ErrCode = $param["ErrCode"]; } if (array_key_exists("ErrMsg",$param) and $param["ErrMsg"] !== null) { $this->ErrMsg = $param["ErrMsg"]; } if (array_key_exists("IdCard",$param) and $param["IdCard"] !== null) { $this->IdCard = $param["IdCard"]; } if (array_key_exists("Name",$param) and $param["Name"] !== null) { $this->Name = $param["Name"]; } if (array_key_exists("OcrNation",$param) and $param["OcrNation"] !== null) { $this->OcrNation = $param["OcrNation"]; } if (array_key_exists("OcrAddress",$param) and $param["OcrAddress"] !== null) { $this->OcrAddress = $param["OcrAddress"]; } if (array_key_exists("OcrBirth",$param) and $param["OcrBirth"] !== null) { $this->OcrBirth = $param["OcrBirth"]; } if (array_key_exists("OcrAuthority",$param) and $param["OcrAuthority"] !== null) { $this->OcrAuthority = $param["OcrAuthority"]; } if (array_key_exists("OcrValidDate",$param) and $param["OcrValidDate"] !== null) { $this->OcrValidDate = $param["OcrValidDate"]; } if (array_key_exists("OcrName",$param) and $param["OcrName"] !== null) { $this->OcrName = $param["OcrName"]; } if (array_key_exists("OcrIdCard",$param) and $param["OcrIdCard"] !== null) { $this->OcrIdCard = $param["OcrIdCard"]; } if (array_key_exists("OcrGender",$param) and $param["OcrGender"] !== null) { $this->OcrGender = $param["OcrGender"]; } if (array_key_exists("LiveStatus",$param) and $param["LiveStatus"] !== null) { $this->LiveStatus = $param["LiveStatus"]; } if (array_key_exists("LiveMsg",$param) and $param["LiveMsg"] !== null) { $this->LiveMsg = $param["LiveMsg"]; } if (array_key_exists("Comparestatus",$param) and $param["Comparestatus"] !== null) { $this->Comparestatus = $param["Comparestatus"]; } if (array_key_exists("Comparemsg",$param) and $param["Comparemsg"] !== null) { $this->Comparemsg = $param["Comparemsg"]; } if (array_key_exists("Sim",$param) and $param["Sim"] !== null) { $this->Sim = $param["Sim"]; } if (array_key_exists("Location",$param) and $param["Location"] !== null) { $this->Location = $param["Location"]; } if (array_key_exists("Extra",$param) and $param["Extra"] !== null) { $this->Extra = $param["Extra"]; } if (array_key_exists("LivenessDetail",$param) and $param["LivenessDetail"] !== null) { $this->LivenessDetail = []; foreach ($param["LivenessDetail"] as $key => $value){ $obj = new DetectDetail(); $obj->deserialize($value); array_push($this->LivenessDetail, $obj); } } if (array_key_exists("Mobile",$param) and $param["Mobile"] !== null) { $this->Mobile = $param["Mobile"]; } if (array_key_exists("CompareLibType",$param) and $param["CompareLibType"] !== null) { $this->CompareLibType = $param["CompareLibType"]; } if (array_key_exists("LivenessMode",$param) and $param["LivenessMode"] !== null) { $this->LivenessMode = $param["LivenessMode"]; } } }