123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657585960616263646566676869707172737475767778798081828384858687888990919293949596979899100101102103104105106107108109110111112113114115116117118 |
- <?php
- return [
- 'Id' => 'ID',
- 'Title' => '名称',
- 'Value' => '配置值',
- 'Array key' => '键',
- 'Array value' => '值',
- 'File' => '文件',
- 'Donate' => '打赏作者',
- 'Warmtips' => '温馨提示',
- 'Pay now' => '立即支付',
- 'Local install' => '本地安装',
- 'Refresh addon cache' => '刷新插件缓存',
- 'Userinfo' => '会员信息',
- 'Reload authorization' => '刷新授权',
- 'Online store' => '在线商店',
- 'Local addon' => '本地插件',
- 'Conflict tips' => '此插件中发现和现有系统中部分文件发现冲突!以下文件将会被影响,请备份好相关文件后再继续操作',
- 'Login tips' => '此处登录账号为<a href="https://www.fastadmin.net" target="_blank">FastAdmin官网账号</a>',
- 'Logined tips' => '你好!%s<br />当前你已经登录,将同步保存你的购买记录',
- 'Pay tips' => '扫码支付后如果仍然无法安装,请不要重复支付,请稍后再重试安装!',
- 'Pay successful tips' => '购买成功!请点击继续安装按钮完成安装!',
- 'Pay click tips' => '请点击这里在新窗口中进行支付!',
- 'Pay new window tips' => '请在新弹出的窗口中进行支付,支付完成后再重新点击安装按钮进行安装!',
- 'Upgrade tips' => '确认升级<b>《%s》</b>?<p class="text-danger">1、请务必做好代码和数据库备份!备份!备份!<br>2、升级后如出现冗余数据,请根据需要移除即可!<br>3、不建议在生产环境升级,请在本地完成升级测试</p>如有重要数据请备份后再操作!',
- 'Offline installed tips' => '安装成功!清除浏览器缓存和框架缓存后生效!',
- 'Online installed tips' => '安装成功!清除浏览器缓存和框架缓存后生效!',
- 'Not login tips' => '你当前未登录FastAdmin,请登录后操作!',
- 'Please login and try to install' => '请登录FastAdmin后再进行离线安装!',
- 'Not installed tips' => '请安装后再访问插件前台页面!',
- 'Not enabled tips' => '插件已经禁用,请启用后再访问插件前台页面!',
- 'New version tips' => '发现新版本:%s 点击查看更新日志',
- 'Testdata tips' => '你还可以继续导入测试数据!',
- 'Import testdata' => '导入测试数据',
- 'Skip testdata' => '暂不导入',
- 'Store not available tips' => '插件市场暂不可用,是否切换到本地插件?',
- 'Switch to the local' => '切换到本地插件',
- 'try to reload' => '重新尝试加载',
- 'Please disable the add before trying to upgrade' => '请先禁用插件再进行升级',
- 'Please disable the add before trying to uninstall' => '请先禁用插件再进行卸载',
- 'Login now' => '立即登录',
- 'Continue install' => '继续安装',
- 'View addon home page' => '查看插件介绍和帮助',
- 'View addon index page' => '查看插件前台首页',
- 'View addon screenshots' => '点击查看插件截图',
- 'Click to toggle status' => '点击切换插件状态',
- 'Click to contact developer' => '点击与插件开发者取得联系',
- 'Continue installation' => '继续安装',
- 'My addons' => '我购买的插件',
- 'Index' => '前台',
- 'All' => '全部',
- 'Uncategoried' => '未归类',
- 'Recommend' => '推荐',
- 'Hot' => '热门',
- 'New' => '新',
- 'Paying' => '付费',
- 'Free' => '免费',
- 'Sale' => '折扣',
- 'No image' => '暂无缩略图',
- 'Price' => '价格',
- 'Downloads' => '下载',
- 'Author' => '作者',
- 'Identify' => '标识',
- 'Homepage' => '主页',
- 'Intro' => '介绍',
- 'Version' => '版本',
- 'New version' => '新版本',
- 'Createtime' => '添加时间',
- 'Releasetime' => '更新时间',
- 'Detail' => '插件详情',
- 'Document' => '文档',
- 'Demo' => '演示',
- 'Feedback' => '反馈BUG',
- 'Install' => '安装',
- 'Uninstall' => '卸载',
- 'Upgrade' => '升级',
- 'Setting' => '配置',
- 'Disable' => '禁用',
- 'Enable' => '启用',
- 'Your username or email' => '你的手机号、用户名或邮箱',
- 'Your password' => '你的密码',
- 'Login FastAdmin' => '登录',
- 'Login' => '登录',
- 'Logout' => '退出登录',
- 'Register' => '注册账号',
- 'You\'re not login' => '当前未登录',
- 'Continue uninstall' => '继续卸载',
- 'Continue operate' => '继续操作',
- 'Install successful' => '安装成功',
- 'Uninstall successful' => '卸载成功',
- 'Operate successful' => '操作成功',
- 'Import successful' => '导入测试数据成功!清除浏览器缓存和框架缓存后生效!',
- 'Initialize successful' => '初始化成功',
- 'Initialize template not found' => '初始化模板未找到',
- 'Addon name incorrect' => '插件名称不正确',
- 'Addon info file was not found' => '插件配置文件未找到',
- 'Addon info file data incorrect' => '插件配置信息不正确',
- 'Addon already exists' => '插件已经存在',
- 'Addon not exists' => '插件不存在',
- 'Addon package download failed' => '插件下载失败',
- 'Conflicting file found' => '发现冲突文件',
- 'Invalid addon package' => '未验证的插件',
- 'No initialize method' => '未找到初始化方法',
- 'No permission to write temporary files' => '没有权限写入临时文件',
- 'The addon file does not exist' => '插件主启动程序不存在',
- 'The configuration file content is incorrect' => '配置文件不完整',
- 'Unable to open the zip file' => '无法打开ZIP文件',
- 'Unable to extract the file' => '无法解压ZIP文件',
- 'Unable to open file \'%s\' for writing' => '文件(%s)没有写入权限',
- 'Are you sure you want to unstall %s?' => '确认卸载<b>《%s》</b>?',
- 'Are you sure you want to refresh authorization?' => '确认刷新应用插件授权?',
- 'Delete all the addon file and cannot be recovered!' => '卸载将会删除所有插件文件且不可找回!!!',
- 'Delete all the addon database and cannot be recovered!' => '删除所有插件相关数据表且不可找回!!!',
- 'Please backup important data manually before uninstall!' => '如有重要数据请备份后再操作!!!',
- 'The following data tables will be deleted' => '以下插件数据表将会被删除',
- 'The Addon did not create a data table' => '插件未创建任何数据表',
- ];