where('user_id',1447)->update(['gold'=>357])); // $mt_user_gold_log = Db::name('user_gold_log'); //金币日志表 // dd($mt_user_gold_log->where('id',582455)->delete());//delete // $list = $mt_user_gold_log->where([ // // 'user_id' => 1556, // 'log_type' => 10, // 'change_value' => ['gt', 0], // 'createtime' => ['egt', $start], // 'remark' => ['like', "%微信%"], // 'user_id' => ['in',[266,1447,23400]], // ]); // // dd($list->update(['createtime'=>0])); // $list = $list->select(); // foreach ($list as $key=>$item){ // $list[$key]['createtime'] = date('Y-m-d H:i:s',$item['createtime']); // $list[$key]['updatetime'] = date('Y-m-d H:i:s',$item['updatetime']); // } // dd($list); // $query = Db::name('pay_order') // ->whereBetween('createtime',[1706716800,1706803199]) // ->where('status',3) // ->whereNotIn('user_id',[1556]) // ->where('payment_class','wechat'); // // dd($query->sum('money')); // $list = $query->select(); // foreach ($list as $key=>$item){ // $list[$key]['createtime'] = date('Y-m-d H:i:s',$item['createtime']); // } // dd($list); } /** * 测试 汇付 支付 */ public function testPay() { $params = \request()->post(); $order_no = $params['order_no'] ?? ''; $wxInfo = Cache::get($params['openid'] ?? ''); $openid = $wxInfo['openid'] ?? ''; // $sessionKey = $wxInfo['session_key'] ?? ''; $pay = new PayUtil(); $order_no = !empty($order_no) ? $order_no : time() . rand(1, 200); $pay->jsPay($openid, "D0{$order_no}", '0.01', '开通会员'); return json_encode([ 'order_no' => $order_no, 'data' => $pay->getData() ]); } public function pay() { return $this->view->fetch(); } public function aa(){ return 0; $start_time = time() - (3600 * 1); $end_time = time() - (3600 * 1); $active = "select user_id from mt_user_active where requesttime BETWEEN {$start_time} and {$end_time}"; $sql = "update `mt_user` set is_active = 1 where is_active = 0 and gender = 1 and id in ({$active})";//gender = 1 只改男性用户 if (!db()->query($sql)){ return 0; } return 1; } public function index() { $code = input('code', '', 'trim'); //邀请码 $this->view->assign('code', $code); $this->view->assign('downurl', config("site.apk_url")); $is_ios = 0; if(strpos($_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT'], 'iPhone')||strpos($_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT'], 'iPad')){ $is_ios = 1; } $this->view->assign('is_ios', $is_ios); return $this->view->fetch(); } public function wxsharedownload(){ $this->view->assign('downurl', config("site.apk_url")); return $this->view->fetch(); } public function suningh5(){ return $this->view->fetch(); } /** * app下载页 * 判断是安卓还是ios */ public function appdownload() { echo 'hello wold'; } /** * app下载页-新 * 判断是安卓还是ios */ public function downapp() { $code = input('code', '', 'trim'); //邀请码 $this->view->assign('code', $code); $this->view->assign('downurl', config("site.apk_url")); return $this->view->fetch(); // if(strpos($_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT'], 'iPhone')||strpos($_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT'], 'iPad')){ // header("Location: https://apps.apple.com/cn/app/%E4%BC%B4%E5%A3%B0%E8%AF%AD%E9%9F%B3/id1556551099"); // }else if(strpos($_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT'], 'Android')){ // //$host = $_SERVER["REQUEST_SCHEME"]."://".$_SERVER["HTTP_HOST"]; // //header("Location: ".$host."/index/index/download"); // $this->view->assign('downurl', config("site.apk_url")); // return $this->view->fetch(); // }else{ // $this->view->assign('downurl', config("site.apk_url")); // return $this->view->fetch(); // } } //基础文章网页 public function basedata(){ $key = input('key',''); if(!$key){ exit; } $content = Db::name('basedata')->where('key',$key)->find(); $this->assign('content',$content['content']); return $this->fetch(); } }