فهرست منبع


lizhen_gitee 1 سال پیش

+ 0 - 14

@@ -3,8 +3,6 @@
 namespace app\admin\controller;
 use app\common\controller\Backend;
-use app\common\library\Easemob;
-use think\Db;
  * 系统公告
@@ -31,19 +29,7 @@ class Messagesys extends Backend
-    /**
-     * 推送
-     */
-    public function huanxinpush(){
-        $id = input('id',0);
-        $info = Db::name('message_sys')->where('id',$id)->find();
-        //全量推送
-        $easemob = new Easemob();
-        $easemob->push_all($info['title'],$info['info']);
-        $this->success('推送完成');
-    }

+ 52 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,52 @@
+namespace app\admin\controller;
+use app\common\controller\Backend;
+use app\common\library\Easemob;
+use think\Db;
+ * 全部用户环信推送
+ *
+ * @icon fa fa-circle-o
+ */
+class Messagets extends Backend
+    /**
+     * Messagets模型对象
+     * @var \app\admin\model\Messagets
+     */
+    protected $model = null;
+    public function _initialize()
+    {
+        parent::_initialize();
+        $this->model = new \app\admin\model\Messagets;
+    }
+    public function import()
+    {
+        parent::import();
+    }
+    /**
+     * 推送
+     */
+    public function huanxinpush(){
+        $id = input('id',0);
+        $info = Db::name('message_ts')->where('id',$id)->find();
+        Db::name('message_ts')->where('id',$id)->setInc('times');
+        //全量推送
+        $easemob = new Easemob();
+        $easemob->push_all($info['title'],$info['info']);
+        $this->success('推送完成');
+    }

+ 9 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
+return [
+    'Id'         => 'ID',
+    'Title'      => '推送标题',
+    'Info'       => '推送内容',
+    'Times'      => '已推送次数',
+    'Createtime' => '创建时间'

+ 40 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,40 @@
+namespace app\admin\model;
+use think\Model;
+class Messagets extends Model
+    // 表名
+    protected $name = 'message_ts';
+    // 自动写入时间戳字段
+    protected $autoWriteTimestamp = 'int';
+    // 定义时间戳字段名
+    protected $createTime = 'createtime';
+    protected $updateTime = false;
+    protected $deleteTime = false;
+    // 追加属性
+    protected $append = [
+    ];

+ 27 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
+namespace app\admin\validate;
+use think\Validate;
+class Messagets extends Validate
+    /**
+     * 验证规则
+     */
+    protected $rule = [
+    ];
+    /**
+     * 提示消息
+     */
+    protected $message = [
+    ];
+    /**
+     * 验证场景
+     */
+    protected $scene = [
+        'add'  => [],
+        'edit' => [],
+    ];

+ 1 - 1

@@ -25,7 +25,7 @@
                     <table id="table" class="table table-striped table-bordered table-hover table-nowrap"
-                           data-operate-huanxinpush="{:$auth->check('messagesys/huanxinpush')}"

+ 28 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
+<form id="add-form" class="form-horizontal" role="form" data-toggle="validator" method="POST" action="">
+    <div class="form-group">
+        <label class="control-label col-xs-12 col-sm-2">{:__('Title')}:</label>
+        <div class="col-xs-12 col-sm-8">
+            <input id="c-title" class="form-control" name="row[title]" type="text" value="">
+        </div>
+    </div>
+    <div class="form-group">
+        <label class="control-label col-xs-12 col-sm-2">{:__('Info')}:</label>
+        <div class="col-xs-12 col-sm-8">
+            <input id="c-info" class="form-control" name="row[info]" type="text" value="">
+        </div>
+    </div>
+    <div class="form-group">
+        <label class="control-label col-xs-12 col-sm-2">{:__('Times')}:</label>
+        <div class="col-xs-12 col-sm-8">
+            <input id="c-times" class="form-control" name="row[times]" type="number" value="0">
+        </div>
+    </div>
+    <div class="form-group layer-footer">
+        <label class="control-label col-xs-12 col-sm-2"></label>
+        <div class="col-xs-12 col-sm-8">
+            <button type="submit" class="btn btn-success btn-embossed disabled">{:__('OK')}</button>
+            <button type="reset" class="btn btn-default btn-embossed">{:__('Reset')}</button>
+        </div>
+    </div>

+ 28 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
+<form id="edit-form" class="form-horizontal" role="form" data-toggle="validator" method="POST" action="">
+    <div class="form-group">
+        <label class="control-label col-xs-12 col-sm-2">{:__('Title')}:</label>
+        <div class="col-xs-12 col-sm-8">
+            <input id="c-title" class="form-control" name="row[title]" type="text" value="{$row.title|htmlentities}">
+        </div>
+    </div>
+    <div class="form-group">
+        <label class="control-label col-xs-12 col-sm-2">{:__('Info')}:</label>
+        <div class="col-xs-12 col-sm-8">
+            <input id="c-info" class="form-control" name="row[info]" type="text" value="{$row.info|htmlentities}">
+        </div>
+    </div>
+    <div class="form-group">
+        <label class="control-label col-xs-12 col-sm-2">{:__('Times')}:</label>
+        <div class="col-xs-12 col-sm-8">
+            <input id="c-times" class="form-control" name="row[times]" type="number" value="{$row.times|htmlentities}">
+        </div>
+    </div>
+    <div class="form-group layer-footer">
+        <label class="control-label col-xs-12 col-sm-2"></label>
+        <div class="col-xs-12 col-sm-8">
+            <button type="submit" class="btn btn-success btn-embossed disabled">{:__('OK')}</button>
+            <button type="reset" class="btn btn-default btn-embossed">{:__('Reset')}</button>
+        </div>
+    </div>

+ 36 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,36 @@
+<div class="panel panel-default panel-intro">
+    {:build_heading()}
+    <div class="panel-body">
+        <div id="myTabContent" class="tab-content">
+            <div class="tab-pane fade active in" id="one">
+                <div class="widget-body no-padding">
+                    <div id="toolbar" class="toolbar">
+                        <a href="javascript:;" class="btn btn-primary btn-refresh" title="{:__('Refresh')}" ><i class="fa fa-refresh"></i> </a>
+                        <a href="javascript:;" class="btn btn-success btn-add {:$auth->check('messagets/add')?'':'hide'}" title="{:__('Add')}" ><i class="fa fa-plus"></i> {:__('Add')}</a>
+                        <!--<a href="javascript:;" class="btn btn-success btn-edit btn-disabled disabled {:$auth->check('messagets/edit')?'':'hide'}" title="{:__('Edit')}" ><i class="fa fa-pencil"></i> {:__('Edit')}</a>
+                        <a href="javascript:;" class="btn btn-danger btn-del btn-disabled disabled {:$auth->check('messagets/del')?'':'hide'}" title="{:__('Delete')}" ><i class="fa fa-trash"></i> {:__('Delete')}</a>
+                        <a href="javascript:;" class="btn btn-danger btn-import {:$auth->check('messagets/import')?'':'hide'}" title="{:__('Import')}" id="btn-import-file" data-url="ajax/upload" data-mimetype="csv,xls,xlsx" data-multiple="false"><i class="fa fa-upload"></i> {:__('Import')}</a>
+                        <div class="dropdown btn-group {:$auth->check('messagets/multi')?'':'hide'}">
+                            <a class="btn btn-primary btn-more dropdown-toggle btn-disabled disabled" data-toggle="dropdown"><i class="fa fa-cog"></i> {:__('More')}</a>
+                            <ul class="dropdown-menu text-left" role="menu">
+                                <li><a class="btn btn-link btn-multi btn-disabled disabled" href="javascript:;" data-params="status=normal"><i class="fa fa-eye"></i> {:__('Set to normal')}</a></li>
+                                <li><a class="btn btn-link btn-multi btn-disabled disabled" href="javascript:;" data-params="status=hidden"><i class="fa fa-eye-slash"></i> {:__('Set to hidden')}</a></li>
+                            </ul>
+                        </div>
+                    </div>
+                    <table id="table" class="table table-striped table-bordered table-hover table-nowrap"
+                           data-operate-edit="{:$auth->check('messagets/edit')}" 
+                           data-operate-del="{:$auth->check('messagets/del')}"
+                           data-operate-huanxinpush="{:$auth->check('messagets/huanxinpush')}"
+                           width="100%">
+                    </table>
+                </div>
+            </div>
+        </div>
+    </div>

+ 2 - 17

@@ -29,20 +29,7 @@ define(['jquery', 'bootstrap', 'backend', 'table', 'form'], function ($, undefin
                         {field: 'title', title: __('Title'), operate: 'LIKE'},
                         {field: 'createtime', title: __('Createtime'), operate:'RANGE', addclass:'datetimerange', autocomplete:false, formatter: Table.api.formatter.datetime},
                         {field: 'operate', title: __('Operate'), table: table,
-                            buttons:[
-                                {
-                                    name:'huanxinpush',
-                                    text:'推送',
-                                    title:'推送',
-                                    icon:'fa fa-exclamation-circle',
-                                    classname:'btn btn-xs btn-info btn-ajax',
-                                    url:'messagesys/huanxinpush/id/{ids}?dialog=1',
-                                    target:'_self',
-                                    /*hidden:function(row){
-                                        return row.status==0 ? false : true;
-                                    }*/
-                                }
-                            ],
                             events: Table.api.events.operate, formatter: Table.api.formatter.operate}
@@ -57,9 +44,7 @@ define(['jquery', 'bootstrap', 'backend', 'table', 'form'], function ($, undefin
         edit: function () {
-        huanxinpush: function () {
-            Controller.api.bindevent();
-        },
         api: {
             bindevent: function () {

+ 69 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,69 @@
+define(['jquery', 'bootstrap', 'backend', 'table', 'form'], function ($, undefined, Backend, Table, Form) {
+    var Controller = {
+        index: function () {
+            // 初始化表格参数配置
+            Table.api.init({
+                extend: {
+                    index_url: 'messagets/index' + location.search,
+                    add_url: 'messagets/add',
+                    edit_url: 'messagets/edit',
+                    del_url: 'messagets/del',
+                    multi_url: 'messagets/multi',
+                    import_url: 'messagets/import',
+                    table: 'message_ts',
+                }
+            });
+            var table = $("#table");
+            // 初始化表格
+            table.bootstrapTable({
+                url: $.fn.bootstrapTable.defaults.extend.index_url,
+                pk: 'id',
+                sortName: 'id',
+                columns: [
+                    [
+                        {checkbox: true},
+                        {field: 'id', title: __('Id')},
+                        {field: 'title', title: __('Title'), operate: 'LIKE'},
+                        {field: 'info', title: __('Info'), operate: 'LIKE'},
+                        {field: 'times', title: __('Times')},
+                        {field: 'createtime', title: __('Createtime'), operate:'RANGE', addclass:'datetimerange', autocomplete:false, formatter: Table.api.formatter.datetime},
+                        {field: 'operate', title: __('Operate'), table: table,
+                            buttons:[
+                                {
+                                    name:'huanxinpush',
+                                    text:'推送',
+                                    title:'推送',
+                                    icon:'fa fa-exclamation-circle',
+                                    classname:'btn btn-xs btn-info btn-ajax',
+                                    url:'messagets/huanxinpush/id/{ids}?dialog=1',
+                                    target:'_self',
+                                }
+                            ],events: Table.api.events.operate, formatter: Table.api.formatter.operate}
+                    ]
+                ]
+            });
+            // 为表格绑定事件
+            Table.api.bindevent(table);
+        },
+        add: function () {
+            Controller.api.bindevent();
+        },
+        edit: function () {
+            Controller.api.bindevent();
+        },
+        huanxinpush: function () {
+            Controller.api.bindevent();
+        },
+        api: {
+            bindevent: function () {
+                Form.api.bindevent($("form[role=form]"));
+            }
+        }
+    };
+    return Controller;