<?php declare(strict_types = 1); namespace BaconQrCode\Encoder; use BaconQrCode\Common\BitArray; use BaconQrCode\Common\CharacterSetEci; use BaconQrCode\Common\ErrorCorrectionLevel; use BaconQrCode\Common\Mode; use BaconQrCode\Common\ReedSolomonCodec; use BaconQrCode\Common\Version; use BaconQrCode\Exception\WriterException; use SplFixedArray; /** * Encoder. */ final class Encoder { /** * Default byte encoding. */ public const DEFAULT_BYTE_MODE_ECODING = 'ISO-8859-1'; /** * The original table is defined in the table 5 of JISX0510:2004 (p.19). */ private const ALPHANUMERIC_TABLE = [ -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, // 0x00-0x0f -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, // 0x10-0x1f 36, -1, -1, -1, 37, 38, -1, -1, -1, -1, 39, 40, -1, 41, 42, 43, // 0x20-0x2f 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 44, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, // 0x30-0x3f -1, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, // 0x40-0x4f 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, // 0x50-0x5f ]; /** * Codec cache. * * @var array */ private static $codecs = []; /** * Encodes "content" with the error correction level "ecLevel". */ public static function encode( string $content, ErrorCorrectionLevel $ecLevel, string $encoding = self::DEFAULT_BYTE_MODE_ECODING ) : QrCode { // Pick an encoding mode appropriate for the content. Note that this // will not attempt to use multiple modes / segments even if that were // more efficient. Would be nice. $mode = self::chooseMode($content, $encoding); // This will store the header information, like mode and length, as well // as "header" segments like an ECI segment. $headerBits = new BitArray(); // Append ECI segment if applicable if (Mode::BYTE() === $mode && self::DEFAULT_BYTE_MODE_ECODING !== $encoding) { $eci = CharacterSetEci::getCharacterSetEciByName($encoding); if (null !== $eci) { self::appendEci($eci, $headerBits); } } // (With ECI in place,) Write the mode marker self::appendModeInfo($mode, $headerBits); // Collect data within the main segment, separately, to count its size // if needed. Don't add it to main payload yet. $dataBits = new BitArray(); self::appendBytes($content, $mode, $dataBits, $encoding); // Hard part: need to know version to know how many bits length takes. // But need to know how many bits it takes to know version. First we // take a guess at version by assuming version will be the minimum, 1: $provisionalBitsNeeded = $headerBits->getSize() + $mode->getCharacterCountBits(Version::getVersionForNumber(1)) + $dataBits->getSize(); $provisionalVersion = self::chooseVersion($provisionalBitsNeeded, $ecLevel); // Use that guess to calculate the right version. I am still not sure // this works in 100% of cases. $bitsNeeded = $headerBits->getSize() + $mode->getCharacterCountBits($provisionalVersion) + $dataBits->getSize(); $version = self::chooseVersion($bitsNeeded, $ecLevel); $headerAndDataBits = new BitArray(); $headerAndDataBits->appendBitArray($headerBits); // Find "length" of main segment and write it. $numLetters = (Mode::BYTE() === $mode ? $dataBits->getSizeInBytes() : strlen($content)); self::appendLengthInfo($numLetters, $version, $mode, $headerAndDataBits); // Put data together into the overall payload. $headerAndDataBits->appendBitArray($dataBits); $ecBlocks = $version->getEcBlocksForLevel($ecLevel); $numDataBytes = $version->getTotalCodewords() - $ecBlocks->getTotalEcCodewords(); // Terminate the bits properly. self::terminateBits($numDataBytes, $headerAndDataBits); // Interleave data bits with error correction code. $finalBits = self::interleaveWithEcBytes( $headerAndDataBits, $version->getTotalCodewords(), $numDataBytes, $ecBlocks->getNumBlocks() ); // Choose the mask pattern. $dimension = $version->getDimensionForVersion(); $matrix = new ByteMatrix($dimension, $dimension); $maskPattern = self::chooseMaskPattern($finalBits, $ecLevel, $version, $matrix); // Build the matrix. MatrixUtil::buildMatrix($finalBits, $ecLevel, $version, $maskPattern, $matrix); return new QrCode($mode, $ecLevel, $version, $maskPattern, $matrix); } /** * Gets the alphanumeric code for a byte. */ private static function getAlphanumericCode(int $code) : int { if (isset(self::ALPHANUMERIC_TABLE[$code])) { return self::ALPHANUMERIC_TABLE[$code]; } return -1; } /** * Chooses the best mode for a given content. */ private static function chooseMode(string $content, string $encoding = null) : Mode { if (null !== $encoding && 0 === strcasecmp($encoding, 'SHIFT-JIS')) { return self::isOnlyDoubleByteKanji($content) ? Mode::KANJI() : Mode::BYTE(); } $hasNumeric = false; $hasAlphanumeric = false; $contentLength = strlen($content); for ($i = 0; $i < $contentLength; ++$i) { $char = $content[$i]; if (ctype_digit($char)) { $hasNumeric = true; } elseif (-1 !== self::getAlphanumericCode(ord($char))) { $hasAlphanumeric = true; } else { return Mode::BYTE(); } } if ($hasAlphanumeric) { return Mode::ALPHANUMERIC(); } elseif ($hasNumeric) { return Mode::NUMERIC(); } return Mode::BYTE(); } /** * Calculates the mask penalty for a matrix. */ private static function calculateMaskPenalty(ByteMatrix $matrix) : int { return ( MaskUtil::applyMaskPenaltyRule1($matrix) + MaskUtil::applyMaskPenaltyRule2($matrix) + MaskUtil::applyMaskPenaltyRule3($matrix) + MaskUtil::applyMaskPenaltyRule4($matrix) ); } /** * Checks if content only consists of double-byte kanji characters. */ private static function isOnlyDoubleByteKanji(string $content) : bool { $bytes = @iconv('utf-8', 'SHIFT-JIS', $content); if (false === $bytes) { return false; } $length = strlen($bytes); if (0 !== $length % 2) { return false; } for ($i = 0; $i < $length; $i += 2) { $byte = $bytes[$i] & 0xff; if (($byte < 0x81 || $byte > 0x9f) && $byte < 0xe0 || $byte > 0xeb) { return false; } } return true; } /** * Chooses the best mask pattern for a matrix. */ private static function chooseMaskPattern( BitArray $bits, ErrorCorrectionLevel $ecLevel, Version $version, ByteMatrix $matrix ) : int { $minPenalty = PHP_INT_MAX; $bestMaskPattern = -1; for ($maskPattern = 0; $maskPattern < QrCode::NUM_MASK_PATTERNS; ++$maskPattern) { MatrixUtil::buildMatrix($bits, $ecLevel, $version, $maskPattern, $matrix); $penalty = self::calculateMaskPenalty($matrix); if ($penalty < $minPenalty) { $minPenalty = $penalty; $bestMaskPattern = $maskPattern; } } return $bestMaskPattern; } /** * Chooses the best version for the input. * * @throws WriterException if data is too big */ private static function chooseVersion(int $numInputBits, ErrorCorrectionLevel $ecLevel) : Version { for ($versionNum = 1; $versionNum <= 40; ++$versionNum) { $version = Version::getVersionForNumber($versionNum); $numBytes = $version->getTotalCodewords(); $ecBlocks = $version->getEcBlocksForLevel($ecLevel); $numEcBytes = $ecBlocks->getTotalEcCodewords(); $numDataBytes = $numBytes - $numEcBytes; $totalInputBytes = intdiv($numInputBits + 8, 8); if ($numDataBytes >= $totalInputBytes) { return $version; } } throw new WriterException('Data too big'); } /** * Terminates the bits in a bit array. * * @throws WriterException if data bits cannot fit in the QR code * @throws WriterException if bits size does not equal the capacity */ private static function terminateBits(int $numDataBytes, BitArray $bits) : void { $capacity = $numDataBytes << 3; if ($bits->getSize() > $capacity) { throw new WriterException('Data bits cannot fit in the QR code'); } for ($i = 0; $i < 4 && $bits->getSize() < $capacity; ++$i) { $bits->appendBit(false); } $numBitsInLastByte = $bits->getSize() & 0x7; if ($numBitsInLastByte > 0) { for ($i = $numBitsInLastByte; $i < 8; ++$i) { $bits->appendBit(false); } } $numPaddingBytes = $numDataBytes - $bits->getSizeInBytes(); for ($i = 0; $i < $numPaddingBytes; ++$i) { $bits->appendBits(0 === ($i & 0x1) ? 0xec : 0x11, 8); } if ($bits->getSize() !== $capacity) { throw new WriterException('Bits size does not equal capacity'); } } /** * Gets number of data- and EC bytes for a block ID. * * @return int[] * @throws WriterException if block ID is too large * @throws WriterException if EC bytes mismatch * @throws WriterException if RS blocks mismatch * @throws WriterException if total bytes mismatch */ private static function getNumDataBytesAndNumEcBytesForBlockId( int $numTotalBytes, int $numDataBytes, int $numRsBlocks, int $blockId ) : array { if ($blockId >= $numRsBlocks) { throw new WriterException('Block ID too large'); } $numRsBlocksInGroup2 = $numTotalBytes % $numRsBlocks; $numRsBlocksInGroup1 = $numRsBlocks - $numRsBlocksInGroup2; $numTotalBytesInGroup1 = intdiv($numTotalBytes, $numRsBlocks); $numTotalBytesInGroup2 = $numTotalBytesInGroup1 + 1; $numDataBytesInGroup1 = intdiv($numDataBytes, $numRsBlocks); $numDataBytesInGroup2 = $numDataBytesInGroup1 + 1; $numEcBytesInGroup1 = $numTotalBytesInGroup1 - $numDataBytesInGroup1; $numEcBytesInGroup2 = $numTotalBytesInGroup2 - $numDataBytesInGroup2; if ($numEcBytesInGroup1 !== $numEcBytesInGroup2) { throw new WriterException('EC bytes mismatch'); } if ($numRsBlocks !== $numRsBlocksInGroup1 + $numRsBlocksInGroup2) { throw new WriterException('RS blocks mismatch'); } if ($numTotalBytes !== (($numDataBytesInGroup1 + $numEcBytesInGroup1) * $numRsBlocksInGroup1) + (($numDataBytesInGroup2 + $numEcBytesInGroup2) * $numRsBlocksInGroup2) ) { throw new WriterException('Total bytes mismatch'); } if ($blockId < $numRsBlocksInGroup1) { return [$numDataBytesInGroup1, $numEcBytesInGroup1]; } else { return [$numDataBytesInGroup2, $numEcBytesInGroup2]; } } /** * Interleaves data with EC bytes. * * @throws WriterException if number of bits and data bytes does not match * @throws WriterException if data bytes does not match offset * @throws WriterException if an interleaving error occurs */ private static function interleaveWithEcBytes( BitArray $bits, int $numTotalBytes, int $numDataBytes, int $numRsBlocks ) : BitArray { if ($bits->getSizeInBytes() !== $numDataBytes) { throw new WriterException('Number of bits and data bytes does not match'); } $dataBytesOffset = 0; $maxNumDataBytes = 0; $maxNumEcBytes = 0; $blocks = new SplFixedArray($numRsBlocks); for ($i = 0; $i < $numRsBlocks; ++$i) { list($numDataBytesInBlock, $numEcBytesInBlock) = self::getNumDataBytesAndNumEcBytesForBlockId( $numTotalBytes, $numDataBytes, $numRsBlocks, $i ); $size = $numDataBytesInBlock; $dataBytes = $bits->toBytes(8 * $dataBytesOffset, $size); $ecBytes = self::generateEcBytes($dataBytes, $numEcBytesInBlock); $blocks[$i] = new BlockPair($dataBytes, $ecBytes); $maxNumDataBytes = max($maxNumDataBytes, $size); $maxNumEcBytes = max($maxNumEcBytes, count($ecBytes)); $dataBytesOffset += $numDataBytesInBlock; } if ($numDataBytes !== $dataBytesOffset) { throw new WriterException('Data bytes does not match offset'); } $result = new BitArray(); for ($i = 0; $i < $maxNumDataBytes; ++$i) { foreach ($blocks as $block) { $dataBytes = $block->getDataBytes(); if ($i < count($dataBytes)) { $result->appendBits($dataBytes[$i], 8); } } } for ($i = 0; $i < $maxNumEcBytes; ++$i) { foreach ($blocks as $block) { $ecBytes = $block->getErrorCorrectionBytes(); if ($i < count($ecBytes)) { $result->appendBits($ecBytes[$i], 8); } } } if ($numTotalBytes !== $result->getSizeInBytes()) { throw new WriterException( 'Interleaving error: ' . $numTotalBytes . ' and ' . $result->getSizeInBytes() . ' differ' ); } return $result; } /** * Generates EC bytes for given data. * * @param SplFixedArray<int> $dataBytes * @return SplFixedArray<int> */ private static function generateEcBytes(SplFixedArray $dataBytes, int $numEcBytesInBlock) : SplFixedArray { $numDataBytes = count($dataBytes); $toEncode = new SplFixedArray($numDataBytes + $numEcBytesInBlock); for ($i = 0; $i < $numDataBytes; $i++) { $toEncode[$i] = $dataBytes[$i] & 0xff; } $ecBytes = new SplFixedArray($numEcBytesInBlock); $codec = self::getCodec($numDataBytes, $numEcBytesInBlock); $codec->encode($toEncode, $ecBytes); return $ecBytes; } /** * Gets an RS codec and caches it. */ private static function getCodec(int $numDataBytes, int $numEcBytesInBlock) : ReedSolomonCodec { $cacheId = $numDataBytes . '-' . $numEcBytesInBlock; if (isset(self::$codecs[$cacheId])) { return self::$codecs[$cacheId]; } return self::$codecs[$cacheId] = new ReedSolomonCodec( 8, 0x11d, 0, 1, $numEcBytesInBlock, 255 - $numDataBytes - $numEcBytesInBlock ); } /** * Appends mode information to a bit array. */ private static function appendModeInfo(Mode $mode, BitArray $bits) : void { $bits->appendBits($mode->getBits(), 4); } /** * Appends length information to a bit array. * * @throws WriterException if num letters is bigger than expected */ private static function appendLengthInfo(int $numLetters, Version $version, Mode $mode, BitArray $bits) : void { $numBits = $mode->getCharacterCountBits($version); if ($numLetters >= (1 << $numBits)) { throw new WriterException($numLetters . ' is bigger than ' . ((1 << $numBits) - 1)); } $bits->appendBits($numLetters, $numBits); } /** * Appends bytes to a bit array in a specific mode. * * @throws WriterException if an invalid mode was supplied */ private static function appendBytes(string $content, Mode $mode, BitArray $bits, string $encoding) : void { switch ($mode) { case Mode::NUMERIC(): self::appendNumericBytes($content, $bits); break; case Mode::ALPHANUMERIC(): self::appendAlphanumericBytes($content, $bits); break; case Mode::BYTE(): self::append8BitBytes($content, $bits, $encoding); break; case Mode::KANJI(): self::appendKanjiBytes($content, $bits); break; default: throw new WriterException('Invalid mode: ' . $mode); } } /** * Appends numeric bytes to a bit array. */ private static function appendNumericBytes(string $content, BitArray $bits) : void { $length = strlen($content); $i = 0; while ($i < $length) { $num1 = (int) $content[$i]; if ($i + 2 < $length) { // Encode three numeric letters in ten bits. $num2 = (int) $content[$i + 1]; $num3 = (int) $content[$i + 2]; $bits->appendBits($num1 * 100 + $num2 * 10 + $num3, 10); $i += 3; } elseif ($i + 1 < $length) { // Encode two numeric letters in seven bits. $num2 = (int) $content[$i + 1]; $bits->appendBits($num1 * 10 + $num2, 7); $i += 2; } else { // Encode one numeric letter in four bits. $bits->appendBits($num1, 4); ++$i; } } } /** * Appends alpha-numeric bytes to a bit array. * * @throws WriterException if an invalid alphanumeric code was found */ private static function appendAlphanumericBytes(string $content, BitArray $bits) : void { $length = strlen($content); $i = 0; while ($i < $length) { $code1 = self::getAlphanumericCode(ord($content[$i])); if (-1 === $code1) { throw new WriterException('Invalid alphanumeric code'); } if ($i + 1 < $length) { $code2 = self::getAlphanumericCode(ord($content[$i + 1])); if (-1 === $code2) { throw new WriterException('Invalid alphanumeric code'); } // Encode two alphanumeric letters in 11 bits. $bits->appendBits($code1 * 45 + $code2, 11); $i += 2; } else { // Encode one alphanumeric letter in six bits. $bits->appendBits($code1, 6); ++$i; } } } /** * Appends regular 8-bit bytes to a bit array. * * @throws WriterException if content cannot be encoded to target encoding */ private static function append8BitBytes(string $content, BitArray $bits, string $encoding) : void { $bytes = @iconv('utf-8', $encoding, $content); if (false === $bytes) { throw new WriterException('Could not encode content to ' . $encoding); } $length = strlen($bytes); for ($i = 0; $i < $length; $i++) { $bits->appendBits(ord($bytes[$i]), 8); } } /** * Appends KANJI bytes to a bit array. * * @throws WriterException if content does not seem to be encoded in SHIFT-JIS * @throws WriterException if an invalid byte sequence occurs */ private static function appendKanjiBytes(string $content, BitArray $bits) : void { if (strlen($content) % 2 > 0) { // We just do a simple length check here. The for loop will check // individual characters. throw new WriterException('Content does not seem to be encoded in SHIFT-JIS'); } $length = strlen($content); for ($i = 0; $i < $length; $i += 2) { $byte1 = ord($content[$i]) & 0xff; $byte2 = ord($content[$i + 1]) & 0xff; $code = ($byte1 << 8) | $byte2; if ($code >= 0x8140 && $code <= 0x9ffc) { $subtracted = $code - 0x8140; } elseif ($code >= 0xe040 && $code <= 0xebbf) { $subtracted = $code - 0xc140; } else { throw new WriterException('Invalid byte sequence'); } $encoded = (($subtracted >> 8) * 0xc0) + ($subtracted & 0xff); $bits->appendBits($encoded, 13); } } /** * Appends ECI information to a bit array. */ private static function appendEci(CharacterSetEci $eci, BitArray $bits) : void { $mode = Mode::ECI(); $bits->appendBits($mode->getBits(), 4); $bits->appendBits($eci->getValue(), 8); } }