@@ -0,0 +1,94 @@
+namespace app\api\controller;
+use app\common\controller\Api;
+use think\Db;
+ * 关系
+ */
+class Relation extends Api
+ protected $noNeedLogin = ['*'];
+ protected $noNeedRight = ['*'];
+ //关系列表
+ public function lists(){
+ $uid = input('uid',$this->auth->id);
+ //所有
+ $list = Db::name('relation')->where('is_show',1)->order('weigh desc')->select();
+ //已有关系
+ $user_relation = Db::name('user_relation')->alias('ur')
+ ->field('ur.*,u.avatar,u.nickname,to.avatar as to_avatar,to.nickname as to_nickname')
+ ->join('user u','ur.uid = u.id','LEFT')
+ ->join('user to','ur.to_uid = to.id','LEFT')
+ ->where('ur.uid|ur.to_uid',$uid)->where('ur.status',1)->select();
+ $user_relation = list_domain_image($user_relation,['avatar','to_avatar']);
+ $new_user_relation = array_column($user_relation,null,'relation_id');
+ //处理,留对方的头像和昵称
+ foreach($list as $key => &$val){
+ $val['info'] = [];
+ if(isset($new_user_relation[$val['id']])){
+ $info = $new_user_relation[$val['id']];
+ if($info['uid'] == $uid){
+ $info['avatar'] = $info['to_avatar'];
+ $info['nickname'] = $info['to_nickname'];
+ unset($info['to_avatar']);
+ unset($info['to_nickname']);
+ }else{
+ unset($info['to_avatar']);
+ unset($info['to_nickname']);
+ }
+ $val['info'] = $info;
+ }
+ }
+ $this->success('success',$list);
+ }
+ //新增举报
+ public function addone(){
+ $to_uid = input('to_uid',0);
+ if($to_uid == $this->auth->id){
+ $this->error('不能跟自己建立关系');
+ }
+ $relation_id = input('relation_id','');
+ $relation = Db::name('relation')->where('id',$relation_id)->find();
+ if(empty($relation)){
+ $this->error('不存在的关系');
+ }
+ $where = '(uid = '.$this->auth->id.' and to_uid = '.$to_uid.') or (uid = '.$to_uid.' and to_uid = '.$this->auth->id.')';
+ $check = Db::name('user_relation')->where('relation_id',$relation_id)->where($where)->find();
+ if($check){
+ if($check['status'] == 1){
+ $this->error('该用户已经与您建立此关系');
+ }
+ //各种状态的判断,拒绝,过期等
+ }
+ echo db()->getLastSql();exit;
+ /*
+ $data = [
+ 'user_id' => $this->auth->id,
+ 'type' => $type,
+ 'content' => $content,
+ 'images' => $images,
+ 'mobile' => $mobile,
+ 'createtime' => time(),
+ 'updatetime' => time(),
+ ];
+ $id = Db::name('report')->insertGetId($data);
+ $this->success();*/
+ }