<?php namespace app\index\controller; use think\Controller; use think\Db; use think\Cache; class Plantask extends Controller { //定时跑用户活跃,改成离线 public function auto_user_active(){ $actitime = time() - 300; $sql = 'update `mt_user` set is_active = 0 where is_active = 1 and id in (select user_id from mt_user_active where requesttime < '.$actitime.')'; db()->query($sql); } //vip过期的,三个隐私设置改成0 //vip过期的,更新用户表is_vip public function auto_vipend(){ // $sql = 'update `mt_user_power` set yinsi = 0,yinshen = 0,wuhen = 0 where user_id in (select user_id from mt_user_wallet where vip_endtime > 0 and vip_endtime < '.time().')'; // db()->query($sql); /*$sql2 = 'update `mt_user` set is_vip = 0 where is_vip = 1 and user_id in (select user_id from mt_user_wallet where vip_endtime > 0 and vip_endtime < '.time().')'; db()->query($sql2);*/ } }