValueForUser = 0;
+                $userSound_coin = $toUserInfo["sound_coin"];
+                //礼物总价值
+                $hotValueCount = 0;
+                foreach ($res5 as $oneBoxGiftInfo){
+                    $getValue = $oneBoxGiftInfo['price'];
+                    $hotValueCount += $getValue;
+                    $hotValue = $getValue;
+                    $getValue = round($getValue * ($soundCoinRate/100));
+                    $progetValue = $hotValue - $getValue;
+                    // 转换统计
+                    if($progetValue >0) {
+                        $UserChangeLogData["user_id"] = $oneBoxGiftInfo['user_to_id'];
+                        $UserChangeLogData["party_id"] = $party_id?$party_id:0;
+                        $UserChangeLogData["gift_value"] = $hotValue;
+                        $UserChangeLogData["plat_value"] = $hotValue - $getValue;
+                        $UserChangeLogData["createtime"] = time();
+                        $UserChangeLogList[]=$UserChangeLogData;
+                    }
+                    $platValue = bcmul($platRate/100,$getValue);
+                    $guilderValue = bcmul($guilderRate/100,$getValue);
+                    $getValue = bcsub(bcsub($getValue,$platValue),$guilderValue);
+                    $getValueForUser = bcadd($getValue,$getValueForUser);
+                    $platValueForUser = bcadd($platValue,$platValueForUser);
+                    $guilderValueForUser = bcadd($guilderValue,$guilderValueForUser);
+                    // 添加赠送用户声币流水记录soundCoin
+                    // xxx送你
+                    $res4[] = $this->boxAddUserSoundcoinLog($user_id, $getValue, "+", $userSound_coin, "{$this->auth->nickname}送你{$giftInfo['name']}x1,开出{$oneBoxGiftInfo->gift_name}x1", 1, $oneBoxGiftInfo->id);
+                    // 增加房主抽成
+                    if (isset($partyInfo) && $guilderValue > 0){
+                        $res6[] = $this->boxAddUserSoundcoinLog($partyInfo->user_id, $guilderValue, "+", $userSound_coin, "{$this->auth->nickname}送礼物{$giftInfo['name']}x1,开出{$oneBoxGiftInfo->gift_name}x1给{$toUserInfo['nickname']},房间礼物抽成", 4, $oneBoxGiftInfo->id);
+                    }
+                    $userSound_coin = bcadd($getValue,$userSound_coin);
+                }
+                $res4 = array_merge($res4,$res6);//同表合并插入
+                $res4 = $usersoundcoinlogModel->insertAll($res4);
+                //增加抽点记录
+                $UserProfitLogList[] = $this->addUserProfitLogList($user_id,$party_id,$getValueForUser,$platValueForUser,$guilderValueForUser);
+                // 转换统计
+                if (!empty($UserChangeLogData)) \app\common\model\UserChangeLog::insertAll($UserChangeLogList);
+                // 添加赠送用户声币余额
+                $where = [];
+                $where["id"] = $user_id;
+                $res3 = $userModel->where($where)->setInc("sound_coin", $getValueForUser);
+                $getValueForUser == 0 && $res3 = true;
+                //总消费增加
+                $res6 = Db::name('user')->where('id',$user_id)->setInc("renewcount", $giftCountValue);
+                if ($res1 && $res2 && $res3 && $res4 && $res5 && $res6) {
+                    $i++;
+                    if($party_id > 0) {
+                        // 添加redis记录做财富排行榜日榜用
+                        $redis->zIncrBy($this->roomTypeArr[$room_type] . "_jewel_get_" . $party_id . ":" . $day . "d", $hotValueCount, $user_id);
+                        // 添加redis记录做财富排行榜周榜用
+                        $redis->zIncrBy($this->roomTypeArr[$room_type] . "_jewel_get_" . $party_id . ":" . $weekday . "w", $hotValueCount, $user_id);
+                        // 添加redis记录做财富排行榜月榜用
+                        $redis->zIncrBy($this->roomTypeArr[$room_type] . "_jewel_get_" . $party_id . ":" . $monthday . "m", $hotValueCount, $user_id);
+                        // 添加redis记录做贡献排行榜日榜用
+                        $redis->zIncrBy($this->roomTypeArr[$room_type] . "_jewel_to_" . $party_id . ":" . $day . "d", $hotValueCount, $userauthid);
+                        // 添加redis记录做贡献排行榜周榜用
+                        $redis->zIncrBy($this->roomTypeArr[$room_type] . "_jewel_to_" . $party_id . ":" . $weekday . "w", $hotValueCount, $userauthid);
+                        // 添加redis记录做贡献排行榜月榜用
+                        $redis->zIncrBy($this->roomTypeArr[$room_type] . "_jewel_to_" . $party_id . ":" . $monthday . "m", $hotValueCount, $userauthid);
+                        // tcp 更新用户魅力值
+                        $this->updateUserCharm($party_id, $user_id, $hotValueCount);
+                        // 如果是主播,则添加魅力值记录做榜单统计
+                        if($room_type == 2) {
+                            $data = [];
+                            $data["user_id"] = $user_id;
+                            $data["party_id"] = $party_id;
+                            $data["charm"] = $hotValueCount;
+                            $data["createtime"] = time();
+                            \app\common\model\UserCharmRank::insert($data);
+                        }
+                    }
+                    $getempirical = config("site.getempirical");
+                    $getempirical = $getempirical * $hotValueCount;
+                    // 获取用户贵族信息
+                    $noble = \app\common\model\User::getUserNoble($this->auth->id);
+                    if(isset($noble["noble_on"]) && $noble["noble_on"] == 1) {
+                        $getempirical = $getempirical + $getempirical * ($noble["explain"]/100);
+                    }
+                    // 增加用户经验值
+                    $res = \app\common\model\User::addEmpirical($this->auth->id,$getempirical);
+                    if ($res){
+                        $this->auth->level = $res->level;
+                    }
+                    //贵族升级处理
+                    $this->checkBeNoble($redis,$this->auth->id,$giftCountValue);
+                    // +exp
+                    \app\common\model\TaskLog::tofinish($this->auth->id,"OBHqCX4g",$number);
+                    // +message
+                    \app\common\model\Message::addMessage($user_id,"礼物通知","收到 ".$this->auth->nickname." 赠送的".$giftInfo["name"]." x".$number);
+                    $allVal = $allVal + $hotValueCount;
+                }
+            }
+            $this->checkAllUserBoxGiftInfo($allUserBoxGiftInfo);
+            // 获取用户魅力值
+            $users = $redis->zRange("hourCharm_".$party_id,0,-1,true);
+            $u = [];
+            if($users) {
+                foreach($users as $k => $v) {
+                    if (empty($allUserBoxGiftInfo[$k])) continue;
+                    $u[] = [
+                        "user_id" => $k,
+                        "charm" => $this->changeW($v),
+                        'gifList'=> $allUserBoxGiftInfo[$k] ?? [],
+                    ];
+                }
+            }
+            $userCharm = $u;
+            unset($u);
+            // tcp 更新房间热度
+            $partyHot = $this->updatePartyHot($party_id, $allVal, $room_type);
+            // 如果是派对,则添加派对热度值记录做榜单统计
+            if($room_type == 1) {
+                $data = [];
+                $data["party_id"] = $party_id;
+                $data["hot"] = $allVal;
+                $data["createtime"] = time();
+                \app\common\model\PartyHot::insert($data);
+            }
+            // tcp 获取房间用户周前三名
+            $partyUserTop = $this->getPartyUserTop($party_id, $room_type);
+            if($i == $userCount) {
+                $returnData["userCharm"] = $userCharm;
+                $returnData["partyHot"] = $this->changeW($partyHot);
+                $returnData["partyUserTop"] = $partyUserTop;
+                $returnData["box_type"] = $giftInfo->box_type;
+                $returnData["box_image"] = $giftInfo->image;
+                $returnData["box_num"] = $number;
+                if(!empty($UserProfitLogList)) \app\common\model\UserProfitLog::insertAll($UserProfitLogList);
+                Db::commit();
+                $this->success("赠送成功!",$returnData);
+            } else {
+                Db::rollback();
+                $this->success("赠送失败!");
+            }
+        } catch (ValidateException $e) {
+            Db::rollback();
+            $this->error($e->getMessage());
+        } catch (PDOException $e) {
+            Db::rollback();
+            $this->error($e->getMessage());
+        } catch (Exception $e) {
+            Db::rollback();
+            $this->error($e->getMessage());
+        }
+    }
+    /**
+     * 消费开通贵族
+     * @param Redis $redis
+     * @param $user_id
+     * @param $giftCountValue
+     * @return void
+     */
+    private function checkBeNoble(Redis $redis,$user_id,$giftCountValue)
+    {
+        $user_level = $this->auth->level;
+        $user_noble = $this->auth->noble;
+        $getNobleLevelList = $this->getNobleLevelList($redis);
+        $getUserRenew = $this->changeUserRenew($redis,$user_id,$giftCountValue);
+        $getNobleLevelList = array_reverse($getNobleLevelList);
+        //总消费
+        $renewcount = $this->auth->renewcount;
+        $renewcount += $giftCountValue;
+        //是否可升级
+        $maxNoble = $getNobleLevelList[0]['id'];
+        $updateNoble = FALSE;
+        $userNobleLeve = 0;
+        $nobleLeveRenew2 = 0;
+        if($user_noble < $maxNoble) {
+            foreach ($getNobleLevelList as $NobleLeve) {
+                if ($getUserRenew >= $NobleLeve['renew2'] && //月消费 >= 爵位保级消费
+                    $user_level >= $NobleLeve['need_level'] && //玩家等级 > 爵位等级要求
+                    $user_noble < $NobleLeve['id'] && //玩家等级 < 升级的爵位等级
+                    $renewcount >= $NobleLeve['first2'] //总消费 >= 爵位低消
+                ) {
+                    $updateNoble = TRUE;
+                    $userNobleLeve = $NobleLeve['id'];
+                    $nobleLeveRenew2 = $NobleLeve['renew2'];
+                    break;
+                }
+            }
+        }
+        if ($updateNoble===TRUE){
+//            echo $NobleLeve['name'].PHP_EOL.$getUserRenew.PHP_EOL.$renewcount.PHP_EOL.$user_level.PHP_EOL.$user_noble;
+            controller('api/Noble')->checkBeNoble2(config('token')['key'], $userNobleLeve);
+            //月保级消费清空
+            //溢出的积分算入保级消费
+            $shengRenew = $getUserRenew-$nobleLeveRenew2;
+            $redis->set('user_renew2_'.$user_id,$shengRenew);
+        }
+    }
+    /**
+     * 获取贵族等级列表
+     * @param Redis $redis
+     * @param bool $again 是否重新生成redis
+     * @return bool|mixed|\PDOStatement|string|\think\Collection
+     * @throws \think\db\exception\DataNotFoundException
+     * @throws \think\db\exception\ModelNotFoundException
+     * @throws \think\exception\DbException
+     */
+    public function checkGetNobleLevelList($tokenKey='')
+    {
+        if ($tokenKey!==config('token')['key']) return;
+        $redis = new \Redis();
+        $redisconfig = config("redis");
+        $redis->connect($redisconfig["host"], $redisconfig["port"], 86400 * 31);
+        return $this->getNobleLevelList($redis);
+    }
+    private function getNobleLevelList(Redis $redis, bool $again=FALSE)
+    {
+        if ($again===TRUE) $redis->del('noble_level_list');
+        $getNobleLevelList = $redis->get('noble_level_list');
+        if ($getNobleLevelList){
+            $getNobleLevelList = unserialize($getNobleLevelList);
+        }else{
+//            $getNobleLevelList = Db::name('noble_level')->where('is_show',1)
+            $getNobleLevelList = \app\common\model\NobleLevel::where('is_show',1)
+//                ->field('id,name,first2,renew2,need_level,level_no,tqgq,qftz,qfdh,gptz')
+                ->select();
+            $redis->set("noble_level_list", serialize($getNobleLevelList));
+        }
+        return $getNobleLevelList;
+    }
+    /**
+     * 获取玩家月消费
+     * @param Redis $redis
+     * @param $user_id
+     * @param $giftCountValue
+     * @return false|mixed|string
+     */
+    private function changeUserRenew(Redis $redis, $user_id,$giftCountValue){
+        $user_renew2 = $redis->get('user_renew2_'.$user_id);
+        $giftCountValue = (int)$giftCountValue;
+        if ($user_renew2){
+//            $user_renew2 = $redis->incrBy('user_renew_'.$user_id,$giftCountValue);
+            $user_renew2 = $redis->incrBy('user_renew2_'.$user_id,$giftCountValue);
+        }else{
+            //月消费(每30天清空)
+//            $redis->set('user_renew_'.$user_id,$giftCountValue);
+            //月保级消费(每30天清空||每次升级贵族清空)
+            $redis->set('user_renew2_'.$user_id,$giftCountValue);
+            $user_renew2 = $giftCountValue;
+        }
+        return $user_renew2;
+    }
+//    /**
+//     * 播放动效
+//     */
+//    public function play($party_id,$type,$value,$number) {
+//        // 发送tcp
+//        $tcpArr = [];
+//        $tcpArr['type'] = "play";
+//        $tcpArr['data'] = [
+//            'party_id' => $party_id,
+//            'type' => $type,
+//            'value' => $value,
+//            'number' => $number,
+//        ];
+//        $tcpJson = json_encode($tcpArr);
+//        $client = stream_socket_client(config("tcp"));
+//        $buffer2 = base64_encode($tcpJson)."****";
+//        fwrite($client, $buffer2);
+//    }
+    /**
+     * 更新派对信息(热度等)
+     */
+    private function updatePartyHot($party_id,$hotValue,$room_type) {
+        $partyInfo = \app\common\model\Party::where(['id'=>$party_id])->find();
+        if(!$partyInfo) return $hotValue;
+        $party_hot = $partyInfo->party_hot > 0 ? $partyInfo->party_hot:0;
+        $party_hot_value = $party_hot + $hotValue;
+        $party_hot_value = $party_hot_value > 0 ? $party_hot_value : 0;
+        if($party_hot_value != $party_hot) {
+            // 保存数据
+            $partyInfo->party_hot = $party_hot_value;
+            $partyInfo->save();
+            // 更新redis  加入缓存排序
+            $redis = new Redis();
+            $redisconfig = config("redis");
+            $redis->connect($redisconfig["host"], $redisconfig["port"]);
+            $redis->zAdd($this->roomTypeArr[$room_type]."Rank", $partyInfo['party_hot'], $partyInfo["id"]);
+            // 更新redis  加入缓存
+            $redPartyInfo = $redis->get($this->roomTypeArr[$room_type]."_".$partyInfo["id"]);
+            if($redPartyInfo) {
+                $redPartyInfo = json_decode($redPartyInfo,true);
+                $redPartyInfo["party_hot"] = $party_hot_value;
+                $redis->set($this->roomTypeArr[$room_type]."_".$partyInfo["id"],json_encode($redPartyInfo));
+            }
+//                // 发送tcp
+//                $tcpArr = [];
+//                $tcpArr['type'] = "changeRoomHot";
+//                $tcpArr['data'] = [
+//                    'room_id' => $party_id,
+//                    'value' => $party_hot_value,
+//                ];
+//                $tcpJson = json_encode($tcpArr);
+//                $client = stream_socket_client(config("tcp"));
+//                $buffer2 = base64_encode($tcpJson)."****";
+//                fwrite($client, $buffer2);
+        }
+        return $party_hot_value;
+    }
+    /**
+     * 用户赠送礼物后房间内用户排行,贡献榜前三名
+     */
+    private function getPartyUserTop($party_id,$room_type) {
+        $redis = new Redis();
+        $redisconfig = config("redis");
+        $redis->connect($redisconfig["host"], $redisconfig["port"]);
+        // 获取本周第一天
+        $weekday = $this->firstOfWeek(date("Y-m-d H:i:s"));
+        // 获取当天零点
+        $day = date("Ymd");
+        $userModel = new \app\common\model\User();
+        // 获取条数
+        $num = 3;
+        // 获取3条财富排行周记录
+        $getweek = $redis->zRevRange($this->roomTypeArr[$room_type]."_jewel_to_".$party_id.":".$day."d",0,$num-1,true);
+        $userList = $userModel->rankList($getweek);
+        $avatarArr = [];
+        if($userList) {
+            foreach($userList as $k => $v) {
+                $v["jewel"] > 0 && $avatarArr[] = $v["avatar"];
+            }
+            // 加入缓存做备份
+            $redis->hSet("user_jewel_top3",$party_id,json_encode($avatarArr));
+//            // 发送tcp
+//            $tcpArr = [];
+//            $tcpArr['type'] = "changeRoomUserTop";
+//            $tcpArr['data'] = [
+//                'room_id' => $party_id,
+//                'user_avatar' => $avatarArr,
+//            ];
+//            $tcpJson = json_encode($tcpArr);
+//            $client = stream_socket_client(config("tcp"));
+//            $buffer2 = base64_encode($tcpJson)."****";
+//            fwrite($client, $buffer2);
+        }
+        return $avatarArr;
+    }
+    /**
+     *  用户赠送礼物后房间内用户魅力值增加
+     */
+    private function updateUserCharm($party_id,$user_id,$giftValue) {
+        $redis = new Redis();
+        $redisconfig = config("redis");
+        $redis->connect($redisconfig["host"], $redisconfig["port"]);
+        // 获取用户魅力值
+        $users = $redis->zRange("hourCharm_".$party_id,0,-1,true);
+        if(!$users) $users[$user_id] = 0;
+        if(isset($users[$user_id])) {
+            $value = $users[$user_id] + $giftValue;
+        } else {
+            $value = $giftValue;
+        }
+        $redis->zAdd("hourCharm_".$party_id,$value,$user_id);
+        return true;
+    }
+    /**
+     * 单个房间魅力值清零
+     */
+    public function partyClearCharm() {
+        $party_id = $this->request->request("party_id");// 派对ID
+        $userId = $this->request->request("user_id", 0);// 用户ID
+        if($party_id <= 0) {
+            $this->error("请输入派对ID");
+        }
+        $redis = new Redis();
+        $redisconfig = config("redis");
+        $redis->connect($redisconfig["host"], $redisconfig["port"]);
+        if ($userId) {
+            $redis->zRem("hourCharm_" . $party_id, $userId);
+        } else {
+            $redis->del("hourCharm_" . $party_id);
+        }
+        $this->success("操作成功!");
+    }
+    /**
+     * 获取音乐列表
+     */
+    public function getMusicList() {
+        $this->success("获取成功!",\app\common\model\Music::select());
+    }
+    //============================定时任务==========================//
+    /**
+     * redis清理排行榜 并数据库备份
+     */
+    public function updateTops() {
+        // 前一天日期
+        $yestaday = date("Ymd",bcsub(time(),86400));
+        // 上个周一
+        $preweek = $this->firstOfWeek(date("Y-m-d H:i:s",bcsub(time(),604800)));
+        // 上个月一号
+        $monty = bcsub(date("m"),1);
+        if($monty < 10) $monty = "0".$monty;
+        $premonth = date("Y").$monty."01";
+        $redis = new Redis();
+        $redisconfig = config("redis");
+        $redis->connect($redisconfig["host"], $redisconfig["port"]);
+        // 获取所有派对ID
+        $party_ids = \app\common\model\Party::where(["status"=>1])->column("id");
+        // 获取数据
+        $time = time();
+        if($party_ids) foreach($party_ids as $k => $v) {
+            $keys = [
+                "party_jewel_get_".$v.":".$yestaday."d",
+                "party_jewel_to_".$v.":".$yestaday."d",
+                "party_jewel_get_".$v.":".$preweek."w",
+                "party_jewel_to_".$v.":".$preweek."w",
+                "party_jewel_get_".$v.":".$premonth."m",
+                "party_jewel_to_".$v.":".$premonth."m",
+            ];
+            foreach($keys as $key) {
+                // 备份数据
+                $redisData = $redis->zRevRange($key,0,-1,true);
+                if($redisData) {
+                    $keyInfo = \app\common\model\RedisTops::where(["key"=>$key])->find();
+                    $data = ["party_id"=>$v,"key"=>$key,"value"=>json_encode($redisData),"createtime" => $time];
+                    if(!$keyInfo) {
+                        $res = \app\common\model\RedisTops::insert($data);
+                        // 清理数据
+                        $res && $redis->zRemRangeByRank($key,0,-1);
+                    }
+                }
+            }
+        }
+    }
+    public function handleParty() {
+        return false;
+        $partyList = \app\common\model\Party::where('is_online',1)->select();
+        $redis = new Redis();
+        $redisconfig = config("redis");
+        $redis->connect($redisconfig["host"], $redisconfig["port"]);
+//        $redis->del("online_" . 3);die;
+//        $redis->hSet("online_" . 3, 4, 4);die;
+        foreach ($partyList as $party){
+            $userId = $party['user_id'];
+            $roomId = $party['id'];
+            $redis->HDel("online_" . $roomId, $userId);
+            // 扣除在线用户在房间情况
+            $redis->hDel("livingUser",$userId);
+//            // 更新房间在线状态
+            $partyInfo = $redis->get("party_" . $roomId);
+            if ($partyInfo) {
+                $partyInfo = json_decode($partyInfo, true);
+                $memCount = count($redis->hGetAll("online_" . $roomId));
+                if ($memCount <= 0) {
+                    dump($roomId.'--1---');
+                    $partyInfo["is_online"] = 0;
+                    $redis->set("party_" . $roomId, json_encode($partyInfo));
+                    \app\common\model\Party::update(["is_online" => 0], ["id" => $roomId]);
+                }
+            }
+            $liveInfo = $redis->get("live_" . $roomId);
+            if ($liveInfo) {
+                $liveInfo = json_decode($liveInfo, true);
+                $memCount = count($redis->hGetAll("online_" . $roomId));
+                if ($memCount <= 0) {
+                    dump($roomId.'---2--');
+                    $liveInfo["is_online"] = 0;
+                    $redis->set("live_" . $roomId, json_encode($liveInfo));
+                    \app\common\model\Party::update(["is_online" => 0], ["id" => $roomId]);
+                }else{
+                    dump($roomId.'---3--');
+                    $redis->del("online_" . $roomId);
+                    $liveInfo["is_online"] = 0;
+                    $redis->set("live_" . $roomId, json_encode($liveInfo));
+                    \app\common\model\Party::update(["is_online" => 0], ["id" => $roomId]);
+                }
+            }
+        }
+        $this->success("获取成功!");
+    }