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lizhen_gitee 10 months ago
1 changed files with 5 additions and 185 deletions
  1. 5 185

+ 5 - 185

@@ -9,10 +9,7 @@ use think\Cache;
 class Plantask extends Controller
-    /**
-     * 精秀支付订单支付状态查询
-     * @return string|void
-     */
+    //精秀支付订单支付状态查询。 一分钟一次
     public function auto_pay_queue()
         // 处理次数
@@ -95,7 +92,7 @@ class Plantask extends Controller
-    //定时跑用户活跃,改成离线
+    //定时跑用户活跃,改成离线。 一分钟一次
     public function auto_user_active(){
         $actitime = time() - 7200;
@@ -103,122 +100,6 @@ class Plantask extends Controller
-    //计划任务
-    //代替公会的人10秒内发出五句话
-    public function firstuser_send()
-    {
-        exit;
-        //找出24小时内注册的男人
-        $map = [
-            'jointime' => ['gt',time()-86400],
-            'gender' => 1,
-            'gh_id'  => 0,
-            'auto_first_word' => 0,
-        ];
-        $oneuser = Db::name('user')->where($map)->order('id asc')->value('id');
-        dump($oneuser);
-        if(!$oneuser){
-            echo 'empty';
-            exit;
-        }
-        //找出公会的人
-        $map = [
-            'gh_id'  => ['gt',0],
-            'gender' => 0,
-        ];
-        $ghuser = Db::name('user')->where($map)->orderRaw('rand()')->limit(5)->column('id');
-        //dump($ghuser);
-        //随机取出一句话
-        $oneword = Db::name('plantask_accost')->orderRaw('rand()')->limit(5)->column('title');
-        //dump($oneword);
-        //发送出去
-        $tenim = new \app\common\library\Tenim;
-        for($i = 0;$i < 5;$i++){
-            $ghuser_one  = isset($ghuser[$i])  ? $ghuser[$i]  : $ghuser[array_rand($ghuser)];
-            $oneword_one = isset($oneword[$i]) ? $oneword[$i] : $oneword[array_rand($oneword)];
-            $tenim->sendMessageToUser($ghuser_one,$oneuser,$oneword_one);
-            sleep(2);
-        }
-        Db::name('user')->where('id',$oneuser)->update(['auto_first_word'=>1]);
-    }
-    //计划任务,二期之后,废弃
-    //代替公会的人发出第一句话
-    public function firstword_send()
-    {
-        exit;
-        //找出24小时内注册的男人
-        $map = [
-            'jointime' => ['gt',time()-86400],
-            'gender' => 1,
-            'gh_id'  => 0,
-        ];
-        $oneuser = Db::name('user')->where($map)->orderRaw('rand()')->value('id');
-        //dump($oneuser);
-        //找出公会的人
-        $map = [
-            'gh_id'  => ['gt',0],
-            'gender' => 0,
-        ];
-        $ghuser = Db::name('user')->where($map)->orderRaw('rand()')->value('id');
-        //dump($ghuser);
-        //随机取出一句话
-        $oneword = Db::name('plantask_accost')->orderRaw('rand()')->value('title');
-        //dump($oneword);
-        //发送出去
-        $cache = Cache::connect(['type'=>'Redis']);
-        $times = $cache->get('plantask_first_word_'.$oneuser);
-        //dump($times);
-        if($times === false){
-            $times = 0;
-        }
-        if($times < 5){
-            $tenim = new \app\common\library\Tenim;
-            $tenim->sendMessageToUser($ghuser,$oneuser,$oneword);
-            $cache->set('plantask_first_word_'.$oneuser, $times + 1);
-        }
-    }
-    //计划任务
-    //清空没用的redis
-    public function firstword_clear(){
-        $map = [
-            'jointime' => ['between',[time()-172800,time()-86400]],
-            'gender' => 1,
-            'gh_id'  => 0,
-        ];
-        $map = [];
-        $userlist = Db::name('user')->where($map)->order('id asc')->column('id');
-        if(empty($userlist)){
-            echo 'empty';
-            exit;
-        }
-        //清除
-        $cache = Cache::connect(['type'=>'Redis']);
-        foreach($userlist as $key => $val){
-            $cache->rm('plantask_first_word_'.$val);
-        }
-    }
-    //测试用
-    //清空redis
-    public function clear_redis(){
-        $val = input('uid');
-        $cache = Cache::connect(['type'=>'Redis']);
-        $cache->rm('plantask_first_word_'.$val);
-    }
     public function issuingreward() {
@@ -290,72 +171,10 @@ class Plantask extends Controller
-    /**
-     * 超过24小时未上传头像的女用户隐身
-     * @return void
-     */
-    public function userHide()
-    {
-        //找出24小时内注册未上传头像的女用户
-        $userHideTime = config('site.user_hide_time');
-        $start_time = time() - (3600 * 27);
-        $end_time = time() - ($userHideTime * 60);
-        $girlAvatar = config('avatar_girl');
-        $where = [
-            'gender' => 0,
-            'avatar' => $girlAvatar,
-            'status' => 1,
-        ];
-        $user = Db::name('user')->field('id')->whereBetween('jointime',[$start_time,$end_time])->where($where)->order('id asc')->select();
-        if(empty($user)){
-            echo 'empty';
-            exit;
-        }
-        $userIds = array_column($user,'id');
-        $updateWhere['id'] = ['in',$userIds];
-        $countRes = Db::name('user')->where($updateWhere)->update(['status'=>2]);//隐藏
-        echo 'update '.$countRes;
-        exit;
-    }
-    /**
-     * 五分钟禁用女用户账号
-     * @return void
-     */
-    public function userClose()
-    {
-        $start_time = time() - (3600 * 27);
-        $end_time = time() - (5 * 60);
-        $where = [
-            'gender' => 0,
-            'is_closed' => 0,
-            'status' => 1,
-        ];
-        $user = Db::name('user')->field('id')->whereBetween('jointime',[$start_time,$end_time])->where($where)->order('id asc')->select();
-        if(empty($user)){
-            echo 'empty';
-            exit;
-        }
-        $userIds = array_column($user,'id');
-        $updateWhere['id'] = ['in',$userIds];
-        $updateWhere2['user_id'] = ['in',$userIds];
-        $countRes = Db::name('user')->where($updateWhere)->update(['status'=>0,'is_closed'=>1]);//金庸
-        $countRes2 = Db::name('user_token')->where($updateWhere2)->delete();//金庸
-        echo 'update '.$countRes;
-        echo 'delete '.$countRes2;
-        exit;
-    }
-    /**
-     * 自动推荐
-     * @return void
-     */
-    public function userRecommend()
+    //自动推荐。 一分钟一次
+    public function auto_userRecommend()
         $payMoney = config('site.recommend_pay_money');//财富值
         $getMoney = config('site.recommend_get_money');//魅力值
@@ -363,6 +182,7 @@ class Plantask extends Controller
             echo 'empty';exit;
         $where = 'u.is_recommend = 0 ';
+        $whereAppend = '';
         if ($payMoney > 0) {
             $whereAppend = $where.' and uw.pay_money >= '.$payMoney;