123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657585960616263646566676869707172737475767778798081828384858687888990919293949596979899100101102103104105106107108109110111112113114115116117118119120121122123124125126127128129130131132133134135136137138139140141142143144145146147148149150151152153154155156157158159160161162163164165166167168169170171172173174175176177178179180181182183184185186187188189190191192193194195196197198199200201202203204205206207208209210211212213214215216217218219220221222223224225226227228229230231232233234235236237238239240241242243244245246247248249250251252253254255256257258259260261262263264265266267268269270271272273274275276277278279280281282283284285286287288289290291292293294295296297298299300301302303304305306307308309310311312313314315316317318319320321322323324325326327328329330331332333334335336337338339340341342343344345346347348349350351352353354355356357358359360361362363364365366367368369370371372373374375376377378379380381382383384385386387388389390391392393394395396397398399400401402403404405406407408409410411412413414415416417418419420421422423424425426427428429430431432433434435436437438439440441442443444445446447448449450451452453454455456457458459460461462463464465466467468469470471472473474475476477478479480481482483484485486487488489490491492493494495496497498499500501502503504505506507508509510511512513514515516517518519520521522523524525526527528529530531532533534535536537538539540541542543544545546547548549550551552553554555556557558559560561562563564565566567568569570571572573574575576577578579580581582583584585586587588589590591592593594595596597598599600601602603604605606607608609610611612613614615616 |
- <?php
- namespace Symfony\Component\Mime;
- use Symfony\Component\Mime\Exception\LogicException;
- use Symfony\Component\Mime\Part\AbstractPart;
- use Symfony\Component\Mime\Part\DataPart;
- use Symfony\Component\Mime\Part\Multipart\AlternativePart;
- use Symfony\Component\Mime\Part\Multipart\MixedPart;
- use Symfony\Component\Mime\Part\Multipart\RelatedPart;
- use Symfony\Component\Mime\Part\TextPart;
- class Email extends Message
- {
- public const PRIORITY_HIGHEST = 1;
- public const PRIORITY_HIGH = 2;
- public const PRIORITY_NORMAL = 3;
- public const PRIORITY_LOW = 4;
- public const PRIORITY_LOWEST = 5;
- private const PRIORITY_MAP = [
- self::PRIORITY_HIGHEST => 'Highest',
- self::PRIORITY_HIGH => 'High',
- self::PRIORITY_NORMAL => 'Normal',
- self::PRIORITY_LOW => 'Low',
- self::PRIORITY_LOWEST => 'Lowest',
- ];
- private $text;
- private $textCharset;
- private $html;
- private $htmlCharset;
- private $attachments = [];
- public function subject(string $subject)
- {
- return $this->setHeaderBody('Text', 'Subject', $subject);
- }
- public function getSubject(): ?string
- {
- return $this->getHeaders()->getHeaderBody('Subject');
- }
- public function date(\DateTimeInterface $dateTime)
- {
- return $this->setHeaderBody('Date', 'Date', $dateTime);
- }
- public function getDate(): ?\DateTimeImmutable
- {
- return $this->getHeaders()->getHeaderBody('Date');
- }
- public function returnPath($address)
- {
- return $this->setHeaderBody('Path', 'Return-Path', Address::create($address));
- }
- public function getReturnPath(): ?Address
- {
- return $this->getHeaders()->getHeaderBody('Return-Path');
- }
- public function sender($address)
- {
- return $this->setHeaderBody('Mailbox', 'Sender', Address::create($address));
- }
- public function getSender(): ?Address
- {
- return $this->getHeaders()->getHeaderBody('Sender');
- }
- public function addFrom(...$addresses)
- {
- return $this->addListAddressHeaderBody('From', $addresses);
- }
- public function from(...$addresses)
- {
- return $this->setListAddressHeaderBody('From', $addresses);
- }
- public function getFrom(): array
- {
- return $this->getHeaders()->getHeaderBody('From') ?: [];
- }
- public function addReplyTo(...$addresses)
- {
- return $this->addListAddressHeaderBody('Reply-To', $addresses);
- }
- public function replyTo(...$addresses)
- {
- return $this->setListAddressHeaderBody('Reply-To', $addresses);
- }
- public function getReplyTo(): array
- {
- return $this->getHeaders()->getHeaderBody('Reply-To') ?: [];
- }
- public function addTo(...$addresses)
- {
- return $this->addListAddressHeaderBody('To', $addresses);
- }
- public function to(...$addresses)
- {
- return $this->setListAddressHeaderBody('To', $addresses);
- }
- public function getTo(): array
- {
- return $this->getHeaders()->getHeaderBody('To') ?: [];
- }
- public function addCc(...$addresses)
- {
- return $this->addListAddressHeaderBody('Cc', $addresses);
- }
- public function cc(...$addresses)
- {
- return $this->setListAddressHeaderBody('Cc', $addresses);
- }
- public function getCc(): array
- {
- return $this->getHeaders()->getHeaderBody('Cc') ?: [];
- }
- public function addBcc(...$addresses)
- {
- return $this->addListAddressHeaderBody('Bcc', $addresses);
- }
- public function bcc(...$addresses)
- {
- return $this->setListAddressHeaderBody('Bcc', $addresses);
- }
- public function getBcc(): array
- {
- return $this->getHeaders()->getHeaderBody('Bcc') ?: [];
- }
- public function priority(int $priority)
- {
- if ($priority > 5) {
- $priority = 5;
- } elseif ($priority < 1) {
- $priority = 1;
- }
- return $this->setHeaderBody('Text', 'X-Priority', sprintf('%d (%s)', $priority, self::PRIORITY_MAP[$priority]));
- }
- public function getPriority(): int
- {
- [$priority] = sscanf($this->getHeaders()->getHeaderBody('X-Priority') ?? '', '%[1-5]');
- return $priority ?? 3;
- }
- public function text($body, string $charset = 'utf-8')
- {
- if (null !== $body && !\is_string($body) && !\is_resource($body)) {
- throw new \TypeError(sprintf('The body must be a string, a resource or null (got "%s").', get_debug_type($body)));
- }
- $this->text = $body;
- $this->textCharset = $charset;
- return $this;
- }
- public function getTextBody()
- {
- return $this->text;
- }
- public function getTextCharset(): ?string
- {
- return $this->textCharset;
- }
- public function html($body, string $charset = 'utf-8')
- {
- if (null !== $body && !\is_string($body) && !\is_resource($body)) {
- throw new \TypeError(sprintf('The body must be a string, a resource or null (got "%s").', get_debug_type($body)));
- }
- $this->html = $body;
- $this->htmlCharset = $charset;
- return $this;
- }
- public function getHtmlBody()
- {
- return $this->html;
- }
- public function getHtmlCharset(): ?string
- {
- return $this->htmlCharset;
- }
- public function attach($body, string $name = null, string $contentType = null)
- {
- if (!\is_string($body) && !\is_resource($body)) {
- throw new \TypeError(sprintf('The body must be a string or a resource (got "%s").', get_debug_type($body)));
- }
- $this->attachments[] = ['body' => $body, 'name' => $name, 'content-type' => $contentType, 'inline' => false];
- return $this;
- }
- public function attachFromPath(string $path, string $name = null, string $contentType = null)
- {
- $this->attachments[] = ['path' => $path, 'name' => $name, 'content-type' => $contentType, 'inline' => false];
- return $this;
- }
- public function embed($body, string $name = null, string $contentType = null)
- {
- if (!\is_string($body) && !\is_resource($body)) {
- throw new \TypeError(sprintf('The body must be a string or a resource (got "%s").', get_debug_type($body)));
- }
- $this->attachments[] = ['body' => $body, 'name' => $name, 'content-type' => $contentType, 'inline' => true];
- return $this;
- }
- public function embedFromPath(string $path, string $name = null, string $contentType = null)
- {
- $this->attachments[] = ['path' => $path, 'name' => $name, 'content-type' => $contentType, 'inline' => true];
- return $this;
- }
- public function attachPart(DataPart $part)
- {
- $this->attachments[] = ['part' => $part];
- return $this;
- }
- public function getAttachments(): array
- {
- $parts = [];
- foreach ($this->attachments as $attachment) {
- $parts[] = $this->createDataPart($attachment);
- }
- return $parts;
- }
- public function getBody(): AbstractPart
- {
- if (null !== $body = parent::getBody()) {
- return $body;
- }
- return $this->generateBody();
- }
- public function ensureValidity()
- {
- if (null === $this->text && null === $this->html && !$this->attachments) {
- throw new LogicException('A message must have a text or an HTML part or attachments.');
- }
- parent::ensureValidity();
- }
- private function generateBody(): AbstractPart
- {
- $this->ensureValidity();
- [$htmlPart, $attachmentParts, $inlineParts] = $this->prepareParts();
- $part = null === $this->text ? null : new TextPart($this->text, $this->textCharset);
- if (null !== $htmlPart) {
- if (null !== $part) {
- $part = new AlternativePart($part, $htmlPart);
- } else {
- $part = $htmlPart;
- }
- }
- if ($inlineParts) {
- $part = new RelatedPart($part, ...$inlineParts);
- }
- if ($attachmentParts) {
- if ($part) {
- $part = new MixedPart($part, ...$attachmentParts);
- } else {
- $part = new MixedPart(...$attachmentParts);
- }
- }
- return $part;
- }
- private function prepareParts(): ?array
- {
- $names = [];
- $htmlPart = null;
- $html = $this->html;
- if (null !== $html) {
- if (\is_resource($html)) {
- if (stream_get_meta_data($html)['seekable'] ?? false) {
- rewind($html);
- }
- $html = stream_get_contents($html);
- }
- $htmlPart = new TextPart($html, $this->htmlCharset, 'html');
- preg_match_all('(<img\s+[^>]*src\s*=\s*(?:([\'"])cid:([^"]+)\\1|cid:([^>\s]+)))i', $html, $names);
- $names = array_filter(array_unique(array_merge($names[2], $names[3])));
- }
- $attachmentParts = $inlineParts = [];
- foreach ($this->attachments as $attachment) {
- foreach ($names as $name) {
- if (isset($attachment['part'])) {
- continue;
- }
- if ($name !== $attachment['name']) {
- continue;
- }
- if (isset($inlineParts[$name])) {
- continue 2;
- }
- $attachment['inline'] = true;
- $inlineParts[$name] = $part = $this->createDataPart($attachment);
- $html = str_replace('cid:'.$name, 'cid:'.$part->getContentId(), $html);
- $part->setName($part->getContentId());
- continue 2;
- }
- $attachmentParts[] = $this->createDataPart($attachment);
- }
- if (null !== $htmlPart) {
- $htmlPart = new TextPart($html, $this->htmlCharset, 'html');
- }
- return [$htmlPart, $attachmentParts, array_values($inlineParts)];
- }
- private function createDataPart(array $attachment): DataPart
- {
- if (isset($attachment['part'])) {
- return $attachment['part'];
- }
- if (isset($attachment['body'])) {
- $part = new DataPart($attachment['body'], $attachment['name'] ?? null, $attachment['content-type'] ?? null);
- } else {
- $part = DataPart::fromPath($attachment['path'] ?? '', $attachment['name'] ?? null, $attachment['content-type'] ?? null);
- }
- if ($attachment['inline']) {
- $part->asInline();
- }
- return $part;
- }
- private function setHeaderBody(string $type, string $name, $body)
- {
- $this->getHeaders()->setHeaderBody($type, $name, $body);
- return $this;
- }
- private function addListAddressHeaderBody(string $name, array $addresses)
- {
- if (!$header = $this->getHeaders()->get($name)) {
- return $this->setListAddressHeaderBody($name, $addresses);
- }
- $header->addAddresses(Address::createArray($addresses));
- return $this;
- }
- private function setListAddressHeaderBody(string $name, array $addresses)
- {
- $addresses = Address::createArray($addresses);
- $headers = $this->getHeaders();
- if ($header = $headers->get($name)) {
- $header->setAddresses($addresses);
- } else {
- $headers->addMailboxListHeader($name, $addresses);
- }
- return $this;
- }
- public function __serialize(): array
- {
- if (\is_resource($this->text)) {
- if (stream_get_meta_data($this->text)['seekable'] ?? false) {
- rewind($this->text);
- }
- $this->text = stream_get_contents($this->text);
- }
- if (\is_resource($this->html)) {
- if (stream_get_meta_data($this->html)['seekable'] ?? false) {
- rewind($this->html);
- }
- $this->html = stream_get_contents($this->html);
- }
- foreach ($this->attachments as $i => $attachment) {
- if (isset($attachment['body']) && \is_resource($attachment['body'])) {
- if (stream_get_meta_data($attachment['body'])['seekable'] ?? false) {
- rewind($attachment['body']);
- }
- $this->attachments[$i]['body'] = stream_get_contents($attachment['body']);
- }
- }
- return [$this->text, $this->textCharset, $this->html, $this->htmlCharset, $this->attachments, parent::__serialize()];
- }
- public function __unserialize(array $data): void
- {
- [$this->text, $this->textCharset, $this->html, $this->htmlCharset, $this->attachments, $parentData] = $data;
- parent::__unserialize($parentData);
- }
- }