<?php /* * Copyright (c) 2017-2018 THL A29 Limited, a Tencent company. All Rights Reserved. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ namespace TencentCloud\Faceid\V20180301\Models; use TencentCloud\Common\AbstractModel; /** * CheckIdNameDate请求参数结构体 * * @method string getName() 获取姓名 * @method void setName(string $Name) 设置姓名 * @method string getIdCard() 获取身份证号 * @method void setIdCard(string $IdCard) 设置身份证号 * @method string getValidityBegin() 获取身份证有效期开始时间,格式:YYYYMMDD。如:20210701 * @method void setValidityBegin(string $ValidityBegin) 设置身份证有效期开始时间,格式:YYYYMMDD。如:20210701 * @method string getValidityEnd() 获取身份证有效期到期时间,格式:YYYYMMDD,长期用“00000000”代替;如:20210701 * @method void setValidityEnd(string $ValidityEnd) 设置身份证有效期到期时间,格式:YYYYMMDD,长期用“00000000”代替;如:20210701 * @method Encryption getEncryption() 获取敏感数据加密信息。对传入信息(姓名、身份证号)有加密需求的用户可使用此参数,详情请点击左侧链接。 * @method void setEncryption(Encryption $Encryption) 设置敏感数据加密信息。对传入信息(姓名、身份证号)有加密需求的用户可使用此参数,详情请点击左侧链接。 */ class CheckIdNameDateRequest extends AbstractModel { /** * @var string 姓名 */ public $Name; /** * @var string 身份证号 */ public $IdCard; /** * @var string 身份证有效期开始时间,格式:YYYYMMDD。如:20210701 */ public $ValidityBegin; /** * @var string 身份证有效期到期时间,格式:YYYYMMDD,长期用“00000000”代替;如:20210701 */ public $ValidityEnd; /** * @var Encryption 敏感数据加密信息。对传入信息(姓名、身份证号)有加密需求的用户可使用此参数,详情请点击左侧链接。 */ public $Encryption; /** * @param string $Name 姓名 * @param string $IdCard 身份证号 * @param string $ValidityBegin 身份证有效期开始时间,格式:YYYYMMDD。如:20210701 * @param string $ValidityEnd 身份证有效期到期时间,格式:YYYYMMDD,长期用“00000000”代替;如:20210701 * @param Encryption $Encryption 敏感数据加密信息。对传入信息(姓名、身份证号)有加密需求的用户可使用此参数,详情请点击左侧链接。 */ function __construct() { } /** * For internal only. DO NOT USE IT. */ public function deserialize($param) { if ($param === null) { return; } if (array_key_exists("Name",$param) and $param["Name"] !== null) { $this->Name = $param["Name"]; } if (array_key_exists("IdCard",$param) and $param["IdCard"] !== null) { $this->IdCard = $param["IdCard"]; } if (array_key_exists("ValidityBegin",$param) and $param["ValidityBegin"] !== null) { $this->ValidityBegin = $param["ValidityBegin"]; } if (array_key_exists("ValidityEnd",$param) and $param["ValidityEnd"] !== null) { $this->ValidityEnd = $param["ValidityEnd"]; } if (array_key_exists("Encryption",$param) and $param["Encryption"] !== null) { $this->Encryption = new Encryption(); $this->Encryption->deserialize($param["Encryption"]); } } }