Browse Source


lizhen_gitee 3 years ago
2 changed files with 52 additions and 536 deletions
  1. 1 1
  2. 51 535

+ 1 - 1

@@ -157,7 +157,7 @@ class Gift extends Api
-            // 添加赠送用户声币余额
+            // 添加赠送用户余额
             $money_to_gold = config('site.money_to_gold');
             $gift_plat_scale = config('site.gift_plat_scale');

+ 51 - 535

@@ -1359,83 +1359,36 @@ class Party extends Common
         if (!$this->apiLimit(1, 1000)) {
             $this->error(__('Operation frequently'));
+        //
         $user_ids = $this->request->request("user_id");// 赠送对象
         $gift_id = $this->request->request("gift_id");// 礼物ID
         $party_id = $this->request->request("party_id",0);// 派对ID
-        $room_type = 1; // 房间类型
         $number = $this->request->request("number");// 赠送数量
+        $room_type = 1; // 房间类型
         $is_back = 0;// 是否背包赠送: 1=是,0=否
-        if (!$user_ids || !in_array($is_back,[0,1]) || !$gift_id || !$number || !in_array($room_type,[1,2])) $this->error(__('Invalid parameters'));
-        $user_id_arr = explode(",",$user_ids);
+        if (!$user_ids || !$gift_id || !$number)
+        {
+            $this->error(__('Invalid parameters'));
+        }
+        //
+        $user_id_arr = explode(',',$user_ids);
         $userCount = count($user_id_arr);
         $userauthid = $this->auth->id;
-        $soundCoinRate = config("site.gift_plat_scale"); // 声币兑换比例
-        $userModel = new \app\common\model\User();
-        $backGiftId = 0;
-        $boxgiftInfo = [];
-        if($is_back == 1) {
-            // 获取背包礼物信息
-            $giftInfo = \app\common\model\GiftBack::get($gift_id);
-            if(!$giftInfo) $this->error("背包礼物获取失败");
-            $backGiftId = $giftInfo->gift_id;
-            // 随机获取一个礼物
-            $allCount = $number*$userCount;
-            $giftbackList = \app\common\model\GiftBack::where(["name"=>$giftInfo->name,"user_id"=>$userauthid,'is_use'=>0])->limit($allCount)->select();
-            $giftInfo = isset($giftbackList[0])?$giftbackList[0]:[];
-            $giftcount = 0;
-            $giftList = [];
-            if($giftbackList) foreach($giftbackList as $k => $v) {
-                $giftcount =  $giftcount + $v["number"];
-                $giftList[$k] = $v;
-                if($giftcount >= $allCount) {
-                    break;
-                }
-            }
-            if($giftcount < $allCount) $this->error("背包数量不足");
-            $giftValue = $giftInfo["value"] * $number;
-            $getValue = $giftInfo["value"] * $number;
-        } else {
-//        // 不可以赠送给自己
-//        if(in_array($userauthid,$user_id_arr)) $this->error("不可以赠送给自己!");
-            // 获取礼物信息
-            $giftModel = new \app\common\model\Gift();
-            $where = [];
-            $where["id"] = $gift_id;
-            $giftInfo = $giftModel->where($where)->find();
-            if (!$giftInfo) $this->error("请选择礼物!");
-            $giftValue = $giftInfo["value"] * $number;
-            $giftCountValue = $giftInfo["value"] * $number * $userCount;
-            $getValue = $giftValue;
-            // 判断如果是礼物盒则随机开礼物盒礼物
-            /*if($giftInfo->box_type > 0) {
-                $boxgiftInfo = $this->getBoxGift($giftInfo->box_type);
-                $getValue = $boxgiftInfo["price"];
-            }*/
-            // 判断当前用户余额
-            $user_gold = model('wallet')->getWallet($userauthid,'gold');
-            if($user_gold < $giftCountValue) $this->error("您的金币余额不足!");
-        }
+        // 获取礼物信息
+        $giftInfo = Db::name('gift')->where('id',$gift_id)->find();
+        if (!$giftInfo) {$this->error("请选择礼物!");}
+        $giftValue = $giftInfo["value"] * $number;
+        $giftCountValue = $giftInfo["value"] * $number * $userCount;
-        $hotValue = $getValue;
-        /*$getValue = round($getValue * (100 - $soundCoinRate) / 100);
+        // 判断当前用户余额
+        $user_gold = model('wallet')->getWallet($userauthid,'gold');
+        if($user_gold < $giftCountValue) {$this->error("您的金币余额不足!");}
-        // 转换统计
-        $progetValue = $hotValue - $getValue;
-        if($progetValue >0) {
-            $data = [];
-            $data["user_id"] = $user_ids;
-            $data["party_id"] = $party_id?$party_id:0;
-            $data["gift_value"] = $hotValue;
-            $data["plat_value"] = $hotValue - $getValue;
-            $data["createtime"] = time();
-            \app\common\model\UserChangeLog::insert($data);
-        }*/
             $partyInfo = \app\common\model\Party::field("user_id,platRate,guilderRate")->where(["id"=>$party_id])->find();
@@ -1443,34 +1396,13 @@ class Party extends Common
-        /*
-        // 转换声币后 再进行抽点设置
-        $partyInfo = null;
-        if(!$party_id) {
-            $platRate = 10;
-            $guilderRate = 30;
-        } else {
-            $partyInfo = \app\common\model\Party::field("user_id,platRate,guilderRate")->where(["id"=>$party_id])->find();
-            // 获取系统配置信息
-            $platRate = $partyInfo->platRate; // 平台抽成百分比
-            $guilderRate = $partyInfo->guilderRate; // 工会长抽成百分比
-        }
-        $platValue = bcmul($platRate/100,$getValue);
-        $guilderValue = bcmul($guilderRate/100,$getValue);
-        $getValue = bcsub(bcsub($getValue,$platValue),$guilderValue);
-        */
-//        $gif_image = $is_back==1?$giftInfo["gif_image"]:$giftInfo["special"];
         $returnData = [];
         try {
             $redis = new Redis();
             $redisconfig = config("redis");
             $redis->connect($redisconfig["host"], $redisconfig["port"], 86400 * 31);
-            // 事务处理余额与记录信息
-            $userjewellogModel = new \app\common\model\UserJewelLog();
-            $usersoundcoinlogModel = new \app\common\model\UserSoundcoinLog();
             // 获取当天零点
             $day = date("Ymd");
@@ -1482,115 +1414,61 @@ class Party extends Common
             $allVal = 0;
             $i = 0;
             foreach($user_id_arr as $user_id) {
-                // 获取赠送用户信息
-                $where = [];
-                $where["id"] = $user_id;
-                $touserInfo = $userModel->where($where)->find();
-                if($is_back == 1) {
-                    $b=0;
-                    foreach($giftList as $k => $v) {
-                        for($a=1;$a<=$v["number"];$a++) {
-                            $b++;
-                            $num = $v["number"] - $a;
-                            if($num > 0) {
-                                $res1 = \app\common\model\GiftBack::where(["id"=>$v["id"]])->setDec("number");
-                            } else {
-                                $res1 = \app\common\model\GiftBack::update(["is_use"=>1,"use_time"=>time()],["id"=>$v["id"]]);
-                            }
-                            if($b == $number) break;
-                        }
-                    }
-                    $res2 = true;
-                } else {
-                    // 扣除当前用户钻石余额
-                    $wallet_rs = model('wallet')->lockChangeAccountRemain($userauthid,'gold',-$giftValue,51,'赠送礼物:'.$giftInfo["name"]);
-                    if($wallet_rs['status'] === false){
-                        Db::rollback();
-                        $this->error($wallet_rs['msg']);
-                    }
-                    /*$where = [];
-                    $where["id"] = $userauthid;
-                    $res1 = $userModel->where($where)->setDec("jewel", $giftValue);
-                    // 添加当前用户钻石流水记录
-                    $res2 = $userjewellogModel->addUserJewelLog($userauthid, $giftValue, "-", $userInfo["jewel"], "赠送礼物:'" . $giftInfo["name"] . "',扣除" . $giftValue . "钻石!", 3);*/
-                }
-                $giftuserpartyModel = new \app\common\model\GiftUserParty();
                 // 添加礼物赠送记录表
                 $data = [];
                 $data["user_id"] = $userauthid;
                 $data["user_to_id"] = $user_id;
                 $data["party_id"] = $party_id;
-                if($boxgiftInfo){
-                    $data["gift_id"] = $boxgiftInfo['gift_id'];
-                    $data["gift_give_type"] = 2;
-                    $data["gift_name"] = $boxgiftInfo["gift_name"];
-                    $data["gift_gif_image"] = $boxgiftInfo["image"];
-                    $data["number"] = $number;
-                    $data["price"] = $boxgiftInfo["price"];
-                    $data["value"] = $boxgiftInfo["price"] * $number;
-                }else{
-                    $data["gift_id"] = $backGiftId > 0 ? $backGiftId : $gift_id;
-                    $data["gift_give_type"] = $is_back ? 1 : 2;
-                    $data["gift_name"] = $giftInfo["name"];
-                    $data["gift_gif_image"] = $giftInfo["image"];
-                    $data["number"] = $number;
-                    $data["price"] = $giftInfo["value"];
-                    $data["value"] = $giftValue;
-                }
+                $data["gift_id"] = $gift_id;
+                $data["gift_give_type"] = 2;
+                $data["gift_name"] = $giftInfo["name"];
+                $data["gift_gif_image"] = $giftInfo["image"];
+                $data["number"] = $number;
+                $data["price"] = $giftInfo["value"];
+                $data["value"] = $giftValue;
                 $data["createtime"] = time();
-                $res5 = $giftuserpartyModel->allowField(true)->save($data);
-                if(!$res5){
+                $log_id = Db::name('gift_user_party')->insertGetId($data);
+                if(!$log_id){
-                // 添加赠送用户声币余额
-                if($getValue > 0){
-                    $wallet_rs = model('wallet')->lockChangeAccountRemain($user_id,'money',$getValue,52,'获得礼物:'.$giftInfo["name"]);
+                if($giftValue > 0){
+                    // 扣除当前用户钻石余额
+                    $wallet_rs = model('wallet')->lockChangeAccountRemain($userauthid,'gold',-$giftValue,51,'赠送礼物:'.$giftInfo["name"],'gift_user_party',$log_id);
+                    if($wallet_rs['status'] === false){
+                        Db::rollback();
+                        $this->error($wallet_rs['msg']);
+                    }
+                    // 添加赠送用户余额
+                    $money_to_gold = config('site.money_to_gold');
+                    $gift_plat_scale = config('site.gift_plat_scale');
+                    $giftmoney = bcdiv($giftValue,$money_to_gold,2);
+                    $money = bcdiv(bcmul($giftmoney,100 - $gift_plat_scale,2),100,2);
+                    $wallet_rs = model('wallet')->lockChangeAccountRemain($user_id,'money',$money,52,'获得礼物:'.$giftInfo["name"],'gift_user_party',$log_id);
                     if($wallet_rs['status'] === false){
-                /*$where = [];
-                $where["id"] = $user_id;
-                $res3 = $userModel->where($where)->setInc("sound_coin", $getValue);
-                $getValue == 0 && $res3 = true;
-                // 添加赠送用户声币流水记录soundCoin
-                // xxx送你
-                $res4 = $usersoundcoinlogModel->addUserSoundcoinLog($user_id, $getValue, "+", $touserInfo["sound_coin"], "{$this->auth->nickname}送你{$giftInfo['name']}x{$number}", 1, $giftuserpartyModel->id);*/
-                // 增加房主抽成
-                /*if ($partyInfo && $guilderValue > 0) {
-                    $where = [];
-                    $where["id"] = $partyInfo->user_id;
-                    $userModel->where($where)->setInc("sound_coin", $guilderValue);
-                    // 添加赠送用户声币流水记录soundCoin
-                    // xxx送礼物给xxx,房间礼物抽成
-                    $usersoundcoinlogModel->addUserSoundcoinLog($partyInfo->user_id, $guilderValue, "+", $touserInfo["sound_coin"], "{$this->auth->nickname}送礼物{$giftInfo['name']}x{$number}给{$touserInfo['nickname']},房间礼物抽成", 4, $giftuserpartyModel->id);
-                }*/
-                //总消费增加
-//                $res6 = Db::name('user')->where('id',$user_id)->setInc("renewcount", $giftCountValue);
                 $res6 = true;
                 if ($res6) {
                     if($party_id > 0) {
                         // 添加redis记录做财富排行榜日榜用
-                        $redis->zIncrBy($this->roomTypeArr[$room_type] . "_jewel_get_" . $party_id . ":" . $day . "d", $hotValue, $user_id);
+                        $redis->zIncrBy($this->roomTypeArr[$room_type] . "_jewel_get_" . $party_id . ":" . $day . "d", $giftValue, $user_id);
                         // 添加redis记录做财富排行榜周榜用
-                        $redis->zIncrBy($this->roomTypeArr[$room_type] . "_jewel_get_" . $party_id . ":" . $weekday . "w", $hotValue, $user_id);
+                        $redis->zIncrBy($this->roomTypeArr[$room_type] . "_jewel_get_" . $party_id . ":" . $weekday . "w", $giftValue, $user_id);
                         // 添加redis记录做财富排行榜月榜用
-                        $redis->zIncrBy($this->roomTypeArr[$room_type] . "_jewel_get_" . $party_id . ":" . $monthday . "m", $hotValue, $user_id);
+                        $redis->zIncrBy($this->roomTypeArr[$room_type] . "_jewel_get_" . $party_id . ":" . $monthday . "m", $giftValue, $user_id);
                         // 添加redis记录做贡献排行榜日榜用
                         $redis->zIncrBy($this->roomTypeArr[$room_type] . "_jewel_to_" . $party_id . ":" . $day . "d", $giftValue, $userauthid);
                         // 添加redis记录做贡献排行榜周榜用
@@ -1599,49 +1477,12 @@ class Party extends Common
                         $redis->zIncrBy($this->roomTypeArr[$room_type] . "_jewel_to_" . $party_id . ":" . $monthday . "m", $giftValue, $userauthid);
                         // tcp 更新用户魅力值
-                        $this->updateUserCharm($party_id, $user_id, $hotValue);
-                        // 如果是主播,则添加魅力值记录做榜单统计
-                        /*if($room_type == 2) {
-                            $data = [];
-                            $data["user_id"] = $user_id;
-                            $data["party_id"] = $party_id;
-                            $data["charm"] = $hotValue;
-                            $data["createtime"] = time();
-                            \app\common\model\UserCharmRank::insert($data);
+                        $this->updateUserCharm($party_id, $user_id, $giftValue);
-                        }*/
-                    /*$getempirical = config("site.getempirical");
-                    $getempirical = $getempirical * $hotValue;
-                    // 获取用户贵族信息
-                    $noble = \app\common\model\User::getUserNoble($this->auth->id);
-                    if(isset($noble["noble_on"]) && $noble["noble_on"] == 1) {
-                        $getempirical = $getempirical + $getempirical * ($noble["explain"]/100);
-                    }
-                    // 增加用户经验值
-                    $res = \app\common\model\User::addEmpirical($this->auth->id,$getempirical);
-                    if ($res){
-                        $this->auth->level = $res->level;
-                    }*/
-                    // +exp
-//                    \app\common\model\TaskLog::tofinish($this->auth->id,"OBHqCX4g",$number);
-                    //贵族升级处理
-//                    $this->checkBeNoble($redis,$this->auth->id,$giftCountValue);
-                    // +message
-//                    \app\common\model\Message::addMessage($user_id,"礼物通知","收到 ".$this->auth->nickname." 赠送的".$giftInfo["name"]." x".$number);
-                    $allVal = $allVal + $hotValue;
-//                    // 剪掉背包礼物
-//                    if($is_back == 1) {
-//                        \app\common\model\GiftBack::update(["is_use"=>1],["id"=>$gift_id]);
-//                    }
+                    $allVal = $allVal + $giftValue;
@@ -1676,33 +1517,9 @@ class Party extends Common
                 $returnData["userCharm"] = $userCharm;
                 $returnData["partyHot"] = $this->changeW($partyHot);
                 $returnData["partyUserTop"] = $partyUserTop;
-                if($is_back != 1) {
-                    if($giftInfo->box_type > 0) { // 不是背包,宝箱中赠送
-                        $returnData["box_type"] = $giftInfo->box_type;
-                        $returnData["box_image"] = $giftInfo->image;
-                        $returnData["image"] = $boxgiftInfo["image"];
-                        $returnData["name"] = $boxgiftInfo["gift_name"];
-                        $returnData["gif_image"] = $boxgiftInfo["special"];
-                    } else {
-                        $returnData["image"] = $giftInfo["image"];
-                        $returnData["gif_image"] = $giftInfo["special"];
-                    }
-                } else {
-                    $returnData["image"] = $giftInfo["image"];
-                    $returnData["gif_image"] = $giftInfo["gif_image"];
-                }
+                $returnData["image"] = $giftInfo["image"];
+                $returnData["gif_image"] = $giftInfo["special"];
-                /*
-                // 增加抽点记录
-                $data = [];
-                $data["user_id"] = $user_ids;
-                $data["party_id"] = $party_id?$party_id:0;
-                $data["gift_value"] = $getValue;
-                $data["plat_value"] = $platValue;
-                $data["guilder_value"] = $guilderValue;
-                $data["createtime"] = time();
-                \app\common\model\UserProfitLog::insert($data);
-                */
             } else {
@@ -1817,308 +1634,7 @@ class Party extends Common
-    /**
-     * 全麦/单独赠送宝箱
-     */
-    public function giveBoxToYou() {
-        // 接口防并发
-        if (!$this->apiLimit(1, 1000)) {
-            $this->error(__('Operation frequently'));
-        }
-        $user_ids = $this->request->request("user_id");// 赠送对象
-        $gift_id = $this->request->request("gift_id");// 礼物ID
-        $party_id = $this->request->request("party_id",0);// 派对ID
-        $room_type = $this->request->request('room_type',1); // 房间类型
-        $number = $this->request->request("number");// 赠送数量
-        if (!$user_ids || !$gift_id || !$number || !in_array($room_type,[1,2])) $this->error(__('Invalid parameters'));
-        $user_id_arr = explode(",",$user_ids);
-        $userCount = count($user_id_arr);
-        $userauthid = $this->auth->id;
-        $soundCoinRate = config("site.giftCoin"); // 声币兑换比例
-        $userModel = new \app\common\model\User();
-        // 获取礼物信息
-        $giftModel = new \app\common\model\Gift();
-        $where = [];
-        $where["id"] = $gift_id;
-        $giftInfo = $giftModel->where($where)->find();
-        if (!$giftInfo) $this->error("请选择礼物!");
-        //宝箱价值
-        $giftCountValue = $giftInfo["value"] * $number * $userCount;
-        //随机开礼物盒礼物
-        $boxgiftInfo = $this->getBoxesGift($giftInfo->box_type,$userCount,$number);
-        // 判断当前用户余额
-        $where = [];
-        $where["id"] = $userauthid;
-        $userInfo = $userModel->where($where)->lock(true)->find();
-        if (!$userInfo) $this->error("用户信息查询失败!");
-        if($userInfo["jewel"] < $giftCountValue) $this->error("您的钻石余额不足!");
-        // 转换声币后 再进行抽点设置
-        if(!$party_id) {
-            $platRate = 10;
-            $guilderRate = 30;
-        } else {
-            $partyInfo = \app\common\model\Party::field("user_id,platRate,guilderRate")->where(["id"=>$party_id])->find();
-            // 获取系统配置信息
-            $platRate = $partyInfo->platRate; // 平台抽成百分比
-            $guilderRate = $partyInfo->guilderRate; // 工会长抽成百分比
-        }
-        $returnData = [];
-        // 获取当天零点
-        $day = date("Ymd");
-        // 获取本周第一天
-        $weekday = $this->firstOfWeek(date("Y-m-d H:i:s"));
-        // 获取本月第一天
-        $monthday = date("Ym01");
-        $allVal = 0;
-        $i = 0;
-        $allUserBoxGiftInfo = [];//每个玩家获得的礼物
-        $redis = new Redis();
-        $redisconfig = config("redis");
-        $redis->connect($redisconfig["host"], $redisconfig["port"], 86400 * 31);
-        Db::startTrans();
-        try {
-            // 事务处理余额与记录信息
-            $userjewellogModel = new \app\common\model\UserJewelLog();
-            $usersoundcoinlogModel = new \app\common\model\UserSoundcoinLog();
-            $giftuserpartyModel = new \app\common\model\GiftUserParty();
-            // 扣除当前用户钻石余额
-            $where = [];
-            $where["id"] = $userauthid;
-            $res1 = $userModel->where($where)->setDec("jewel", $giftCountValue);
-            // 添加当前用户钻石流水记录
-            $res2 = $userjewellogModel->addUserJewelLog($userauthid, $giftCountValue, "-", $userInfo["jewel"], "赠送礼物:'" . $giftInfo["name"] . "',扣除" . $giftCountValue . "钻石!", 3);
-            $UserProfitLogList = [];
-            foreach($user_id_arr as $user_id) {
-                // 添加礼物赠送记录表
-                $data = [];
-                for ($k=0;$k<$number;$k++){
-                    $data[$k]["user_id"] = $userauthid;
-                    $data[$k]["user_to_id"] = $user_id;
-                    $data[$k]["party_id"] = $party_id;
-                    $data[$k]["createtime"] = time();
-                    $oneBoxGiftInfo = array_pop($boxgiftInfo);
-                    $giftId = $oneBoxGiftInfo['gift_id'];
-                    $oneBoxGiftInfoNew['id'] = $oneBoxGiftInfo['gift_id'];
-                    $oneBoxGiftInfoNew['name'] = $oneBoxGiftInfo['gift_name'];
-                    $oneBoxGiftInfoNew['image'] = $oneBoxGiftInfo['image'];
-                    $oneBoxGiftInfoNew['gif_image'] = $oneBoxGiftInfo['special'];
-                    $oneBoxGiftInfoNew['price'] = $oneBoxGiftInfo["price"];
-                    $oneBoxGiftInfoNew['only_gif_image'] = $oneBoxGiftInfo["only_special"];
-                    $oneBoxGiftInfoNew['number'] = 1;
-//                    合并重复的礼物数量
-                    if (isset($allUserBoxGiftInfo[$user_id][$giftId])){
-                        $allUserBoxGiftInfo[$user_id][$giftId]['number'] += 1;
-                    }else{
-                        $allUserBoxGiftInfo[$user_id][$giftId] = $oneBoxGiftInfoNew;
-                    }
-                    if($oneBoxGiftInfo){
-                        $data[$k]["gift_id"] = $oneBoxGiftInfo['gift_id'];
-                        $data[$k]["gift_give_type"] = 2;
-                        $data[$k]["gift_name"] = $oneBoxGiftInfo["gift_name"];
-                        $data[$k]["gift_gif_image"] = $oneBoxGiftInfo["image"];
-                        $data[$k]["number"] = 1;
-                        $data[$k]["price"] = $oneBoxGiftInfo["price"];
-                        $data[$k]["value"] = $oneBoxGiftInfo["price"];
-                    }
-                }
-                $res5 = $giftuserpartyModel->allowField(true)->saveAll($data);
-                // 获取赠送用户信息
-                $where = [];
-                $where["id"] = $user_id;
-                $toUserInfo = $userModel->where($where)->find();
-                $UserChangeLogList = [];
-                $res4 = [];
-                $res6 = [];
-                $getValueForUser = 0;
-                $platValueForUser = 0;
-                $guilderValueForUser = 0;
-                $userSound_coin = $toUserInfo["sound_coin"];
-                //礼物总价值
-                $hotValueCount = 0;
-                foreach ($res5 as $oneBoxGiftInfo){
-                    $getValue = $oneBoxGiftInfo['price'];
-                    $hotValueCount += $getValue;
-                    $hotValue = $getValue;
-                    $getValue = round($getValue * ($soundCoinRate/100));
-                    $progetValue = $hotValue - $getValue;
-                    // 转换统计
-                    if($progetValue >0) {
-                        $UserChangeLogData["user_id"] = $oneBoxGiftInfo['user_to_id'];
-                        $UserChangeLogData["party_id"] = $party_id?$party_id:0;
-                        $UserChangeLogData["gift_value"] = $hotValue;
-                        $UserChangeLogData["plat_value"] = $hotValue - $getValue;
-                        $UserChangeLogData["createtime"] = time();
-                        $UserChangeLogList[]=$UserChangeLogData;
-                    }
-                    $platValue = bcmul($platRate/100,$getValue);
-                    $guilderValue = bcmul($guilderRate/100,$getValue);
-                    $getValue = bcsub(bcsub($getValue,$platValue),$guilderValue);
-                    $getValueForUser = bcadd($getValue,$getValueForUser);
-                    $platValueForUser = bcadd($platValue,$platValueForUser);
-                    $guilderValueForUser = bcadd($guilderValue,$guilderValueForUser);
-                    // 添加赠送用户声币流水记录soundCoin
-                    // xxx送你
-                    $res4[] = $this->boxAddUserSoundcoinLog($user_id, $getValue, "+", $userSound_coin, "{$this->auth->nickname}送你{$giftInfo['name']}x1,开出{$oneBoxGiftInfo->gift_name}x1", 1, $oneBoxGiftInfo->id);
-                    // 增加房主抽成
-                    if (isset($partyInfo) && $guilderValue > 0){
-                        $res6[] = $this->boxAddUserSoundcoinLog($partyInfo->user_id, $guilderValue, "+", $userSound_coin, "{$this->auth->nickname}送礼物{$giftInfo['name']}x1,开出{$oneBoxGiftInfo->gift_name}x1给{$toUserInfo['nickname']},房间礼物抽成", 4, $oneBoxGiftInfo->id);
-                    }
-                    $userSound_coin = bcadd($getValue,$userSound_coin);
-                }
-                $res4 = array_merge($res4,$res6);//同表合并插入
-                $res4 = $usersoundcoinlogModel->insertAll($res4);
-                //增加抽点记录
-                $UserProfitLogList[] = $this->addUserProfitLogList($user_id,$party_id,$getValueForUser,$platValueForUser,$guilderValueForUser);
-                // 转换统计
-                if (!empty($UserChangeLogData)) \app\common\model\UserChangeLog::insertAll($UserChangeLogList);
-                // 添加赠送用户声币余额
-                $where = [];
-                $where["id"] = $user_id;
-                $res3 = $userModel->where($where)->setInc("sound_coin", $getValueForUser);
-                $getValueForUser == 0 && $res3 = true;
-                //总消费增加
-                $res6 = Db::name('user')->where('id',$user_id)->setInc("renewcount", $giftCountValue);
-                if ($res1 && $res2 && $res3 && $res4 && $res5 && $res6) {
-                    $i++;
-                    if($party_id > 0) {
-                        // 添加redis记录做财富排行榜日榜用
-                        $redis->zIncrBy($this->roomTypeArr[$room_type] . "_jewel_get_" . $party_id . ":" . $day . "d", $hotValueCount, $user_id);
-                        // 添加redis记录做财富排行榜周榜用
-                        $redis->zIncrBy($this->roomTypeArr[$room_type] . "_jewel_get_" . $party_id . ":" . $weekday . "w", $hotValueCount, $user_id);
-                        // 添加redis记录做财富排行榜月榜用
-                        $redis->zIncrBy($this->roomTypeArr[$room_type] . "_jewel_get_" . $party_id . ":" . $monthday . "m", $hotValueCount, $user_id);
-                        // 添加redis记录做贡献排行榜日榜用
-                        $redis->zIncrBy($this->roomTypeArr[$room_type] . "_jewel_to_" . $party_id . ":" . $day . "d", $hotValueCount, $userauthid);
-                        // 添加redis记录做贡献排行榜周榜用
-                        $redis->zIncrBy($this->roomTypeArr[$room_type] . "_jewel_to_" . $party_id . ":" . $weekday . "w", $hotValueCount, $userauthid);
-                        // 添加redis记录做贡献排行榜月榜用
-                        $redis->zIncrBy($this->roomTypeArr[$room_type] . "_jewel_to_" . $party_id . ":" . $monthday . "m", $hotValueCount, $userauthid);
-                        // tcp 更新用户魅力值
-                        $this->updateUserCharm($party_id, $user_id, $hotValueCount);
-                        // 如果是主播,则添加魅力值记录做榜单统计
-                        if($room_type == 2) {
-                            $data = [];
-                            $data["user_id"] = $user_id;
-                            $data["party_id"] = $party_id;
-                            $data["charm"] = $hotValueCount;
-                            $data["createtime"] = time();
-                            \app\common\model\UserCharmRank::insert($data);
-                        }
-                    }
-                    $getempirical = config("site.getempirical");
-                    $getempirical = $getempirical * $hotValueCount;
-                    // 获取用户贵族信息
-                    $noble = \app\common\model\User::getUserNoble($this->auth->id);
-                    if(isset($noble["noble_on"]) && $noble["noble_on"] == 1) {
-                        $getempirical = $getempirical + $getempirical * ($noble["explain"]/100);
-                    }
-                    // 增加用户经验值
-                    $res = \app\common\model\User::addEmpirical($this->auth->id,$getempirical);
-                    if ($res){
-                        $this->auth->level = $res->level;
-                    }
-                    //贵族升级处理
-                    $this->checkBeNoble($redis,$this->auth->id,$giftCountValue);
-                    // +exp
-                    \app\common\model\TaskLog::tofinish($this->auth->id,"OBHqCX4g",$number);
-                    // +message
-                    \app\common\model\Message::addMessage($user_id,"礼物通知","收到 ".$this->auth->nickname." 赠送的".$giftInfo["name"]." x".$number);
-                    $allVal = $allVal + $hotValueCount;
-                }
-            }
-            $this->checkAllUserBoxGiftInfo($allUserBoxGiftInfo);
-            // 获取用户魅力值
-            $users = $redis->zRange("hourCharm_".$party_id,0,-1,true);
-            $u = [];
-            if($users) {
-                foreach($users as $k => $v) {
-                    if (empty($allUserBoxGiftInfo[$k])) continue;
-                    $u[] = [
-                        "user_id" => $k,
-                        "charm" => $this->changeW($v),
-                        'gifList'=> $allUserBoxGiftInfo[$k] ?? [],
-                    ];
-                }
-            }
-            $userCharm = $u;
-            unset($u);
-            // tcp 更新房间热度
-            $partyHot = $this->updatePartyHot($party_id, $allVal, $room_type);
-            // 如果是派对,则添加派对热度值记录做榜单统计
-            if($room_type == 1) {
-                $data = [];
-                $data["party_id"] = $party_id;
-                $data["hot"] = $allVal;
-                $data["createtime"] = time();
-                \app\common\model\PartyHot::insert($data);
-            }
-            // tcp 获取房间用户周前三名
-            $partyUserTop = $this->getPartyUserTop($party_id, $room_type);
-            if($i == $userCount) {
-                $returnData["userCharm"] = $userCharm;
-                $returnData["partyHot"] = $this->changeW($partyHot);
-                $returnData["partyUserTop"] = $partyUserTop;
-                $returnData["box_type"] = $giftInfo->box_type;
-                $returnData["box_image"] = $giftInfo->image;
-                $returnData["box_num"] = $number;
-                if(!empty($UserProfitLogList)) \app\common\model\UserProfitLog::insertAll($UserProfitLogList);
-                Db::commit();
-                $this->success("赠送成功!",$returnData);
-            } else {
-                Db::rollback();
-                $this->success("赠送失败!");
-            }
-        } catch (ValidateException $e) {
-            Db::rollback();
-            $this->error($e->getMessage());
-        } catch (PDOException $e) {
-            Db::rollback();
-            $this->error($e->getMessage());
-        } catch (Exception $e) {
-            Db::rollback();
-            $this->error($e->getMessage());
-        }
-    }
      * 消费开通贵族