order.php 2.5 KB

  1. <?php
  2. return [
  3. 'User_id' => '用户id',
  4. 'Out_trade_no' => '订单编号',
  5. 'Order_price' => '订单金额',
  6. 'Discount_price' => '优惠价格',
  7. 'Delivery_price' => '运费价格',
  8. 'Total_price' => '实付价格',
  9. 'Pay_type' => '付款方式',
  10. 'Online' => '在线支付',
  11. 'Offline' => '到货付款',
  12. 'Wallet' => '钱包余额',
  13. 'wxPay' => '微信付款',
  14. 'aliPay' => '支付宝付',
  15. 'Ip' => '下单ip',
  16. 'Remark' => '订单备注',
  17. 'Status' => '订单状态',
  18. 'Refund' => '退货',
  19. 'Cancel' => '取消订单',
  20. 'Normal' => '正常',
  21. 'Have_paid' => '已支付',
  22. 'Yes' => '是',
  23. 'No' => '否',
  24. 'Have_delivered' => '已发货',
  25. 'Have_commented' => '已评论',
  26. 'Have_received' => '已收货',
  27. 'Pay time' => '支付时间',
  28. 'Time: %s' => '时间: %s',
  29. 'Delivered time' => '发货时间',
  30. 'Received time' => '收货时间',
  31. 'Commented time' => '评论时间',
  32. 'Createtime' => '创建时间',
  33. 'Updatetime' => '更新时间',
  34. 'Deletetime' => '删除时间',
  35. 'Visitor' => '游客',
  36. 'User name' => '用户名',
  37. 'Delivere' => '物流',
  38. 'Comment' => '评论',
  39. 'Data had been update before saved, close windows and do it again' => '数据在保存之前有变动,请关闭窗口再试一次',
  40. 'Product' => '商品',
  41. 'Delivery status' => '发货状态',
  42. 'Express number' => '快递单号',
  43. 'Confirm delivery' => '确认发货',
  44. 'Consignee address' => '收货人地址',
  45. 'Consignee name' => '收货人名称',
  46. 'Consignee mobile' => '收货人电话',
  47. 'Refund status' => '售后状态',
  48. 'Apply' => '申请中',
  49. 'Pass' => '同意',
  50. // 'Pass and left User delivery' => '通过(让用户发货)',
  51. 'Pass and left User delivery' => '通过(让用户发货)或无需退货',
  52. // 'Waiting for shipment' => '等待发货',
  53. 'Waiting for shipment' => '等待买家发货',
  54. 'Refuse' => '拒绝',
  55. 'This order is not returned' => '这个订单没有退货',
  56. 'Withdraw money' => '退款',
  57. 'Not withdraw money' => '不退款',
  58. 'Tourist' => '游客',
  59. ];